˘ˇ - Marianna Uigakukai.marianna-u.ac.jp/idaishi/www/331/06-33... · smr 3.70 47.44 ˘ smr 19.54...

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Transcript of ˘ˇ - Marianna Uigakukai.marianna-u.ac.jp/idaishi/www/331/06-33... · smr 3.70 47.44 ˘ smr 19.54...

� � ����������Vol. 33, pp. 43�52, 2005

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%9� =0>#'z2:2�/Fw� {|/45}k���,6~$�'�� *+7��#8�Standardized mortality ratio: SMR� '��*9�0]2N<.Oq/'%9" 0r*+� z*9�$% SMR '�*+0] ^_"�����2G<H2:��A�� <1��#� ?%9�() a"& '," *+�

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2RS/� 1987��1999� )_9;�� �.N<OPQ�RST�.TX��NR�2�����

'�.2c�<� G<H ��*� W<'=(8+0]~$�op� ����� ��*+G<H ^_"���<�/�� 3,531,354 {�>@ 2,801,644{� �@ 729,710 {��� z2��#>/ 4,268{�0.12���oZ+�>@ 3417 {� �@ 851 {���? o+Z9� &2 1987�1999�2 13��20]~$'� &2�����Z+�@2m�� �� �:�%Y@2m���?'�ps +� z2@)(k��2�A�B,�op� F^)? SMR '8¡a"+¢2{|/45}�C��8¡�L"�'Db� U£" 1� >@�1987�1989�2� �@�1998�1999� *+� >@/ 1988�� �@/ 1999�2{|/45}����E ¤+#�¥F�A #{|10G{9� 20�59¦�� �E§¨ 5¦© �k��'�� *+ SMR 'ª¢� I� �.,6~$ 28¡� II� 0]~$23�45�>@-�@28¡�'��*+� z2«�� ��� G<H2A� �¬G<H 300{HI� @G<H300�999{� �G<H 1,000{­s��� <1 �JK<� LM�®N�¯�°�<� �O�PC�Q±N<� ²R�� z2S�2 3?2��'³Z+� F^� 9´G<H2A� <1 {m ?%9/ Table 1. �*+�I. �.,6~$�{|/45}k��� 28¡

�/� �.,6~$ 28¡��'³�+¢� c#�µ¶m�O� {|/45})(��78"@Tm�E�': *9� SMR z2 95� C�·�'�>@ �@� � ��*+�

Table 1. The Number of Size of Business and Type of Business

¸UV¹º W»X¼ (44


333333333300000111110000077777����� ����� (((((MMMMMaaaaarrrrrkkkkk11111)))))����� ����� MMMMMLLLLL33333000002222200000CCCCC�����MMMMMaaaaarrrrrkkkkk11111 FFFFFrrrrriiiii����� MMMMMaaaaayyyyy����� 1111133333����� 1111144444:::::3333344444:::::5555511111����� 22222000000000055555PPPPPaaaaagggggeeeee����� 22222��������������������

���� II. �������� �-��������� ������������ SMR � ����������� !� SMR���� ������"�#��$%�&� '�� E2�(� �����"�#)*+% �O1, O2� ��$% �E1,E2� �,-.� /010� SMR �234(� /�SMR 56���/� 95� 789:�� Lentner�14��;<�34( �=�� >?@A� Confidence Interval Analysis

�CIA, Ver 2.1.1 Build 48, Trevor Bryant� Univer-sity of Southampton�15� �B,( � C � DE"FGH&��!�0 IJ���KLM�IJKL�N-.�OP�QRST0� �UVWX�Y��Z[\]� �2002 6 ^_`aVb� cdefb��gh(@A( �

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I. ��������I-1 � �Table 2.�i�jk��#�lm��'n. SMR o 1pRqr� s0�tu�����vpR����%v�iwolm�q-s��x(.-�� lm�oy�0=&n �#�� ��z{oj� |}~�� ���/����#���n � ������ SMRo � 0.50&��� 0.44���&=��oy�0 �

I-2 ������ �Table 3.���zFGH��� SMR o�&n � ���FGH����tu��pRlm��-�#o�r� ��oj� SMR o��#pR�&n � zFGH��i�jk��#�tupRlm�qr� ��|}~��lm�o=&n � ������.������oy�0 �I-3 ��� �Table 4.���Go�' SMR o�r� ���o�'q&n � lm�oy�0=&n �#�� ���������-o��'��� ��`��(.�� ��G���oj�  ¡�¢£�¤¥¦§G��z{oj� ¨©��7�ª«¬G��|}~� ����­®¯� /���G°��z{oj� |}~� r'±�4}� /����#�o�n � lm��&n �� ����G�|}~����n � ������ ��G�  ¡�¢£�¤¥¦§G� ������(.�R� ¨©��7�ª«¬G�/���G°�²³´µoy�0 �II. �����������-�����II-1 � �Table 5.�/����#� �SMR 0.22&� 0.65¶� olm

