
Post on 07-Mar-2020

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^ ■ i l * ^ ! ! ^ cM dOctlV » I to w d mH r > ^ * ! f V CTA bUl p to .r te jM U t........■ W . S j S . " Ba ilM ^ SoimtorB v ‘•JU T u Dw C atM M b n i ib«

* S ; . 4 - « h M r jw c Iw -

j S n g CVA Aim of Sena

; BJ M T MUNBO* lU lnUod»<" ■ ,.p 8 u « Com*poad«nl M»«nu#on.

I r ^ 8 ^ H | | j j | H | ^ju x lm u m *

I 1* ^ tion o l thcbUTftUey.

'• ^ t s m 'B L • ^ ^

t f f D g * » g * ^ l W ^ y i h e h u 'c i

o f -CVA . ' J worked out

yccjln-lnw — TA T-jnnnro*— “lina ’U ir b i

l o y C a m p e r s ( ] y ^

S l a t e A n n u a l ,

^ a r l e y . M 3 y J _ ^ , , „

lhe Order of the Arrow, wUl p r o g r a m “ . I the city ^ k tn « T h e co. m. n a l BUnctay for. thelr_*n- v s ^ i r — ii tffiMhoni Lodge O m p coaren- r e c to m a t l , i a d pow-wow. Thfl m e e ^ v a a t a r e i, unooneed b r g o n , M o n

f td tV fh K , . a u t h o r i t jM f membert win Mlect iod«« u n d e rta k^ for IM9. m»ke pUn* to pro- j j o r e t• Bsnmer c«np »tt«nd*ne« by ,S S to th f l8 iu ik * R l t« r« n m - P n > ji8d prtpare th d r p u t In the t h e n e w

i j pttfrun ioT 0 « n p UghUoot p ro ffT ftm .^ S lider c

rorpoMfki pmpom et tbe hosor brotb- s t r u c t lo nM tr» (1) to reco*nlM th < » v lo u s ly

b r a , h■ 0 ) develop mad m»lnt*ta o r t n e a r DtrtdlUoQ M d apWt. (i) to B u r ^ u j BOt* Bcoct eu n p tn rr tn d '(4 ) depeadi up *lM -lhe-B«)Ul h»W t-or i« lp - ' p ro * r» m cs K t e other* teto • ^ pur-

flndlditM -tre eelKted by troop e«u u d th ■btn I t council c*nip *nd »re b* ooM tnu p(f»d lo eompleU t« U ta eJwi-ftrtH t-A ll c e r tn n m lM 'W # * ^ eW h) fan TndUn r e |il l» . ^ o o o ^ V - O r f u M Im m i > , , . W b£* ^ tM Order of the Arrow w u or- 1 = e . t w tte d tn th .fln ik B R tw .O o u B c a

n i f f nIlM^ ” y‘ ” J l ' p r l S

n . t » • 1 riffatton uliers A frm d ^

W a l l ^ L o s t 3 s . '

- A r t - J o - ^ 4 e m ^ SBU2BTON. C»Hf.. April V W) Th« “ ™; k s d endtirmsc* fU an BIU P f - slblUtT. 01iMd Dick nJedel t n w ondertaf n » ^ U o o6«ril h*te to leara to walk all T he a niQitiln. plan lusgeifcwlnj Ihelr Boal of 1,006 hour* w ard th e p ra. *hlch theyll reach next Tues- coopcraUnsJ. they rfcalled Ihat they had a I n te r v e n er t of » Ume lo-lng to walk" ThU com»beJnj up 34 days In one of era only,

p t h w prevlou* tfforU to crack PO«ed creat►ttdarancJ fliRht mark. <o-iiu«IB they rm a ln aloft In their — N ^ l n e aunklul Lady until N w i - Tuesday, they will I* m a l

flying contlnumuly for q | .

^ ' r a d i o e d th a t th e y , araF to ln j itieir »un u a t tho con- I-Ira ind taking frequent nape to A l C j p M UUgue. T helr-nutrlU onlit HEYBOPP W3M siippIcmenUl food In tag eJ theffciU»i to-ftid-the lr iierten.—--------here will -b[Ktiauoie. two olher airmen. Bua Sunday. D" ‘w w ^-tna-'W D oarow -jbhfew '^ p o n t m i r oPg?ni_OTfct Y«ima, ArH, trying. M hlblt Ttl]

Ibe DamB.RIedcl mark. Pinal p n J*®*"* and Jongvard took off ta conjunct * « * r . Riven Prld -- -------------------------------Idaho StAt

Mstitute” Law for Taft-Hartley Gets Labor Blast srsi,.'

^WHINOTON. April 33 (ff) - uUed "ReU «.T ri" . ' ' r ' ' ' ’ ®" congreu Profejwor

It consider* a coallUtm' th e I8C «yi W b i r L “ '® admlnlstraUoa pi»y* cat

^ 1 ^ s u p h e n a . ,»an i r c p e a je i________ H a h a n d J

^ sponaored bridge waa « a ^ D.. O a . C halrm ai

^ programa . Mf»ny, APL »« re la ry -trea . Lund Chrli

_____________________ Beyttura el

Qiicago Group Se To Conduct Stat

April 73 WV-A Chicago for 16 yean eW BW noa i y 'by ar aO' l etei

h u h w ., h tte r ta « « , . “ Jd

^ • “ * 1 « V i 7 t t T S S ’ £ | j ^ “

^ ^ *he were condhricJ lu aecond K entucky i

>*S » lth OoYmror W aahlneU^ »», '■hwnnan. I u de- O orem or I ^ tonight. TTW Ch;

in i l of Chi- r tp rw onled^ »tt«t)ll»hed to Pope. C hid^ »»>' Vk '‘'■"I” «o gorem - O e w a o r B» mi nim>^ net

^ Chi«*r> poaal* for *<1 been ta t^ r a l lo a aceude*.

__ _______________ A Regional Nt

. BiI14o -Dea ite Slowdowiledaponaor. 6en. W arre aa . blU to eaU n . D.. W aah, h u betn re - ‘“ le eomm

th e public works commit- hy govemoi re. Oata la w nlor minority Third is a n d WlU be ta a powerful proved OV/ ^ PDurth, rfu ture OVA (ubcommltt«e qq reeomn a s u d e n path of taacUoti. ver commla t oo .rM w ^ aa faTorloc th e reaourcea. . a derelopment and uUUca- "Erery be reeourcea of the Colum- and plan ot T. So a rd n it I* bis ooncem, lyted and i th a t he b u already Intro- Cain told ree separate bills, each em- «>>en he C a 'illTfCTnt-pl«n- tn l ^ e v t ^on bill In i valley development, and KU actio: : fourth bill In preparaUon. mlnlstratloi ■ th a blUa oaUa for approval •*>to6-deYrJero«i)t-Troort ^)ut by the army»enjlneer« buwau-or-rtcJam'aUon; ' hfl'lB oow r.-W aitTtefith 's

A Total Gos At Over TwoHIN G TO N ; A pril-23 - (/P)— A n '<

to ta l coet w as tacked by offic lendations f o r - a new Columbin n announced th is week. » p rd in a tc (f p rogram was e e t fori ;tion and th e arm y cnginecre for e a In seven northw eBtem n tates )n tan a , Idaho. U tah, W yom ing an d e n t T rum an hae proposed tha t t y be crea ted to coordinato and i a n 60 irrigation, pow er, navig

jje c ta a r e included in --------------IW a rm y -rec lam a tio n T ^ - J _ n . Som e a lready a r e J u Q h conetrucU on. O ther* v - | •

len a u th o riie d .fo r con- X ^ r O i in b y congress o r p re-

w e re recommended I { | i . b u re a u o f reclam ation ' _ ~ r y irm y . hiJP£ftT,_§nd anny.oU lciali aald i t r o i _ l ^ . a jpoo ooagro** how aoea th e WU» tavoiia m b p p o m p l e t o d . ........ th e -d e ath -tian 100 other proJecU w m placed m i

lhe army. But these would o. HBCted over a period of p«*FMn. ' Ibroe p te-u

S T t « i ; ? < r s S w Sirelopment. Kales E.orcau ■ o f ' redamaUon themaalves rtneera have proposed th a tdo th e work asd carry on Wedniration w ith other agencies. vreclamatlon bureau would The Judgin a ry respoaslbUlty for Ir- terms u “vand relat«d power projecta. r o d i youttm ated more than 5.000,000 diieraUon,U od can be suppUed w ith interceded 1I w ater from new project*, tomey forI aay leas lhan one-fifth of in formulat’a power poailbUlUea have Penrod tlaltad. AlmoU one-third o t farm near 1in'iijiatentlal.iurO rM lK tne. «n-atiiomottild coma from the area. . the cxcepUmy would have Uie respon- course of ht developing flood eoptrol, . . . . . n and power projects.Lnny-reclamaUon .bureau P[e«t«l th a t they carry fo r- ®“nrolecta already autharlied, rwrnted frcng w ith m e Columbia b ^ s . “J ney commiuee.m m ittee h u advisory pow- 5 " ^ “

President Truman pro-aUon of a valley authority , T"* 3 ^ ‘

_____ . _ » Duffln. pro

I Showing Is;ed Today for to the deltai

syburn Exhibitmw. Aprtl s j - n a a l show- le - n ih anntuil a « exhibit *P-*e-heW from 3 4* S-P-nw - r » u l _ i l r D uhng th i aftm ioon the

fft)*rara of the Mriei heldictlon with Uie exhibit w u ^ before1day night. ArUsU from NbbAti! college, were lealured. I '' rs tacluded two clarinetlumbers by Harvey Brook*. . « ■^ deraoa . Bill E lio tt and ^ | | 0 0Ull; a reading by Donald „ r ,piano solo by Prof. Byrl \ y |rtolln aolo by prol. H ar- '» *

y. and a one-act play m - BOISE. A•treat." merger preor Mealy U conductor of caUons foilymphony orcheitya. In the itudled by (Mt were Mary DuUock. Uatlon coirisim . Bartiara U d d . Vem Kenneth

. JuU a-W aal-D orolby UIU- are_taclude u director. areund Bul ;Mj for Uie entire aeries of around Ca

• t the ezhlMt has been county, and rlatensen. prtaclpij ef the Eden-Hatel elementary schort^_________coimty.

jlected by Legi te Highway Sysltra conducUng_4J0_proJecto| He said

I U w u a "DOI for m iflt" ^net« l tn m u te d WlU) a number of n ta l onranlaU ont tnclud- gathered a eoundl of Kate gorero- «y*t«n for

s t n c c n t highway ttudlea field workjducted for Uw sUU of said.• u d for a phase cf the The legUl-ton sU te highway «y»t«n. 000 for the

Robins aald. hlghwy grhlcago ortanltaUon w u Uo t reported here today by H. O . m l l ^ . Icago. execoUra director. Oommltteior Robin* said U»e «*» - von H a n ^c d re d a total of six pr«>- B ^ . Vr th e atudy from viilon i e tw r

■WjSTrapaperLSenring. . . C

ath” Is m Drive f festabllih a Columbia ta ler- mmlBlon with beads picked ^ 5 mor* In th e region. I I r = :

U the adm lnlstra tion-ap- ”OVA bm. I ] \ vh, reportodly. la to be 'based immeodaUons of th e Boo- E = S S mission taak force on water *• -- "■ --n^ ~r construcUve auggesUOQ | l l ^ | | | n ought to be m t a u t ^ ana- Id studied by the coaEreu,")ld his eolleaguea Monday le dropped the adm talstra-1 in the senate -hopper;—------cUon in sub'mlLUhg'Uie-UI? itlon bllL observers believe. ilgned to servo noUce indl- ■n.Vtca-Prosld«Dt.-Albea~W. — that U)».>blll, like those pre- - ta trodut^ - t a -th o -Ju n lo r —

tton..senator.?B«Jild-be.-je-i —«n rat« r. CsXaia I) ■'

ist Set I 3 Billions Mn- ee'tlmate-of ?2,SOO,.; - ^fficiniB tonight to thebin river development ^ r ;This 1

forth by thc bureau of carrier, for development of the mated ttee—Washington. Ore- --------and Nevada. T ]^ |

hat a Columbia valley l i i l £ id administer the great

vigatlon and flood con- ^

I g e O r d e r s Z l J

o b a t i o n f o r S m i

o a d F a t a l i t y31T, AprU ^ l a w e l l Pan- B .age n e c lo .y o u lh eh arfed 5ivoluntary m analaughler ta f . A . *,i » te -o f-W llla rd -K « m « .-w u hie op] m probation for th ree years -h ln e s ’. H. W ardell, a u to probaUon P o o tC T o rrr tdayTil^ t t t r t e r p la ttn g - ). H. Sucphen, Oooding. - to rm . ( ictlon w u takea ta o o r o f H*t«e j «-U1aI.beartags o a crtiflfial ebaduled fo r-U iaJ-H o n d ay . . tW n e * Judges Hush..A* B aker and councilf

E. Uiwe bo th d lsq u a lin ^ for BCC4 ves for the casea aa wen as o th e r i J case* scheduled for Jury fdneaday by Judge Stjtjiheo. jjoei-EtfibftUenJlfJkki:________ NrtUflLeudge deecribod U>e probaUen HolmeaTl s “very strtc t.” Ho aald Pen- Penow* I 3Uth w u taken ta to eon- tae fire s m. th a t th e boy's bishop Slot mi led for him and th a t tha a t- Burley e tor Mrs. K una also assisted have a ulatlng th e term s. (luesUon.d Is to be employed on a the pret Ar Deolo and Is n o t to drive umoWla, -th*-j«*dB»-«ald,-wUK -wHi-are- eptlon of farm usfc ta the Ucket.)f his work. Improv•• P le a d s 'G sn ty ' ' d pleaded fuUly and Judge I wiUiheld aenlen«>. T he case w v

from Uie death of Kuni. coimty agent,' aome six Clertr no

ago In ao ln tcr«eU on crash Orpha C< ears driven by hlmseU and (batii

roum’a a ttorney w u 8. T . a d tosecuUng AUomey Otorge

w u aaslsted by Lawrence proeocuUng a ttorney a t tba t k * Uie coll lsla n . K l f iroyer dianged h is plea from I to g ttlty o t contributing v ellnquency of a mtaca-. Judge I g 1 ftaed him *300 to d court royer-s a ttorney w u H. V.

Appeirf-W ithdraw n- & ' t a '.H raU _.Seyhum .._cha£ged.Ivlng a m otor vehicle while ^ ( J T ^ r

wlUidrew hU appeal frem

1 In NUbefa court In August.•’ ! K u .

)oI Mergers ~ Be Studied s r r

B. April 3J w v -6 e v en schwl proposals and nine appll- 3 ' " , , . for te n d issues will be

by the sU U school reorgan- committee Monday.

to u T i.luded.fmL-a.-claaa.JL-dl*tilcl Buhl and a claaa B dUlrlct “CuU eford ta Tw ta Palls

and a class B d istric t In the ‘ tatemeni u e lton a n a ef Jerome «■,* derleea.___________________________ 'Tn an*

I would I

fislators stem Study ReJd Uie f lr r t phase of the A readr AT«UfaMon- w H V -ba-etm - tn ChlWMW from material I on the sU te 's highway Qjujcr dirt for a prelim inary study. venlly 1 be several w e ^ before any Studlea.

)rk Is dorie, lh e gorenaor Buperrti Raymond

•gUlature appropriated »S0,- Tlmes-Nei the study to surrey Idaho's newipapet

system a t aU leveU and pirvey. < port to th e tn te r ta eaen- Wash.; AI

Calif., ancIttee member* a re Rep*, a - TO* l i ' ipton. I t , LAtah. and Ernest have beer D Madison, and S e n i- 'l* ford tnsU ^nrry, D . Benewah, and Home Toi a rr , R , U m b t Uonsl ree.


iO A L L S , IDAHO, S U N p f f i i O !

W o r k o n H u


- 1 - - '. V -

ils wa* the aU rt 'of th l.kccl to r the OW traction of which was pnlared stepped Bi ler, the navy'* first'aU m le age ship, wai ed fonra year* to bnUd^

lections Hold Towns; 4 H

ot m achine operation Is th e iesiie iday in M agic VaUey. V oters a t B i tion in th e ir vo ting . H aving sopi m achines a re no iseue a t R upert i

)l!fl will be open from 9 a.m . to 7 p be open betw een 1 and 7 p. m . ying fo r elccUon a s m ayor-of B a h lt o f hla p la tfo rm , and D r. ------------.K a llu sk y w h o h a s .to lc e d . * opposition- to - s lo t m a- - / l - f T

ee. D r. KaUuaky ie com-ng—« —foui^year—c o u n d l ------- * nI. O th e r a n ti-B lo t o a n d f- f i ' B a r e J a c k M o sa a n d •*■ rles M e rr ill , f o r f i r s t w a r d a p re ic ilm ah . a n d T o m S m ith u r a i g n i se co n d w a r d c o u n c ilm a n ; sp e d f le i ler eandldatoa are C ity T te u - xv i Bernard B U rr wlio U opposed ®* toel B rlttata . and Olty Olerk A m en D Leahy who la oppoaed by Tom a g a in s t earP o IB nT jnaoeriM -the Odd t o W j vs haU f«r th e flrat ward and i tire SUUon for U»e aecond ward. ^ " t machines a n Ule Issue of Uie com plail y elections where volets will n h n rc

a separato ballot on Uiat ion, The device* aro backed by cd Comi present admlnlatraUon; ru n - b ran d in i u th e . Im provem ent. Ucket. {ner. o f

• r e - 'A p p e ^ - fr y - U i^ U a e o s L

wovement Ucke't candidalee Childs, M ayor-Joe p - e n r r - E m u t petfl Chlenton and Dick Maughan, ^nderward councllmen: Pred WU- f>,,nring, Qilrd ward councilman: City nUn u c'

Norman D. BmlUi. and Mrs.a Coleman, city treaflurer. The potatoes

P«* ». 1) ' marked 'H. • * * * Ior the pi

l o t s ” C a U e d

i g f s s u e f o r

f e r o m e B a l l o t

■ ln - lh .- - a iT ,l t« r o n - K r .

» r n S ^ “ 3 f . S ^ S S ' r ‘'

_UiEy_arL-airt In tny w Jnion «wer system, city street oil- * j j _ _ lubllc welfare, purtfiaaa of th e ^ • works. Improved youth pro- P»

or 'oU ie r aa-w U ted need*," Amende IS ssld ta a prepared sU te-

»m personally opposed to the tion ot slot machines In Je r- or anywhere else." he said, jp^ 'tion eJted a published sUiUmeni of anlcul

18 In which he aald "the q , ue from slot machine* does td a poUtI any way compensate for the g e u ^ We

left In the community." the truck am sure our sU te legislators 43000 pou

!?- J y uV?j'ili!* m «M nB T hB titd-h»vr-beetr Mted ta th e state." Andrus' nent read, “because no good PIOl sr ever v m . come frmn Uioae k f t I I . *■” «V -M ra. answer to quesUons on where lid get Ux* money for opera- «mUia«4 «a lhw« I, t) tn thn Q

------------------------— brate her

nes^News Has ,— - Readership Poll ^?sdCT»hlp su r rey o f the Time*- „

rtudenta .of th e Idaho college JoumalUm d e p a r t ^ t ^ y,, dlrecUon of the Slanford Dnl- , ^ 4 ], I tasUUite of JoumaUftie a. l l ' tS 9ervUJng Uie local group w u ,and Gallagher, who tald Uie ^•News w u one of flve 0 .8 . ^ apera being given a readerahlp. _•. Olhera are ta Yakima.; Albany, Or*.: San ta Monica. _ ,and Pueblo. Colo. A ta -

I ll Uie-RfUi year Ute sm^-ey* « J U * been- eonducUxl by the 6 tan - InsUlute for membera of the tii» b Town Newapapera. In c , a n a . «rteearch cf«aaUKloa7-------- '

- N ine ]

3RNING. A P R IL i '4 .1 M 9 ' ‘ '

u g e C a r r i e r H a l t


n l w r ~ r ^ ^ ' ^

MO-toD VBS United SUtes. the world Batarday by Lopla Johnson, aeerelar: aa te have eost the 'goT eram ent |IB9,

I Interest of [ave ‘Slots’ <e in fou r o f 24 town A d vlilag 3uhl, B urley ," Jerom e 'a n d ShoB p a ra te slo t m achine ba llo ts a r e ; and F ile r w hore all -tick e ts” o p.m ., except a t C astleford a n :

il a re E v e re tt Babcock, )vho baa

nendedCom•’ilM“iirPotiii»Hminary tr ia l w ill be h e ld .ea rl ned'-on 'd ia fg e s o f v ioU ting a ea g r a d i n g ^ d braiidinff.pnictlc P eace J . 0 . P um phrey s ta te d !

srided com plaints w ere filed la te" t fiv e m en arra igned T h u rsd ay , ^ a fg e s . 'C h if fg c s a g a in s t a aiJthe f ilin g o f th e new -----------lints. T l i n - rged under th e am end- D plain ta w ith im proper ng a n d im proper g rad - U

p o ta to e s are . K e n n e th ______in a r - a R a •’D s n a i a r ^ i, bo th T w in -F a lls, and '•Ihrlfftmnn; Montana:---------- C A ^ \

Uie amended complaint I improper grading. Uie trta charged with InUnUonally approximately 1.100 bag* of

packed for sale ta bag*•TJ.S. No. 1. 10 pound* net," purpose of offering the po- w ld Rtis . r s T ta o i ? ln g Uiey did no t he coulC ,r» < ,u lrem a n U .o fN o .lp o - J - e * .

^ SUU) )Trio cnarceo broughtdo Is Charged ta Uie com- chaise ft ivolvlng Improper- branding th e drive vlng ta their poasesslon for Kelly 1 poM Of resale-oauide th a (jren ta I Utoes packed ta conUlnera branch r >erly marked with the name ,j]eton. ' lade. - — a h o t-a e, o j. m - t rtUi improper picking and by two e


iwn, in Uie charges.Prepare* CagiJU tnu / ' ' WM-»-wl l« l complalnu against Uit , *1 ^ , were prepared by County or a raydon W. BmlUi. -mey nrd by O. K. Hognn. Twin AfUr a strict Rupen-lwr of the In- Miuey Jl dIvUlon of Uie depsrtment

ulture. PEAnilld* broUiera were rldmg u^u sA ito-laden tnick when It w u « v -E g y r rednesday night. Hogan said j^^ve :k w u loaded wiUi aboul ^ , - ^ e jund* of cuU and flff-grade pajesttae

ry k e d tn w k s bearlnf

~ to be th n ONEEB KEABINU 100 LE PALLS. W ash- April 33 ^ ^ . u Sarah Jane Edmonds, T issed Uie country ta a eo t- X C l d . gon ta ieS3 to a h o m e « ^O fgww fmintTT. Will celB- ^er loom WrUiday Tueaday. ^

a i g h M n d s ” \? M’ ta iS*per*boS '^»e i»

he west, reaching Oooding 10 p. m . yesterday. Twta 1 1^45 p. m. and Burley a t

’e ^ o y n * a i ooodtagoaid flty of 46 mUea per hour « h « d a t Ontario, Ore» a t . m . Hlghert veIoclty\at w u J4 mUe* per hour a t

l:» a .m .Jo d a y .T # ta P H l» S S T * « t were npUfled a sign had over on the road Jurt souUl ooatXXJ. t Rock creek bridge. \

t I r r i g j i t e d Id ah o C o u n tie s .

rrm «d4

t e d J -

- - t J t


The ke y ^ 3 ~ o f Monday.

------ Johnso

th e view

D a y ]

A c i

. - mj»' • * •• • out of an

--------- - - ' * with UiB 'arld'a U rgest aircraft earrlar Ume. * ry ..o t. defensa. J h a sapar - Moel ot 89,000.000 and take an eaU- clocks ahi

Sunday.----------------------------------------- ResidenI

* . next SepIf'Area , s s^ ■ Uma U to

Question - -“ja g e e le c t io n s to b e h e ld j J I S T r OBh o n o 'w llt d c c I d e '^ a t idence. n r e B u r le y a n d S h o sh o n e , deiphia,

o p p o s e th e m ; • n d H a n e e n w h ere t h e y

«eatUaa a m o d e no -p u b llo s ta te d t t i e t a t a .

I ' 8o(n»-<

ip la in ts-M bato Ggeei rly .iaM ay .fo rllv arn e n - A t o r a ja 1941. Btate law which wer* iln ticefl of potatoes, Justlci i Saturday.- " '^ r F r l d a y in ju sU c e c o u r t tULifirat y . All p le a d e d n o t g u i l t y ^ ^ 5 } “ s ix tK T n a r t w e re d ro p p e d n S ------------------------------------------ schedulea.• ■ /> . __ _Bn(Uo..x

i v e r G e t s " ~

C h o i c e : J a i l

- O r - Q m r J o b S ^b W E l ic - A p r l i -* S - W — A T —

bua ..d rlve r w u given hU f l I , Q | " i n j ^ c e court today of “ y “ *-

ilTbiirnMTowly*m£»ed**bemg A T 6k fas t freight trata. A l

ice of Uie Peace W. S. Maxey v J iusseU c . Johnson. Caldwell. Pour ae uld elUier quit hU Job or by Magle a sentence of 30 days ta the night.

ja il. Johnson r ^ i^ e d . Severals Police Officer ID. E Kelly i t Johnson Inlo^court on a ««a«neni

o f m k le s s driving to which ap y o o a Iver pleaded guilty.r aald Johnson, wlUi 18 chU- .n ffrt m i h i . b u ., w i . i lir . l o p ' . r .I ra ilroad crossing near Mid- „. T be officer said Uie bu* tfioa* U>* -Mosslng-ta front

lB^ . r fr^lpht tr«lTI piOl^d j

II. -1.-I Bloodstatalergency brakes and Uie bus pickup, ha

fee t clearance. Kelly said. He eara she w itness to the-Ineldent-' - arotm d-nt raced myself for . the o-ash," lleve he a leer said. “ I saw the bus m -ke blood. Th IU ju st ahead of the train." Jerome an r « u p . i i a in iU . . l . l l « n to i c . ,

EACE DHAWB NEAREE wm"ihvm1 BANNE. Bwltserland. AprU SS officers, typ t. Trass-Joijfjan asd Leba- move dan ,ve agreed to send delegations SU le p< leeUng of the United NaUons report a t n e concUlaUon commission ger vchlcl

. ^ a n t tn thn Hnty la n d a n w u .p a rk i b r a h e d o u t wlUi UraeU del«- Ule road

tbe Kcna.

lhc Power Rais Capital to 'Prepir DAmWIN J. rU iSO L L addlUco t

W aahlngtM B«rca« lOMO aha(L M t Of t n t atUclea)' red atock ia iN O T O N . April 23 - To loans by 3

rh«H m w» nf nfW poweT-dft-th a I d a h o . .— ____ .- .T he oot

r “ c o m p a J Q r ^ ^ " T ^ H K ^ piioeno" ced for, a n d ' -■ Uiough IUd . permla-'.* ' did not foiom th e fed - i ta hU anra w e r c o m - u 4 W > M K j wroU:1 to raise “Becausi KO t a n e w - W ^ - J j ^ J

; Uw i S s u ' - ^ ^ H g l ^ ^ trial expao f aoo.OOoB orderlyof common sa^ed b y ' e » t l m a t . e d | A A ^ H tavlta and

S S a n ^w in have reached It* • i n . and pnnrt d -900 ,000-ihai«--U m lt.-A a conttaotai


' J - P ^'A a 'a w l ) ’ t t M 4

-------------3 “ , d J * r i S SBead tb a ( k t r <nlM ta* petal* ■<

p . . tw« a a ]M«a Mvai^ ____ « a » k . i” o r t f .b y b a d apirfi.

