Leaves are used by trees to absorb sunlight. They are the most recognizable feature of any tree. ...

Post on 29-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Leaves are used by trees to absorb sunlight. They are the most recognizable feature of any tree. ...

Leaves are used by trees to absorb sunlight. They are the most recognizable feature of any

tree. They are also used to distinguish different

types of trees.

Trees remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen.

They provide us with paper and wood.

Get food from trees.

Gives us shade and prevent soil erosion

Provide beauty to a particular area.

Home to many animals and insects

Most of the Earth’s trees are found in forests.

The types of trees found in certain areas depends on the climate, altitude, and soil composition.

In the last 8000 years the Earth has lost nearly 40% of its original forests.

The majority of this happened in the 20th century.

We have been using forest resources for thousands of years.

With the rise of industry and big businesses, we began abusing forest resources.

Forests provide homes for thousands of plant, animal, and insect species.

Food for these organisms are also provided by the forest.

Provide jobs and sources of revenue for people in surrounding towns and cities.

Recreation and tourism is generated by forests.

Forests are an important source of revenue for governments, large corporations, and local businesses.

When a logging company begins developing a new part of a forest, a town begins to form.

Workers need to live close by.

Within this town services (doctor, police, fire, schools, etc.) and businesses form.

Roads and highways need to be built. Gas and electrical lines need to be passed. Ports are built if the town is close to a body

of water.

What is recreational tourism? It is a sector (an area of the economy)

that provides a large source of revenue for forest areas.

This sector attracts tourists who enjoy participating in outdoor recreational activities.

These activities include: fishing, hunting, camping, hiking, skiing/snowboarding, snowmobiling and off roading (atv’s)



Many recreational tourist areas have gained international popularity.

These same areas have now developed into multi-million dollar businesses (i.e. Mont-Tremblant, Quebec).

Today, more than 25% of the earth’s land mass are covered by forests.

Every type of forest has a very different climate, soil type, species of trees and plants, and animals

There are 3 types of forest.

Are located in Central and South America, central Africa, and Southeast Asia.

They are home to some of the most exotic species of plants, animals, and insects in world.

Reach nearly 50°C

Receive nearly 650 cm rain every year.

Are found in Southern Canada and Northern USA, Europe, China and Japan.

These are mostly made up of deciduous trees (lose their leaves) and conifers (evergreens)

Located near large urban centers. These forests are very industrialized.

Temperate forests are very important to people as they provide enjoyment as well as many resources including food, timber, and oxygen for us to breathe.

Acid rain caused by industrial and vehicle emissions damages the leaves of trees, and causes them to produce smaller and fewer seeds.

It also reduces the trees' resistance to disease, pests, and frost.

Clear cutting of forests is also a threat to this biome.

Predominantly found in Canada, Northern Europe, China, and Japan.

These forests are primarily made up of conifers (evergreens).

In Canada the Boreal forests make up 3/4 of forested lands.

Around the world, the boreal is highly valued for:

Its sustainable economic benefits Recreational opportunities (skiing, hiking

etc.) Breathtaking natural beauty In Canada alone, the boreal provides

petroleum products, peat, hydro-electricity and tourism dollars, and sustains over 7000 forestry businesses and 400 000 jobs.

They represent nearly 25% of the earth’s forested land.

They help filter millions of litres of drinking water every day.

Over 14% of Canadians live in the boreal forest.

This includes nearly 600 aboriginal groups and communities that take active roles in managing forest resources.

Forestry: All activities related to the forest and its development.

Clear-cutting: Removing all of the trees from one area.

Deforestation: permanent destruction of a forested area.

Stand: A group of trees where there is only one or few species growing together

The stands of the boreal forest are primarily used for manufacturing pulp, paper, and cardboard.

Throughout Canada nearly 7000 logging companies provide jobs to nearly 400 000 people (i.e. Kruger Inc.).

These industries inject billions of dollars into Canada’s economy each year.

Our Publication Papers business unit produces newsprint, coated, directory and supercalendered paper. Kruger Publication Papers comprises four paper mills, three of which are located in Québec and the other in Newfoundland and Labrador. The four paper mills are certified under the ISO 9001:2000 (Quality Management), PwC‑ICoCTM (Chain of Custody) and PEFC (Chain of Custody) standards. Each mill has its own recycling facilities, secondary effluent treatment system and energy conservation programs.

Canada is the world leader in the production and export of newsprint.

Quebec accounts for one third (1/3) of this.

Our newsprint is primarily exported to the U.S.A. & China.

The Paper Making Processhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4C3X26dxbM

MANUFACTURE THIS: Toilet Paper http://www.youtube.com/watch?


RMR: Rick Goes Heli-Logginghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uhb7XHUypJo

Deforestation in Canadahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myswymKsSPw

Is the forest industry in Canada & Quebec Is the forest industry in Canada & Quebec doing well?doing well?

The forest industry is currently going through very difficult times.

There are many logging companies, sawmills, pulp and paper producers that are shutting down their businesses.

This forces many people out of work.

Why is this happening to the forest industry? Poor world economy New laws which force companies to replant

or use fewer trees. New technology that requires less paper

and wood (Tablet computers such as iPads, bamboo products etc. ).

Why is the closing of a sawmill or logging company such a big deal?

Many jobs are lost in a region dependant on the forest industry.

People in other industries are affected too (i.e. Department stores, restaurants and recreation in that same region).

Investing millions of dollars into the forest industry

Buying companies that have closed Providing jobs to replant or manage

forests Despite efforts it will take a long time for

the industry to rebound.

Land clearing: Cutting down trees in an area for farming, construction (towns and roads), or logging.

Degradation: The act or process of damaging or ruining something.

This occurs in a forest when land clearing is poorly managed.

Deforestation: The cutting down and removal of all or most of the trees in a forested area.

Ex: Forested area is cleared to make a road or highway, malls, or housing developments.

Mauricie is one of the largest producers of cardboard and newsprint. Most of their products are shipped to the US.

Logging is a huge industry in this region and has been for over 150 years.

The forest is the heart of Mauricie. The forest industry provides jobs to thousands of people.

Many aboriginal groups benefit from the forests in Mauricie.

Mauricie developed around their logging industry.

During 1900’s Mauricie grew as the demand for wood and paper grew.

Today the forest industry in Mauricie is one of the areas struggling during the current recession (struggling economy, job losses).

Silviculture refers to practices that ensure development of a forest and its conservation.

Silviculture protects both the natural resource and the people who benefit from it.

1. In Mauricie, the government and companies are studying areas for development, as to not disrupt local hunting and fishing.

2. Companies invite tourists to plant trees and visit harvesting operations.

3. Inclusion of First Nation communities in decision making.

4. Following parts of the Coulombe report: harvest in different places at different times; developing more wood products rather than shipping timber.