�²³� |}~ �SMR 0.98&� 0.41¶� olm���(.- �II-2 ��� �Table 6.�� �FGH�300J·¸�

Table 2. Standardized Mortality Ratio�SMR� by Cause of Workers Death

��������� G°)�¹º»����� 45


333333333300000111110000077777����� ����� (((((MMMMMaaaaarrrrrkkkkk11111)))))����� ����� MMMMMLLLLL33333000002222200000CCCCC�����MMMMMaaaaarrrrrkkkkk11111 FFFFFrrrrriiiii����� MMMMMaaaaayyyyy����� 1111133333����� 1111144444:::::3333344444:::::5555511111����� 22222000000000055555PPPPPaaaaagggggeeeee����� 33333��������������������

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� ������ ������� �SMR 1.67 ��0.23� ��������� ��� &"#$�1000%'(������ �SMR 0.46�� 0.60�� )����

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bc��d���6�Zef�Pgh,ij�P�� klm���ZE�no���p�q6� ��rsZef�dmrs �Healthy Worker E#ect:HWE� ,tu?g2�16�� HWE �vwxg�y,��� zl{|}~D���mZzl��.���6� l��ZPg���efmK����l{|}~D���mZ����l��x6� !�����.��x��:��?��g� z#��!�W#�e���pgrs�l��Z� ef��:����.��G���x��7&����xg,�?g17�18�� ���� HWE ����?�� ���� SMR G�xl����g�}�D ¡�¢��Z� £¤.W#�e������K6¥¦�?�� 2�5�� �§¨�Z� &©�l�ª«�Pg�W§¬B­�1987�1999®��G��� SMR G¯°�±²�� ³´���gW#�e��� µG¶Q

Table 3. Standardized Mortality Ratio�SMR� by Size of Business

·!¸¹y º»"¼ �46


333333333300000111110000077777����� ����� (((((MMMMMaaaaarrrrrkkkkk11111)))))����� ����� MMMMMLLLLL33333000002222200000CCCCC�����MMMMMaaaaarrrrrkkkkk11111 FFFFFrrrrriiiii����� MMMMMaaaaayyyyy����� 1111133333����� 1111144444:::::3333344444:::::5555511111����� 22222000000000055555PPPPPaaaaagggggeeeee����� 44444��������������������

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Table 5. Adjusted Standardized Mortality Ratio�SMR�

CD� E�9:� �<y�¥¦§�s�¨© 47


333333333300000111110000077777����� ����� (((((MMMMMaaaaarrrrrkkkkk11111)))))����� ����� MMMMMLLLLL33333000002222200000CCCCC�����MMMMMaaaaarrrrrkkkkk11111 FFFFFrrrrriiiii����� MMMMMaaaaayyyyy����� 1111133333����� 1111144444:::::3333344444:::::5555511111����� 22222000000000055555PPPPPaaaaagggggeeeee����� 55555��������������������

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SES� �/0�|3}~��<���4(547 ��6�7�� 67�E�8��9�����7���:W�8� 10�������yx� 615;��2,000 ;��� 406 ;�� ����� 268 ;�8� �7����<e�IK8��9�Z(� ���H3�IK�9�)�98�=�37 ��20��>����?�@� 2;������ 5;�������|3"A� 2.16 B8�����.�ab*�z8|3"��CA��f37 ��7��������8� SMR �<e����" >�xyab*�z����D�<�98��e���;�"� )*�H� �� <����E��(X�>����>8�(>���.�7����c�XXf" ����� �-�F�>�8D������&� �¡G<�98�¢H���BI<�e����X;� H����E��J� SMR ��Z(� �£¤5�.� c�J¥�@����� ¦�J8<K�J§� �� �J¨R��©A�fg<�=�21�23���37 �.� �J¨RªR"�5��@����� ?§�J¥8" � /000C«����� LM¬J<��J¨R�� 00�1�N#W���J­" �(�O>¨OP<��?Q� <����®¯°��� 8(®������£";� &2±²R-�³´A®¯°�ST24��>µ:J�98� ¶U<e�hV8�G