~ - -

Building Big Ca

,SHINGTON, A pril 23 (ff)— S< on today ordered th e nav y to aU •aircraft c a rr ie r U nited S ta tes .! keel o f th e 6B.000-ton f la tto p wa ~6f -th e ' N ew po'rt^N ew s' Shlpbuil ay.noon said in a m emorandum -to-Na 10 actcd to s top c onstn iction of th e iews o f th V jo in f 'ch le ffl ' o f■ s ta f f — ■' • ~— Pr eet der

y l i g h t T i m e ' Johnaon

> w i n E f f e c t• •.------ be b u ilt

c r o s s N a t i o n J S ' l! TOBK A p tU Jl W H A b p ; p i S S lmo American* were cheated ^ ai> ^ : an hour'* aleen U*t nighthfl advent of daylight u T la ja I ^ T r ^ c e

t o t U irb lg clU ertom ed Uiata r ^ - W ^ahead oao hour a t I , a ® .

d u U win have to w ait tmUl SepU as to get hack Uieir lour." At U u t Ume. dock* |0 o rd en ai in hour. d rcu i

object ef dayUght u v ta f i itn c t ia o I to anow dayUme wnritsrs’to ^ . t an added hou r o f dayUgbt a f- 9 qultUng whIiUe. o < K d i

OiUoi Adopt P laa * r c ^ d t c* dUea to lng on - fa r t Ume” a PorUand. M>. Boi toa. P tiw . Mnter.-<] >. New Yorie, Newaik, PU U - a m w u a, PlUabOTfh, BalUmora. ^ ot i ington. . c n m lan d . Oblcage. mg ■ ih l u p o ^ K ^ L o t^ k ^ ^ P o c t - t a A o o i O rt. * “ ~ " t tUa walU nntil Juna to ebanct |U,OOOAOinki. .......................... . • ' aeerto*"'I* -due* th a t bad daylight t o t a l ^ » t t a » a year ago bava aban- • o ctiilfl -It th la year. T hey tad n d tJio e qoo; e« ,-«ao—Ptandaoo ,- Detrotti —r u ~ a iZ M ta a ^ NatfJTfflfc • ( n e t wlC » eontiuton aaeiaid eartata b u lld ta^

« a a ^ t t S t r AjyScI on daylitfrt a a v ta ii toldi la ft

3 r a n d S w W W fcln y,-olwiV>itTan an n t r t . n d ' hasd . I t ago. ' .: dayllCbt U T ta« t ttfflt for p a - - -r<r«( th a N ev H aren n U n a d . ^ ^

: U adJusUnt lU tobadulaa to3me..-Th» regular black hand H i a Jidlcata lU ndard USM for New , -Oentral-paaeeagera—becatiaar a H n ja d - l* -a o t- -« h a o |! a f - - A B J

orka JutT« . w p ^ .on t T _ mie of Uielr own. M ajor ihowa J J j e switched ahead an h o o r 'ta ' u t so User wm bo heard a t O or. 0. «tna tim a. I n the west a n d one in 1 r Uiey win bo rehroadeast a a * o p p < ^

— to t ^ ^ M

larAccidcnts r e H e p o r t e d b y S S I ,

Officers in Arear accldenU were tavetUgated . agte -Valley PoU » S a U i ^

la J people were taken t o ' o t Jne’a M fplUl ta WendeU ^or lent of Injuriea recelwd ta Odent near H agerm an. They •deased a fte r U e a to o i t "1 cars tavOlwd ^ to b* itt-fo r-tepalra—Two,wom en car received m taor cu t* .. o fJ» n d a

: mile* aouUi of Jertm e, a reststered ta U » name of

n -P .P r« tc h . PIIerrwM foBnd r -H d r-o f^ T rrC -h lghway ' »3r ,t«tn« were found Jn ^ jg

le w u auffering from loss o f . . . u , . : They cheeked all d te to n In

» and W endell, the Twin PaUs du rtn i ti . hoeplU r and Uie Medical imlldlng ta _^Twta Palls wlUi-

acddent n o r th of B3mberly vesUgated by *U te and county

damaged cara. _ e police were taveaUgaUng aa truck had forced a passen- •

h id e off the road about two WASH]w m h o f Twta Billii„Th«.tmclL New ocw■ Qtl 0»> wrpng slds Ot fiiUmatMlad when an offlcer icad ted cent riseene. . __ of_labor

ises $9,000,000 p tr e ^ ^ ^ d e in tlXi00,so6 win come from L lttla i share* of 4 per c«nt prafar- m ontha-i )ck and $4,000,000 from d l r « t U>e dta^fi by Boise aod New York City UUcn t b

>wmp«ny wUl find lota-o t llGrBa^ T o n iiP th B M w “tBMW~*l=' e u m u t'C I IU president, T . E. .Roach, atata. Ttl I foresee tuch rapid expsnsloQ tag fertU annual report of Peb. S3. He m ato l i ^

»use ade<[uaU auppUes of r t w raUs power eonttatje to be avail- PaUs, « Jlere, commercial and tndua- •4jOOO,000iipanaioa c aa p ro o » d 'J a a a O nm nlf fashiotk 'T lM w«nmiinmM terloc^p iby Idaho Power ootnpany eaa a d b a dan d a re aecuxtag n a * tam »- The ..dMThis growth-ooQ tlnaei'to be rlgbt*-«*DUal raUier th a n ^>ecUenlar puMle laistnrldea added tnn ranc* o t t m KBT’atag.'proiperity.*------- :----------MS**

^ 9 1r a » .~ A ~ tw W T y

^ p m C g ~ yC !B H T S ’~ ~~^:T

D E i i i i

g on Ii r i i c ^S e c rS ta r y o i D e f M i w ; i to p c o n s t r a e t lo n <tf i t s

^ " l a f d a t tB e 'V l i f i t t o to - : - ^ i I l d l r i r 'w r p o r a t i o i r - i M t — - -

? I a v y ^ r e t » r y - 8 u U I w i i - — h e v e s s e l a l t « r s t a c t y i n f ( f f ' a n d 'c o n f e r r i n f f - w i t a — ^le n f T tu r o a iE — — t h e r a e P r e a l d e n t n non h a d g iv e n t n y ___o r d a s t o w B e u a r f l u i - .v e r s la l- i a r r i e ^ ■hotU d— .

lo n a e n tth a fo lk n r tn f m a ^ ' - I to BuUlvan: . . ^1 furUier rafOToea ■ t o - t t a •. id .a l te ia ! t .e tz r l« r J 7 f f . .W lr .. .. M, I baTe a o w .n e a tv ed t h e . t Uia chief o t s ta t t a a d . a f t « ccpiidaTaUon aod . t t oaw lifi m a tte r wlUi. U u V t a s M ^ . ^

2 t e « 5 2 \ 2 ^ ? L * a « ••Inotas tha eaoatiDcttai'.^ o ^ : •<


” l K 2 - p o « l W o ran n a en t" ■

t ( tra ta d e boo U D t r .ih lp U a ta o s ld la ta e t i .b o a b * .

m o a .tb a p j a m t t a r y e ^ - -

d i 0 , P e j i i a ^ ^

n B o n d J W i s K ' ;

0 . A. Hobhia aairi th r t i iW B ^ .- . IdahD , j c < n , a o t t W . 5 * - 'tunltar" bead -'d ftra: SC I7-.U " -**jjumuiiu{'L U ' 'naUooal caota iirtp i jd r t r j r K T t f c .a q f t t a J O c a t t c i - : xantgr U m w o . ■ ' .i n u r Robtas n t l t a l t M d ^ t t a i w a a rm ii besd-aaiM - "iUcBia!<debt In'opla a ad a o t la . th a taanda «(' r tafUUtUena. - . o teddeaU .b o ld .«l«O0QOM« ds w hkh draw aboot H;D60y. :inuaOy ta ta tara a t— --------b a iu n ; Uta eam pB im i f f l i w r r r : upeo TQltmtaan -v x a k tn f .-lo

:ttali p e rso n a lly .'p ay isD ^ an * .^ - n d b o o d -a -B M q t trp ta a a .,^ ' it«d on t <ha( boad \a g iu t I t UlUng factor to tb»-Batioi)atr- \

^ ara ta U » haada o t tb a W l p eop le .. T h la .z« i» e aio ts . ^ t o o r t a

im e <»f n<^i ■ •

■ Iv e w S ln g w O jiE rtS fo S S ^ :

J erent-tD M ay 18. ----------■............rdtag to a eurrey. tna dunted

the lecurity loan 9« a pal<n,_^_ detenntaed th a t taoom a baa

c c t .o n owaezablp .oL^feCDdBi.— i if e v en U tna h o o d -b n y aa iM t than U JM a ym s. a a d -

oe ot U m w ith to e en a a «C 1,000 a year booght b e sda . ..

O N S T B U C n O H B U n - - -EIN aT O N . A pril t f (fl) — -

ar g ta tlB ly -r aiKBMd

) in N e w ^ ,

>'for a n a t e ( i S ^ a M n S M r 5 " tfaas

i r ^ i p n p i g . a a M

m p e n tt^ a a . a a g J t r M M : - ^ .7 * 1 S » * B n a a le lW D |B » * t.* ? -S i allay trom a o i a a % \ l a n M V i i ^ . goKt-er wfakti v e t f l iM jM l ik T B * 100 ta «5/)oo,eoeu' ; nd y .,J fa a : : a i B i p M i » ; i | j i g ^ ^

' ' ' ' A'

l - ^ G o n s t r u c r i o n

r T r C o i n p a i i i e s i n

r A r e a A f f i l i a t )

O is ta te U o n of Uu Soutiio X dtbo O ootfK ton BMoeUUan wll

'■___h e « lq u » rte r t ‘ In Twin FalU wianoounoed Sc tu rdaj b r Bwoc

' " B qWu , ^ t t ld s u L '--------- T h e «Mocl«tJon m i p«rlJ»lly «

' K intxed Bt a meeting of g tn tn . e o n t r u t o n l u i Wednud»y. i

I w hich fire tnemben ef a ]0>ma. ’i»»bo«nl of <UrKlor» were d fc t« l. Th ’ 'O the r nve board membtr* will b

TT^r.'Clectcd *Ut«c—traa i—jm cng .. m plum bing, heaUng. •tklrlea), ma aonry, ahe«t meCal. roofing ani O ther allied conlnctora.

• O fneeu lUportnl O fn e e r t electtd a t lhe .InlUa

a ee U n g in addition to Mr. Bobir are Trrd Read. vlM prealdent A nguj Walker, acting tTCretary< tr tM u re r : W. L. Feasu ter and H

' A. K ohln its . Later on, u the at- eodatlon grow*, a full-time ifcre-

' taT7,-tre*wrer mny l>c tmployfTIo (ucceed U r. Walker In lhal capicltjr

T he purpoee of the organlMtlon-------« e o rd ln * to - th e eontractor*. U to

aet up a uolform codc of alhles w hich wtll work for the general beoen t o f the bultden. I t will alw aid In Ironing oiit-*arlnui probl»tt}»

-------which a re ' now~/rcIHg* Ih'e buildingcotutruoUon Induitrr-

eJt WM rmphaalxrd lha l mtmbtr- ahlp la open to all general con- tractors,'xub>coniraclon and 'auo*

I— — tia te -e o n tn c to rrw h o are Idenuflfd I w ith building conttrueilon. Dealen I lo building maU rlali are eligible I . io r u a o cU te mamberahlp. Although I the orgmnltaUon It now confined lo

Twin Falla. 11 U hoped Uiat 11 m»y erentuA ll; be ^xtmded throughout

'U affle Valler.A pplications for m enibenhlp will

be aen t ou t Monday in the hope th a t a n Contractor* will become JdeatUIad w ith the aaoelaUon. Boon the reafte r another meeUng Ij p lanned to enlarge the oenberehlp and elect th e fire remaining tnem-

— - t a n m th e board,lA te r on. It l i hoped, the Bouth­

em Id ah o Oontractore aswdaUon vlU become affiliated with the Ai- M dUted O eneial Contractors of A aurlca. w »h Idaho headquiarteri • tB c lM .

“ S l o t s ” C a U e d

B i g I s s u e f o r '

J e r o m e B a U o t |arnm ftt* Om) I

- t t e n - o f ttw d t r . i w ouu like to i po la t o u t a few faoU," Andru* aald. C

“ID 1M8 th e atteaeetl TaJnatlon of i Uu d t r « u «1,S7D,TM. The amounl t c t tax** collected waa M3M1J8. I s 1 a c t i o n to th a t the d ty of Jerome « W M -pal4 * J 4 e « - t T 'o r - l h t w i j l i t n a hiffhwiy departm ent from au> tomobUa ' taxei. 'Die total from t

ii rn iir tm u jtT rf-trth e rrw rtn u e 'w h U h P

i|il *Two years a fo I recommended ]

tb a d ty pnblUh quarteriy r tpo rti l( a n d . tb a ta a annua] aud it be made,” i b e aald. T pereonaUy feel th a t the 1 people ahould know how much _ _ m o n j y _ t a . b e lo i_ U k m tn h y - th e -

d ty a o d Juat how much U being fp e o t" S

m M l atatem ent A ndnu aUo ^ eaned a tte n t ta n to an increaae tn ^ dlabuteemenU of the c harltr ahd ^ indigent fu n d for Jerom t countr fo r tb e p a s t three year*.

CotU E latag l>V x tb * firs t quarter of IMT ►

— _lbeiaJoeta -to ta led .M ,M 7*« ,-he -a* . - . ^plained. F o r th e aame period laat

year th a totaKwaa tM79.S8 and for *------- IM t tb e to ta t- h a a n M ir w H ,B irii;

A ndruf deelarwL Be la ld the toUU were ta k en from tha quarterly r«> “ porte o f th e Jerome county boa rt o f eoounUclonera. ct' Andrua* atatem ent declared he bellered a t leaet pa rt of the In- «aeUe In charity and Indigent coeU * w u due to operation of do t m a- hi

I Chinee. ojThe atatam enl alto pledged th a t

tb e youth program and clrle lm - ns B o rem en ts would go forward a t ^ Taat aa poaalble. "for I bellevs in er

> a continued development procram." r—

Merchants a t Bnhl Air Rodeo ActivitiesBUHU A prtl a i—Plana for the -

, , j e ^ l B f ^ p a r K flre juU to£ ltW i> a«k « Uu - >«*f* Jo

Cham ber of Commerce, The ^^ WUl U t» ^ * r« - g f - t l ia .o p e n - . Ua tg ^ p i ^ e ^ ^ u r t n g the Buhl rodeo, loi

8 p « Ja l Jflwpplng daj-t will be te t fo r July and a bathing beauiy con- j teet I t being considered. D.

NAMED JNBM CTOR n u p E R T , April 2J—Robw f Brock. S '

le. Rupert, w at reMntly named theepInipectcr fo r the Rupert are*. Re »»e In lh a iheep ra lt ln i butlneee . before he retired aereral yean ago. jq'

The HospitalI ma<

------- B iiijgem .7 t> a i uiiiy at rr ’ i TM -■ ahU Saturday a l the Twin Falli j:

eouotr hoepllal. VUlUng hou n ara Mn a lo « and 7 to 8 p. m, h*k

A O M ll'lE D fun, ^ - i P v Valenune. Ue<

Eldon W alton. Mrs. Jim m r offl Mrs. rrank lta Radford, la t

an Twin l»alls:_Dick Thom ai. Bho- - ^ h « ; - R ^ - ? t * l e r . Hanaen, and JOf

Mn. JUj Van Buren, Filer. -----DISMISSEO

, ^ Kaye, WUma orlm m . Mr*. U ^ e CJordon, Mra. S m etl Marlow and d augh ter.'M rt. Oerald Slnemaand ten , a ll Trrin p m m ___ ,

Itf* - H abart } —WQoai4i>d at>d-dapgftttr,- -laraVrTy ^

W e a t h e r ‘TwtB P an a a a d »W nItT -ra!r:

BtUa ehanga ta lem pen tara. M at- W W tc apw m tsr* Rahffd«y H ;

B a t e ^ M ahown fcr th a fl«*

K eep th e W httg Fla0 / s a l t f v r 'm n

1 ............... 1 ^

te Iu r a I .irlth y

^ ___I ^ \or-rral | |

nan Hrhe^ • N ow I ! davs w ithou t c

J " -tra ff ic death- in our^Uaffic Valiev.

F u n d s R a i s e d

T o M e e t N e w

re- ^ r * o w e r N e e d it«, IFrva P>I« Oni>n, Ing electrfclly lo oooperatlre an to m unldpalltlee .-‘ The company ha It, pro ietied directly to In terio r Secre

ta r r K rug about the dl« tlon-t sutnc 40 L ert week. The company noUfle.

th e federal power oommliilon of It ' In ten tlon t to-hu ild a new'MiOO.OO

hydroelecirlc project on Snake rivet I t 's (o bo located In Ada. Canyon anc

f . -Owyheo counties and would contU o t a reinforced concrete and earth '

- filled dam th a t would back up waWi ^ fo r 12 m llet. a S5«.acra tlorage ponc ^ and a powerhouae which could pro- ™ duce 23.000-kw for DO per cent of Ui«

time." ■ Roaeh’a report showed Uiat Uie ^ oom pany's customers In 16U had ' kim oat doubled over the 1038 figure

b f a round CO.OOO. He alao reported th a t th o company m ade a ne t nd-

" dltlonal InvM lment In facilities d u r . « Ing lft«e of «14.0M.OOO. adding th a t* o f UiU to ta l around *7.600,000 wat L spent fo r power p lan t conitructloh.* He continued:P 'T w o new power p lants were oom-• pleted du ring 1B48 a t the Upper and

Lower M alad alte*—providing an in-■ crease of 22.000-kw In generating ca- 1 paclty, w lU i th e 18,500-kw insUUa-• tlon a t U pper Salmon, completed In I W l. Uia company has added IS.SOO. I kw -ln new hydroelectrto generating

cap a d ty alace tb e war.T w o additional power plants are

u n d tf oonitTuotloa— a t Lower Sahnon and 78,000-kw a t Bllai. Tbeee sU tlooe will be oom . pleted In 1M» a n d IBM reepecUvaly."

Ztdacb added:.“ The oom p an y i U rgest Induitrtal

load oen tar It a t PocaUUo. which has ooa of th e th ree largest rallrbad tarm lnala on th e Union Paclflo sye- tem . T he company has recently oon* trac ted wlUt Fbod M achinery and <7hem teal corporaUon to supply pow­e r for electflo furrjace producUon of metaUlo itho iphotus a t a mulU-mlU Uon-doUar p lant, the f irs t unll of which ts scheduled for operaUon early In IM S. .

"This plant, together wlUi an es- tabUthed producor of phosphate In PoM(«Ilor-wlU.-uta)M^the-«>tensl«r phoa^hato 'ro^ depodu In eastern Idaho.-

]BaB Ciieck Count Results in Suit

Against Sheriff» O IS E ,~ A p rll SS (;n — W alter

OKelberger of Bolae,today fUad su it In third dU trlct e o u n against CRiariff . U - E. O u tn of Blaine county.

H e contended h e was held U. Iceallr w ithout opportunity to post bond on a misdem eanor th a rg e a n d atked UOXK) damages.

jri. - r j l tth a t 'h e w as a rre tted J a n . IS on a w arran t Utued J n B laine county p ro to» t* 'ooum )n"i~ ch irB e o r w r i l . Ing an Insufflelent fund check, th e n a m isdem eanor r a f te r than a felony. H o wat placed tn the Ada county Jail by O u tu , th e arretUng officer,

E lk e lb em r'i eom platnt tald h e , was- held In. Jail for 13 and one . j ha lf hours w ithout being given an t opportunity to post bond, despite ( the pro leau of h is attorney. He m aintained h« waa trahsferred to t the Blaine county Jail a t HaHey \ and .w a t .finally releated on bond. e ------ ---------------------------------------------- li

- M a g i c V a l l e y

F u n e r a l s S— I d-O O O D m o -F iln e ra J -s e n n rf i fo r °John W, CTouser will be held a t 3 ' P- m . "Ounday a t Uie n io m p w ir ,^ e r a l chaptl. w ith the Rer. Wll- “

lonlo graveside rlte j will b e ’ con- ilucud a i Elmwood oeroetery, J

B tT H l^F u n fral (errlces for Alva B. Shrlre r will be held a l : p. m. p Uonday a t lhe Buhl C hrlttlan ' ** ftUTCh w ith the RfT. Oeorge C. Jhoemaker officiating. Interm pnt nu be m ade In th e Buhl w Bftery.

RICH FIELD — FunerAl serrlcei L< or Jamea 6. Wllnon nUi bf hflrt t J p. m. W onday in Uie Rlthfleltl " udltorium with Bishop W. T. n » - 'o •1 officiating. In term e n i win b e : >ade In th e R lehaeld cwpeterr. j

JH W M B — Funeral M n-lwa for 1 Era. Flnrm ce M atilda Mason will be '*W a t J p m , M onday from th e WUer : IJnenU home wlih the Rev, E. B. I Iledearli. BapUst pasto r a t Buhl, I'flclaUng. rn ten n en t will be made II th a B u l i l 'c e m H ^ . I

EAD T p j ^ N E W a WAfTT AOS. |

a m b u l a n c eS E R V IC E . "

TWIN FAILS M O R T U A ltr/ J t m iM ti tl . e*t n ■tear!

............................................ f t

■ ?

^ C i t y E l e c t i o n i

\ S c h e d u l e d f <

M a g i c V a i l< r r.» P .* ,O s4 ), ' .

tleket drafted Fred Ju d e rlo e U for teeond ward e o u n d lm an ." '

■■ Cltlsens' T leket— • C ind ia» tt< 'em ho*01U iens 'l

are Wayne Long.-for-tnayor; E Blauer snd Robert Pollard, fo r ward counellmen; T^M «f for>econd ward coundlm en; 01 filnshaoi. for th ird w ard cou

I a man, and Merlin H orne, fo r ,d tflL JQ u tk ke liia iL cndo iM d .

^ Coliman for d ty tm s u re r . ___I Thrw-Way Race

I ln Jerome, Uiero Is a t h m - race for mayor. Jo h n W. Hoaz Incumbent. U opposed by Nei

L anen heading the c lU iena ' Ut . and by Charlei 'A ndrus' w ho’

TV voiced oppotlUon to slot t n f hl

J .U 9 more oiled streets, purchasa o

new garbage truck, pu rchase of Jerom e water company, • one-elg

^ Ux reductlcn. and youth progi Larten advocates a conUnt

program for dvlo development.S w ' , '^ '• .1t i u! « S S S S S i . - 'and , Olher Candldataa

Jerome offlclalt seeking reeled r th . Shawver, f irs t w ard coia«T oilman, unoppo*ed rE -r.-ta iT U n

second-w ard-ooundlm an. oppo pro- ClUiens' U cket by w.the H ert. and City c lerk Ouy S. Bl

oppoted by F rank SmiUi oiT U,B c jtu en s’ Ucket, W alter O rucl u n

had nln» unopposed for c ity treasui * "Vie fer M ayor

rlod Three candidates seek ' Ute nd- flee of mayor of Shoehone wh

a r i r " ™rw ea ahnw on i


Son D arrah. Fred M artin a

rtal J f i ru n n in g l

. . r t d „ t o ™

of ‘ V'* 0 » « n s - Ucket. Boi« oppone tio l machines. AU offlo T « a s u rw ciaj

Colwell are contested.

m ayor, K ennet

^ c p p o t l ^ to Mot machine.

« '" “ mbent. and P t*councUmer

.1 T>*«urer Jack Ramle coimcllman.. ** Albion, four^asn lrim ls• eduncU

fc• Contee't^ I t n e .‘ At Hailey, tix officials are up foj e reelecUon wiUj no oppoelUon and nc

conirtverslal luues ‘ £ ^ iv ed . - ^ e ! ^ ClerkI M artetu B. 6l«les, T reasurer Donle - X. » Counellmen George« CuUcr and Albert Bavaria. - « M u^ u n h election it markedo ^ no nominee*, luues o r campaigns, y w rlte-ln votes wlU fUl Ute three

council vacancies. The polling place Ts Nells service ilatlon.

WendHlLlW s oppoalUon against present

offlclalt M d only one se t of candl- dates Is Uje a t WendeU, C an­didates are R, D, Bradshaw for mav-

r ** -” ey-P l«TO for em w ard couir-

f t r t a ^ M d U lllan O o m t ^ fo?

• l^»r«« coundlm en 2 I Pt elected from a fiald of five. FriU Bybee snd Del Hudson, in-

cumbenls, John Alexander. Clarence Carter Mrt E. H. Pepper. The vll-

' Use h tll Is (he polling place,M o r.J Held

fa Haiuen. nine candidates se^k three vscancip.v on the village board. They »r* Edn» Bailey. Vlrgl! Ball, ^ a ^ h m . flnbert Dny. Joe B, HIU. Paul F, Ireland, Charle* prior, Rob­ert K, Rambg and Fmis R o u Bal- loUng It expected lo be hea^?.

• Fairfield. In contrast, has two can- dldates fnr the two council r»wt.

tm r n E E :T O i:5 n r ^ - w e iH n r - - r T r^j uon and Ztlmor Edwards is ru n -

Y our o ffe r m ay U k e th is hou m u st Mil.

Larffe five room hom e w ith i H 'iriff and diniiiK room s. Tw o lota o f closet Bpace. GJM.-ted lr k itchen w ith easting epace. F two bedrooms. U r j? ^ ru m p u iJ tund ry w ith s ta tio n a ry tu b fu rnace which hea ts e v e rv roo r O p en a il d a y Sunday. 1 9 M EH:


J l T w n

l O r KMaflM r m a Dlab '.. M n. X. A. Landon returned

I I a ^ urday from S a lt Lake Olty n she «>ent 10 dayi vlsltioi rela

_ Tewnaead Clob* *i.!y!L _T ow nsead-club .N o. -1-wUl

■ a t 8 pji>. Mond»y la the prt coutiroom.~~~All ftlends and d ^ ara-invlied. - - --------

BJarson haj'enunrtt tumed U> Lot Angeles afler t

here two months caring for

Trip Sehedided ree .w ay W aller Craig, contact repress loam an. tlve of the Twin FUU offles of Nels P . -veterans admlnltirsUon. win

Ucket, avallable-at- Uie Burley employn K b 'h a s otnce from 9:S0 a. m. unUl 9:3 echlnes. m. Wednetday for Interviews ' toeltidM Teterans.ayitem . --------41 CX ; dd .A go Trip I o f th e Lloyd -Young, maitager of tbe >-elthtb *ecurlty bfflce here, wUl ro g m o . available for ccniuluUon a t tinuo iu I P-n t . fm- P- "*• Thursday. At <:18 p. m, lem uee will be a t 'th e Pller po ttoffiu .a id fire _ , „ ------ -o f'C ity Be<“™ He«»e

Mr. and Mrs. P n d C, Reed h relum ed to Twin FalU after spe

e t Mrs. R iid-i : w u o n fnrr home In BererJy Kills. Ci

‘ « ^ - T h e > - are-now sU ylag-aU U is-P " J ™ " - hoieL And...wlU ao_to .their .la ;

in Montana laler. Mrt. Reed U , '* •, w. former Ju lia Rochet, Beverly Hll '. S im - -on thets ru n - ning for the olher vacancy. Vot astirer ^ e dlstrtct courtroom.

n r » t a ty . ElecUon ■ , Olenns Perry U. conducting

baUoUng as a second d rfiri^vl QUMUons arising from^ n i r change-fnrm - village to 'd ty w

answered by Don J . McCTeneh I aeel'tant atlom ey general.‘ He ruled Ui# city would nqt hm u , , * * compile new regltU^Uon bo< -tvn r. and thn t.esch-w ard-m ust beljep d l ^ t ^ by .tw o coundlmen elec

by Uie voters of Uie city as a wh and not Ju tt the waol they rep

• ' 'M ayor" Unopposed, •D«n Clarence Moore, chairman of I n '« » » no «Wo*ltl

as a candidate for mayor. Howev n a re three seek two oouncU vacancies : nd W ^our are v>-l

’ fo r the two vacancies for the si n and Clerk Homer Moi« for >* .opposed by Mrs. M. M. Danlc U Candldatei for the city counW cjt George Larsen and Edward

e fire Clements. Incumbents,' and Ali Joslyn. for Uie f irst ward: and l Roy Hull. Incumbent. Oene Ros

lue a t Morris J . Decker and o. c. W iek«ta U vn i. fo r the second ward, nlnls- No F artf Tlckrl*Bolh Ooodlng a tplranU are runnli

ifflcet as Independents, wlUi no par C lara 'u e k e u and no Uiues. H iyor

Wesley Miller U opposed by Ha •layor I w V, Phlppen, Council candldat

y i r t 'irard, Joe Johnson and Janies » are (NeUi W am ngton. west ward, Noi in e th U Incumbenu Seeking reelecik HOI-. ,* r j. c ity CTet>: Frank Menerole at m an, City Treasurer H annah Bailey, 'rank Hagerm an has two vacanclcs c incU. lU town board. FUlng for offl

there were Bob Lawson and Ollbe Russell.

d In - n ryb tm t AtplranwU g h t candidates were nom lnau

and to fUl four posU a t a meeting . '2 ^ - Uie H eybum vilUge board th " “ 1 week. They are Roy Bklnner, Ralp I"®"- McCombs, Olen -niley and Rach. r' " • D raper, and the four Incumbent

Rost FalrchUd, Arthur Dailey. W l 11am HelleweU and John CarUsle.

A t KeUshum, sis men are ru r

de s , Hal WaUlngton. to tueeee

■a is Cmbree. Richard Rantom, Jo I^ rag a n and Dan Daniels.

Klmberlr Rae*Jam es W. Henry, Prank Voslfc

and Frank Horsh. Incumbeni, a r i. "0 seeking elecUon lo two councU post

a l Kimberly. The polling plac* I '* "* the agricultural building of th

high schooL Oakley’s U uet WUagi board va

ranclps are souglit by M* randldat*. ,1” -D nv lrt .Msnindalf, C l a r e n c t

Maithea-s and Walter J . South "o rih , incumbenu, and Thurlo^ BmlU;. Lloyd Z. BmlUi and Herber:

• J . Hardy.. - Fatjl CoBteiU

lent Ta-o parUe,v wlUj- seven candl- ’d l- date* seeking four village board va- a n - cancle.v m ark the Paul elecUon. The

PcoB lfi tlcka.iacIiTdes Zrtd_B*n*, un - D sn Spreler, Alvin SUmpson and

^ Progressive Uckei t r e 'u , V , LocM- der. Ray Craven and Thomas FeU

"en TJirpf village rouncllmrn wlU be '*e. pipctpd I t H lehneld.'Nom lhaied'for >n- Uie t»o four-year terms are a J. nee Piper and Theo Brush, Incumbenu,

and Charles Smllh. Seekmg the one two-year term are Lon Woods. W. L. Ferry and Lester Morrt*.

f^k Seven are In a race for Ihree rd . council posU al nrtrn Ralph Me- all. Cauley, Vemon U nce and Frank IU. Oreeii, Incumbents. Charles Haw-

ley. t R, HardlnE. Oleeri Halghl a l- and Harold Bauer.

At H attlton , Wavnr W auon. H, n . K. Belmonl. BiU Wright, I ^ a n Ita. P a n ting snf* rwita stck th tr=- tn r r? ' VMUiT~JSH;ii :Sn ihe vfllage n - board.

loUBft. O w ner leav ing s ta te and

th a tta c h e d p a ra re . E x tra larffe V o bedroom s. Nice bath w ith I In back porch. Ijirjre U type

F u ll f in ish ed basem ent w ith »PUB room co\-ered w ith tUe. tuba — Ir u i t room. Oil Lenox ; oom . LArfTC lo t w ith f ru it tre e s , j E U xabeth B ird , phone 059B-J1 \


nrmfiixjs.XDASO ;;

I s N e w s i n B r i e f

C U M to O rw ea S Bat- Rlebard Perris was caUi w ^ a Bum s. O re , Friday aflem oo aUTea. e^tiM of th a Ulness of h is son.

W m a a Flaedn i r s . - V i c k B righ t-w a. fin

™ . W d^sourt_eatfl fot_di#UtfWn peace Baturday. She was takei

..........custody by odicers a t th e PJPark Trailer cou rt

“ B « ta n 'to Pate^ t> e ^ l£ r. and M n. A. Demlter

„ S f l daufh tora .re tum Pa»co .J ? - a " *fur.s)MBdiag five days a t tbe-

of ber parents, Mr. and- Mre. Cook, M3 Addison aventle wet

I!?*.*?! ■*««» ' 'W 'a Here^ Anmld Foeter. BoUe, readjust

o f th e employment set • 5 ^ agency, rislted Uie Twin Palis i

o t Z<l*bo tU te employment Ice Friday while on a periodic tr tp Uiroucb Uie sUte.-

. ^ E aU iti b l NavyJ a y R .H lg le y .so n o fM r.a n d

“ « R. B. HIgley, Burley, haa enUst «H1 ! “ ’T fo ro n e year, aocordlj

♦ ADO B. A. VarrilL Twin PaUs ^ rec ru ltliig jtatlan . HIgley wlU re

h is recruit training a l_ flaa L lc iu ir.____ : ...

^ v e Day PartyT he.P re-School PTA wlU i

r lu f ‘ ^entering Uie first grade next f ^ h a n a - th e i r 'm o th d ^ .-T h rp a r ty

t a held from 3 to «‘P3n. Pridi Uie Blekel. W ashington and

iH ifl ooln schools.

Dtlng Accepted by InsUtnta n. Robert O. Norton, ion of

and Mrs. A. L. Norton, who it t iU tending W hitm an coUege. V cUss waUa, Wash., has been acce

th e for entry a t the MassachusetU were .u tu te of Technology, Cambr ihan, M aai- ' ^

have obees O tita TU^ ooks A team m atch between the 1 •pre- M U and BoUe chess dube wll fcted held Sunday afternoon a t the 1 -hole erson hotel. Officers were ele p r e . Frtday a t th e regular elub meel

LaVerl Kim pton, Pller. U presli and Lloyd Klmpton. Twtn PaUs,

th e retarj-. T he pubUo U Invited lUon w atch the matches.

I fo r Birthsylng Twin daughten were bom Sa sec- day a t the Twin PalU counly I o a u p iu l to Mr. and M rt. Ployd I Llels. n e tt. BoUUter. D aughters were t in d l U) Mr. and Mrs, Bam WlUlams. 1 P . and M n. Eldon W atson, aU T Jv ln FalU, and Mr. and Mrt. Rex L L e- caster. Filer. Bon# were bom Mln, Mr. and Mrs, Jamen Rhoadu , T iVU- FalU. and M r. and M rs,-Ray '

Buren. Filer.

! r | C . o f C . B o a r d

iS j A i i - s A g e n c y ’ i

on° B a s i n P r o j e i,ion •'»nd ‘The enny engineer's plan for ■

velopment o f Uie Columbia ri on ralley w ^ 'ouU lned to the board

flee dlrectori.of tJie Twin PaUt Chain ,e rt of. Com m erce-at-thelr Prtday me

Ing. Th# speaker was Howard M fal,-m anager of th e Pasco. Wsj Chamber of Commerce who h ss J relum ed from W ashington. D, Moffat It the form er secreU)

Iph “ “ Uie Rupert Chamber 1- 1 Oommerce.t* M offal said he understood &

^ H arry Cain. R . Wash,, had InU dueed BR 1S9S calUng for a bUnI

• . approprlsUon of »OO.DOOA» i ,»lC-Cnna-Ot- fmglnerre « nd -a-U

^ amount for th e ’bureau of redam ^ U ot for development of Uio Colui

’^ w b a a ta -an d o th c rp u rp o sff T h e senator urged Uiat inlt

agency bills be placed before cot tnlttees in oongrest so Uie people

__ tnt northwest^iBht Judn ih* »rmertta of leglslaUon' dealing wl

U « « « « « * enil thi“ ,blnhrlghi.“ he Mid.Moffsi urged all re.-Udrnix of tl

part of Idaho to rrad HR 4287, U * ColiTObU valley admlnljUaUon a

miroduccd by R^pre.-ienutlve Jael fon. D„ Wash. He advised “exhau

n - live siudlfj of boUi bUU before eon " Ing to cenclusions." v•rt The purpose of M offat’s W p I

Uie capiiot Kas lo tesUfy for tr. ^oration of the approprtaUon .

I p o f f S

i : F O T T T R

I S U N D A Y ,

EachWe»L and T hura,

. - f o r .G M n l n i . a n d Rafllllnjr


N a t - S cNATAT


f T w o B i l l i o n s

— S e e n a s C o s

O f C V A P lt r m t Fas* Om) .

tonsUtlng of a board of th reo i flnsd W tors, n ich -as-th r-T eane j»«o -’t4ng_th£ auUiortty. ■____ken Into T he CVA would have to see Pioneer advice, assistance and pa rtldp

of th e people of th e northweei local and sU te govemmenU.

A e th e r CVA proposal, also t ic r . congress, was Introduced by R . W aah- sentaUve Horan. R.. Waah. be-bome - 'H o ia n s o u U Mt.Ufi.CmB.-iiU

J . M. tersU te commUaloa . compoBO res t four people from th e sta tes pi

pally Involved — Idaho, Or W ashington and M ontana—an<

ustm ent other person. T here abo wou securtty a 17-man advisory coundl re Is office mended by th e govemora of th* n t Mrv- sta tes and Uie governor o f ' Uo field mlng, In which p a rt of Uie pre

will be located.Horan said the obJecUva ol

three propawU la tho same- nd Mrs. deveIopinent'*of no rthvcs tem lUted In sources. B u t the method of •rtitif to complUhlng It would be dlffe Us navy He said thla main difference la .rscslve under hU plan the people of tta -Dliejnv Blon would_have more to aay t

the program . . ..U D aau BaUt

Twelve m ajor dam s already 1 spon- been built In the Columbia are aiUdrtfl the army and th e reclami rxt faU bureau.rtv will T h e- largest aro O tand Ck Way a t damr-whlch-fumlshed-power foj a L l„ . atomic project a t H anford. W

during lhe war; and the Bonne projert.

O rand Coulee U Uie largest al of Mr power p lant In the world bu l

J, ’ half Of Ita IS generaton have I WaUa Installed.

The reclamaUon bureau U t t i Tn »ork on a reclamaUon p ro jec t ihridw ‘n* *rom Uils dam, th a t* * ■ Intgat* about 1,000,000 teres.

The two dama supply the bul the publlo power In the no rth

* 'p«in and BeU th is power through L „ ^ Bonnevllie power admlnU U atlor a BaT T he reaction of many f a m pe

In th lf northwest has been om "let’s look U over” before endor

^ 3 Uie CVA plan. i T . ^ . The Columbia basin .(onvnUi

which uidudes Uie W ashlnj SUto Orange and th e IrrlgaUon soclaUon. haa a.iked th a t cong hold public hearings In Woshlni

y*hM- Republicans OppMedI p in W ashington sla te Republican*.L cludUig Oov. Arthur B. LangUe. c* erally have opposed a CVA plan

■ Some sla te farm ers' unions,* T in peclally In Idaho, have sUongly t

ported Uie Idea of CVA, howa A league for CVA haa memben

» V.J3 W ashington, Oregon and Idi ^ headed by Hep. H, B. MlUJiell.

W ash. Labor orsanlzatlons have

1 A0 approved.Some of the strong opposition

come from ’ groups now conoec* wim the govcm m enfs admlnUl

r~Q tlon of Uie norlhw est's power iO reelamtvtlon projects._______

B C t 812,000,000 for Uie Ice H srbor d seven, miles from the m outh Snake rtver. He said the delegat

'^ ''er VU optim istic alMUl the reau ird of succoisful In getUng“ "O**' p lsns for fish ladders restored

Uie blueprints, he said,Mof- “I t m Im portant to have all i

Vsih,. d»nis proposed remain In Uie nyi.1* Jusl to astu re conUnulty o t plans for t

C. g r ta le r Columbia valley develi >t*ry- ment." he said.>er of o . J . Bothne. secretary-m ansj

o f,lhe Twin FalU Chamber of Coi merce, reported to the board on

n tro- meeUng held Thursday In the «U snkel bouse a l BoUe with represenUtl^

lor tn o t Three Creek, the Twin P i .-Uke- h ighw ay-dts tT lct,-the-^^w »n~-P i

Chamber., of Commerce, * and Si iium- Carl-Irwln.W , J a m ti Reid, d lrrctor of pub nler> «orks for lhe stale, told the gro com- th a t contracU will be lel soon I >Ie of highw ay work from Twin PaUs Uue Rogeraon'on U. B, highway tO, ai with on secondary rt>ads In Twin Fa “ iflr county which are eligible for feder

' aid,ihU The ro td from Rogerton ,to Ss

* the mon dam tn d cigse to Uie coun I act Une wiU b« Improved under the pla *ck- R«id said. The highway from Tw aus- PaUs to Rogerson will be wldeni

and addlUonal righl-of-w iv will 1 obtained.

P to A general membership meeUng i r e s - 't h e cham ber of commerce w ill l

of held soon. Bothne ssld.

a m w G -H E S E A S O N

, A P R I L 2 4

i g .P o o l


o o > * P a hTORIUMVD % M IL E # EAST

' ' I

^ 1 _C fcartorJt« i»ea«m plaln ln i . l a n ^ crowds la T w in P l

Baturday doee stores s ta r t •e o d irtc - Dilie e -T a lle r BUd marks left on s tr w t afl4____. . . . . . Itop* « d « o U y .to .a n ild J ii tu

• • Man toufld . asleep .in lo i « ? 2 S d . . . « « l o WaddeU a I. armload of b u n d J ^ . . Plr* Cso before E . Preelove with' sm all boy r H epra- . .-ttjiuU number Of people '; I j j u n j a - ' t a b ^ r v)0Bed' o f ' u > ^ xilgh't sHIritiefc'.'V P a ^ 3 p r ln d - berg pushing lawn mower, i

Oregon, angular city park a t Five -and one north rapidly tu rn ing yeUov would be dandtUon. .blossoms . . , iI recom - Sharp cngroated Inth e four OVA meeUng held a t Boise

of W yo- F ln t blossoms appearing oi p ro jec u b u s h ln r w o f r a ju ro h o f th o ,

slon. ; ; AssUtant F irs Cbl« ) o f th e MUler helping to w ash chief jn o - f u l l . , . Cliff quaUs sprinkling nei ;em re - in front of hU store. . . And

of a e - heard: “Oo you t h l ^ those llf f e re n t towns wUl rot* slot mairhint e U U iat too?“t U io jrt- _____ - __________

B o y G a n j p e r s

H s Slate A n n u l P a r l e y M a ’i

W a ^ ' {Tnm r»t» 0a»)innevuie ouUUndlng campers and le

.„® „ 5 i! cwnP experience. .m l only Leaden In the Shoshonl lodive been Locke, DeBuhr. Bcout Exe<

Ralph Kalaher. Field Sx»U a t ParthaU A. T erry and .

^ c t u s - s c h u tt Idaho P bUi .h a t wIU Members Indude -bale J<

r,f BIU Pro;*• Jowly w g e t t

^ Wilkinson and >8h th e Hitchcock. Uoop 8. B uS --i ^ n l i i ‘wop 7, C u tlefo rd ; V

of ^ 5. Richfield; VS X i J S ' t »

Cottle, troap 38, M alta: rU Brown and BIU H arshb

u o ^ " J S ; v e m e ^ . * ^ S n ^ OrifflUi.h ln r S n ” ■ °oodlng; Bill Bauscher am n ington p , i r f i d d ; . :

ChrUtensen, Blaine A ndersoa ana In- troop 87. HeyliB se n - Oeo^e-Blrd, Blan R upert and U n Vln Crake, explorer post 3 S ,J«

in* ea-' PhUllp Custer, troop M, Jer [ly'suD- Turner, troop 48. H a « owever. ^ Morgan, Donald O lenn b e rt In tfw p « . Klm l

Carroll SmlUi, troop M, Carey; lell D , nePP'eye and Rosel Hyde, troo ta v ea l- T**" F a lli : , Edwin Pankhs

Uoop 80. T«'ln PalU; Oeorge ion haa troop M. Twin FHUa; Carol! inecteUinU tra- Norman Welch, troop 78. W er er and Critchfleld, Uoop 77. Oa:

B nm ett Spencer, Jim m y O rant _ -nober f ■nm iiim ii.- tfnon m ii

Larry Juchau, troop 83, Eden; tr dam Whlleliead and O arth Powler, 1 j lh ef 8<, Twin FaUj; Jesse Oslar. (gaUon squsdrtm JOO. FalU City, and S reau lu . ard Lincoln, troop 101. M urtat ng th e BroUierhood honors will red to awarded lo all membera a tten

th it year's council camp for a ' ill th e or more, DeBuhr added.system -------------------- ------------------- —'or Uie .rvelop- { f h f _____

u ia g er |Com -

sta te - ^ tatlves ' '


■ Sen.

public - . . .

r z / f 2 . 1 ,l/DndeS to

rw isrderal

. S a l - , • ountyplati, . . .Tw ui A lovelj-

ill be Wedding ng of BookletII t a

____ to c h e r is h a n d._ re c o rd ■

_ I m u i ________________ j

___ m cm orieB o fth n t d a y

- OUR I ' ' G IFT



— :-------- C alU n —Us Soon

. . . I . •-

■ We will be plea? awist you w ith wedding plans.



\ c . i i a■ 2 6 7 4 -J

- “ R o a d 'F a J

y to tow Uie

' V. caused br . , iW*»*«» of aheeo A«h..w tuaatoT*!!« • . . and *««niey i T ^ ‘00 lilac -

^ OUier beensel«ew “ “"

: 'J

r a - - ■

l a l ,

“ s s h s jJdge are treaunenixecuuve ~ '2 , . ! ^ ‘'*’„? '« loped t xecuUve [?****” • "liHe opersUn* . ^

Jam es The InfecUon sUwei 1abdomen and boUi itg^

robasco! Local Rcsidentfi Id kSS Know Warden Best w - S C i t yWayne Colo. - . jj', j

a : H ar. P«Parliig for tnoUier e titarger, evening. .Bnow u jJ' J, Uoop to fall, Duik a la iT th. troop , n m silhouette of tin » Uld P a t PenltenUary on Ui# edge e< b r , L any Suddenly It h a p p * ^ "

oa and ^ »lren tcreams.i.thea mo(i« eybum; anoUier-ahatlerln* ih, , id M ar. 'taelf with Uielr terrlfjinj n i . Jerome. 'Twelve deiperat* coatid^-B ferome; derert, k ldntpen — anaM * Lidlon; crude shotAiins, dubs tnd b in and I'ave batUirtd Uielr blood-sai 1 rntariy: u> freedom In the moil ttwtis ey; Bill JaUbreak of our Umel .-OOP W, Dragging u hdsUgei faur*\y hauser, ly beaten guards, thty fsm Q :e H al- frentled way into hcnuf il 1 o il and pointH er. , 'Ihuf began in Canon Clli s it'enddl; day reign of terror Uisl luniidl:>akley; naUon wlUi screaming in t and from coast-to-coajitM TCaiDT terror b r o k e n c ^ whm a ; Lee fought backl •. trcwp See Uie gripping' story e U-. Jr., tense drama as It tmfddslB*e»s

Slew- oily- and Warden Boy Beftbs laugh, by many In Magic Valley, tW H the- pa rt o f himself. At Uu u« ending HieaUe la Kimberly, a week <ia, and Tuesday.

ased toh your ^

■E. W EST I^ O T A l


■Formerly .

'A good select! and tweeds. 1

I variety_^f col(-plaids and and to22V4.


'A lovely ielec styles. Sharki and combinat Btnall oheckL

'■ Formerly

'A collection oi in box and di wardrobe—bl

STORE H O U R S : 9:M F r l d a n UU «

d ies’ S

4 9 . 9 5 N O W


bion of suits in fine gaba Dressmaker, box and t

lors. Navy, beige, Kelly id paatel mixtures. Sizes

# _________ ^

6 9 . 9 5 N O W

jction bf better suits in kskins, and wooLgabardi ition tones. Navy. Empi I.

3 9 . 9 5 N O W

of Junior and Missei" suit dressmaker styles. Coic jlack, grsy-and navy.

90 to 6:30 '

i o n

W e of

— ------ -C oats

S u its->

^ 3 2 . 0 0

bardines, sharkskins 1 tailored styles in a lly green, grey, glen es9-16,10to20,16'A

iv 4 2 . 0 0

in selected sizes and rdines in plain colors pire beige, grey and

SV 2 2 .0 0

jits of fine gaUardirie^ * jiofs -that fit in any'

.... . 1

^ S i

o f f e r Y o u s u b s t a n

t 8 a n d S u i t s - A b a



m m

ntial savings in 01

a t ta in f ille d sale


A group of toi back style. D«

......... “ andTsharkskinigreen. Empire 9-lB, 10-20, 88-

___ ______ _________________

Bhortie aHd fv and featuring doeskins in pi)

_ grey, and mix 2 0 and Bom«-li

Full length' coi tailored of-shi In Kelly gree beige. SizeiS

I. A handBOzni ee

______________ . g r e y and brow"‘trouserii »v»Ila: M fo llow !:

__________ RegnlM



n j8 ,ID A H g j ~


r a r b i g , A f t e r E a s

l e o f f i n e m e r c h a i

L A D Ii

'S and 'ormerTy 3 9 . 9 5

Dppers, three-quarter, an 5esigned of 100% wool ( ns in a fine selection of- :e beige, coral, tweed m i 8-44 and a few half sixes

Jo m erly _ ..5 9 .9 5

full le n ^ h coats dSiOTe g hojtstring belts. CovI jink, royal blue, red, Kell xtures of grey, orcUid ar half sites.

^Formerly' 6 9 . 9 5 ^

oats styled with flared a tiorVtiVinaj gflbnrdinftff, d !en, red, powder blue, ( 9 to IB, 10 to 20,16J^ to 2

Men’s SmsoR<

coIIecOon pt men‘« sp rin j: * o lU

»wns. S tripe* . sharkBldnfl, a n d p i* labU ~ w ltirM B H - uum beia. Qaaa

-------------rS T S S T Sm 2 ~ 2 ~ ~ 1

I • ~ ___________________

I______________I__________ lo a r i - P i F A J c n n r i f t — — -

■ --------7 ^


as te r Q e a ra n c e _ol

andise-at^low plov

N O W 2 2 . ( 1

and full length coats in I gabardines, coverts, tv jf-colorsi- Skipper blue, nixtures, bladrandgrey. es. ■ -

n o w 3 2 . (

wlth^flaied and yoke lyertej. gabardines, tweed elly grSen, brown, navy, 1 and beige. Sizes 9 to 1^

- N O W v ^ iS i

and ^ k e backs. Beaut , doeskins and Verdona e , grey, navy. Skipper blu

........ ~ ^

------- L . , . .

>ol W o rs te d

SUITSR egularly

IU »t u amixliiff

8 ? I S8 I 39 I 40 I 4 i | '4~ X ~ F i r r i 2 ~ T2~~

— r n r ^ “ r ~"1 -1 a - r

FREE PARKING for on looitnl dlt«ctlr hi hKk i

.V , , .

H s

» f _ B e t te iv ^ - J

w -p rices--= = - J

n yoK« : h ~ tw ee^,, Kelly - — r. Sizes , . .. ■;

6 ' baok»— ~ ~ids and- ..I ■ !i'biahk, "^ 0 to ■ . „V

............. ..........

utifullycrepes. , ...... 'lue and" _ : :

S i

T T I’

n r ; I

» . 'r

iiiiri ot-Swr- l lswr i

_ _ 1 1 ^ t^ J> .f tt l> JM U . »»*«T Uw > BUBScarmoK BATxa

• - BT CAEKlt»-rAT*BLl IW A

' ■■

---------------------- 7 ^

n r t t ^ T ^ .AU iMrtlrw NnlrW ¥t kv «r »r enlrr of

. > h r t> 4 k t^ k> k. r«»laM M klr. •Ill b. b r e r a ^ two* •< Uu Hr«r ran u a l lo lUcll » l t . - ,**,* t!ur^ »r CW W 1*4. i m tm

!\ XA-nOKAL BEnUBTTATr I wcsT.BOLunAY co_ mi 9 ______ m x « itn iim t. Sta rniKhw.

W IY NOT VOTE ON C A sslB tao t B e c r e tu y of In U r t i

D *TW 5on’a p u b lic B p p e ira n c e 1 o th e r n tg h t In b e h a lf o f t h e m in i s t r a t i o n ‘s p ro p o sa l to e s ta

__ :im nbia-,"7aU cy_nuthgrigr in t h e Pw e s t d r e w a la rg e crow d o f l is t In d ic a te s t h a t Idnho f in a l ly L to th e f a c t t h a t a ohow dow n Im m in e n t .

I t w o u ld b e u n f a ir to jtay U M r. D a v ia s o n 's 'r e m a r k s l i f a'iipi w a s c o n v ln c ln s . F o r th o se w h o lie v e in CVA a n d a « . n o t t o o c

. p ro v la io n s , h e p a in te d a r o s y {ili B u t f o r th o se 'W h o / e a r & Q*

t o th e e x te n t o f ( t£ ft& nd ing a n s w e r s to a l l 't h o s e q u e s tlo n a i th e y a r e c o n ce rn e d , b e fo re g iv i t p r o v o l- to -a n y su c h s e t-D p u n d e r

— c o n tro l,-h e -w ftS iD O tT se .e o n T ln c li

» Early in his d lscii^o 'n , Mr. Da' a a ta te m e n t whjch lflf{taelf ro ised

' _ M flm .to .b e a logical question In : . l is teners’ m inds. In effect, h is bU lows:

"W ell have our argum enta, I ab le to settlQ them a t th e polla. 1 w ill keep ou r democracy strong ."

W h at provision Is there for OVA issue a t th e polls?

M r. DaTldson was asked why o t t^ Is northw est a rea ' would ] m ltted to elect their two repres< th e th ree -m an board In contro l < In stead of a il these th ree m es ap p o in ted by th e President.

' Mr. OaTldson had th e answer. 1 o f th e Pacific northw est were pu th e m oney l o r OVA, th ey would

___ to -f ilec t. th e s e jn e n jb e r a , B taa th e c ost would be underw ritten payers o f th e en tire U ntied s t a t i t h o r i ^ would h a fe to res t w ith d e n t a n d congress.

■ KiU-euggwto-anolher-queeWotwould like to h a re Mr. D atid son

- Suppose, tlien , th a t th e people i . clflc n o rth w est d iflded W i ' sue Itself, a s they obviously are . Wl 'j th e y be given an opportun ity

w h eth er o r n o t they even w an t Mr. Davidson says, l e t t l l i^ su ch

— at-tbe-poU s Isthe 'W ay to keep o u i r trong l

1 W hy ahould th e fov e ram en t a i payers of th e re s t of the tJnltec allowed to force upon us aometl we m ig h t n o t w ant?

Xt was clearly apparen t fro m •O h 's rem ark s th a t he expects m fo r g m n ted th a t erery th lnB *

------w o u ld ^ J u a t - r lg h tH T K a b - th e - a d i ij would la lw sy i be fair, J o s t - a n d 'i I— .T h at th e U ttle.ielIow .would alw i i tected. T h a t Idaho, w eakest Btate tl

politically, would never be placc( advantage., T h e r e a r e to o m a n y g e n e ra li l

.OVA b ill, o f fe r in g ^ m u c h l a t l t ih o r i ty , T o r th e p eop le of Tti«'h» s u r e d w i th o u t d o u b t of a n y B uch i

•- - T h e a u th o r i ty i s th e re to d o u s « a n d th e r e Is n o r c t i o n to b e liev e a u th o ri ty - w ou ld n e v er b e a b u s e d a d v a n ta g e . ^

-------------------------------------------J T H E OLT) FEUD IS WAN

•f lrS e s e e m s lo c h a n g e a ll th ln i n o t Bo lo n g ago t h a t g u i le .a f e u d

“ w a i e d - O T M - th i - n a m eh a rn e s s e s th e C o lo rado r iv e r In t o f L as V eg as, N ev.

______w ° » , I t » c m i» t h t p c ap ic a r e ,e x c ite d o v e r th e th a n g e o f n a m e

. d e r t o H o o v e r d o m . w h ic h w as d o n c o a g r e s s a f t e r fo rm e r S e c re ta ry I c k e s h a d p e ev ish ly In s is te d t h a t P r e s ld e n fa n a m e sh o u ld n o t b e w i th t h e c o m p le te d p ro je c t.

—-O r . lo o k in g a t i t f r o m - a n o th e r t h l f m ig h t in d ic a te t h a t tw o dl^ • o n s o f th e w est— H e rb e r t H o o v e r J . K a U e r— n » * lo n g e r^ ^ « s e 8 s th ea n d p re sU g e w h ic h th e y o n ce co u l t h i s s e c t io n o f th c c o u n try .

--------S o 4 o n g - a a - W > ^ f tf lH t r« e h ir e 'P « «f o r p o w e r a n d ir r ig a t io n , t h e fo lk s i to a r e ^ m ofe“ w h a t l h e d a m is

S o m e w e s te r n O .O i’. - e r j a re evei t h a t , a s s e c r c U r y of c o m m e rc e a n I d c n l , M r. H o o v er o p p u e d c o n s tru c t p r e s e n t h ig h d a m . In s is tin g tn a te t ^ a t ^ w o u l d b e re s t r ic te d io I r r i g a t

O th e r W B stcm crs a re a lso d e c p r a is e o f te n R iven Mr, K a ise r a s t l in g o f B o u ld e r ." H is w as o n ly o n e ol p a n le s w h ic h h a n d le d t h e -p ro jec t, c h ie f c r e d i t fo r e n g in e e r in g th e c o n l a t h e i r o p in io n , sh o u ld go lo a

- o t h e r c o n t r a c to r s , p o s s ib ly M -k a n d C o n s t ru c t io n c om pany .

S o m e o f th e s e sa m e w e s te r n e r s in c l in e d n o w to th in k o f M r. K ni " p ro m o te r " w ho wtui f in a n c e d cl U n c le S a m .

B u t IrreK M c llv e of n a m e . H B o u ld e r d a m ) o r w h a te v e r you c a r e h a s p ro v e d lU c ir to be a g r e a t dcvt

A T e t l r « l h o c k e y p h ty e r h a ^ h a d 12 «si h i s iJOjU— th e old sew a n d le w l

■ ■. -------------------------I

u“su'S!i'i.’SK y y j r i .» ) StnH W«V T *li „

„ Tuckrr 83H llll:

41. w A ainw oTO N . __________ i-SS. J r r lU » J l* a ,- L o .

},*** den t .'m uE un'* pr ' — ***•” • telopm ent of bMl

lBt a k c i ~ tu r tf s fn s ra ll r Inv, . tha p re ten t Uoia 1

fufJlclent aojount ^ • - * i.M m e n u in th e UoK I ■ , I »M -.-"On* T eaw n (or

• i j , of It U hlg»»_Uxei« t .» aJ>(l-1uto4h«r-Ux-<

....................... »,»•»» ou t bjr COTpor#Utgovem m m f* propi

•r torm of (omsMUtii unloni such exca ^ w w uhji In they e w vlrtuAlly

" ■ » m p “r.1 — n u o n .

5 7 “ J i J J . AlM questS . C«ilf. - of * sovem m ent j i—— forei gn InvesbnenL

thU u-ould encour* C V A ? them In th e belief

n o r 0 . O lru din BolM .th«_ ___

! n a t io n a l a d - h e b it a n t - aiui la b U sh a C o l- thought of govtms P a d f L c n o r t h -s te n e r s . w h icH Uml’tr d tm o t S R o ris a w a k e n in g tU b le countries eo

n o n CVA is The la test «pproi wtth prospfcUvf■ be

t h a t n o n e o rp p b r t o f CV A LkUn-Amerlcan ro 3 w a n t to b e - U nfortunaU ly foc r i t i c a l o f I ts ? ^AmBrtewi countries

a c t o r e . upon outside csptC<VA. a t le a a t Dratll and Colowb: J s a t i s f a c to r y »>e excellent oppoi I a b o u t W h ich « « " «« be suspiuo 'l n g t h e i r a p - r u m o r — - i f it tr g o r e r m n e n t ' n . k . . - - th a t sen.

-------------------- h a s-b e tu n -to dolll a v ld s o n m a d e5d w h a t w o u ld A s k ^ r d S y - V 1 m a n y n f h la to this i t o i r . U y g, t . t . m . n t M .

l u t W .H b . E " ‘ “ ‘ " "

A P r a o P E .A T ^

■■ . . t i l i n g t h .w iar. W hen ih» tm

ly t h i p e o p le batUeshlp. fo r laots n o t b e p e r -

« e n u t l v e s o n th a t u u I1 o f t h e OVA. hAve moved up fro BD ibers b e in g s« t h a irc u u a

ties. ihlrtA nnd tu I t t h . p . o p l , p o t" '" ta

c u t t i n g u p a l l M IL U O N A IE E S- d b « e n m i e d “ » « • in th a tenu«,

K e p o ^ r r u " "in b y t h e t a x - Anj»Vr: I h m . te f , fU C h a u r tom ew hst pereonsl i a» t h * P r e s l - m.lo <-onemm

Bmerally believed . 1 ■■ . .PCMmiy more, mill

n . a n s w e r : Tha upper breckiI* o f t h e P a - O recn. Rhot h e .O V A i s - { S f J i a l M

(fh y s h o u ld n ’t pin*, induttrial m dto T o te ’o n . V to d a ab trr . MIehlci

t a C V A ? Aa Homer E. Capeh«rt,h jn p .n . .h t . . n r d e m o e r a e y

▼ E T n U N S -T h aa n d t h e t a x -

n tV L . tU tuB and condlUon e d S t a t e s b e tlon, from th e sore ( t h in g w h ic h Answer: Blnce Ui<

tincaU oni to t v*t«n

o s t o ta k e i t vice for a n ex-sold a b o u t CV A regional ve teron t at

f an ln la t r a to r s - -«n*-h*ndy^H fr-fw .r

b # p r o - q n ir te n of any of : In t h e g tp u p luU ons—th e Amedt ;ed a t a d l s - ve terans of ro rtl^n

committee. •

llU e s In - t h e -BPAiK=-’-w n » t'iP o I tu d e o f a u - Spain fell under th 10 to b t a s - °>unltU7 O u r e ^ i . B u ,^ .n t.» .1 g r e a t h a r m . Antwer: T o thi* qu t'C t h a t s u c h Uiere U niily one anii< 1 to o u r d ls - imperil ti l

doom efffcUve open the Norlh AUtntlc |

-------- rvmnca. Portugal and•NING llte countrlw . T h t 1

la -w a a - b e m g - « c o rn ii io n -o f Bptm,< la in - w h ic h f e a u O drtn*t h . v ic in i ty T ^ " , ? '• « " S ’" ;' Action, rt wodld al

, choru* a d ia n re to. n o t . h a l l . s o pftnrin,._n

5 f r o m B o u l- ol reUUcn* wli

7 *H»rol“ l! V I E W S t t h c lo m fr i .o w n i l .v oe ajiSO Clated The tJ. s . supreme i

on Ihe netio dltorcetr a n g le , a l l ll .tln g u l.h rtr a n d H e n r y dlvoreed tirsi «ife his t r e p u t a t i o n ‘j’’ 'fcOhd murrlin u ld C laim in riEhta In the f»u ie, :

been noiie in the c«i o v ld e a w a t e r - -^Hii b« in u ip im t a d o n ’t a e e m court's m«jorn

---------f T u .'e n r e c a l l in g come re.-Udeni* nf nJ ld a s P r e s - Jurudictlon. c t i o n o f t h e decision u t c . . a on on .i t l n g d e s e r t that one who was not

' ■ Bot th e 'Atjjunlity JC ry ln c t h e ootnes o u t of ourt h i *"‘1 fll'-oree, U tO r mt h e B u i ld - tinm iiy g„pcrcfdlng to f s ix c o m - a uniform m u r r iw : t . a n d th e to avow lue ) n s t r u c l l o n . other*i*e ,I c o u p le oT “ t o , t t i , . b* han l «id t h e U ta h cit; on e sn h " aiii *tii

e«lilln>ie to p»t-—NftlT

a t a e r aa a * e eru m briBht n rr c h ie f ly b y for one ot our dirtom.

the w orts uiU i uhlcM H o o v e r o r w ih u in thn t fon-ini-^

. , ^ ! . h ? I '"S » Plewnm.lookmj! B lo c a l l i t , th* str«»i. he inquirf< A *cl0pm enc.' mMl?mol»<>Ilr*'' .