Table 6. Adjusted Standardized Mortality Ratio�SMR� by Size of Business

·W¸¹{ º»X¼ 448


333333333300000111110000077777����� ����� (((((MMMMMaaaaarrrrrkkkkk11111)))))����� ����� MMMMMLLLLL33333000002222200000CCCCC�����MMMMMaaaaarrrrrkkkkk11111 FFFFFrrrrriiiii����� MMMMMaaaaayyyyy����� 1111133333����� 1111144444:::::3333344444:::::5555511111����� 22222000000000055555PPPPPaaaaagggggeeeee����� 66666��������������������

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RMS� oit






�¹�Eº�»U� 2C��V¼51C_` 49


333333333300000111110000077777����� ����� (((((MMMMMaaaaarrrrrkkkkk11111)))))����� ����� MMMMMLLLLL33333000002222200000CCCCC�����MMMMMaaaaarrrrrkkkkk11111 FFFFFrrrrriiiii����� MMMMMaaaaayyyyy����� 1111133333����� 1111144444:::::3333344444:::::5555511111����� 22222000000000055555PPPPPaaaaagggggeeeee����� 77777��������������������

������������� ���� ��� SMR ����������

���� Lentner14������ SMR �� 95������ !�"� Rothman28�# Gail29� �� SMR�$%&'��(�)�*��+,� SMR -�(��.�/����0��1��"� �30�# Bleslow �31������23��4/�*�56�7��8���9� :����;<=��$%=���>��������:��+,��?�@A�� ��B�)�C,�D����SMR -�(���/������� EF��G�D�����?�@A�� H�I��?JK,� �"������ !�� �����L"�"�� ���� !#MNOP�*�QR=���ST6�U$�ecological study��+��#� ������VW����;<XYZ%[�*:&���/���\���� ]^�_`�'(%)�+�� �a�/�� bc�deMfg���� :��h*�ij�/�� kI�a\+��b"1��G��lm���no �G]^�p8/q,�+�� E�� � ��]^"���" �rsR/��� bc�oY-tu.�+,��v)�U$���/w������x����

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Analysis of Secular Change of Standardized Mortality Ratios in

Japanese Companies by Size and Type of Business 1987�1999

Chizuko Yoshino, Hiroki Sugimori, Toshiaki Tanaka and Katsumi Yoshida

To elucidate secular change of standardized mortality ratios �SMR� in Japanese companies by size andtype of business between 1987 and 1999. Data of 3,531,354 male workers from the National Industrial Health

Management Study Group �ZENKOKU SANGYO KENKOKNRI KENKYUKAI� were analyzed. Themortality was assessed by SMRs in comparison with the general population in Japan on 20�59 yearsJapanese workers between 1987 and 1999. Demographic data and registered death cases of companies were

assessed by 3 size of business �small scale: under 300 persons, middle: 300�999, large: over 1000� and by 5types of business �manufacturing, sales�financial�service, transport�communication�electric, public service,Other occupations�. We studied from two points of view: I. Comparison with the general population, II.Longitudinal comparison �comparison between the previous term 1987�1989 and the late term 1998�1999�.�I. Comparison with the general population� Among 4,268 deaths, SMRs of colon cancer and leukemia inthe previous term and other extrinsic deaths in the late term were higher than that of the general population.

According to the size of business, SMRs were highest in the small sized business, followed by the medium

sized, and the large sized �from 2.8 to 11.4 times higher in the late term�. According to the type of businesses,SMR of manufacturing industry was the highest, and public service was the lowest. Significant causes of

deaths in SMRs were lung cancer in manufacturing industry, colon cancer in sales�financial�service industry,leukemia in transport�communication�electric industry, cerebral infarction in public service, and coloncancer, leukemia and so on in the other occupations. �II. Longitudinal comparison� SMRs in all deaths, theother extrinsic death, gastric cancer, and lung cancer, heart failure increased, and SMRs in leukemia, tra$c

accident, and colon cancer decreased. In both small and medium scaled businesses, cerebrovascular disease

decreased, and other extrinsic deaths and whole cancer increased. In large scale, whole heart disease,

especially heart failure, increased. All deaths increased in transport�communication�electric industry andother occupations. Increase of gastric cancer in sales�financial�service industry, and increase of suicide intransport�communication�electric industry were recognized. SMR as compared with the vital statistics of thegeneral population is useful to evaluate activity of occupational health service. Since SMRs in small and

medium sized business and in manufacturing industry were quite high, which could not show Healthy

Worker’s E#ect satisfactorily, the importance of intensive occupational health activities in these groups

should be stressed.

Key words

Healthy Worker’s E#ect, size of business, type of business, Japanese worker,

SMR �Standardized mortality ratio�

Department of Preventive Medicine, St. Marianna University School of Medicine

����� ��� 52


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