•"i'M. a v»irl lelUe," t

^ . «ood grub la Ou* ews?-.


I lR L IG IGf Uila T«mn> Wstblniton eerr«ponda

D illam fr^a* lntOTOttiotStl**pnMn it.-Quwtlonf in»r l>*-»»nt'dlr»ct“W B l lllllcrfX plsot, f a tty CtiM«. Ud.

ON—" I. am no expert on finance U jt-Angrlrs, In fflnnwitlnn-wllh I program for-Am*rican**ponBored di btckward oountrieB, * ^ t fore lfn v n im'olve riik 'cap ltal. a tuT riik cap l& l i

na I t no t avAllable In even for inrest-

U oU ed-Stata.(or Uie p n se n t lack

txe* on c d r p o r M I o n i . .E ^ l j : 2 ^ ^ ^ | ix-on-dlvldendTpA id -aUona. The federal iroposal to glvd labor xcoAslve power th a t K lAlIy deslroy a bust- ipunlty, 1* Another

uesUoni the w U doa H | [ | | K F | r l t guarantee for these • _ •_ . rents. He Argues th s t ^ surage forelKn countrlea to natkm alla Ilef thn t. under such a guarantee. th< in b u n a the victims of eonfUcaUon o

Answer; Pre-ildent TVuman't orlflnA irrunent tupport of these v e o tu m bd- « a laid on. the shelf. In -fac t, oongrw lu f g lv tnf tn is aiiurarics,' tave ln "i , for American investm ent In th e m on I covered by the MorBhilll plan, proach conslsui of negotlaUntr treaUei

beneflclartcj untJer wh/ch they «gre< Amerlenn firms and enterprUe. W«

«oed tAlk>,aloR« th itU ne-w lth-sevenu Roy(£oments.fot -tb* W hite Houte pU n. even

■f these -oonveroAUghi, e e ru in South ries h*v*Jmposed/hBAver restrictions c tpttal. Two DotAble examples are imbla, where there were luppoeed to pportunUles for development. They ilUous ^of Americans bearln r f lf ti.-

It true.* asks M n . W. R.. Ooncoi^ len. M argare t Chase Sm ith. M aine, doll up w d dress more fartldlously i from the houte to the senate?" lor Sm ith 's friends—I did no t da re to r -M su rc me lh a t there is no tru th y g sl reporter- lnform ants blam e the rUcIe by a humorous cotumnUt. Be Mrs. Sm ith when she w ta dining

twankr hotel, and wrote hlm teU a

'E—She never wore loi- heels o r oo-so he s a l In the lower chamber. She ituff th a t a woman In butlneea would I w ent on InspecUon tr lp e -a b o ard a D Blanee-the did pu t on oomforUble

costumes, a t do her maKnillne ool-

U tbe m en wbo spruce up a fta r they from the house to the senate aide,

tt more -frequently, go In for sm arter tu lt j, and. generally, t ^ to look Imace of a aenatorlal

“How m any mllllonalrra are lAte. and how do U»y divide a* b«< t* and ..nepubUcims?" asks T J .J ,

Ite no su lhen tlc . tlallsU ci on this isl query, and 1 certainly would not ssm en's 'financial sU tus. Dut I t is sd th a t there are a t l e u t seven, WllUonalres In the uppgr ehatr?h^r. ;rsis. three Bepubllcnns. acketeer eonslsL-t of Son. Theodore Rhode ijland , dnlierlied Indusirlal •H arry P., Byrd. Vlrgliua, <apples»: tau. M asfacJnw ttt. cTnhfrlted ship- and bank holdlnw ). Sen. A rthur h . h lgan. (netttpapers orfguislly). Sen. Irt, Ind iana , fjukeboxra); Sen. Jnm et liana, (oil, m in e ra ls , cattle); sen . JM ahm a. (oin. ;

■he w riter raoetrat m any letters from rans in w ant asking If the ir economlo' Ion enUUe them to allowance o r pen- tovemment.

there are to many different claa- ■terana of this and other war*, i t Is » to answer each communication In- :hecK up on so many oue>. Best ad- soldler Is to tell h is story to the > admlnU trallon office, if there is

t drawing. , ........... -0 congult a n arivl^fr a t Uia iiaad* or Uie recojnlM d veleronn' organ-

letlcAn U glon. Dl.iabled Veterans. Jlin W art, the American Veterans'

-woUlJ-happOT - In Riirope .today, if ■ the dom ina tion .o l Rusalan eom*- ^ l ^ seems to be pursuing the by t ^ U n g th a t nation as an ou t- fe chow e the Icsscrsol two evlUJ"1 question by M.AX., Ebemburg. P a , answer: A SpAJn domlnairrt by Mo*- I all of western Europe, and probably perauon of -ih . M anhaU plan and lc pact. U nder such circumiitances and lU ly m ight easUy become sateU u M rdU aranean m ight become 'a

Jcsl coiulderatlon* have blocked iWn^Bo ftfr. Foreign MlnUter Berln

ncemUtg Amerlean* for Demon-aiir. also five the Molotor-Vljihlniky

wllh Madrid seems assured.

1 O F O T H ^ I R SSO THE BOOM ON KENOtie court certainly lowered the boom 3Tce ruckei in lu S-4 dccUlon In- tnwd to a ^ e w Horen, C onn , m an. to disinherit hi* second wife, since rrlnse bigsmoui. and to make his Ills widow. Hsd there been children

rrlsge they would hive been legally 3Ul nam es and wiU^out property e. Fortunately there seems to h r te

c«»e Involved. But there prob^^W .

rfAwmng li p robsb lj cor- TJHiTniiir mc»i of the others who

<1ivorc« rio not in goori f»nh be- r Nrvftrta snd th tu subjecl to its I

s cruel one. nnd Justice J*ct«on 'f I rrrcl.y enough, to IU. abturd side.« • caOnM h it widow, and

his widow.

S.-V w r like to fre Washington c m - 1 ig the s u te sovc.-nmena we th in k I

and divorce is* must come such ridiculous sltusUon* as this. ! *e going to InrTease u tirre roes

“Winre.t 7U!3» still have lu finmbUnfi *i;d U>oul<J s‘ami>* rVee Pre.-a,

n M u n tA T T O h ?:r e :nrookl>-n Uri. who Li chtuffe im nc om nu in Pnrl.v ha> not yri found irn lo obUln Uic ms.-iy thtiiw he ■n-:rrenttnc cnpllsi. Otir dsy mpet- inK m ldfllf-ftctd prrnch«T»nsn pti jlrH ^ I t t r l y . -Pnrlj'.voo KliClUlu

s.- she replied.ned th e BrookljTj t»y . “S»v. enuM «1iere T fiilrttl Ilne'up »euln»t fomr {?'■—WsU Street Jo u ro a l


................; ; ' v r

VL" P O T '

s S h o t s ^ ?»-nsr “ - — —

mce,'* I " _-------m g BUMJkWBT^^--------

vSiJ* D«Ar fo t ahoU:----- M owthal the-otohn aeems-lo-hai

paated about Twin FalU bels m endiy or lioctlle. wtio wonT F ra w h a tJ u w . without addlng.up.U: >'f«rs" and "agUu." I t appeared t^ ”fera’ had a marked e d g e . ''- I f jo p ll-a lla w -m e -to u(P. s . n ou i.O o ahead) I'd say thi Twin Palls can be either a friend] town or an unfriendly town, dc pending oo w hat the Indlvlduj wsnUL W hat I'm gcUtng a t Is tht I w ort In a store and toma of ih

■ ■ eustomcrt tljea tdn 't hava a frieni " .m Anydpe *ho acts lUe a clerk In

' ito rr-U their own private urVAT coulda't ttand a chance In the ~b1v

allae and Uke” of everyday life.> u>e And tomathlng else: I 'd Just abou Q or w acer Uiat th e w ooan who ita r t*

■ It ti'O fiiw Inrt tn«n »mi>H «♦»,anything tllke tha t) Is <1) talent«

final in soma way: <2* frustrated, (3> n a p - newcomer. <4) did I t to i ta n .a rm

irea^- an d j5 > aoTTT she sa id 'any th ln f. in a Lost b u t . ho i le u t , didn't yo nore throw most of Uie "aglnt" Into you

wastebs.iket. Potsy? (P. .S. note sUes Only one—It was too personal).

w 2 • . . .’ PUPS FOB KIDS d e p t !

A male A uslrallan shepherd wlU >uth''’ a-’glsM eye la Available a t tha W. C Ions I<Awyer place two miles east and oni ar« mile north of Hansen. The pooel

J to teems to like children. He declde« t,e y to establlth his home a t the Lawyei


ord . TIMES CHANCEDear Potto:

" V You've heard those rumors aboul ' how anxious au to dealers are lo sell* ” u»ed cars. They a re n 't exaggerated

It's quite a change Trom tills tlmt last year when -Tiooky" wasUier be-

" • Ban making people long for a nlct auto to cruise around In.

' * The prise offer waa when ona salesman (who'd never seen the

, „ missus end I before) handed us the keys for one postwar model con-

8h« tertlble.T a k e It o t i r Sunday." he aayt,

iMa Around. If you Ilka^ ” It. maybe wa can make you a good

deal."hey .. * “ fanning ma when I“ Y finally popped ou t of it. rter . . .

FAN MAIL A local man who sells a potato

are now and Uien received the folbwlng b«. card from .Mr*. M. A. S p n tti. Cliar- j.1 lottcsvllle, Va.:

"I like your polalocil 1 wUh Vlr- jiU glnla-oould fittw them as goodi I not Pyl auet. peanuts, ralsliis. eie,. In

Is the empty 10-lb. bags and Ue them en , In a tree for squirrels and birds to>C£~ In Winter.__ if a fun-to-w atel>

them so you see the bags are used, ore too.-rlal Oood right down to the bsg. But a ): K «eems In o ther recenl esses the lr>- tcm um er wwBflT>e>iM to e«l the H. bag and throw the spuds away,

eru < • .e ? FAMOUS LAST LINE

•. ;T B ey , 0 ie"8nndayrara sur* rolling a n a n d fa ti t"

am GENTLEMAN.’in T n Snio FO in iT H n o w« - ----------------------- -— — -----------------

I R b-a t t e r

J . . W JjiwS . . P O P U L A R

' d Crulifng Dawn The Rlrer:If

he □ All B 'lh t Louie. Drop The I t. O on: Oodles gf Boodln —

Wesson Bros....... .............n ea , □ Evwywhtre Yoo Go: Ho<r It

U n . How II U«_Crn.M,ylly and B\-elyn K nlslit ..... 7pe

D lf Yob niub Yonr To* On The0 .” —Blng Crosby ...........................79,

□ K ld rn In The Sky: filtifle Saddle—Voughn M onroe____79c

------ ^JL _ W £ S T E R N . - — ..

□ Someday Teu'tl Call My

□ T hat Wonderful M olhrr 01 .Mine; M -O .T-H .E-n.-Eddy

S Arnold ..................... „,7*c□ The Sweetest OlfL A M elhrt's

Smile: Paper Boy—DUie Sky m ®°>-» •• • ...7»e

□ Alabanu Moon: Tennesseen. T»*f*_ppe Wee Kmg- ..........7»e

is Records a n d Albums for0 M other’s Dny GlfU

r D Of >rTlng B erlla-A l•e Ooodman

•- _ g * * ™ ................... »-s>

,t ...... - . . M Jl^ □ Mother: n i Se# Yen Again—

Oladyt S w arthou □ Oypey A lr ^ F l r i t Plano Qusr- t. te l ------------ ------------------ . , , j ,

1 O M E B BY MAJU, . ^ .

i* Order records ths easy way . . . by* m a a Cheek the records yea 'want.■ and mall this ad with rrm lllaiu*.^ iBclBde yonr name and addre««. and[• ^ for pe ttafe . AU prleea tnclods

j •

| g ENTEBP B O S B a e rh

: V e « to Orpheom T h e a t« '

nlW ASH IN G TO :[ PETEEm W A B ^Q T C H ( M U I - I f ] ^ are Uiterested la what'a the m a t

wlUx U u railroads of th is .count one answer may be found by ttuc

I lng the make-up o f -U w - l l- m T T I n t^ t a t a commerc* conunlulon

or t i n of the commissioners do ave tba-Woik..One of the coounlsaloni Im U blind. Two are 14 year* old a: xm one, ju t t reappointed for a sew al Uie year teaiu .U 71. .Only one comm: the slone r-1# under 60. I l i a t Is t

newly-coollrmed H ugh W . C ro is ,: up who admits he know# p r« tic a

tu t nothing about U>e raUroads.dly Of the 11 commissioner*. oDljr.flda- had any raUroad or pubUe uUlltl ual experleoce t>efore they were , attat polnled to ICC. Two came ' 1lha through tha ranks as 100 cartnd. men. One had railway labor backl)> a and one was recommended by t Ult ICO practlUoners—Uie associaUi tvB of lawyers who plead cates befo

the eommlsslon. Three knew noti 3ut tng about the raUroada when fli t«d nam ed to IOC. •— art T base-ara the vital .«Utlitl«B-(

one of the oldest and moat ei n® trenched 'of the government regul: 0* to rr agendas. ICO was f ln t se t t

■ AS su body s3.yeart.aso-l <« now occupies a seven-ttory buUdlt

full of fUcB and figures, has 33' employes and has asked for a budg of over tlj.000i)00 (or nex t year.

> I I U to fa r behind on Its dock< th a t^ ra ta l-y a a ra would bo requln to clean It up. even If o .nev<

Of were filed. I t takes m onths ar C tomellmes yeani to handle a maji „ cate. . . .

^ W hat has happened here Is thi the 100. lUe so many o lhe r M vert ment agencies, has become boggc down In IU own red U pe. I t Is root or le u neglected. The railroad tra^

' preaa follows l u in trleata rtUInc wllh professional aelf-lnterest. Bi

u t no other govemment agency An ell nelUier the W hlta Bouse nor tli

consress has the allfhtost Idea < nc what, goes OQ thera. or: why. e* Tlie result is Uiat Instead of ih ce 100 reguUUng the railroads. Ui

n llroads pretty much ge t w hat the ia n-ant out of tho ICO. T h e commU

alon needs a g rea t ahake-up an le new blood. The great problem, c

course. Is In finding qualified U ler Uial will work for $13,000 a ye*

'i . and tell tSO.OOO raUroad presldenl ‘a where lo head In. xl As proof of the fac t th a t ICO U

forgotten agency, ask any of you 1 frlends-even ra llz p a d e ra - to -n a a

one or more of the honorable com mlssloners. By way of re-lnlroduc Uon. this Is Uie way Uiey lUie ui The first five do most of tha work:

u, Clialmian Charles D . Mahaffii Lg BJ. KsnsQS Republican. E e la ' f. Rliodcs scholar and P rlncton profea

»or of Jurisprudence. H e served a p. ouom ey for tho old O SRR commU J slon. Uien went lo lOO'a bureau 0

finance, from which ha was namei ^ commissioner by Hoover. In 1030. to J. Haden Alldredge. 63. Alabami i). Democrat. He made a study o rt rreight rales .for T V X ^ h lc h woi • him appom im enU o ICC.

„ William E. Lee. S7. Idaho Republl . can. He was an attorney for Norlh , e m Paelflo before being elected-1<

the Idalio supreme oourt.Richard F, MlU:hell. 60. lowi

Democrat, former Iowa supremi

! . . S -

' Give the' oilier - ■ ~~■ fellow

Aiei/f a mtnute lo

, onswer

' ~


~ " j

1hong up j


- T iu m o N i t i t u G u r t i t f c


3N CO LU M N B’!

REDSONyou court chief* Jusllce a n d Democral

latter naUonal com m itteem an. Ha w m trr , referee In' a 1947 adJusUnent boa tudy. ease, which he handled to well th -m an he was recommended for ICC a; Ion. polnUnenl by lta p raeU U oaers.-

lo '3. Monroe Jolinaon, 71; Bout oners Oai«llna-O am oerat.-H a-w aa eolon

and ox an engineer regim ent In U r als- spanUh-Amerlcan wax and in U uni** rajabow division of. W orld war L J

the aucceedad tho lat«' Joe_EasUnan 1 s . Ml ofilM bf defcnM Irahapo'rliillon d Ically T vctorrand-that-w oric-haa-U ken-l

most of his Ume.Clyda B. Altchlson. 74. Oregon R<

Ul*« publican. He drafted Oregon's ra l ' *1^ road 'law and was general couns ' up for the old R R 'evaluaU on commli

tlon. Known a t “fa the r Ume" he :klng eupposed to be quite a singer as ’ tha le td j (he ICO male chbnu .

Carroll Miller, also 74. Vlrglnli bom Pennsylvania Dem ocrat, was

S. r «a* company official and consultlr

W aller M. W. SpU w n, B6, Texi » '“ * D emociit. He has Been a -unlversll

professor, dean and president. Ii alto served on the T exas rallroa

't up commlulon. He Is now blind.-3ohn CrR&8^rsrM..T6lin*S»o-IU publican. He was a mllrond slioj

3-300 man, tlien an ICC locomotive Ir ■dKcl spector. He studied law on Uio sld ar.. and bccame director of JCC's burea «ket of motor carriers.Ured _4W UIIam -j,^PBiter9on,'69i - N ort ■•uti. P ^ l a Independent. H e took b coc and reJitendence course In n ir brakes an

lajor became an ICC safety Inspector. H rose to becomtf direc tor of ICCsafety division. .................

Uwt Hugh W. Croas. M. Illinois Re e m - pubUcAn farm er, law yer and polltl gged clan. ]utt appointed lo succeed th Dore laU Commissioner Oeonte M. Bar rade nard, Indiana RepubUcnn. for a te n ingt enOliiB Dee.'31. ISSQ.But ------------------ ----------

King Hill People ‘ Report Activities

KINO H n i . Aprtl 33 -M r. an< l h - ^ O- T aylor and-aons. Welsej ? iZ of he r fathei"I*: Prank Parry, ahd family.“ “ Dill Carnahan. sU tloned a l Pi • Lewis, Wash., has com pleted . ai 'em gnny operaUon of variou

sited trucks. >F. A. Coulter and toni 'spent th

week-end w ith h b parenU . Mr. am “ “ Mr*. F. Coulter. Em m ett. T lieP0« ^ JJ^ McCrae.?” ' Mr. and Mra_ O eorge Ro&eberr

are p a rta u of a son bom Aprtl n “P- TeresA Condlt. PorU and. Ore.. 1

former, local acbool teacher vlsltei here recently.

5 * Mr. and Mrs. Lee T ra il and fatal!;I and Mrs. MUdred C arnahan am

, family were recent visitors with rela Uve.1 in Paj-etU.

Tied Rogers ancTed Coluom, a ll Boise, wera recen visitors a t Uie Clifford Clam plt hom^i

^ — Rt^ciit vlsiiora or


: MAKE tM:roe



w tim y

Yes. th e ^*cw G y r f m n t I ilK o w n so u p a t th e c o r

_________ .in v c H ^■ou t im e . gt<h o m e l i ^ i l c y o u r w iush ir

ONLY THE BENI I ADVANTAGES!I 1. S o n p s . so a k s .'T * n .sh c j

I 2 . I m p ro v e d “ T u m h le -A A C T IO N g e t s c lo lh c s

.“I. C (* l8 le s s to h i i j a n d

, P lus Onr Mon

i D E T l


SY New' Officers Are - Installed for-194

By Rupert’s P InopERT, April a»-N Bw « f aw ert Intlalled by-U« Lincoln act

I t h S **TA nt a meeUnr UUs'waak. - 3 ao« “ * • offlcera ara M rs. W,

. E u c la r^ . p ru ld en t;. U ia . Ro) _____ Reed, flra t vice prastdent; l

®puth den t; Mre. Emil Oeck. realacted^ reU ty r and Mra. Ronald -WhM

‘ Jb" treaaurtr. .T J o h n .L e n t, distric t offlin M ^ In c h an e -o fU iB -ln s ta lla tl n Vir. M M .JohnO anoprtK n ted 'M ia .1

-Wltb.»past_prfsident’i.pln,aDd.^ pretted th e iroup’a-appreclaUon

h e r work.A report on Uio h o t lunch pro tr

,unsei paa given tij Harold Peterson, p i t ip a l of Lincoln school, “n ie gn

ho u approved the• and by-law i

PartlclDatlM in a raund ta .InU- dlscutslon on Stantal baaim w iras a Mrs. P aa rl Taylor, c o u n ty . qui jIlliiE ^ o fo tta Bum phrJea,~ tsaciur; K

Kenneth Henderaon, rep re ten t rexas parenU. and WlllU Vandiver, P e r srslly -hig-school-principal.—reprewnC u He the ministers.Iroad A program of songs w as given

Marion Schroycr's lOO-volce choi »-R«- Mrs. .f a u l ,B«um an-w a»-progn Uiop> chairman.s I n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, side GO TO CALIFORNIAJreau EDEN. April 33—Afr.- and M

C. O. Rolce left Thursday for <ortb-;Cttllfomlar They-w i cor- accompanied by Mrs. Mauda Wi

• a n d dell. Twin FalU. and Mra. Swi r. He Boise, both slslera of Rolce. M tc c * EUiel 8 lephen^ Jerome, who t

been vUItlng In CaUfomia, will 1 tu rn with the Rolccs.

1 theBar- Dames were her moUier. Mr*. M« l«nn tin Luclch and son. Oeorge. bc

SeatUe; Stere Luclch, Boise, a ^ r * . Ex-a Dalrymple, M ontpelier

ies l ■1

^ ' ' S S E ilh. I J V I H B iAnd u ■ —

n»«y fjJoyd S _ '






g g l ^ P /


intlc BetitJix A utom atic W nshcr co rrec t time. Only B cndix has stcpa and aoan nn wa.ihdnv. Y.<

h ing is dune.


lies, rtnRcs and dam p d ry s cloih

e-AcUon” . . . New cy linder dcsi hcs cleaner th a n ever.

nd use than any o th e r wa.shcr.

[>ney-Back SatisEactl

W E I L !


r f t o r , day atichool Mra. LydU <**» .

former B urlJ t^ ,^ ***

to b e rt b o * p ( U L - - - ^ ‘-“ i-<fctw ^^ Mrt, n r.i|i...

r n . . , ,

— a 'K in - Burley cczscicrv

“»tS ;.,Students-BalliirW ar- HILU April JJ _ nIwan. named leadlne » SM rt. “nd nioit popuUrh a t “ ost popular girl, anJ^

\1 n . __________________ i m t u ____ ^ high Kbvu

_ OpES TO CAUFOR.VU both P lL m , April n — Mn w and ChAse left Pridiy for t m ' t

ler. relAUves In Olendale. CtUf.

___________ .THla-FiIk— PBone

a i j g i i i *


b m E c r r c o n n e c t io n w mVANS ALL OVERTH2 0. &

— T u jln F a l l s P ftonc 218

F MOTHER'ji' m a - ' f ' = =


r e v e n m c M u rc a —R th e am azinp new doviM Y,ou_dQn ’t even need to t*

:h e s e

Ih c a w h ile yon r f t . « o r " i I l » r

, i l [ n w ilh F O K C E D T F A -re ii -

tlon Guarantee


I P u b O ^

E d e n M an PoinI A rea , W idespr

«nH f/lrtf .tiT T>ar«• t o IM» Ha j 3. when our lullon

only J7 ye*i» olfl u id lu ffm n r t r o m r w l n » P*J“ - •n w m u jeffer»on, lookln* » cttitury o«Ljn<?Tp into tb« future, corapleirt

------- t L M g o tU U w ' forr»- u rse imfx-■ '~~pJorw i £ i r t 0 / l i a i «P*ndiag Jrwjf___1 Um O qW of M fiCegJo C intd» «»

tb e ' north—lhe * « {fm boundary ■ “ being IndeflnlW lj th* Hoekj- rooun-

UUu.ThU m t te rrlto tr l»t«r b«am* 11 ititn r tr lrin iit OUahoma, Io«a,

MUdmoCa. KantM. N tbruk». Oolo*

I rtdo . North D»koU South Dakota. MonUn* aod Wyomlnj. Th« pur- 1 chAM price WM tlU X C m and t kDown a t the Louulana purcliaM. i

T odiy. W r e a n iat«r. tn our c iO fle Valley of MUthem Ifliho. Twla m u countr aJoM. a t norm*! IMS crop, would par the t entU« Loulilana purehaie prlc« four e time* over and perhipe be dupll- t

i_____cat«d-b]<-J«rom*-eouDiF.----------------JNo wonder lhe B tem eal World e

publlahed a r tcfn t bnlletin -0 «r«J»n ti ID th* DeMrt" Wlllnf bow our Idaho e Power eompanr, by cooperatln* wllh reclamation In dereloplni a rlvfr.l

* * * *

Settled, He ^sks Stray Dog Action

Editor. Tlinei-Newi:Kow, th a t we have the d o t roa<

chine question MtU»d and a new mayor for our Une cJiy. ererythlng ahould run amoothly for a while i t leait.

There If (tin one luue tha t la ‘f l r ln f a lot of people. Includlni my* ^ •elf. esuee for complaint, and per- I hape the saw mayor csn do ioms- i th u g aboul tha t. I t's the question ot strmy dogs, or d o p oa the loose.

w iiy do people who do not hare d o ii ot the ir own, aod do no t wanl u y , to be pas tired with the ^ docs of aomeooe else who doe* nol ' h a t* aay la terest In b it dogs olher n

I than to own them, aztd doea no t care C where they areT D te dogs became •uch A DUlsaace th a t people seek re* h,

- Uet trom them through unlawful u d dangerous m eant a t times. f.

PmonaHy, I would like to eee ■ “1 Imw enfoicod In Twtn FalU th a t J I ' would n d our city of useless and un-

Beceisaiy dogs.I I have no qu a rre ljrlth dog own*' . e rs .bu t la a y let thoee whoown dop I keep th m ........................ ... F , U . lO BE R T «,mrtn'ms) ,p

$150 Fine Levied si —— In^psyJJriviBg t

B D tU Jn rr April 3>-B1U Picker- Bj lng, Rupert, wai floed 11(0 In pr*- n bate court Saturday morning by Tt Judge Hcmy W. Tucker on a charge le: of driving while under the Influence M;

------ o»-lnt<alcaUhe-llquor.— Judge Tucker also suspended Plck-

eatog's dnver'r license for ooa year.B e WM arresty i Friday. , '

I. F. Youth Named s.' President for ISC

IDAHO STATE 00LLK 3E. Poca- Ve: t«llo. April J J -N e ll Humphrey, Ida- Mr no PalU. has been elected student terbody prealdent hero to succeed WU- allUam Polaom. Twin Falls. I

Othe^ officers chosen are Cecil bocFUnl, Tice president; Oomthy Wag* In

. oner, aeeretary, and Dick Lord. _ r - l t t u u f t r . ; A U u e from Idaho Palis. - -

Clyde Hawley, Salmon, wm named 1j-ell leader. pu]

----------------------------terTWO TRANSrEBBEO for

BEUXVTJB, April 23-T ransfer of two Idaho Power compsny work-

- 2 ,“ l *'** '* * " announced. Jo* * Olahn has been sent to Swan falU and &'ereit O-Donnell win work s t I",. low ersalm enT alls. They and their families will move In the near ftiture. g *

— J IThe avera«* lenglh ol Ufe In Uir j5

Dnlted Stales Jumi>ed'frnm <9;« g years a t the beslnnlns oT the rm . S tury to MBS ye a» in m t. «n in- ?

. - . c r o M of about 17 ana otie-Usir^C '


f EVERYBODVSFRIEN D I... : . ^ k !



UI c u n . n u m

“ ““* I . ALSO 1ST RI

H®sMiiv* I./OW F a m U r P r ic e * ♦ 80e

* Chlldrea Anytlm

^ - F A O l S t l

Forumi t 8 t o W e a l t h o f

r e a d P o w e r U s e shad b«lped iR-lumlDf ft^« M rt in to

L i J K f l tn . , . . . .—___________________ _\ In this buUetin It sU te t t h i way r southern- Idaho peepli tu e •l*ctn* t city Is eye-open tng as they use ! nearly two and one*half UmM the 1 national United 6 ta t« i average and• ir* "u ton iih tng htnr Tdaho-Powtj* r £U tt«inini'-ui4~'«lactncar:nxaBfBir I wat«r h ( s ( « ^ ^ d all kinds of_Blec* r trical "what noU." a ll at~a co«(' fcv• elecUlelly of only about tw o-tliirds '

tha natlooal Dnlted 6U t«s average.ll)e Idaho Power company's In*

, vestment In southern Idaho wUl :soon reach $100,000^3 — naarly iseven Umes tho cost of Jefferaon’a iLouisiana purchue. I t Is o v se d by IP.500 stockholders residing tn all 48 i su tes. 3MS of whom are ratldenUof Idabo. I

All of thU garden tn t h i d is e r t ihas been accomplished In a tllUe 1more than 40 years. Today, o u r <priceless Maglo VaUey and ou r Id a - iho Power company, Uke T hom a* jJaffusoD- and. h i. i.n .n .i .f t . [m.f- _ chue. are carefully proCecUng otirnatural resources and planning ‘ a ,

i century ahead. 'OUY F, STU RO rO N ,

(Eden) j

I * * * * I J

Opposes CVA; :Editor, Ttmes-Ne«'s:.

I want lo congratulate you for I I' your firm stand against a OVA. I t I am greatly encouraE£d,Jn op- I * posing OVA to see how a le r t the )■ people of Idaho are becom ln^ to I o 111 dangers. The great«st hope of « defesUng thU m ovem oit Is an T sroused clUnnshlp. J E

. JOHN SANBRON 1 P (Hagerman) I

* U

King Hill Pioneer S Claimed by Death ci

KINO HILL, April a j - o u y W u - ^ too. one of thU oom aun lty 'i H r*t pioneers, died of pneum onia ro - ceatly a t hU home M O hihaUi.' Wash., according to word received htre. al

Mr. Weston was weU know n lo l< IhU conununlty and in OJenru Ferry , ft

Word o t his death was recdved u from U n , 0 . A. W alsh, San Ber- « nardlno, Calif. Further deUU i were n lacking. . .

T r a f f i c F i n e s "R. X. Hawley paid a 110 floe and ie

w u assessed I t o o u r t- c o d a for Sj speeding. Allen BchUfler paid a » 0 a. fine and was asseued »3 coaU fo^ m running a stop sign. W alt«r R«es« paid 13 for Improper parking. n

1 *‘*wera ** 2Hr"ThayB r.''L 8. PattyBrerve, Bill Branntn, CUlf QuaJU, Twin FalU H eclr^ company; R . j . Fuendellnjr, Tern Qlese. O. O, Reed. Mr*. Wai* ler Todd. Kyla W aite and Andy O’ Myers. cli

Infant Succumbs «WENDELL. April 2 J - J a n lc e Xll-

Mr. and Mrs. Jim L, Dudley, died S? Snturd&y morning a t h e r home.

Survivors are he r pdrent*. one “ jrolher, Leslie U R oy; one alater, __ /emadette; paternal grandpsrenU . P ar. and Mrs. Ray Dudley, and ma* *rnal grandfather, TarU UcAfee, ill Wendell.

Fending funeral arrangem ents the i »dy rest* a t the W eaver m ortuary r>e n WendeU.

~ • i t i - ATTKM) MATINBB BUHL. April 33—U ncoln school d ,

)uplU were dismissed T hursday a f- emoon lo attend the maUnee per- be. ormsnc® nf tli* senior class play a t he high school auditorium. m

A Frenchman w u credited w ith P he first free.niBht parachute Jump n Parts In 1797; he Jumped from a alloon a t 3.000 feet.

! PLASMATIC T H E R A P Y 8 j For Arthrltl* g; D r. M. H. M ncDONALD gI Chlropnutle Phyalelao Q F "

T O D A Y ! ^ ^ ^ ^ j


wi* M m r M '

** ****'


S o f i ® I

•MartUNE■BiitmiBMWH [lc .Mal,v * 10c E v ta . . 1Ime 14r 4 \

I B r i t a i n S h o w s

- L a l t e s t P l a n e

D e v e l o p m e n t s

S WAflHmOTON, April 21 O iA - BrltUh officials today took th 4 m p i of! one.ol th a a e r e t waapoa

” with which they hope to ehaU enr-Am»rlean-domft»*nc*-tn- irw ld “ * ttxaniport-and fairly loon.

„ Looking for beyond convmUon* e D. a luzunr planet, t h i British Zh

BavUland A ircraft oomp«ny U com< 'gf lng up with th i O . a IM OcoMr-i

je t .p to p e lU d '-» w # p t.b * o k -w tn i trin tp o rt designed to ow ry JS m

» •engen:a t M 0*im iM -ui'^tbu>la4bi^ cmooULalr a t 40,000 f e e t . ' e. Tikes U A ir 8»on1* The first of 19 OomeU *boul(II tske to th i a ir (IH* yeur. Pum q* ly gets wUl be riding In tbem oo v tr ie 'a roulee soijKUme In lSS3M)#WlUni ly to, lhe B r l t l ^ I n f o r m a t f f i S i n i ^ » A government ggency, y £ S s vIS If tha.Comet w in do i in Q g il a te *

u r , tha United a u te * apparen tl; -t will be lucky IT I t can m e e t 'th e e British challengi by 1SS5. T bU con- ir elusion U based on a Unltod P re u • survey of A m tr ln o a irc raft manu- J facturera and a lrU nu.^ Ptve'T oB n'B iU iidI V. 6. uecu tlrea, gtncrmlly are

agreed tha t th li country oould no t develop a Jst alrUner under five years evea If work ita rtod Immedi­ately. And no work Is known ta hove su rte d u yet. P riva te Indus­try hssn’L th» mnnoy, emmwit - h u -n o tT g n M -ld - u w f l^ write development costa.

O rest BriUIn. reoognltlng Amer­ican superiority in pUton-englne traw poru , skipped them entirely -lUter tha war and rtished headlong, tnto Jet development. I t banked oh overhsuUng ih e Americans on world a ijfa i^tfter a few year#. Tlie Comet U Its entry num ber one. BrlUln. however, also h a i o lhe r Jet plana projecU and so doe* Canada.

The. Comet "will be *ult*ble for Inlercontln^ntal se rv lcu genetally,” tha British Information services aald. "nie flrat two plaiw* for the ministry of supply, th e 'o th e r l i for BrlUsh Overseas Airways

i corporaUon and BriUsh South . American Airway*, which h a re Just , _pooIed their operations. Th# *ervlces , M d :

Crwv e f P o v 1 “ Tha Oom*t wUl carry on oper*

atJonal flight craw of four and up I to 99 passengers, actomm odaied In . fuUy-recUnlng choirs wlUi adequau 1 leg room. There will be tw o toilet . compartments, a l a r g e . luggage I room, and a modem galley."

WlUi Jet englnea. tha p lane ahould be fairly free from vlbraUon. I t wUl fly 300 miles an hour fo iw r nnd twice u high u America'* present International transport p lu ie s . I ti four OobUn - engine* wtU develop 6M0 pound* of Utrust eooh.-glvma a ' toUI of 30,000 horsepower a t 37i miles per hour.

Shippers Choose Leaders tor Year

BOISE, Aprtl J3 OP>-Phll Borup, Frulltand. was elected president of the Idaho-Orcfon Shipper* asso^ claUon today.

I^» Rores, Caldwrli: was named Tice p resid e^ and SterlUig John* •on. Parma; wijs cvelectcd treasurer. Named directors'w en Bohjp, Huyes; •Twn-Bumlngham-end-Sam-Hartley? both of Nyssa; Reed Robinson, Homedale: John Yoder. Nampa, end Sco tt Brubaker. Payette.

Cornell Teacher Gets Post at ISQ.

POCATELLO. April 29 (OB—Dr. | Donald E. Lupflberg of Cornell uni­versity b u betn appointed deam of iludenU a t Idaho s u te collese. ’

; - P t * l i a « t CUJ -WTMelnloeh^SFa Dr. Lundberg also will be profes­sor of psychology, B u sppolhimeal becomes effecUve June I.



SE E F r td e r lc k n o n ’n Ad o n

__________PAGE 6




F O R T ^

l o u i m • loiiT r m i • » i i u t racpu

«»l u t ta M Uf.M*.i*,

rr-s roN-i'ENiENT —r r s MOTO8 IN CARB H

C.V-DEB THE STAR* I. . . i T s - r r s TOLTt . . . L )

3 L a s t i n S e r i e s <

l e ' P r o g r a m s S e t

i t s ' * * * *

r v r

n s > j l l f 7 ' I B B g i l M f f S r r n i l


t n d

n ^


-- Hagerman-GirLIs-- £t Victor in Gooding

Lions Club Showlu*- OOODINO, April 23 — Barbara

H liiliiii..g»im ium . .ftuu Uiaiujglie IW'- in Ult Ooodlng Lions club ta lent

show held Friday evening a t tha >er- Junior, high school, rtne Competing In the event which et* rely traded a capacity audience were 37 ong entrant*. Burley, Shtfhone, Hager- oh man and other Magic Valley com* on munlUes were represented.• ■'

srs. ..Eugem. aibbana wss-jfitmU^- p t

Jet were W U l I a R L '^ ^ L ^ ^ o J V ^ n l da. Roe and Harvey Wood. M rsT l^ M for atone waa In charge of IntermUilon ly," activities. Judges were Mrs. NelUe ces Ostrom, Twin PalU; Mrs, Helen L. for Smith. Ooodlng. and Aldrich Bow- her ler. DIKvsys Second prUe winner was Donna ith Alaatra. Ooodlng. and Lynn Wood, lu t AlM Ooodlng, was third. Honorable ces mention wenl to Bonnie Cady, La-

Donna L*mbert*on, Bert Walker, Kenneth Oomher, and a amall band ecmpoeed of Gary Holman, PhUUp

UD Duane Orlfflth.,J; Cash prltes were given the top “ three winners,

I, , Purpose cf the annual event spon* sored by Uie Uons dub U to discover talent In Uie area. psrtlcuUrly tal* enled youngster*.

"I School Students w Rob Safety Car17J ’ PORliAND.-Ore„ April 33 OIJ&—

The Oregon highway safety com­mittee dlsplsyed , a wrecked auto­mobile a t jf tc tU n d hiRh schools this week to dramatlre bod driving

The rtpdenta stole:A radio s« t> re ar view mirror,

ip. aerial and hom buucn, the front of seal cushion, dashboard clock, two ">• taU-lIgbU, U>e windshield wipers.

hubcaps, door Imndlrs, one dome ed Ugbt..t»ot.K lnduK » and Uie rig h t n* front Ure and wheel, er. ____________ .

j j l -------- —n u i- E L -T O EAST'n! BUHL, AprU 33-M r. and Mr*, la. Mnrvln Oarljon departed UiU week

for an extended trip Uirough tha east, Xhey will vUlt In New York. Maryland and Washington.

Today’s bloodhowTlHs.belleved to ^ be de.icendert Jrom n houtid brought ^ acros.^ the chnnnel by lh Nommas'

In the i n h century. r

i ""-arl E W alU Hl l . A tto rney n t L aw

Announces the t N E W L O C A T IO N




m N U E O N O U R


:ING„Y0Ur - S U N D A T ^ ^

DRftMA... I-o i the Frontier'i

P j p ' ^

I~l trC-


— ir s I N F O R M A L


t h j i s -n iiw b , tti

o f T o t o H a l l ;

it f o r W e d n e s d a jRobirt m e n , ypuag ftdnntun

asd picture ptodtioer. will bthe Ottol ip eo k s-la th* Tmrn U •trie* of procrami a t * pan. Wedn i day at tba high achool tudltorius *eeordm «-to-O r— WoUaoe-Bow pm ldiS t ef Town HaU. H i wl tpeak-crti—HoHday to-PrtBce.*—- PMtre gained early faaa u ai adventunr when h i itu ted out i the age.of 13, and la tha n u t I yean rliited J8 dUfareot eountrlc aad-eevarwt I30,000 m lle i.-A l Uwugh-ha-ha* . bcea aU. o»*c-ih world, h# hu.aoToUd taertj>r.hl time to LelUi-Amerleaa-ceuntfle

WhUe In coUege at Uje tmiver»lt: of Michigan. Friers bet hU room maU IS th a t h* coiild go around thi world in tbe yoor ahead. He itartec out with $13 In hla pocket, aod li a year v a i bade, having leea mon of th i world and expirienced mon odTsnture than n o i t people en r do

A gBb tongue and a ready Irlst wit h*T*' modi a favoriti al orer the XTollad S U tu and Mtxloo

Befor* h i wa* 30. Friera bad vU- . lt«d evny n a te tn the United 8Ut«

and Mexico. Re had i«en ever? provtace of Canada and had tramp-

- ed-to-Alaaka;-----------------------------Another year found him valklni

through Central America to tht Panama Canal. Lack of funds wai

r never a deterrent. Ee lived oa na- Uve food a t a cost of U cent* a daj

and hitch-hiked, walked, rode bur- r roir~ aad—paddled—conoea > down ■ 7uhgU'il«aSTo*-mM£*-lbe-lrip:—

ATTEND FUNERAL EDEN. April 33—Mr. and Mrs,

, Curtis. Daoh, Wendover. Utah, and Ererelt Day, Beeler, Son*., were here to. atU nd the funeral services for U ti^B erlha Spear. Mrs. Duh is a daughter and Day U a broth* If l ^ t te l a ^ B ^ y . •

& TRU ST(T w in F a

a t t h e close o f bna:

RESOlL oans and D iecoup ts . B ank B u ild in g and

F ix tu re s ...........................S tock J* ed c ra l R eserve

B an k ................. .. ........ ..O th e r A s s e t s ..... ...................U . S. B onds ...........................$M unicipal B onds _______O th e r B onds ....................

C ash a n d D u e _________TronT B an k s _____ .

UABIl- C ap ita l ..............

S u rp lu s ............................. ..U ndiv ided P ro fit*R eserve fo r

C on tingenc ies ............. ..D ep o sits :

Tim e _________________ « :D em and ........................... 1-;

M em b er F edera l Dep


T ti tn ta IntJmati, itlrrJni *tory of Ui* tnin mllllflng / f f ' chaeret!...Df t h i . 1 ^ * shy romance the 1 % ^ - . i crowds fisver il«i»w...and th s ^ .T s icn t-h fl-d a ra l -VrJ-tfef



10c T I L 2 :00 P.M.—60<


l y

S ta O f G o a t w e e d sSailBfl- UOSOOW, April 33 M V -Pour tail um, planUngi of f l t John iw ort beetlet n d , havi-ba«B mad* In Id ah o .a n d .N e i wUl psrci counties by th i University oj----- Tdsho-agTicultural-ejtperlminl-eta-

j n tlon. These a re -tb e -b u g » -th a t will I mt s tane to d ia th before they wUl eat 1 13 anjrUilng bu t fit. Johnsw ort, known r i u also u goa tw ood-and -K lasia th^ed Al- DtUrmlnlag w betbu th e beetlu th e »U1 csUhUsh. th e m u h u In Idahc .h it U the f ln t J t a p in .a -itu d y -to -U n d ie a . out how much help eap ba expectM slty from them In control o f one of the

raNdly sjreadlng range weeds In th e fdaho. CQoperaUng are. th e la to^ ■ted mology, agronomy, a s d an im al h u i- . In bandry department* and th a U. f t Are deparUnent of acrtcultura.« re iDiUal colonU* 'to taled 13,000 do. beetles, half a cpecii* naUve to rlsh Dorthem Europe and the r u t s a - a ll Uve to eouthem Bufope. I f theae

iM . ipeciei do so t readUy c o lon lu o ther ^ sped n may be tried..{Z "Ta both CaUfotnla and Australia

Uiese beeUes are gtrUig good ac- counU of themselves In oontroUlng

J _ goalw eed.'T uya-W .J.Barr. a u litA S t , entomoIogUt a t the tinlveralty. Barr Jp f snd 0, L Seely, weed reaearch agroo*

omlst working on cheailcal p h a e a of gostweed control, a re directing

j jy Uie coToniang tests.

Women owned an estim ated S40,-

St Uie end of 1M7. -


SE E ...........

' the Condition of


Falls, Idaho

Dslneu April 11, 1949


? 4,588,275.48

- •' 111,489.61


..?6.630.876.54 • '- 415,148.20 ... 100,181.44


.. 4,732,470.55 H ,878,67(5.78


;IUTIESf -800,000:00 -

300,000.00 ----- ;---------9 i,(y o ,4 2


5 1.688,780.74 ' '14.228j718.28 $15,817,499.02 ‘

$16,553,368.04 epoeil Insurance C orp.

t u x T O U A G A I N

• M W a • Ort,!^ W , hr 6«ia«


iOe AFTER 2;0fl P.M.


i - K g h l m i n g B o l t

® l o P a r a l y z e s T o wU ' OOEUR D’aLSN S, April » m . A alnile bolt of Ughtalng struck he r | a Iw t n igh t disrupting power tran■ IB m uslos In p a rt Of t h i tow n fo r mo

Utan an hour.1. ^ doo llng sh a ft of 'Ughtnli

^ The W u h ln g to a - W ater Pow company reported ilx IransforTOe b t o n ou t tay tb e heavy voltage the bolt. Burwmndlng a reas wSor, ed s o ilmUar w eather happg jn g .

X l^ -•-V-IZTgEBVlCEB-BLATEb- • ' • OLENNS FER RT. Aprtl 33-O I( eon sodaty rep resen taU m will cot

‘ “ duet lervlce*. a t th e M ethodl ehurch^Busday.____________


£ ; Z -


‘ I



.T hursday , A pril 284 P .^ t and 8:S0 PJtf.Ticket* o l Sale by


/■ • 'I m

^IBIr ' '


( i i n y i

H o t o a p .n » , ^ ' ^ w a . o , * « - ercUe, i i „ t bnu


i» e r

? E2EI™; SUN, - MON.. TC>dUt —





, C a n o n


S S S ’.'S.-SSfsfi!< « tu u u (M n u a ta^

Doors Open — Evenlnp T3I ' . Sat. and Sun..JlaUns« 1:0

■ 5 5 5 ^

j ^ ^ W Y o u l I h M n ' W 4 „d For HnH

- - i f t r o u S ta b W ^ I W O i . l t o M " '

" W h o n liS o B ^} t lm .7 " • "B l" ;

Doing N oU J»|^


n m

p : - ' A l ^ ' B o y 8 t o

i;; : • H d p J a y c e e s ’

b A n n i M E v e n I. JB iO U K April s s > « u k a B lm eoancU Bor SeooU tn d lesden wU)

____ „ a > r t ld p » te Z la . ttu iutcwt(l«.,uw)pe e o i« t to 1 ce*p ftUho jrw a* ' J o a to x a u m b tn of Commere# la

“ th w e •errle* • m i of Ihi'eotmcU u d to Judge the coDtMt. Moordtns

" to Robert DeBuhr. «eld execuUre. T h . t i rmMr*! “te tP Idiho p r « -

- - m iU M reeenttrim naunew f »-to*______of HJOO to cMh »**lSl_’irtll bf.

glTen to wtantni tnopa of tha™ ;;;L _ f lc n n tjU a ti tr t« .tn ,th» »ut«.______

W rrt priio WlU be « S f »econd p r l» , *19, tn d third prtic. M, for ftffih d ljtrlei tn the eouneU for tba

......... _^ thM «..tniap»_deTelo!Jini_«J*.niorttoeceasful pTOfr»mj'»lth ft "keep

■mn'* (heme.F r lM win b« bued on (1) win*

dow d ^ lo jr dtrrln« the week ot......... Jud* X^3S.. (3) K drusktSxnUon and

t«lk 00 (Ire prevenUon U> b« riven b«far* the d rte ortaniaU on spon- fcrln f the troop, wid fJ) %a «t>Ievement report to be bwed oo orlRlntl Ideu and olher m e prevenUon fceUvltlei carried on brt iu t ro o p . ------------

-------------- Jack • RotUerr-poWldty- -direotoeior tbe (ovemor'i committee, an* noimeed that more -tree*" would ba planted a t itra tejlc epota. “How- erer, we are not only deslroua of

----- w am lnf highway travelei*. but — w a n l 'to f tt 'a 'T iM p Idaho ire«n '

— ‘•-^H W igrT 6-lvepy=1e m # r- '» e ^ i* lc enltetlnc the aid of B07 Seouta,

who har# their own fire prerentlon procrama. wa are hopeful of reaeti- tcv erery clUzen tn the .state In mn effort to make people more flre- p rtrenU oa oomcIou*.'’

Twin PaHi Jayoeea will h a te d i a r p of pfomoUnc and Judflns tbe oontait amon< tbe troopa In ' BuhV Rlmberly>HanMn-MurUuBh

' “ and Twin Pall* dlitrleU of th e ‘ coundL Burler Jajrcees will have

.o h a r te of tha oontcst In Burley, Ulnldoka, Caatla and JU f t River dlatileta. Jerome memben will head

------- tba.'pnwzm a am oof the troopa l a ■' Jerome, Ooodlns-Camaa, U necla li

■prf Slaloe dljtilcta. c1

Organization Set ‘ For Church Pack;

m to ia z . April 2J - T h e m ib y - “ Mrlan church wlU complete orfanl* . M ttoo Of a new Oub pack for a ll ' b c ri t to 12 yean of aga a t a m*«t* k tf ot parsnta and ehureh leaden S'

J. a* 1:M p. m.Monday a t the Bhuich. * ■eoordlnf to the Tter. WlUlam Per> <> due.. A Oub pack oommlttaa win be V

— ^ u m e d and will aelect aaetatary dea « nu th a rt. dea dadt' and a Cubmaa- b tm . Datea for tha weekly den m eet- n. In fi and the monthly parent m eet. b< Inga aUo « 1U be establlihed mnd 1« memberahlpi will be accepted, ai

n e ld BxecuUre Robert W. De> Buhr will acdat parenta w llb com- tl pleOnc charter aDpUcaUoo p apen aa and tha ftsa l p a c r onantaatfon. I t

Tha R«r. Mr. Perdue itiaaied t t u pl fac t th a t an boya In Je ro n a who «■ wlah to become Cuba m u it 'h a v e « th d r paren li attend tbe training p]

. meeUng to laam of the ir raapond- Milty ln_ th e .p u ^ n t_ p fp g r im . . . p,

-jGeorgeiJhentWill-K Piled for Probate "

A peUUon for prbbala of the will J J Ooor*B A. Ohent. Duhl. who tfled Wednesday, w u filed W day by a . ' ■ J . Amoi. BuhL ' bo

The WlU, dated Aug. 19, 1948. « ' w e r a an ealate. not exceeding *18.- *£' 000. - • . • “ Wc

Mamed tn tha 'wtn a n a iM er

SSl* ^ J>' el uhl, aiiduSi DeBtt*ianSu “

Arlvacn, A rl t . ^The peiiuon MU b« h e a r t a t 10

a .m . May 18.

_ Three Men Sent - To State Prisoii

lenteaced In d tsm c t court to maximum te rm , of l ^ a n In the au te p e n lt« m * „ . • e re to Boise S a t u r t a T SH . P, Pftjb. tiAie director of di^

S .th e board of eorrcctlon •T ha thfM men. all of whom wer»

• l-awrenc»Adaina. 3H, WRlte Sulphur 8 prln£t. M ont, mnd U Vergae M. hou.'ve. 37, 8a n u Pe, NJi4,

i^ so rier P a ^ ’ FineP^rre it E. Brenner, a . BoUe wmi

tm m t l,, S T L t T -day aftiT puyins . U4 fine. He waa arralCTird m Justice court and I pleaded KUlIiy to d raslnc a cheek I Uiihout fuffielent Mnd.1. I

He arrejtrd T huod« r for I



W h o 1 « * ilt U ldB7 th # P o u n d o r


. T ra d e I w ______ T w in F«D

M e m b e







Shewn abere a n fire m e s ib m of 1 aa enragetBeat. Tlie yeaib i were taki anywhere bad the n im e of tbe tr life One Ud feU Into a bank op (« h it w Bogbette W teegar-ttaff angnTing)

, • •

M embers o f Boys F resh O u tlo o k

BUBL, April JS-A lU w utb they ii mn m prafewlonal troupa .m o n or. cl le tl used to tn rellng around the country, members of the Denton, T ex , t» j i ' dTlo choir are much the la o e a« aay youngtten tn itrmnge u, territory.

T h ty arrired h e n Prlday arenlng m a fte r th d r tHxle eunihlne ipeclal had made a aide trip lo Bun Valley , t to let the bo ji »ee the famed re- jc a o r t, IK

Although Irapruied w ith t h e w] fn n d e u r of tha place. lU glazfiour waa-dimmed by the huge amount n« of anow a t Oalena aummlU tn

Lairy Gallop waa the hero of the mj group, for tbe Ume being. He feU I t waljt-deep tnla the anow, AU-th# bo boyi had wen mow before; but pe never oo thla tcale. There wasn't a boy on the bua who could think rery jij long of anything but Ure waUt-deep b t enow. Jjj

Richard Alien wna voluablc about tei the great number of' pheaaanLn and aagoheni leen along the road. Near- gn ly erery boj had a aouvenlr of bright kh plnmage gleaned from a dead phea* tu: ta n t aeen en roule. The youngitert tre couldn't rcmcfnber h tving teen a 4,0 pheasant In Texas.

p ro b to w ith -the groop.-All the “ memben w en lo ttu best of tplrita mnd ready to look over new eoun- «« t r y ,^ M l^ U jj , .w o u ld be-glnrt to Wll get hofte. Merlin Robinson Bounded ^ Uie tenUmenl of the group with UUt reply; . J

-Not too glad, but klnda." !S;• AMMdtag lo -Don Henrlch the _ boyt Uke Uie choir work. The younR- s it member U Bobby Pannell, 8, In

ttl rd grade, The oldest la John b u t^ w fonnerly waa a aololst

TTBTellng Wllh the organisation in -O ^tfB t-B rtW r-laadar-m nd-d i^ ; rcctat:-M n...O . .L . .n o u g h to a -mnd-

l » T O U | D ^


S A L E S• M mock W «t PottoJflee

P b « . U



d RetAfl ,f C a rlo ad . I

BE I -eed CO. j>n« P h o i , . 401 N

p e r g o f B p y B ’ F a m

of Ibe fam osi D enton. T ex, boya dv takes «n * to n r e f th e Snn Tmltey ai life." .They were Impreated by (he de t w abt M d immediately became thir)

• # » •

^ s ’ C h o i r K e e p

k D e s p i t e T r a v e l’ Mrt. J . Hoyt Boles, teaehen and ‘ chaperones, mnd-tha bua drlrer.' According to Bragg a regular • Mhool period la observed, even ' though traveling. Saturday morning I Ume b o u n of regular eUa* work

w en held to mmka up for two days’: missed work.

AU m em ben have g n d e t well above average In the ir regular school work and are receiving a liberal education from their travel

I with ^ e choir.Meznben a n selected on a com-

peUUve basis and each candidate m ust m eel high academic require* m enu along with hta musical ability. I t Is non-denomlnaUpnal and all boys In D enton are eligible to com­pete for membership.

The choir ortglually w m »ubsl- dlied by the D enton Jun io r Cham­ber of Commerce, but Ita popularity has extended It to a community en­terprise. .

Tours wero beiiun tn 1B4T by the group, which l i the youngest of Ila kind in th e concert field. B efon re- turning to Denton ihU year th t troupe wUl have tn v e led m o n than 4,000 miles.

Traveling costume for the boya is compoacd of blue Jeans, white ahlrt, a maroon*«olerwl slipover aweattt, maroon h a t and uniform giry over­coat. Concert dress conalsti of black with -B h lta -au rpU ee-and an Eton " C collar.

Forty per eent of Uio Industrial life ln.iunineo purchased In 1947 was on th s Jives of women.


FUR.S IS OUR 1— -----------------POR YOUH hV

of F u r Storaj^e 1 trolled M orale , is n l T H E FU R and mothii an we ciwt.^ no more a

........................ - i o r j o ^ X t i r i . _ B :

S to re y ou r F u rs p F U R SH O P i f yon p to look b e tte r and la Call 418 fo r a boa M n * « r .

T H E IN e^-to Orph«um

lined C h o i r

I dvle ehoir, which ts now In Bnhl for y area F riday and typical of f o o ^ t c n B depth of tb s ' snow a t Galena summit,

tbe “hero" a t ih t groop; {Photo by

Slioshone Office I Is Purchased by

Gooding Concern“ d SHOSHONE, April 3 3 -T h e Lin­

coln County Abalract eompany was Iilar 90W b y R . w . Orove to the Idaho ven TlUe company, Boise, and was then ling resold to M n. lieuru Lucke, owner w k of Uje Security TlUe company, iy s‘ Ooodlng.

' au abstract records of the Sho* well shone office have been transferred Jlar to Ooodlng. Orove will remain In ; a business aa the R. W. Orove Bgency. ivel handling real esUle, Insurance,

loans and accounUng a t hla present an- office. - late Mr>, J.uckt eayi the wilt be a t the Ire* Shoehone oourthauae Mondays nnd Ity. T hursdayi from to a .m to 4 p .m . all ----------------------------

"" Band Project Is S; Asked at Gooding

OOODTNd, April 23 -T h e P arcn t- 'n - Teacher association and Cham ber of

Commerce delegates have naked city eponsorahlp of eummer bond con-

It* oerta. Instruction of band sludenU re- during the iummer also waa aaked “>• mt a meeUng of the city council this 1“ week.

The conncll asked Uiat new mem- j « b e n of. the councU Uklnir office on If:- May L g lv t th o .p ro je c t.favorable


------Praise Given------OOODINO, Aprtl M -P ra isa for

the m anner in which snow wsk re> Ife moved from d ly streets was n o d e on In a le tte r lo clly offlclalt bj» the

Ooodlng Chamber of Commerce.

T O i

m r F |

— ai the —



fR B U SIN ESS! Thnt Is w h r yftu p k-UKS a l T H B F liR SHOP. M nkw tre encouratre pelt de te rlo ra lion . Si ue, in th e most modem v au lt In : JR SH O P. Complete pro tection frn well a .1 th e benefit.^ o f ex p ert ftirri

e and aM nre« yntj of th e b est pos i._BY_A F O T E C T E R T I ,

s w ith T H E E x p ert r«rpftir n w an t them in;; a t low1 la*t lonjrer! CleaninR nnd boad«d a P n r r ie r ’a ■

f u r m a m g in

f u r s

: T r i a . - r A L i i i 3 , l U A i m ---------

C o n s t r u c t i o i i

I D e c l i n e T o l d

I I n P ^ s t W f e e lI AppUcaUona for building pennl■ d u itn t th * p a it wtdc droppwt-fra■ th e p rev ioua^cck 'i figure.■ Tw dve po m lta covering proJeci■ «wtlmtt«id to ooat |7,M0 w en aougl■ d u ^ n f tb a jta s t week eom pand wit■ lB tm Je c U w lth '« U :M t« r ra U 'lo l U »iiiny $37,890 for the prtvloua veel I BU Bids FiledI J Applications for six permit! wet■ filed Friday and Satuniay with Ui■ d t y d a r f c = : ^ r - - - . ^ - z r r . _ - - H T h t McCormick Invw tm ant com■ pany leeka to replace stucco aldln B With alum inum atift xemod4 9 m partition above TrvUnger’s phonn■ mcy a t 144 Main avenue souUi. Ea■ tlm ated cost of th e project Is 11.00■ ' R . H. W hitaker plana to move■ •38-by-3g-roontwenin»'trom“BiD I Lake* boulevard north and Falb mve■ nue to th e South Park addlUon 1 I th e etUmmtod cost of t i m■ A 10 by 14 foot addlUon to I dweUlng a t m Addison avenue _l I planned by CecU O. Jones a t th I cttlmatMl cost of <700.. .I Oarage PlannedI Harold O. Jam es eeeki a pennl I to build mn 18 by 33 foot frame ga I rage which will have a concrete floo I and foundation mt 777 Pller avenui I ' -sattm Btcd'cosrof-tbs-proJcctls «S0( I A basem ent la planned a t STT Tay I lor Itree t by Rosalie Font a t the es I tlm ated cost ot tl.OOO.I W arren Larsen seeka to build 1 I 14 34 foot addlUon on Uie r«ai I- -of-s-dwtilln* a l seo Buehanan etreel

T BsH rS«-««=<.r-'tK »---im >jK t=tJ I *3.000. •________________

: Doe Owners Told Of Tag Deadline

Dog ow nen a ra reminded by CIti Clerk ConsUnce J . Letter April St Is the deadline for 1949 licenses Only S3 licenses fo r 1940 have beer purchased so far, she said.

Licenses are available a t th< clerk'a office. Any dog over tlJ

1 monihs old m ust be licensed.AU dofft not properly licensed

■■ collared and tagged are dedared '* public nulsaneea and ihaU be lm< ® poupded.It License tax fo r each male 01 ' ' spayed female dog over the aga ol ^ sU monUiS U »3 per year, whUe Uw

tax for every female dog not ipayed, > over Uib age of six monUu, Is U d per year.

\ $499 Sought for Injury to Child

I Judgm ent of (400.65 b asked by ^ Mabel Irlah. S3& FlfUi avenue west,

in a complaint filed Saturday In probate court against Harold Vance, route 3.

The am ounl Is for alleged dom- f ages and Injury sustained by 4>year* t old Larry Irish, non ot Mra. Irish. - who was Injured March 30 when he f wns thrown off n wagon seat and r Into a plow belos pulled by a team • of runaway horses. Vance Is owner I of the horses.1 The suit asks »313.S8 for hoaplUl I bills; tl39 for physician and sur­

geon blUs; >183 fo r physical Injuries . ond coats of the suit. J . H. Barnes I represents Mrs. Irish. i • ' " '


■ We Do Orthopedic Work—Reasonable Prie»—

I 111 SIIOSUONE 9T. W.I In PerrlDa Bdldlng

u r s


p e l tii» _______________»hirt m ethods Scientific con- Miigic Valley

•nm fire, th e f t ^ricr a tten tion .Hvsiblc service

ir in c anti re.<rtyT* sum m er r a tc ^

1 Klaiinc ax onlv '■ xperienca w ith vel

H O PPhone 413

Fish for Supper1 - P irrSB U B O , T ex , A p A » (*»

- A j Mayor D. O. RoUton of P ltt» - bur» drtnre over Cyprea* creek.

; k . The angler Jertted th e line, tb« mlla fish flew Ih n u g h tb e mir, mnd from landed tn-Roliton’i oar.- T lia t'a

w hat the mayor bellevea happen* jecti ed. Anyway, w h ei h e arrived light home, th e fish w at in th e c a r tn d irito he had i t for supper.____________

„„ Pre-School PTA _Sets Installatioi

S ^ ' iSrtallatloii o f - n n r offlctra-w l] S X highlight the-A pril meeUng of th

Pre-School PTA a t 8 p .m . T ueada Eg. In the Idaho Power auditorium . M n 000 Morton CuUer, new council prea

Ident. WlU conduct Uie Installatloc 31DB " D u rin g 'th s 'b u s ln e sa m eeting i kve* be conducted by Mra. A. StAnle: > a l Christensen, a review of th e recen

family life conference will be glvei0 n by Mrs. Jam es H om e and m d lt B_li eusslon will follow,the Plans wUl be ouUIned fo r thi

May day partlei io be given i n thi schools K lday for chUdren wbo wU

■mil a tari tchool Uils faU. Pmrenta o ga- children ot pre-school age a ra in' loor vlled.aue. Refreshments will be aerved. aoo, — -,. 1 . . —... .

' t School ElectionBUHL, April 33—Buhl scbool dis

1 a tiiet voters »U1 be asked to roU w w eoneiday on a tax levy of 'nlni*«t' jn it ts 'fo r th B 'p n erB rn m a 'a n fl^ o lK - « m lira rth V p lty g ro u n a 'im 'd g ^ n n a '

dum fund. This la tha m axim um a l­lowed by Uw. Voting wlU be helC In the high school building from J toO -prm :------- ;--------- j —

l e iI

^ C a l l l n t h a E X P E R T

C a l l i n F R I G I D A I R E

l i ? A cecnpUt* tb* o< producti. ‘-Hbded by ovtr M yaers-*x*

p«rl«nc* Ia anolnaar^O o"*manufgetutlnB.fropM rtlactlen qnd Inttallolloa of •qglpmtnt fo fit yoor aaod

I d &p*rtMfvft*, when you M td IL



" - a n d o n j fmmgives you

Live-WaterWashh 't Hia Frlgldolra Aufemotle \ thal B«ti dolfiet really d e a n oul eony -w lth Uva-V /otar od ton

.entire .WQihlno-ond I* dona by rollinB- currant* of w a ltr—no hord robbing ond h to w io r out dottiev And If't tha Glra Automollc W other th a t's » to keep daon—Lifetime Porcalc lido and out, rejijfi scretching, •oop.ievm, blooehas, dirt!

• »«pJdry^(>ln B**t «l»*h*» hw ct. •om . nody le Iron.

• loadt frem lop, na tteeplnfl• UtebU flel lop

• Con ba tuin^Uontrallad tm t- -

• No boMng rfowa

Come in / Sec tr <

LADIES—Brinlt In yoar L F i if f id a ir e

"If UH




Ia t'a - ................V j E S ^ -«n-vod ^m d . _____________________________^

on --Tfiu - -’ ^ " W f m i X S .aday V a W “f lH W

f” **tlon. r f j S S tg toiniity

u . . i ' /r f t i t Ith e U t / B \ a l ^

a of I

b u i f t p e r | c r o p

- ' ■ A l

I Grand .assortment < i -versatile sun back: " -designed to tal« ^, sumrner. . . every i

) Skthhii: A fiw fi••

. i yiiVUyNWgkn... n«»tri‘ '• tW>mb<ejr,..»ytl«l»«. Junior I

J b.oW.r«l. . . . y.»5 wllh ^

[ ' I B lj i r M A is r A


ito m a tie f t i

m 4I

shing!ie W athar outomolf-

tioni Thotind rlnilng - . . - . . .. ________ -

o f deon id tuooing rha Frlgld- 's *0 ao ty -calotn, In- ng, w ater,


i r c t r ta r . . . I . f

m apaciat ------- w A ^ .

- ■ ^r tfemonstmtioitr L au n d ry ;»nd 6e« I t W ash ed Sp

■ u>€ cent tjrolc* U - w t toon't ttU

i i 0 1 c o t t o n v o iu e s l

I a t freshly slyled coHoiu

:bwilti boleros andslola ke you everywhere this r one a marvelous buy!

' fro« eir (olltdion. . ;.f.*ro«l Todf. . ^.r bglch.i llA.„ chD«b,cr,h«orti*

ond lo<i wcom^«<^|UI ............. *.M ------- •

9 1 . .AVEmiE WEST . . .


s e 0'asher

5 3<4.75 D O W N _____

1 3 .7 5 P E R MONTH

SpM ldnjaeM toU*’*'*

i D i r ~ ^


g J S i . IMS

S ® D a y Forme

fl^lfcy’s A re ?T w ednt

■ ^ ABril 35—M v o r Jo f home In 8>J

^ ~ a u n ln « -S * tu rd * jr_ A B rll -puno,—Mi. > '^ i , ,* i r - * i e d « r . l i lM P r t - sou thern Ii • ^ i h t r u t ImpUcftUon# of tlon. AJblon

la •ocial. pollU cil a n d d ty of C»I1; " “tSi TietorB of tho world’s u > » h t Jn B

tipm 1033. t^ w - f o r m e d«y •W ,ceo t* r- •A iajat to l K”!”}?. B urler-m unlclp»l’ t i r - tleld. She s

for th o '-d a y ’ aro in 184J. »n( i i f t t 's m n e t h Burry, chair- teacher in ■ * ?? .S Burlcf ju n io r Cham ber She w u i

J awonauUei com m it- Bhe U w rr t . t ? l S a; m ; 100 school daughter*, nu^lay and s u n o u ^ - H an « n . Ba!

Kf f V m . alrptan* r ld a i will be

i V lO O buslneia jwople i « ^ f f f^ been aloft before. They

? .S . to ir lhe Burley a irp o r tL S S r s r d a y r M T e f i j - u B i u ---------1 •» ^ S « 1 lu a h l UWlhy f J ^ r r o w U i t a M h a ^ J o r , j

^ ^ ^ d e r * d l r « U o n of O het |^ B9JM. ^ c c w tra e f * a U

__ If iS S ro a m uie. Inv ita tio n * 'lo ScMwUtlon are being handled • f l lS gr .^rvlce clubt.

Iowan Appointed For Cattle Stiidy ^

- i v n i e r r y o p i d a h o , m o *.- ABrtl » —W aller R . Harvey, ^51 t o b«n appointed Ui d lrK t ^

pbut ol the new fU;e-stfttc - -Jfl »tU» breeding re iearcb p ro j-

‘L « t t l prw ent la a member ^i S Io*» 8lat« college a « rlcu llu r- •jlidiltT. President J . E. Buchanan

his appointm ent aA as- S S d iir y husbandiym an a t the snnlV'* eoUege of agriculture. I(tCtbonUng with Idaho In th e

iidipaitfflent of asrleu llu re pro- l i w Colorado. U tah , W aehlng- a loi Oftgon. The proeram will o h ibe ctuMf and prevenUon o t 7 ( 11]fMjlsf fiUuret In dairy cattle . jjBctatment of H arrey U effec-

11. Shortly beforo coming q ,1 Ite unlrenlty he will have re - iM hla doctor’! degree a t th e , q knichoel. □

KOSnTALlZATlON BN P8 5rU B im D , A prtl.3>-M rfc L-ulu Q

tab h u been re leau d from S t □tcM hoepllal a t Spokane «-here ; ttipent »lx dar*. Bn rou te home. I b ipenl a few daya w llh her (Kjhter, Mrs. Earl Burton. Plum - „HT atie It itaylng a t th e home '• i i t i (Uufhlw, Mr*. C arl Nftah, j tot ; ^

Itxithplcii of gold and aUver were ;tM9'U>«d by the R o m u u . who ; jltAAiM the lr 'tee th w llh a ' n i ^ - ;AMknoirn a i "denU fridum ." ........

-----------CR E P A I R

i X l ^ H ELECTRICaiie fuuIU tlra

! HODDEO-BUITB PBAV^ IMKJ , «iO Mata Arm. H- ,

y # 7 f iT’S A ^

new zenith "BUCKSTfM-AM RADIO-PHOH06I^ * |h « ^ g t n u i n e Z enith;fltiillt7. *>WU JTJU EM TrttlnTif^fttK iiTTt^iViprica—the T w in C o b ra i /or Slandird ^ f d » . genuloe 2cnith-Ann»trD ni I R «dior£an.Long DiaUnco AM

In listeninc pleaanrel And exquisitely nil period cab ine t of ecnuins Mihoff

with tw irl fro n t d o o n l l t n i ty I P'fcc of cabinetry , C h i » e thie handac Po*erful new Z en ith today l

CARNESHome pwn<

107 -'2nd Ave. 1

^ —

ler Teacher Empin r Burley Dies Revi

» -W o rd v u A - O luogei Ire Friday of t t e d e a th 'o f announced .k U V on P ra tt n «n w n . 48. cla& of Smjuriey eehool teacher. She The-newine«]ay afternoon a t her feet. ?llghtJ3alt Laie CUy following a Held a t a:Jilltaeu. . . T he 2:00 p. 1J bom Aug. 3S. 1900. In pinne to 6 |u .- sh a -g raa u a te d from n ish i arnvt

Idaho College o t td u c u - Fllghta «aon. and attended Unlver- and 8;M p.illlomla, U u Angelee. She uies lalerBurley Junior high cchocl uie. ottlcUli

. when »h# w u m arried loI &oior»-T«-Hanaen.-F«lf- ^ ^I a o T rt to. Balt U k e Olty era. Williammd had been a robeUtute and Ralph» the elly eehool# there. two alJWrs.I active In the LDs church., Angelee. (irnrtved by her huiband. two Redlande.I. Jerl-U e and Jo Jean and burial 1U lt U ke Clly; two broth- In SaU Lak


Make your home happier, Doro at Kimball plane. KlmbaU pisaoa ar« cot

net jBft aaeenfaled, >ta KlmbalTi pUoa factory. QsaUiy s tu d a rd a ^

tbe n a a o KlmbaH fam eiu fet

:ar o f f coupon b e lo w — F iU o u t a r

J fN T L n rtN : I AM INTBBBffrED iw-

;} A New C0BMletl«] A SllfMly Ueed Spinet P lassI A New Apartfficnt-Blie rU n o .n A NeW Baby G rand Ptaoo\ A Deed Baby Grmad r U Mj A Good Upright Plaa*j In Tour Eeotal-PorehaM ria> la w i«T<a mt yoor Dew wlorfol e»t«IOf a

L z z z z m -------:------ — — -------—



W IT H T H t^^

W ipjpsM

i iITONI* n M n GRAPH SdWew

- withi t e i t o i T ~~^c t e e K r Twweo:

ncnrdtiri[ FM . the QBiIity. *1

Jr beauii- offanyw -

laonieand ^ ^

! MUSICled — Home Operated E. — Peavey Taber Bldi

p i io in r m

ire Airlines I |— ivises Schedule iwa lo tllgm lehedule* were 1 1 ed Saturday by local offl-Baptre a l r U n u . ______ I Vew schedule U now tn of- • 1*^ ghU to Bolie leave Joalln , a;30 and 5:M p. m. daUy.

< p .m .fligh t-U theU m )U gh-.____. Gpoknne. The 5;M p .-m . P 9'n v « rti 'B o iM ‘ar8 ;sT T i."T n7-------I e u t are td itdu led a t 1:80 . . . J H I p. m.. both about 40 mln* r lhan und tr the old ached- l u dale explained. 8 B

lam r . P ra tt. Salt U k o O ttr . . B mph Pratt. Norco. Calif.-, and E i >ri). Mrs. Naoma Rogen. Loa

(Uld NUa. Thelma Pronk. M Le. CcUir. Funeral lervloes wmmlal were conducted Saturday H LU ke City.________________ W

i i i S *

f c l i

. ^ ^ 7 : . “ r k


I a tlraetlre, with a ) ,• 1eotapJetely btUll. ' 1

mU-e woMd’e largeot I ^ v e made

fer n yean t

a n d m a il— T o d a y !

............. - ......................... iIW-PUROflASINO: :

>f asd sthtr llun tnrt.

------ . j

; i c CO.JOSps

. TWIN PALLSrn o N S n s s



el of Hch tOM n n p — fefenttoMlecmNMtiont KiKt CiteRlnt.

te o m T O W H W = .ttifldird ind IP Mkregreenit iriDi fvn. rich loni y. Rordj plir belitr^mxtr. .. . . ___ dm » M m io K a rM - I In ndb pregrira intfU|lariowMJufiJ6»e- .«nieneyln(iatie. ALLM Ot. '




T U ]

A i. F R E E co]

F R E E coi

F R E E illi

S pecial P j

HEAR!“H ow C olor Se

YOU AWI f y o u ‘h a v e a n y in t e r i o d e c o r a t i o n o r c o lo r s c h e i p r o b l e m a . . . d o n ’t m i s s a c h a n c e f o r s p e r s o n - t o - i i n t e r v i e w w i t h t h i e f a m p r a c t i c a l d w o r a t o r .




5 W E

e i

D l

irnoiis Color Si om Alexande


J T l h>Ior schem e ta lk s

iiigu rtetion alTda

u s tr a te d lecture!

’ro g ra m 2 to 3 p .r

e n se C a n Save

r iN V iT E Do r»m ea .■ p e rs o nn o u s



\ .

i E T ^

l M


Scheme Consult er Sm ith ...

> A Y


> n u

Y ou D o lla rs”


\ A


Itant i


H jr •T \ i>L ^

r e r f i #^ PB

M : :n

- _

. . . . - ^

~ 1 1

r- Officers Elect&l A tR egularM eet.. O f Church WSCS

. D artof Uu n c u ltf m N tts f o< Uu

e h m th h tld In Uu ctauob pwlqr* 'X liundij aftenwon. dcw oineers

• ■ w w t tl«cUd tat ttie new yew b*- ng in n la r JtDM i;.-' UM. iM u r d Albee w u elected -

--------- -9nefte t« rU tt.-Iu ]pb -lU loU r-v lfie ---------- IK M ldat: U n . Joile Janae, reeoni* I

iBff e e e n u ir: M n. O. W. Linde* mood, pmmoUon*] 1

. ; U re. O. O. Dumu. uvuu rer. I•. Two poiteri .lU lln* W8C8 pur- |

---------- p d * e " in a 'e » e d wert-rrtme<l fo r *d lm U jr M B e e tln p .’

Tbe-prorrun uoder tn rd lree tlo ir ‘ - - -■ -o f -c irc le -N f t- i w»*-*m«iilncea b r '

U rt . U usircC Walter. Mrt. Cath- erloe Potter »*nf a aolo, "Were . Yoo There When They OrucUJed U f Lard,*' ecttimpanled br U r*. A.M. Vrtneli. ‘R u . letNn on Letla Americe w»e presented by ie re r tl mecaben of circle No. 4. »howlnf I

. w oct el Ull Uethodlft church tn I- — , t l a t «re». • I

JUfiwhmiiiti were aerred by oth- | - er*Kwber* et the e w u ctrcle u id

ft eoeai botir w u njoyed. f• « «

Anniversary of 2 — —Lodge QbserVed- r“ ■ m o m . Aprn ■ a -A ^ » M le llih t . Z I _ e t lf n > S o 7 ^ ® S ln it the ' SOUi ean l- V

• .Terewy b r" t te pES -ohepter M. » c h u te r fflembtn. p u t matron* and ; p u t patron* wt* held a t the U a- i _ ■ r . . h ^ ^

-------- ajftaoB r'«a ''O H renM • P. SmlOiT nu'w grthypetnn . preilded. Hlj

apeeUI fueeU were U n . .Beulah jo] Schaeto, worthy matron. Beth- o e any ohapUr, Hailey; Ur*. Alva xiv A rndt and Ur*. lone Quinn. Holley, roc aad U r. and Ur*. Claude T . MlUer, nic Bfem eea chapter. Burley. ,,

U rt . Olara Woodhcad wai lO ' ^ eteQed a* n a n lia l wlUi U rt. ?lor*

- .tn e * .Hiomaion-a* InatalUng oi- Xioer and Ur*. NeUle ttekU y, In- “ * jlalU nf marthal. ^

FoUowlnc Uu meetins a 'procram d *XoT* SerrlM'' wa* prt*ented by M b e r Woody, worthy matron, a ad 1O anDoe P. BrnlUi. worthy patron; ma:

- ' u n . B h a l ' Burkhalter.. aaaodate *U]m atron: ZIbert tUce. ai*odat« pa- na ttroo: Ur*. Carolyn Stuart, marshal: pinU rt . DoroUiy Brown, conductreae: -rU rt . Alpha WlUlamaon. aaioclaU tvU

U rt . atelU Uoore. (iia rter mem- b«r. idiewl Uu cake for Ihe f tr it yew on Uu altar and Uie cake with » candle* w u placed on the 7 a lta r by Ur*. Carolyn Btuart. hi«l

Group a lntlnt wm followed by a « U Pr Uerte Woody aad<^~Uf;i. m

U M le R lcuy. 'wbo 'a a n t ’V e a ' Am ortea“ and K y Beet to You.- “n ie y t

by Jo Ann n i f - o itj BV a t the puno. loui

U & U o ^ and^laug6t*r, U erla, * r« the ebapter a laoe lableelotb, mai

w M w u l e e ^ by U rt. v a r ftnm i. pnddent ot t tu m *t m *- « ^ a n d Who reepondeTfor t h . ^

A «lft w u preaented to eat* hon- !? ”

^ u re fie tim u n tU h lew u o o T e re d T . , v t to ttu new laoe d o th and Uia

f e a ta n j e « a t« p U e .S T tb S Jb lrS !^ oak* and IKhted candle*. Pr»-

U r j 0(eIU Ueore. earn------*1U» bou- Dpt

q w ^ o f v d D f flow tn and p o tt* l ^

d hane tnolud- d j ?____S - lp i - A l l - m i a - W e b t i e t ^ U r a , aesal

P je rf Oterfleld and U r. aad M rt. Brai- Al Woodhead. a

• • • ■ In it

Woman Is Feted ^ On Ann iversQ rv ^

DYBpRW . April » _ M ra , U . » n « o p h * e o n , Burley, w u hon- ,u

U r. ^ M n. U . H. OhrU- ^ U r. a n d ^ S , T P

. 2 5 ! 5 ! ? * ! ? «M«btec..all of

. ^ ^ a '£ * O h r l l^ bej?

* * « r th y , P l Levti, Wa*h and Elbei . TOUett, y « ,u ii^ Cam. ^

D o n e r w u earred tay th* fam llr snwiI d >5 . f f— r ^ m 4 m » « a c earda. M m

-H ja ren o f Y o u tB r A N Q E L O F

Uany parent^ beDertnt ttw t a f a m 8ood education will m their cWl- n e a <lren for a happy uieful Uf*. hare , a t to k tr e a t coil to thmieelTea. aent the ir hase eiilldr«i to eollege. When tbaee chll- moth d im are rraduated and return ta a y « theJrhom ei U>* faUier and m other the 1 a « o f t« itartled by the atUtude of to ee the ir children, who teem ki th ink and 1 they ha t* aU the wlsd«jn and their how I p ^ U ^1 the Ignorance In ira- healt: p c rtan t afJalr* of life, r ic h u m ar- She t >■*€•;— newieteeulm. M ting —gwiy J n r ^

and Um practical appilea- know tJi» of kaowM f. to life iltuaUona. eonk

"My dau jtle r Ull* me lhal my ccnw id e u are all out of fajhlon. outdated She r ^ u ^ r k ^ l e , She I* engaged to Job aj t e married but the doe* not know Ahow *0 t a k i c w « h*r» lf durln i a plieatP»5»*O V j»o* %» care for a baby. moth.V “ ** ■ **•* «■ tnanaf* a th* fhouee. nor what a dollar mean* In yean■•r a ^ y d ^ d l n g . Ca:^you_5lvt, rou

_ h c w j q f l.b tf tJ ia a jay -d a ii ttit /T ?r .^ Ufe of an e*p*rten«d. abl.

taoO m to e t a* ihl* on. U aU th* b ^ M i a l J * rttpilred. a h . ha* all the kn«7w j(^. and alon* wiih-it the S l , . , aklll* Tequtml to make th a t knnwl.•d se w w th whUf. What- Bhr need.

• to dd'IUTl J* to nnd a way to reach her <Un«hter and contlnce her ihat B C T ^ w « !* » e c e io a c h o o l to her S T i«

"But I am t» t going to bre a* my ■m o u ie r h u l lw d .la t tg o ! n s lo ln - e lIB a n a n d ty apartm ent and I

-*T«rytliln« wU be *0 dKfereot t h a t ' , . a ay th ln t my mother eould lell m e ' 1 ,

BM ba appilcable.- I ki. h™iDdMd. Whether th* newty-e«. I •

• JKnllr k fo tn i to Ure m a 0. d « '



A la rta <mwd tam ed « r t f « th e dh Friday nlfhL A m are tB en t fo r tb* *r« *bown abore. P ro n left lo r l f b t they 1 Mr. and M n . Ilarold Uore, Mr. and Mr

Bette Jeq rrH ig b le-N Weds C oast M on ' In California Rite u-

lupUal cereinony united i i e t t ^ e a a Ugble. dau<hter of U r. and Ur*. rohn lllgble. Buhl, and Bugene 3el*on, Burbank, Calif,, before a ^ low er-ban l^ fireplace In tha U rins ^ oom of Ui» bridal suite of the Bllt- nore holel,-8«fUa Barbara, Callf. 3 ^ ■nie R ir . R . Kell* Blrerton, p u to r ^

f the MethodUt church to f ianU ^ la rtu ra . perfonned the ceremony la rt trM .The bride-choae n m aure gabnr- the

m e »uU wlUi nary blue acce.vortes a nd an oKshld corsage. ^ ' - the Her ol*t«r. WUma Hlable. w m «nc

lald of honor. She w u attired In a J® kipper blue gabardine eult w ith ^ , avy aoceseoflea'and H coraage of *u®.' Ink baby rojee. »T . W. Harcrow, friend of Uie

riderroom, wa* be*t man. ,onAn tnfonnal recepUon w u held In riU

le lulte for the bridal party and b U ^ . neleTlie bride, a gruduale of Duhl

Igh achool, a ttended Idaho SlAle )Ue(e; PocateUo. She h u been en- W iced In *ecTe(iirlal work In - Lo* 1n te la a . ...................... I'm e brldecroom, a native of Sioux a Ity, Ia„ served two ycara In tho w . Mith Pacific u a captain In the den m y « lr corpe. He operate* a auper eun larket In Burbank. San Fernando Olh alley. Oallf. UiePOOowln* a Honeymoon in San J®*' rancl*eo and Carmel by U>e Sea. ley are making the ir home a l IM li /, '‘® o rlh flcreenland drlre. B urtank. I* "

____* • *

"hetc Rho Club . Confers D egree ”?

BUHL. April 23 -T lie ricsree wtin dayinferred on Oayle Hoelse, Thelm a Entlpton.~-L«Ua- CaaebM r.--Carolyn Ing rawford and Lorraine Bell a t the seU Rho Olrl* meeting Wednea-ly erenln* a t the lO O F hall. T he r C

randon. ISlberU Weaver w m elected and _ ■tailed u rice p ru ld en i and M ar- oa Joquaa w u aelected tre u u ra r. Plan* wore made for the meeUng edne*lay when Carolyn Hancock, a^ioptirr i ldent- of • the board of " , ntroi, wUI pny he r official visit. , prtn Patl* T lie u Rho glrla and I Rebekah* wlU be *peclAl RuesU th li mteUng. .

rwell, Bart>ara Poore and Barbara

* * * BUcl

;hina Is S tud ied ^ ^ t Group M eeting ^JSRCWIE. April » —Mr*. AI U nd- H read a ch ap t^ , from the study u ok e a China a t tb a m eetlng ' of MP CM of th* O hrlitlan ehurob >ut m m 't aiaodatlCD a r th * hom* ot U «. E. U m ia . 4 f J rCMstnc Ib* b ttd n e u mMUng oco- ^ et«d by Mr*. P. W. w acholU . Mra. y V >ert Rlee ted In the derotlonaU. ktr*. Clay SalUOiy prew nted the n icram whicii Included lereral eon- .

f G M rd ren i „iPATRI

---------------------------------------------- 1 PaulnhouM or tn on* and one-half cetr» ■a*, they are both going lo ne«J Arthi know Uie f in i prlndple* of a prl“

ppy marrlase. The •xperlenced A j th a r who h u »ucc«afully reared ducte o tm i woman to marrtage a«« h u *ere I knowledge her daughter need* e an y on a hwiaehoW. a family , J 1 a huiband. She need* to know „ r to manage a m an and keep Wm r * ' Ithy and happy and amblUoui, P/™I need* to know w hat eouloment

w arn WUl ft^tlli^ . She m l w t '* " ^ >w how to buy a m eal and to 1 * — k and e err. K; how to u*e and - T »errr money, clolhee and jfix>d*,,■ needs to get her hands mio lhe , ’ and her mind behind her hands.'ourne of work, of p ractical a{>- . aUon of knowUdee. u o d « har * iitr't euperrU on. would be d ■■ trealM t ra h i. to h tr io r th e .

r» to tome.ouns..{Mopla. u 'b o .. l ia v » -a p » i .^ . r yenrs In school and ooUe«e » -H ttif-tW nr-lrn - for p r t c P e a r~ — J ;rlene. tn livtnc. nMd w h a t: f i ler and moOier h a re to f ire . 1 ^

cMIdrrn knoT nome Ihlse* J H r pdrrnw do not know, but the ir U •nt.1 have a k:.nilr<i(:e of l i f e ; H I 1* flr^i hfinth-TJiat tJieir rh J l-v ' ^ I m ini a«juire pftlnfiillj-. They , d lavf scene of the p^ln by tak- iMJSons from Uielr elder*. Col- '1' an »rtlfiri«l way of life. The ‘ f Uilne 1* airrrrenu

• - llM morf. » I

Dinner Dance A rra r

dhm«r.daae# bald a t ib a T n rf d flb ' • ran t ww* mada by tb* v o m a lttM 1

ey are Mr. and Mr*. W . P . W arner, M n. B. P . Thempaen. Mr. and M rt.

N atio n 'a l-Y W € A -( ' Work Scheduled 'At Uie YWOA board m eeting held

In 'th e y n»Bi*,'Ur». O. W. K cnui,

the'liallOiial YV»v>rt wee* wlU Wf T obeerred from April 34 to 30. I t r w u reported local radio ataUons , will asslJt Uie YWOA w ith a pro- I gram itreMlns “YWCA-YouT. W in- P dow to Uie World," 4he them e thi* year. .

'T he deveiTon'on-Taiui’ 'tfi* g ir- ,, en by Mr*. H. A. Salbbuty . ,

Mary DoolltU*, axecuUre dlroc-' ’ tor of Idaho town and oountry YWOA. made her annual report to ,, the Twin PalU YWOA board.

She also spoke on the p la n a ./o r the PayetU Lakes Y-Teen confer- ,, ence which wUl be held from June _ SO to July IB. Mis* DooUtUe will " be tn Twin Pali* May 4 for a pot- ,, luok aupper for all y -T eena wlahlpg I; to attend cam^ and also for Ihelr ? parent*, Movfea of l u t year'* camp will be show. Kimberly and C uU e- !; ford Y-Teen* and parenU are In- . rlUd, *

BlUie Routh played two piano— ■ , , , IOfficers Selected k

For Sorosis C lub aiOOODINO. April 33—Mra. Burton

W. DrUg* h u been elected prest- cl dent of Uie Ooodlng Sorosis elub, M eucccedlng- Mrs. Blythe Olemon*. Is Olher offlcen who wlU servo for Uie new term are M n . C. T . K nlghl, pi reelected rice prealdent, M n . H. B. w Blckett. secretary, and M n . A. E. M Thompson, reelected treaaurer. Mrs. ai Harold Koenig w u named prcM cor­respondent r

Servmg on the nomlnaUng com- H mittee were M n. O tttf Schltd, * r, chairman. M n. Jullua Schm idt and M n, W. A. Carter.

The next meeUng wUt be Tue*- . day with a program on Hawaii, by Rnther Heller. The May 10 meet- " Ing will be hold In Ute evening. • {■

* * * “

Potluck- D in n e r " T ^onors M em bers ,

CASTLEFORD. April S3-M r, and yUra. L B, Shield* enteriAtned mem- g,ben of their pinochle elub a t a i-, poUuck dinner.

High score wlnnern a l pinochle . .«:ere Mr. and Mra, Charle* Short- p , The shoot-Uie-moon prise „ KB.1 awardrd to 'PrlU Bybee and Mm, Oeorge BUck received _lu m pMtei, Mra.. Dell Hud*on anfl ^Uutey-Bliekham reeetrediow ic e r f ■“

Oueslj were Mr. and Mrs. M aurice J ! 3iierry nnd Mr. and Mrs, Oeorge Qllck. Jo

* * * C*Wissipngry U nit „ "

-Gives to O rphqnHANSSl, April J3—During th e Tii

neettn i M-Ui'e w om ti <jf the B ip - « ,1st Ulstlooary Union a t Ui. bom . Br

Molltor. t b . group a in t r iI f lf t to theJr adoptwl orphan boy. o*DeroUonal* were le d .b y -M n . R . ^

^ Walker. The lawon w u U ken 1 rom Ul* Royal *em ce on “C hrtrt n Rural Service."

A MoUitr-* day “fu a .t day- will ^ • •h a ld U a rJa t lb a B a p U K c b w e KlariMn. ^

* • * BA w ords'Pri^es-----

High score prlie w u aw ardld to I n . Will Reed a t the meeting of tb* 1 -ueky IJ dub a t Uu bom . of U r*. R*1aul Bandy, U n , Roy SmaUey r*- ametred seeond high prlae and M n . aonrthur Childers won the trare lln* therlze. &A ahort bailnesi meeting wn* con- In t

ucted after pUy and refrrahm enU wh:ere .e r r r t by the hoctcM. Wll

KNTERTAp A M^MBKR*JKROMK, Aprtl M -M r. an'4. M n . *<](

a t Oponnrd entrt-talnrd m em - Trr* of Uirlr pinochle club, Mrs. old'

CeoneH JkAr . , ; “ t V i W


UTAH— ID A H O -C A L ir .— IRklllfd, Efflelent, Carefnl M ertra . r

Lew Oort.

F O R D ]

anged by T his Comm

b A. X Pota, X r . and K n . Howard Ca Pierce. Arlea BacUaa** « rebc»tn fBra:•, fleor abew were Carlo* and J sa n lta , Bu breagbt frcm Pecatello fer Iba e rea t.

- C harter-M em ber - f J O fG hbpter-Feted"' S During GF: Visit «Jf Mary McDonald, charter member of J

Vlclory chapur. Order of th e E ast- °1" em s u r . w u honored gue*t a t Uie ^ '* parly meeUng of the group a t the!• Ma-wnlc-temple, ““ Mr*. McDonald, who moved to Loe "

Angele* 11 years ago. w u Iba g u u t* this week of M n. H. J, WUt. and w , , *1U,.return here to renew old ac- N •* qunlntinee* before leaving fo r the « y c o u t. She left Thursday to visit U ^ friends In Nampa and Ontario. Ore. Ql

There were -31 member* wben M Victory chapter w u organised In et

* 1923. and the group now h u 133I, members. • w'* A Ufe memhenhlp w u presented C;' U) the Californian by the chapter, cl* and a com ge w u presented to her fo i by M n. J, C. rancher, worthy m a- M P Iron, Mrs, RuUi TuIIer waa In Wi

charge of the musical prosram In which followed chapter sessions.

Ruth Oreer and Doris Carpenter . presented vocal solos, and the girls'

ensemble ung . Tills group Inchidfs, , besides MUs Oreer and M!a.-( C ar- A penler. Marian Clements. P n t.B nl- lart\^ Dort* Pancoast. Cherrie Wood,

. K*lA) Thompaon, O ayU ■niomsen* and Connie Shaw.1 M n. Helen Morrow wUI be' In m . charge of a program honoring so I. Mother’s day when chapter session Al

is held May 4, .ys. thr Hostesi chairman a l Uie E iite r O; . party w u Mra. Haxel Steen, wbo vo . w u assisted by M n. Jeanette Rosin, fu , M n, Cllren Ballard. Mr*. Ray Nims . and M n, Bnmy Wood. du

♦ * ¥ vll

. Recital Given by „ i Gooding S tuden ts w

OOODINO. Aprtl 13—-nie annual , piano recital of music sludenU of sc . Mrs Adele Bchiibert w u prenented Bi

WPdfi«dny evening .at-Uie Qaodln*Methodist church. Spring floral dec- b- oratlons wer* used aboul the church. v i Punch and wafeni were served fol- «■ tftging Uie musical selection*.

, T haie participating Included Ellx- p . , abeUi Cleveland. Janice Brown. L ' Yvonne Silva, Bobble WtUs, Elaine

Severe, Cuaulo l.amt)ertAon. jv r- f ■ lene Bruns. Dick Terry, Carol Jen-

»en. KaUicrln# Shaver. Larry Rot>- rrtjwn. Joan Muflley. Lynn Oiikley, Pauline Wilson. Cherj'l H endrick- *" iwn. Pniricla Day.- fU'

Doloris Tupiwr. Marilyn , Bruns, Donna Cecil, Neva Bright, Peggy

. J a n Hulllvan,.plck-Jotuukmr-Poni>«. Ei? fiesere. Lorraln»-Lauahlln,-Norm a wnison, Della Slei-enson. Louise Rlee, La Donna Lambertson. Joy P“ ' Joan Smith. U nda Lauder. Jimmy VandetFratt, Jean Holman. W alter Clemon*. Myrnn Shaver, . Lynn '

. Wood. Yvnnne aei-eland, Robert* Blank. B o b b le - S c h n e b e m o a n n e - p Schrieber. Donna Alstea.

Mars- Jean Robertson. Elolse T ale; Jackie Campbell, Sally K ram ­er, PatU Tester. Ula Sever, Blaln* Brummett. Maiy Jan i Bdhoto. Mr*. Rutb U «lfard. Lola Jon**. J a a u O*bom». Betty Thompaon, Bonnl* Cady and Joanne Kramer.

CoiiehidlnK Uie rrclU l w u a piano and organ dnn by Mary Jean Rot>- ert*on. organist, and Betty Thomp- *on. pianlsL

• • •

Birthdays Feted_„A t Society M eet

R IC H P in o . April » —T h» LDS RaUaf *od*ty hcnorMl th* birthday annlrm arte* of Mn. D mo P a tte r- »on and Mr*. Charie* Rou**I daring the l u t meeting.

M n . Uoyd Lee. n d e ty prealdent. Introduced the program number* which Included a reading by Mrs, WUllam Duilin. *ecordl«n by Ur*. K ennth Johnson, group alng.Ing lod by Mrs, L*sn Olle* and rocal l e l ^ o n i by Mr*. V a n R . Hjoma*.

The evening wm concluded wiin old-Ume danelne to m ail? by Mm. K enneth JohnMn. Ntn. Houael and __

D V i l ^

— NEVADA—OREfiONI. Packing. Herlng. Storage al

Transfer & StoragffCoT :

- - ' — I'L___

...... TnqW -iraW B, TTO

nlttee >



0 « H * b aad U r.~and i t h . ~W. CT I Bisbed danea maalc. F a a tn r^ tn a 1 Bentb American daneera. wbo wera ' t . (fltafl photo-engrarln ,) ,

Richf ield-W omen- 1 " H a w G uest-D ay

.m C H PIE L D , April 33-RlcW lctd ! W om ans club held guest day hon- , o rlns-num bera-of-the-B urm ah-lffl—picTemenc u ia N srtu e n a 'eiubs: 7special musical selectloru-were pre-aented by the school band and the vhigh school girls chorua' directed by ,Supt. Wopdnm Ash and accompa- „nIed by Mrs. Ash. “’ Olrl* of .tHa home.*conomlca-ola*s u

with the assistance of Uielr teacher, tM n . Leslie Sweat, cooked a n d f served refrciahmenU. U rs. Sweattold of .the :jew lag . claaa projects ddisplayed I n 'th e club rooms. Lois >Mclntoah and Mary Ida Lemmon, i,etas* member*, gave reading*. .

M n. O. O. Chntfleld, president,welcomed the vlslton. M n , w. A. »Crist respoaded for the North End f<club and Mra, Hni Boaa..AT.. spoke cfor the Burmah Improvement club, hM n. J, O. Preeman Invited the club cwomen to a ttend an Arbor day meet- e Ing of the Bunnah group.

M n. n il* Newby led the discus- aMon on park ImproremenU, ^ tc

* ♦ * y

M eeting Held by e Fa irfield Women "

FAIRFIELD, April 33—During the i! meeting ot Uie RuUi and Naomi w society held a t Uie home of Mrs. Mien Bauscher. It was reported tha t - ^ e food sale for the benefit of the 31ri Scouls netted *20. The cliib /Oted to contribute 10 the Concer rund drive.

The business meeilng was con-. Jucted by Mr*. XJeorge Petrie, first R' ric« pre.ildent, it

M n. Cari Fay led the devoUoai 51 Uld Uia program was pr«'M>nte<l by !iln. Bd K rahn wlUi M n, Wiilt iVoIf aaslaUng. ^

ReftpahmrnU wera prepared and 01 lerved by UiiI.eo-hMte.vics, Mrs, Don . 3auscher and .Mrs, Ixv Viin-^klke,

The next meeting of the club wUl a X held a l the homa of M ri. Loy M /ansklke with Mrs. Ed K rahn and - a n , W alt Wolf as co-hoslcsje.v

« * *

Donation O kayed By R ebekah ClubALBION, April 33 - Women of

Jberty Rebekah lodge No, i voted o *end tIO to Uie European relief und during the meetlnK nt the lome of Mrs. C, B. Erlck-'.on ulUi Joble Orand laabcUe Goodmanire.ildlng.____________ ________Part of the consUtutlon w u read

nd revLied and the Odd Fellow laprr redrdtred, Mary Neyman was l>l>oinied captain of Uie detrree. earn. r- .The lodKe will meet . Uie first '

^tetday In May a t Uie Masonic haU.

ik* ihut ta uJmvI But lOuUl. . .

A W«Ubg U oa .r ta l ' Ikel li loag


-A adaolik i;aeo<aMboppT (uiioms ll ih«»«ndlat>e< Aanouae-_______ ___M W owl lariiotSoea.

Deal IM r« « tnmS* l a a n Ih* «»»d a»ws ItM by UoTMry,

Oiu W*4<iJa9 KnplM

•* .ry l«*«r n d lot•» » ? T J» t;A * J.h o ra_ ................. ...Hx« w nda kMrt IhotspaUs raftMaral osd Iflcod tal* '

pUntye! \ J ifihityrtr'iBn/i > ’

^ •/ \ S ; j

•maien tho»t lU V.. j '» n t imS, *f Wriiimt


Standard j Printing Co. j

" t akl ' Bul Idlnt ITT\TN FA U fl.-ID A ttO ~ I


Gooding G ir l Is B r id e o f hienry

' Wills in N u p tia lsOOODINO. Aprfl a — Mr. and

Ur*. Ray W. Alban, Ooodlnc, a n - - nounce th e m arriage of ihelr daugh- ler. Rose Celine, lo Henry LeMolno Wills, aon of Mr. and Mr*. B. J, W|IU, Twin Palla.

T he-double ring ceremony w u- perform ed-by -the-B«r,-Roy-Xe*ll# -

SmlUi a t Uie United ProteisUnt church a t Richland. Waah.. a t S pjn. April 10. Baskets of Uiap- dragons and roses, calla and e u te r Uliea banked Uie atUir of th e church. Mr*. A. P a p p u w u organU l for t iu '

- KTddtiis^ - - .The bride wo* given In miimaBe

by h rr father. She wore a white wool tu lt wlUi navy blue accessories and an orcliid corsage. Sho wore a pearl necklace ond carried an heirloom handkerchief aa a token of *enU- ment,

Mrs, Robert Wills. Twin Palls, w u matron of honor, frocked In a light ' blue Unen.sulL trim m ed.w ith uary O'cjet embroidery. H er accessoriea

.. .were-white a n d -b e r cwaage waa _ made up wlUi a gardenia and red rocebuds. -

Rdbert Wills. Tw in P lOIs. brother . of the bridegroon), served u best

■ man.Rlngbearers were Susan and WaUy

. Etlckscn,__R ldjlaad^_I,lttlO -_U la» .Erlcksen Wore a -ro se U ffe ta drea*.'

' ' M n.'A Jban, moUf6r of the bride, - wore a navy blue crep o 'au lt with

* roae accessories and a eojBafo of

' ^ ~ ^ '- formerly of Twin P rHs and O oodlnf. '] and A rthur H . Alban, O randrlew , ; ; Wasli.. were guesU. Polfowlng tho •

ceremony refreahm enu wero aerred ’ a t Uie Erlcksen home from -a alUc- .'

covercd Uible. Pink and white wero ,■ use<l for color decoration. The-tw o- •* . tier wedding cake w m cu t In trad l- .‘ tlonal m anner by th e couple,- A late dinner w u served the wed-' d ing-party o l the -U toc rt Inn, the , ' couple leaving Immediately for a ' honeymoon tr ip along .th e 'west

Tlie b r l d o attended Ooodlng 1• scliools. -graduating In 1044. Por I four yeara atie served u deputy re-: corder a t the Ooodtnir county court- "

hon.KC, rcslKnlng In January, to ae- .' ccpL a po.HlUon wiUi the General

Elcctric company a t Richland,Tlie brJdcKroom also waa gradu­

ated from 'G ooding high school, at- tmdlng college for-one year before n iolnlng tho a ir corp.i. During the I wi«r lie wn-cd wlUi Uic a ir corps In England. Upon hts releo.’io frn n the wrvlce hc returned to Twin Palls.

Tlie cotiple.wiu moke the ir home „ In Ttt-ln Falls wJiere Uio bridegroom is associated with his fa ther and brother in Uie automobile biulness. f i

• * * L

Guests H onored J A t L eague Party "

PAUL, April 33—HuBbands and atRiiMi couple* were enlcrtalnKl by. ailhe Women's Jun io r league of the atPnul ConKregiiUonal 'cliureh a t the gr Guild haU in Rupert.

Mr.v AuKU.1t Marl-ich, president, U)and Mra, Harvey Jensen directed aUie playing of games. At the close atof Uic evening the group enJo>-ed wl a plate lunclicon’?

■nie next mcetia* of the league Uiaill be held May II n l Uie home of er Mro, Rlward Knopp,

v S

...■/ FAMOUS ^


/ A . EVF-VnOE B . aV B . L1I.V F . N(

\ \ C . LATE CEOnClAN « . a\ *>. L9U ISX V U O rim iB rA .

} \ \ ________ » I f yonr paltem In C.' V \ y lam en t elder farodlM,y \\ pi»«*yooV *w

N f

JV e d s ln C h u rc lr


h ;

* '

S ' ' '

y ' MB8, HENRY U M o W WILLS ‘^ (Brewer p bo lo -ataff en tra rlng )a ^, Exchange Vows '

f .1

>, 1

f <



1 MRS. JOHN LIVELY{Kelker p h o t o - « ^ M ^ y l n * ) ^

I Twin F a l l s ^ a i r - ! ! Wed in N u p tia ls ;: Nancy Ann Hopkins, daughter of [■ Mrs. Marjorie Hopkin*, T w in’ F a ili; !I and John Hopkins. Lovelock. Ner., ;

became Uie bride of Jo h n Henry ^• Lively, son of Mr. and Mra. A . A . .

Uvcly. Washington Courta, Twin 5 PalU, April 13 a t th e T w in-Palls I Baptist church parsonage. wlUi the

, Herman C Rice offjctating, .I n e bride was attired in a blue f

1 and pink suit wlUi white acce-uories I and * rosebud corsage. She wore a• strand of pearl.i, a gift of the bridif- ; groom.

AyendanLi were Uie motheni of ;, the bridal couple. Mra, Lively choje *I a black suit with black accessories °I and Mrs. Hopkins wore a blue’ dress I with black accessories..

A wedding recepUon was held a t 1: Uie hom* ol.Uie bridegroom'*,, p a /- €

ents foUowlng tlie ccrcmony. 1-BoUi attended Twin Palla acheols. I

f-.MM ^

» ■ ■


. NORFOLK J . PRINCESS PA T H iq• am iS T lN A K . PARIS• LANCASTER. L .r palWnu M T W or. «W, 19t9 mm ^ JUUi U gtn^tig Chu>h»r 1

n Corluw Sterling li a raon f i b e x shown IIM, y<m ean now add the plae»«etUnci, In. r . waBt«d for 10 leaf. TbM a patlcra* ar* d for M to a a u r y » M qalrem *su , *•

R . L . R O B E R T S

JewelerT ^ P A I . M , ' ; ID A H O

W jwFT \

- V ^

.# S H S.H l« -----

decTO Of Rtbekah U nhaaen

Vera Meu. JennU S h i *nd MertlB ^uder*.

'Club ct.Kimberl Has instQllatii

ton. audlter. m charm sUllaUon ceremony wa* Unl* Van Houtcn.

Annual teporu wer* m.. ^ Sudle Hater r e c e lv « ^ tn honor of her work wltli S M d for haflng been a ^ i w U m a tte ofUie .U te ’

During UiB aoclal hotir m .mmu „ „ S ncovered Ubl« centered *Uh > of i ^ n g flowen, wlUi Wa

s a s r s r r * ;

"Kid's*Nlght"l! Featured at Me

BURLEv, April a - r n a chapter of E u tem SU rartu Odd Fellow* haU. for * i«n]ui ,ne« aeaslon, followed by 1 , featuring * ru d ’* night*

Mni, .Gertrude PeeUartl charge of games, with tb* 1 Uiemo being carried outPilB awarded to U n . Ouy-lieiM- Mltmelte Pulbnan % Bate*.

Mr*. Ethel Simmon*,Dr.iM' Sherman lUwley and Un. Eb O'Bryan had charge of M m e n u served a t Uble* t o with Uie -Ud'*- Uieme.’natb aoe«pted an InvIUUaa ta itf Naomi chapter In Albion.

* 4fl * ------ENTERTAIN AT DDOa

HILL e r r y . April s - j t t Mra. Gwiim Rice entertiiixdp a t dinnerjfaome morlei n r a of BoUe, w lcm. Ora. *M a prairie, y ____________^

T he bridegroom fa tailBii 8w lt» -and eaBp«iir,-T«t'| They will mak* tbd ; b m m Pall*. .

^ m '

^-P A H E R N r




r 1949. j

■ra En ibU freap of / /G a a j a a l pfeegg -----^ra-M ad^ teO rdar- J f \.* • «oaM la lodayl / y , ' ,


p r : - : .

^ C ^ e n t i o r i Bel ^ s O ff ic e i-s - :

t« 0 ^ * ^ ^ U o o of th e Idft- ■ S & m B ?M d«9 ot tba

» thU week tn

g | B S

T r tn Pall*. ^ . . - g . - M

f e ^ ' s i u S l i P i^ ^ n 'l n d 'M r s . W. L. M ar.

W eU rr-treM u re r.^ J Edsur -SmIUi. u s ls t -

the national nUs< u iderM n, Ind.. w u

i ^ t ^ t k c r for the conven-

Ur. sm ith told o f the ■ J ^ 'i f l China and the gnva ‘“" ^ t m a r l e s a r t tacln*

mission- .MOT

■ i r « ’s 5 u S^ *111 » re for them there. *

Girins E

(—-Bjrt Brxm »n M e d the. Mr. a iid -U rf the »U'e pre-'ldent durlnir •second oven

flsrffltlcn in tht ab.enee of announee th«palifti^ ____________

I r v ' L j . ^ - ■ Dcmef, Miirti( o t h s r - L ' Q u g n t e r The weddii

B anquet I s S l a t e d ” MUi TlUey^ wire eompleted fo r th» Fall* hlgli nclJSjHushUf brealcfast to be of Uie hislifv iT j »i the Park hotel, dur- vice prdUdem ,w tn « t ln j of the O mlcron u tm cr Is a*Mt of BtU eiKma Pl'l a t the high acliool aii d Mr»- Robert BrljBO. e m Idaho Cokitus Bradley !• In charge of blon, fo r'on i ^ c n u . fcislsl«d by Jeanne 8or\'ln« In ih t «fs. ae ino r M cU ne. Bulh cember.^ C»fU A&ker. Doris Ham j

“«■ Histors?iQd u n . WUllam MarWll will

of wrsnBC*. flue S tans- T o rOlenn Hughes and Mrs. ^ ' ^ ' ' -

MlBrln< hive Uie proRrnm. „C am p L o-Sa« taeoH .Io r the founder's Daushtcrs or E e t w re dlscus-^ed. The heard the hisLartiflll be held In conjuncllon theme of the

eiESia chap ter on T hum - by Mrs. Johnf Uttba Holl Is chairm an of the n ln j a t Mrs.isixtt Tthlch Includes M rs. Lyle Mr*. Blrreleai,Je»nn: Bair and M rs. ElUs on tho orgatiet: developmentKsbRi eligible lor Exemplar itnn In April IBStd fonnlnit a c h ap « r In the nlo T uylorUctttare. Mn. OJenn Hughes will from promlm^further information eoneero- her home toI iStlbllK]'. p ruerve theiCa etansbut}' gave a report on each pioneer.ilMie rltunl. Mm. William Mar- gj^I tad Mrs. Wllllmn K evan gave 22.(

b O l r i V ^ i e s WIUI presented pjoneM"Men i.iU tt. elephant. O ursti, were ^ r c i i “ " 1 mrUne Uind and Mra. Bob

B olm ,»U m » n M b , Ui. . i 2 , ' a X S “ •.- _ - _ , tflbemaelc,- ■ I The meellerome W oman Is Honored a t Event thr,hi?d*T?aaC M t'A pnr33—Mt». Harvey bem eof-M rt, Ibtsui csrt A ten honoring her (iW-ln-lnr. M n . William H. J I Q ' Q ,

the n»p.giitly mnvgd here -W -^ t- .-D C■ nwnw. Arte. A - J K ‘1 h te a UbTe » m centered T lth A l U N ^ ^ e n l of red tu lip , and

ta J lo « p .m .M n i .O .L .T h o re . fiaJUrs. Ir%'lng Towlr prw lded “^ * ^ * ^ ’ 1“ *' ta tr a tsble. Mr*. Wllllnm A. n tnd Mr^ Dnie Burkh»1ter l «iM Jrom \U> i p. m . Mrs.

^ « d by M r . C. 5 " “ ■ - __________ -rilina wer

--------- ------------------- vot«d-for_Ui

p M rS r ^ g a m e s la Wh

■— \ l \ / ' - \ - lo w T en tw ”^ ^ I / t Refteshmei

I i / / ho»t«M aAslsti \ M / / and Mrs. Ha:

I t ‘t j H Couple A — a i P f l I n H i


m ■ p ^ . ^W Judge B. T. IM ground'o'f fc

'I r ^ l and“Kardenl p H the bride «

presented U ■ fftUier 65 yn

blue Khe carr . l~2jk aent from Ic

I , : h e w a so re rs

^ ■ r * ^ of^Orlo Wlli After May 1

. fWfndi!

^ l:[. ■ 'U H Contract Pir*T ^ ------i f - , • • ! < Ulned *4 Ul

9 3 9 3 11:- ■ • W Short, Burlev n t /■]• •. ■ -.V A Special p.

■ T i> ^ Sutton, ^ r7l. ‘J-JS i / ^ " ^ t» Short and \

. . . m ake a h t t ' D'iri^r-roiir Uvorltfl fabric, sew tills ,

SnjiTiMneituon ' « i u -M r»:-<Jllb^ SflV trerrJU ng-ew e^^ogrthT T -ttCelved-Joa

sr,;r,2“:I ' " . ! " ” ™ m ,. m d . . . B r t J . ^

V • lo • I»e pattern Rlvea■e'^t-". ‘ o'nSlet#. llluttraW d

W A I5 c ,-,,'. Tlmei-New i pat-'atoEn T l? '--’’ ' S’ ” '

■ M urun faih-

robe m .de“ r '■'tits m nrr for .

“* 19ia,fa A a io B i.|| , n . -

.7 '-Btrothed Double

\rt J&i^ .JE R O M U ;: •'” « e d d ln r.c e rr

«» '• ;« and Mnl. Veand Melvin .J ■JoneirtJerbm’j

1 te r of M r. as ) U y V .- .; . 'E ^ ^ M : I Jerome, fras

Jones, a lto tc I - • ,• Ttie nuptial

Bishop A. Lc ::. < *'r»l ward s t

W W y f r t y • * > ^ ' 1 a t 'th * ' homi moiher. • -

■ B |-7 - : .- - - , MlM OldhiBO>m o( her fingertlji tinra »rqt Rowneil In < flnaertlp

pi PrecedliiB J JoQCS played

[JltlEE T ItL TT------- ml'rrh?'*® ‘photo-etaffcn iraT ln*)

. . Mrs. Oldhe" * • drew w ith a

B etrothal, , _ white cnm at

d-by-Pgrentstnue west. Twin Kulls. he CTitngement of th f lr ” ? " L ,

rtivugh. ~ pl*» fn-itiB-tt a d .1 . n . . b , » ; ; ^ " S

foltDWliii; willey la a senior a t Ts'ln i,o,ne o „ ^ jvchool. Bhe Is a tnember j,er going avh school glM club and bUck and *t:nt of th e PTTA. ^ rosebud C'a Rrndunte of M urtaugh quet.and attended th e SouUi- i>. .. .^ >

Allege oX W uca^on. A l. a ' W p |ome yew. H e Tiaa th e ir 'jthe air force since De- „ „ „ „

„ „ „ . - Mrs. Jones fi2 L . m .:s h e also

-y of DUP S “'“" ‘ "do tM eeting ------ —} - E m -B o -C a ll of th e C ,( of the u u h Pioneer#

ilstory of thc DUP as the le IcMon study preicntrd Mary Davl.nn Blrrell Thursday eve- 2 p. m. Tui3. Blrrell’s home. Mrs. C. H. S rell reviewed th e le.w)ngaiilzaUon. purpose and A I p jn . luit of the DOP which be- members of til 11. 1001. when Mrs. An- Wednesday :■Hyde'Invited'BH u'omen Frank Knics Inent pioneer famllltJi toto orKnnlr.«; a group to ^ h e r^aula:he personal history of gj Qrde

win be heldKl t in t tho o rgan lu tlon the Masonic 2.000 members (ind theyring the building of Uic F IL E H -F lemorlal building In Salt elect officerUtah, lo house hUtorlc O range hull,

Historic*. deln is progr inUatlon -In Twin Fallarll 2S, 1038, a t tho stake M S and

p.m. Wr<lncitlng WM conducted by Mrs. R . 0 . M' Ruth Armga. Refresh* reminded toI tho hostraa,. meeting will be held fln Mrn. Lowrlrhursday In May a l the :(t>Mk«>^al.UTt.'*BTR'Andei9on.'' ■ ■ ' "tor c lu tj'a t^

* * ¥ the home of

i00SterS_Wi 11_____ n , . . a u . I

'Jew H ospital ScSpiTof Uie U. P. Booster dub a t Uie new project forII b* to raise fund* to pu r-' ,tco of equipment for Uie 'Of''- , ■•alls county hospital. This rommemorut as made a t Uie meeting a t Uie home of Mrs. T .

lE hler^^a t o ^ ^ h d ^ U ic l(V\^iip.“ A donation waff* ^ "ni Uie cancer control fund- mrirfl.,WlII J

favor fum lthed by Mrs. Saturday #i

I”’ling wa.1 spent In playln* fooniU danci I'hlch Uie high score waaIrs, H, O, W illiams and Blue L ^ tj-Mrs. WTHoim«ven; « * e t - a t i -ilenu were served by Uia home of MnIsted by Mr*. L. F. Taylor Buren atreet

le Wed H ere Sl'i'TvS' ^ome Service c l u b C-M. Broaaon a ad John R . _were united in marriage k / p / Wedneaday by Probate

. Hamilton beforffa back- K ^ O HTI fa s te r inrfa in tn * U»ln<r I m n ^ ' i ^ n lhe home of Mfa. Mabel home of Mr______________________ Y llle jc u -.^ .i« w u atUred h i a greenwore a corsage of roae.* ducted by »

nlai,“ lW iO m e tn in irc ia -pr«*WeflirWwore a golden bracelet tary, gave ato her moUier by h e r dsnce held

fears ago. For someUilngirrled a blue handkerchief « » •Iceland by her son when RefresJime,« i5 ^ 2 lth Uie arm y. h o ,^ » . “ T g Uie ceremony th e newlyjuple were dinner guc-ita « r* . Georllllams and Mrs. Turner. F l ^ was a1 Uiey will be a t home U> The n w l n d . .1 M l r « * ^

^ it ^ Idon.

^ I " ”P rids” e l u b w t e r - R e f l l U n home ot Mra. W alter .. C C F

guesU were Mr*. J ted - „ . _ J rTi, w , R. Duff. Mm. Olen • H A T H Mrs. Don JUsmussm. all « D R ;

are prise was awarded to _rt-B lak*. M ". Ray Clark •o » - jo o re -p rt» an d Mra. ---------CAIurley. won all-ctit. T he U iL ■ went to Mra. Rjutmuisen.

i s i M.nenu w tre ierred by the

N T E D :W c are now buying

All K inda of Good S e n -ic .

^ MEN'S SUITSb k W g i n w h a t y o u h

icHARPSON'S CHt r f n F « n i

' " r t

le W eddin^i^. Weds‘sf, Afe Held."' -----lexeme Home i --- iK j April, i y - k double !:ereniony utilicd In m ar- ', A f l l I'Oldham, daughter of Mr.'V erlln Oldham. Jerome, n .Jones, son of Mrs. May ome.'Lola'arTcne'nraUiih'^. and M rs..w . I{. Oreene.Tras married to DeLos 6 ton of Mrs. May Jonas.

vows were read by . Leon Olsen, , of Ihe LDS I s t 13:30 p, m., April IS, ome of the brldetroom'a

Idham''''wBs attired In K white brocaded saUn and rtlji veil was caunht by a Acqulns. MLU Oreen waa n chiffon with a

cauglit by a crown of rb. DoUi carried shower of pink rosebuds. iig the ccremony ZUd lyed^'I Love You Truly.” m B H ) played Uie woddlng

Idham wore a blue crepe ^ n a corssse of pink Oreene chose a blue p T .dress with a corsage o t l \ i I U i

nations. The bridegroom’s \ i /losft-a-tiu if la rn o o n -d raa t.--------V V Qge was of white carnations. ^3 ttly“ ronoft’lng"lh'e“ cer«- riU lt' anniuneheon was tirranged by uielr daughor th e ' ramli(e.v Tiered mond CecI

7kn'W TmrntiJ?r:Uit:TOBr z n ira n n rmle-U adltlonaJ-m anner,-— Net.- r -M rsr-M cim -Jo n c s left ..T he bria.cjinoou to S alt Lake Clly, a trcel lengiwtilch they will mnke Uielr ccssorles.a farm near Jerome. Por Delmar Irl

; awuy ouUlt she chose a of the briI white ensemble and wore Twin Falls.1 corsoRe from her bou- Tlie brld

attended Ud Mrs, D eL« Jones left ® ) . |o W dlj. N cv, and will:lr home Uiere on a farm. 5 ^ ""ensemble was chosen by , ‘ney wit

JS fo s4 « r going.away out- farm near also wore a corwige tnkencenter of her bridal bou- ( n f n i j r

^ ' 7 - , - - Clu C alendar---------------------------- --------- ' Tucker. Ul>avls Art club will meet a t draw fromTuesday a t the home of Join theJ. Smith. I Woineii's c

• ¥ # Tliey nl» 1, luncheon will ba held by coiicer of the Sunshine Circle club»y a t Uic home of Mr*,

. . . i]/, If, ^ ilams, Mrsrular mealing and InltlaUon ^ sctWhc- i )rder of Uie Eastern S tar eommllice leld a t « p m . Tuesday a t ^ r s Elmerinlc temple. TOe pr“

^ H> W KeVAii-F l l e r ' Womnn’s elub will '1■icep W edn^day a t Uie null. Mrs. Clyde Vanaus- f jijg - Qur •ogr»m chairman. uo ,j, p„

' * ¥ ¥ • Ins enllllend 8 Club will meet ‘a t 3 presenteddiicsdny a t the home of t 3, McMullen: Members areto bring Uielr quill blodu. ccnhCBte

. . . , |T nu* M I A c ta U ie meeilng of the Men- i i 1 ,at-3:S0 pm.-Wedneflday a t b sQ | - V I of Mrs. T. M. KniBhU

¥ ♦ *01 _____ l_ L z. W ednesdty -a H h e - M a - - BUHUiple to elect officers. A pro- TlicmeU.-!1 be presented. gagement

« « V Marie, to ^- M r , and Mrs. W. B. Slef- of Mr, ander. will hold open house OnsUefarrt.oruUng thetr golden wed- MJm TinIvenary, from 2 to fi p. m. Btilil high1 # p. m. Tuesday a l Uielr member oldome. and a for

¥ » » club.IT—Company D. lS3rd In- ShorUioiriglihfilU.__ISjallP nnUoiiftl Ueford- lil(HI jijionsM a-m dlG ifxT air oTlfflTnHi

a l the Rupert Clvle audl^ ondA ho.Arloi) Bastlan's orchestra engftged Inilsli muiic for Uie semi- ' Tlie wctianco. fall.

• ¥ *Jikes Boulevard elub will1 -pm.-W ednesday a l tha C f U CMr*. Mary Waite. UO Van FAIflFIlreel for a poUuck luncheon, side in a j

w e reque-ited to bring’ contest gs'n table service. Holl call nnd rpeclanswered with Jokes or cur- Air Seouli ti . . attended ;

• ♦ • danring tc

I C onducts SS K Regular MeetHTLL. April 23-T lw Ifome sen t c lu b ,« o o ra n f* a t thc Mrt. Lee TraU, Pasadena

'f f ii 'tu s ln e ss 'Jw fc t jf 'w h •' ly Mrs, M ema Woodward,T-Miklrcd-GAnMhanr^wra^- --------7re a report on the lifn e rt eld for Uie Olln Decker 'roceeds of Uie dsnce were .

:iments were «en-ed by the Mrs. Trail, who was a i- Mm. Pearl Hibbard. _ ,

feorge Strickland. Orlando. J ' l J , - ; a gurst a t the meeting. xt meeUng will be held May ie home of M n, Prances “II wUl be an all-daj' « s -

___INSIST ON _ _ J Ra l - Genuine eram ic TUe



TIL E CO.t Mato Ar«aB* SeoUl

VACig G L A Rv iia b lB j a c t :

r s i c o e x a


LEANERS W ii:.s Pl

I - - — ,— -

f ^ S - N E \ Y S , T W I N F A U

dsgn N evada JuneV

- JEROME.Lawrence betroihal Of to Henry

■<■ HiTttldenU of

"■ ■T M lts Real ' H ip i~ ’«iioo

^ o o l In W how tmsito'


U^YMOND CECTL TURNEB'(Staff cogravtng)

'u rner W eds \/onda ‘ -.-Irishiiid Mrs. Albert Irish, Jw ln . annoui’ice' th'e marriage of ■ughter, W anda Fay, to Ray*Cecil ‘I\im er, so|i J e u

srlde was a t t ln d ltua:brDWn length dress wllh white acr

They were attended by Irljh, Twin Falls, brother bride, and Francis Sm ith. ' JO

alls. (Fo i phbride, formerly of Nebraska. ---------------■d the Twin Fulls high school u employed a t WoolworUis ( h f i n 1 Tlie bridcKroom j.erved four ’’ r n the army. ' D \ o A ,WlU make their home on a « I C U |

ear Ooodlnj. Slgina ch^ V ¥ .. held an 1

up Will Jo in ’.“ “ m :iub F ederation ! » ; ;Iff th# meeUng of Uie Ema- b a t the home of Mrs. Erne^«, Uie group voted to w ith- . ,■‘ 5* om Uie Rural Federation and ?! he General Federntlon of Menaieia ( I's. clubs. charge of .

also voted to give 110 to ncer control fund. Six new of rs were admitted Into the **“ ; nicy lire Mrs. Dave Cathro, 'nb AnUils, Mrs, W arren Wll- 'j**Mra, O ertrude Bwlng. Mr*. “ ?* o»»c« etan to d Mrs. Bill Kevan. ng-on the new membership Jxc arr Mm, L 8, Sweet and ^ a r n f ' Imcr Dosiclt. /V\em[program chairm an. Mrs. C. ' .n.p»-<r ,an, presanted Ja ck Holloway r r e i ilayed two piano selecUons, CABTLE rorm" and "Chasing B u tter- -ram waa 1 Oar)' Dosselt gave two selec- of ^ le C n the clectrlc g u lu r , A rend- durlr UUed. •The Wedding" waa Bnptlit ch' ed by Carma Lou Johnaon. BoId Lund aang •Tree*- accom- oyer Uie sl T»y-MaiysnB-Enmmon!C— procetesMS wars*Mrs. Rex O ard - w p. py.d d Mrs. Bertha V an Buren. ^ong* by

I-Wedding I s - - S SManned by Pairu A p r i n r ^ i c t ~ K i n c a i f B u h l , announces the en - Oharlea S rnt of her daughter. D onna duet. Berei to Wilbur E. Shorthouse. aon given by li and Mr*. Charles SliorUiouae. Tha lao aril. eenterad wTliomeli will g raduate from M n . Bore

ilgh tchool In May. She Is a Ringr ot Uie Y-Teens. the PHA Uble. Ho former member of the Pep. HaJey, Jr..

Uiouie grodtiated from C at- lilgh tchool,w lU i the class J ( J J I I I |

"aH «riitltff t 'S ff^ e~ C nn '«B tr — — Q -ho, Mo.ww. la t t je a r .-T le ’ ts --------r 1 €d in fanning with h it f a th e r jn iO M l wedding ts planned for late ,„ ij p,

„ , Var Buttaj* • * Arltn Croi

terta ins C lass . } ;2 ti« 'IFIELD, April 33—T he losing troop 38 a

a senior clast ticket te lling the LDS ti. gave a party for the clast Uon ball,leclal guests recenUy In tho Mre. He :oul building. E igh t oovplta chalnnan*d and si>ent th e evening w ert Mr. 1 K to records played by BupU son. 8«p»' Varner. Contesta and games committeelayed. Refreshments Included McMillan, ehea and soft drinks. iMre. Bert


•S. we're open dally. Including . . WDAY8 . , In Order to a e n e you \ E tter in J-our D R O O NEEDS. ^ )U'll find our stock complete Ib k Vr ery detail and klwaya f rn h .

what WILEY DRUG haa built lU 0 j 2 putatlon on . . . Sen-lng your drug v j f i ‘, ed* since i m /(na

H E A D Q U A R T E R S 1


\ € A T I O N N E E D S ' . . .

ARE PROOF SU N G L A S S E S .....NTZEN SWIM CA PS .......................■XALL GYPSY CREA M ................ILENA K U B IN ST E IN ’S SU N TWI

V ^iley D r u g C o .5 P H osnoN T N. -nv iK F A L is—r n . <

,L S , I 0 A H O _

Wedding Is___nrved by Pair | m |

April 3S-M r. jind Mrs.Reasch anDouhced the

)f their daughter, Joanne,Hansen. Jr., eon of Mr.

flenry Haiiien. *r. AU are Jerome.

Mch It attending Jercnie >oirHTji'r«Ti-*KttendB(l- Woonsocket, 8, Dh. and U (he cJta.Idlng It slated lo r earty

I a

id sin -Juner


Coup ...In-I

. . ^ im b e hvows were Cunnlngha Mrt.bcTlyr~ic(t « t - M r ,- U bontkl, Tw Nev,

Scfrom Kin;

OANNBjlEABCn aprtng and)heta~«Uff tnyav lng ) h i Uie ami

)ter In itiatesJges a t 'M e e t '

ud a buffet supper In the ir P^o,rhursday evening. T n s address by re Loll WatMn. Hatel Ber- Rhoda Purdy, k ,™ . .nrt(oe Cahill WHS hostta* for ^ e rn s and

[. Humjihreyiclal commlllee. conslatlng JoscpJilne Ruth Olcnn, Mrs. Rosie selection, and Jessie Belaya, w m In .T he add

: retreshmenta. given by Bunders day banquet, ritua l by Uie m

and IntUUallon of o ffl- o le n d a Ed be held Thursday a t the

I Lesion hall. Tho banquet f® * • “ ' held Ih eonJuncUon wlUi ron chapter of Sigma.

« ¥ • gave the p

ibers of U nit ■sent Procjrom.ETOBD, Aorll J 3 - * oro- " “ e’ S ’I onMnUU K, a,„ m m tcT ,CasUeford Everywomans' j,™ ,

ing Uie meeting a t Uie 5?,ny°th« hurch. w hite Thloren Hw.ielholt presided ^„d airvet

d Rlngen. .I t Included two r-> ’ . y the eight alxth-grade- - r e t < companled a t the f^rnAR A a r .J iy J irlp a . Joyce J l i u t umorout reading. "Dead or dramaUc reading ‘'Fam ily oinner

■ " S r S e . S ' b y ™■»r^-.A -Hiirr<w -and -M rs.Bhorthouae played a piano . , - -■eral musical reading* «-ereM n . Charles Latham.loe-Mvered tea table - waawlUi a bouQuet of daffodil*.ren Hesselholt and Mrs.igert presided a t the tea[oatasses were Mrs, Roy.. and Mra. Parley Harmon.

» ¥ ¥ . I

ig Festival '= j

iS . April 8 3 -P a trA lead- presldcnta of the class. La ars and Juanita Hitchcock, ouch and Alice Holllbaugh, crand march a t the spring riven by lha Boy Bcouts of and U)e Beehive GlrU of second ward in the rccrea-

ieber ' Prescott is general I and the dance directors

and Mrs. Dwlgnf T hom p- ■vlng on the refreshm ent e were Dale Munk. Ray I. Mn. Edward Moeller and t. WrlghL_____________ .


■ y y r o i t i n g ^

IS F # ’i s -r a w

F O R :


................ 1,89 lo .1.25


.............................. _ ..59c

*’1N S________ $1.25

_Brlde_i_ DietricM arr

' DlETIUCli nom Q alnei Mrs. Allen became the McClure, sor Olufens^elrl. day - In - Ui churcli. T]ii

B & ' v ' . ItH united the (H i • . 'B '. ctrereony .pel

decorated ft naUons -T Iu .JK lde , h£c. tincle, a Bray-RUtt 1 H tr corsage buds w ith a token of sei herinherited, a ahoe a a rosary, ~ p o h n r u < ton. cousin o

ELMER SCnCRBE^BKI “ .V,?*- IBlaff engrmvlni) J - f “ ’* * * 1 M lu Bexton* • * • tilnk roaebui

pie M arried b^’5.u“ N evada.R ites jN eluQ . nep

.ER6V rApTim -=-W eB atnt- M ^ W p ll tr ere exchanged b» Maxine - •lham, daughter of Mr. and Preceding lul D, Cunningham, - K im- Itam Power* n rt-WmFT-TgnTrWnivr~«nn del«.nhn*g'Wi and Mn, Frad . fl„.,flrhar^ gueata_w trt

rwln Falls, April 10 In Elko^ familiesnric

Scherbenski 'w ill graduate Mberi :imberly high school th is j j - j of pini nd the bridegroom Is serving camelllh. Mmiy a l Ft. Lewlt. Wash. u,* brldegrc, * * * . with he r pfield P up ils 'ted a t B anquet ered p r i n t 'F i n j j . April 33' — n i e colored'can and elghUi grade banquet . A weddin

1 UiU week a t the LDS hall.' the home o; irogram Ineluded * welcome Bram, qieU by sa lly Baling followed by duet preaenled by KaUileen md Karaon L*wMn.:Donalrt reys recited a poem - and •wiihans, Sl tie Lamson jriayed a piano „ 5„>. wlUi a Uuliddresa of the evenlng^waa decorat«d_' r Bupt. Carl W arner followed toppM wlU reading oJMhe da ta wtll by bridegroom. EdwardsjHheryl Funk ptoy- by-M rs. Ir a xophonSiolo after which nth g ra# H lr l* chorus sang ns. PonnoV roile 'rtson-play- lano solo. Rose Marie Elllt B prophesy, “looking aheait 10 The brid Olenda Edvards, p retldent Shoshone 1

eighth grade, gave Uie " thank served In oslng remartcs. . years,iftng the banquet, the atu- pollowlnj layed noor gAiiies and danted the couple rdrd music. ^ a . farm so3«rs of-the seventh g rade^et O u t - o f - icorated Uie banquet Ublea. Uieceremo lie class colort, light blue and tn d aooa, The banquet was furnished atUe, Waa ved by parenU of the seventh Sexton, Jo<

ites BirthdaysAR DRAW, April 31-M r. and Lee, Ja n a tttT y-B ehnett-enam iflff'dT l B O IM fM r er honoring the birthday a.i- and son. E •rlcs of Mra. Ted BaughmaB ley Olerela icky Baughman._____________ Sharon 01

B R O AG R E Y H I «

■ W I L T O N _________________ ^

R O S E t m i W I L T O N __________________1 2 J

— G R E Y ------------------------- — r e rW I L T O N __________________12^

T U R Q U O I S E c a r . W I L T O N _________________ 12^

W O O D R O S E v e hW I L T O N S ____________ ^

G R E Y o r G R E E N L oo] C A R P E T ______________

G R E E N o r R O S E T o n A X M I N S T E R t c r r

A X M I N S T E R 55 a

B R O W N a n d B E I G E leti^ A X M I N S T E R 60 g


H i BRO/

rich Couple - -----rry in Church , tes on .SundayJCK. April 3 )-B arb a r i'E l- ww A b i l Inei, daugliUr of Mr. and en Oalnes. ScatUe, Wash., r the bride of James Hen>ir

ron o t M n. AnjcUne Me- [elrlch-.lirrpT cnnrtl-B iihV - Uie Shoshone OaUiolle T]ie Rev. Father Brennan

ne couple In a tingle .ring ! perfdrmed before the a lu r 1 w llh E as ter.U llu . carr and candelabra.' clde, ^ v en 1n marflase^by' e, M .ldT rl Ingram, w ora 'i 'It w ith 'whl(e~aectuoTlef. |C T | |Q H | nge colkiliied Df-plnKTO*«- h a white gardenia. For a l a n M

sentim ent Uie bride wore dmother'a pearls, which aha I, a good luck penny In h e r 1 a blue garter. She carried

ru « "S C 0 tra n d Joann Se:(-On of the bride^nereJtililei- . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■illss Beott wore a gray su it jo b s , jajkconago of pink rosebud*. -(g

iton chose a Uin lu lt wlUi a ----------------ebud conage.rldegroom’s attendant* wer^ I t in r r ;e, a cousin, and Olen Nei-nephew. U ihen were Philip A f Tnephew, of.Ui». bridegroom, _ v■Iter Oa lne*. brother of tha W rtv;tge

- . - ' L akeaC outling the ceremony Mrs. W ll- m raberahlj i-ers. Shoshone, piayed Men-

g trc , m emberLO t_the_tw o ^ y - nrid 'aTew ciose-m Bnai.

noUicr’of the bride chose a fUsmoon dress wllh a cor- pink rosebuds and a white . i tr s . McClure, mother of egroom. wore an aqua dress ,r pink rosebud and w h lu S “ e k , coraage. Mrs. -Sophie Lei- AnoOiM

Uie bridegroom'* m alem al - n i k« h oUier. chose ft d reu o t flow- ,int w ith a corsage of flame ‘cam atloru. •ruMdaiIdlng recepUoo w/u held a t ^^“ “ 3 le of Mr. and M n. Myrl i n - .jleWeh. immediately follow- P 1 i k k ftremony,'' Mr. and Mr*. w l U U

NeUon were hoaU. Recep- ' A f - f i a lstants were Mra. J e n ? . . . W i l l , Dietrich,-ahd U ra; WUIard *7hs Inltl I, Shoahone. D o«n and-ecepUon Uble w u centered held a t tt

Uiree-Uered weddlpg'cake LelcW ltw.’ sd_wllh_plnle._tos«,l)Uds_aii,d _ M n ,.A r t with ft miniature bride and dent; M n wm. The eaka w u baked p r o d ^ t , i. Ingram , th rrb rid t 'iu iim t, xe tary -tna s cut In Uie IfadlUonU m an- Ber.;rep6tt the newly married couple.' M eaben i£W..Mn^.MeClaTs.wlll’f : ^ - diT 'w orke )m Dietrich high school wiUi jo in are » ts of 1049, log lehedubridegroom graduated trom the hoi ne high tchool In 1M3 and 701 Becon In the U.S. navy (or two ftttendlng

- - ' work or 1 M nj'U ieif'ihortw eddini'trlp ra«cUii*~' iple will-make their home on 1 aouth of IDelrlch. r r - 1o f-to w n luesU prtsant iar . b n t ©

smony were Mn. Alien Oalne* a m A R m . W alter and Robert. tU- ^ ^ T ] WUh.: Mr. and M n. 8 . A.. Joann. Juanll* and Jimmie .- .® oeatello ;_W ^> Jn*ram . d M n; Wayne Boyer, MartUn «

ana Vee and David Morrli,■M r.'nna*M nrJohn-Oi*rftm- :------- —n. BoUe; Mr. and Mrs. P r« i- tn g n m . 1 reland, Lorraine. Robert and Jr.. RlgbTiI Cleveland. Boise; WUllam g lpam en>

tw o

V D L O CI I a n d L o lM}op .T o x tti re d A1-Ft,— 21 sq. y d j . R e g . 18.B5........ f l

r e x tu r e E m bosM 4 D e s ls n Q ,2 -F t.. 34 gq. yds. Reg:..13.95— 3

r e r t n r e Em bo8W d-D e a ls » ' -B ■ 2 -rt., 20 eg. yd5. R e g . 13.95------ O

:a r v e d Q2 - F t„ .40 gq. yd8. R e g . 14,05........ W

/e lv e t . T o n e o n - to n e . ^ l - r t . , R e g . 11.B5 .....................i

jD o p -T e x tu re d .. Q[ 2 .r t . .8 1 c q .y ( ta . R eg . ia .C S -..- . O

r o n e o n T one. F e rn L e a f P a t - j "^ m a . lO Q gq.yda. R eg . 7 .9 5 - .... W

55 ag, yd.'- R eg . 7 .0 5 ............. ........

IB th C e n tu ry P a t t e r n « ?0 sq. yd*. Reg. 6 .5 0 ........ ............. w

B U S L J . J X P E E T - I N S ' M

iA B I O O H S

^ ^ 7 5 6 0 M A l N » r t . » .

- PHQ]

-Marries^ 4-^% =

UklEB'BENBT KoOLTOB (Staff tBiTfttlBg)x . . .

:heon.Served .Countrv-Glti b --

lu n t i ^ d iS ! c r o i ^ i d . I « » hip luncheon -foUowid by ' raU ftt the club, . . ’.

t£ « . 0<-E. W adfwortb w aa-------th ln l Wgb. to w aeor# w t a t . lobert W aiberg,r. H. BU ndford a n d >Irp,.........cock were oo-chalrmen fo r . heon and w e n . aaslatsd tiy 'EE. lU ybom . -!T ^ e fflb en h lp • liloebw o

he ld . W aduMday. n / m to ftttend a rt.f ta k e d to

, 'B U n d fo rd 'e r Mr*. B o o d t lay noon.

• ..•

) O rg a n iz e d , '

th e bome o t U n .s B m e r f , '430 F lftb a m t i * e ast.- -

■Btter.-*............ ........ r — — ”•■era of tb e d u b ar* «x-U un- •ker». •Persona w U htof t * - "asked t o T t t t e p t f W l i n j ^ ------

duled for a pjB . W edneaday , home o( Mr*. Bd B m m eo . ond a renue w w t W p m » ,- ig are a tk td to b r is s fancy ■ eewlng to- _do d & _ tb a .

erta in G uests

an d I t e W «al«r.. Tw ta ralto : M r . ,a n d , . J t e . ■9Kitk. Klmberty: -rilr.-^aad.— - r W . DorUnf, •Waodbrtr, a flte t* JBncbo a ad |BO .,Ta- .,i|f. -.-• . .. .-I-.

a ac k fo o t; J ly r t t n S a m r ™ 9T. a ad Mr,- and Mr*. Jack na. Bolw, ___^

i i i i

> M9 . 9 5 w . r t

9 . 9 5 m . j i i . ............. —

9 ; 3 5 ^ ; i ~ ~ : 3 ;

9 . 9 5 m . ? d .

7 . 8 8 w . ? d .

8 . 8 8 m . t i i .

5 . 8 8 w . ? i » .

4 i 8 8 » l . T r | l . — -----

3 . 8 8 « q . T l i

t L L A T I O N S • -

o p I

^ H o u s i n g B i l l ^ 'O f f e r a V a r ie d ■; P u t u e H e a l th

W A8HINQT0K, AprU a OtJO — V" Ouoimanr of Uie four ronn p ro fl.' « lo u o t U u natlontl 1ons>ran««

...... ttw M n k U )- '■ ■ x n r jjo o jM W J 'tB ffdewi io«R5 «Qd $500,000,000 In (Mlerat t r u iU

, fo r riitm c infinnrf n re t-t A rt j t » r . p tr lod . ThBM would loeallr-

= ^ w w u t |« " r tn m ~ c i« » n n c r—T w ino- mtd« io pU o

prDjKt«_iuid cJe»r lh« »nd for re* ~ x iM ..T tie M would b< v h e n

th « lui'd WM wld or leiKd (or re-

! • d« relopni6n t Long-krm l o t n a votUd be avalUble to rrfUisnce por- t lc n s of th e that are I tu e d

. u>d would be iecurfd by renUU fro m the leu«d Imd. Ttic would enable the federal govern* m e n t to itand ts-o<thlrds of the

- l o u t t on clearante pfoJeeUi .under­taken In a n ; one locallly. No more th M 10 per cent of the fundi eould be ipent In any one stote.

PnbUe Ilaiulni UniU a. Construction by local authorl-

.tltt.o f.a.n iA xlm uia of.AULOOO. public h ou jlnc unlU a t a rate o f lU.OOO a year fo r elx yeara Th» Prealdent could raise this 300.M0 a year or

-eu f-J t- to 60,000, b^it-he could not .BXcetd.Uie Blx-ycac mnxlmum. Tlie publlo housing administration would en ter Into annual contraetA ,lo make up ths dlffartnca between

w m ltf 'i^orflT oT Jiyw W T hB iinnnil : o pe ra ttn r Costs. Authorttatlon la Tor W.OOO.OOtJ-tiriht-flKalTeBrbe* - fin n in g nex t July 1, Total maxi­mum contributions could not exceed 1308,000,000.

TamlUes displaced by slum clear- . m ce. p ro jacu would bt given firs t * preference, wllh vet,erani having n h lc h priority. To be eligible for ad- mlaalon to a housing project, a fam­ily would have to have an Income th a t did no t exceed fl>e tlmea the groea annual rent.

% H ocalnt BeaMrch' 9. Rousing research. A problem

tislng aay federal' faclllttcs. Con­cerned w ith Improved, .building

' codes, new materials, lU nriardlted . dtmenslona. land costs and econom- ^ Jb r e m r e h . . ‘‘

4. A ru ra l houaing program of f, ■ c ranU and loans to fanner*., (A) *'

__ l]o u u up to n yean i t oo t.m ora *;th a n four pe r ccnt Interest tc own-

• a n of p a y ln t farms who are n o t . .o therw ise able to obtain eredU. (B) °

almJlar loans, supplemmled by an* J ^ nua l eonlrlbullons.'tc those whoee ^

farm s are n o t self-sustaining • but . oeuld be m ade to through a aatU- factory program. (0 ) loans and ^

I g ran te for mliMr repairs and Im- ^ ip rorem ente on non-paying farm i S t n a k a th em livable, «

LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTa n r ths" ? 5 o **tx co D w ^ o r twtk ^


MUd W U>. aiUU «f i ( u K. rnUB, •*

ru tra . dwaied. u aMbtt iimt wtUi U>«

to tk* uU Ateukmur *111 hi

^ M a , lU s u J “rU.i--------------

5 u iS ita 5 E ? ^ ^ S m I taanci^ -al , ■ tau wv,

; . .A 'g S. W ^ f c - r ' i , . . o.Tradein— m f r m c E f m

Iy ' j )

S E E U S FO R T H E E T .A .fi I 'so d R c f r iR e r a

All te s te d — a p p ro v e1 —Guaranteed

EASYt e r m s

: . . I f W c C a n l S


Possible Sites


— T h eie ^ a n -a h o w 'c lo M O p a -o r th i■!* y.*|^ lTMi.~1T

Inc as altea for th e propoaed $200,000, attes are 'new used a i te i l rahces bi mUallea. Feint Mtsgit naea Begg's n have a cemiBnnlly e f 11,000 persona

Party ‘Crasher’ Who Used Gun Draws $25 Fine

Kugene Harrison Rousseau. 3i. 104 ' Q uincy atreet, pleaded guilty Priday tn Justice courU to carrying a -d an - , gercuB and deadly weapon and -was ! lined 139. assesaed.U.70 court corta and tenU nced to 30 days In thecotuiiy j i a ------- ------ --

Oommltipeni paper* Tor the 20- . d a y aentenced were w ithheld for six , m on tha pending Rous^teau's good be- i hav lor and w m e n t of lhe line and , co im eoaU. *

H e was arreated early Thursday , m orning a t the Elllii Armstrong , hem e, two and ono-half miles aouUi o f Twtn Falls a fte r a n alleged argu- m a n t w ith a guest a t a party, aherU f'a offlcera m ade the arrest, j

U.“ of I. Vandaleers ; Set Supert Concert ■

a - V t o d . l „ m , Of the t7nl»er»lty of Idaho will pre- ■a en t a ooncert a t th e LDS tabernacle IT ^ t t e i f e n ln f . J £ m y - a . --------- -— _

T om Ultloan. R upert music de- " p a rtm en t haad, U In charge of a r- Irangem anta and L. L. Culbertson ■ haa been appointed lo arrange fcrhousing the group. I

--------------DTAHNS V ia iT --------------!T A IR nE LD , April » - M r . and ■

Mre. K enneth WcDonaM. American ■ ro rk , u u h , were gueeU thU week 3f th e Toater Punk family. "

i l l / Blfl

( j With o

• Big Supet-F

B E S T ' *' tT jto r s . • R u « - p w b f 'v e d • Oouble-Eoty

• Ton botHe *1 ^ _ J • Percalein Inl• fameua Me 5-Ywir Preh

&doy I $ « • tWi borgoin vek>e fer yourj*

K only o«» cf 9 modelt, 3 lypei art

S e r i- ic c I t . . H 'c I f o ii 't S e l l

s fo i 'T e s t € ^ t e r

lha PolnV C a lir . r a id 'l ta u 5 a

>»,000 guided mUalle l« .t cTnler. Beto s bnt are Inadequate fo r laager ranie 'a reek fo r Ita prcM nl ta rg tl area, aa tons.

~ Individual Spud Goals Sent Oul

IDAHO PALLS, April 33 WV NotlceA of Individual potato goali

: fcr this year were In the mail tcda] far aboul 8A0 farm ers of BcnnevIUi counly,

” Leonard J , Purcell, county AC/ chalim an, announced the Indlrjdual

’• potato allotm ents were aent to tht ~ gron’e n , following approval by ataU

production a n d marketing admlolt. ** traUon officials. . .

The qounty agricultural conserrs- ‘ tlon aaaodallon commlltea made up

^ of Purcell, Oeorge B ltU r and E. W, H untsm an ha* been meeUng the

'<■ past we«k d rafting revised Individual goals for f a m a rs to follow If they

■y desire tc pttrtlclpate In tha 104D gov-* em m ent poU to beneflta.

'• CHAIBMAN^AMEOOAKLtrV. Aprtl 23-M rs. J . Z.

Pranks has been nam ed chairman of the cancer drive here.

t S LAMB BACK a > CORRECTIONe r ^ p l a a a a n t and pAInlita.

. ^ with rteum atlam , artnrltl* ,

. i T lumbago, atomach aod kidneyn J disorder*. If you h*T» trtedr % e rerythlng elce try adjurt-

C menta. Ballet, u oiten cb-


V U« M ala N orth Phaae UM

V W W W W V W i


^ J V OOW N ■

. rCosh ^ ^ 10 ^

ft all th«s« featuresir.Freaxef

h, gioaa-N ipped H ydfater S flhaT vei

o sy Q ulckube Troys e space

I InteHor

M ete^M laar fnechot^lsm wHh ■ehetlen h a n

v rM fl Th* I W n e r yQvoilable. An? « here \n

.M akic V allcv

M I f . .


!jr Bluff Worked U But Failed inI “PayofPSpeI I KENDRICK. A p r i l 33 VP) HH A Janitor bluffed two m en o u t ol i a burglary last n ight bu t they call i a ~ hla-em pt|uJiaad-b*for*-pO U ca s 3 H _ xlved,i f i Jan ito r 0 , O . A rnett found t i a men in the dark a t K endrick h i

school, Deputy Sheriff J , P . Jord 3 0 __ said. The school doors had be

i a —Stick, 'em' up." ia ld A rnett. -|H The would-be burglaca did. Ami] n marched them to the fro n t of ti a building where he met CoaCta R(i a Armltage.W Armltage w ent to a home nejig door tc call police.l a While he waa gone th e two “ca

tured" men watched A rne tt-In t. light of car headllghte. They as. he had no gun. They had two.

M ' When thb coach reAimed th e mi^ marched him and A m att away fro^ the building a t gun point.^ They fled before police arrivevM B ut without a n y loot.___________

Y o u r

5 ^ ! — TlSS;;; C o r d U r d — Aodoy 1 r r r .- r r r r . rivuje H o in c g u a r d V e n

5 S 5 : ■ ----------------------------c H E c iu..' • DECORA


«up . • RTT.qT P

't^ e - • • • F L E X I Bdualtheyto’’- 221 M A IN A V E . E .

• - — ■ ■ ■

ed- --■■ - ............................. -•e.


T 2 - 5 - 7 M A N R U B B E RRubber -Ooatlng-Cement fo:

— - \ -------------------------

COMBINAT----------- ^ WEEP BUW

8 PRATEIP o p u la r B ra n d , •R eg. 19.50—Sale P r ic e .

F E A T H E R p n ,

8 8 c

Orange Sque “ J U I C E K D

R en. 6.95Sale P rice ...........................

BLACKMERE GASOLIMPumpd 14 gallons pe r'

B«cDifr : : j oa A u t r r i f* .......................

I O NLY ;R es. 22.9.';'l.A W N MOWI

-|-*‘SC<Genuine Scout P m

Combination wate] MatcTi Case and

Rucksacks, Pack B feNew Pup Tents ...

M ummy Sleeping I W ith z ip p e r ......

WASH TUB. N«. 2. lU g. * JO. S WASH TUB. No. 1. R ^ . t,?o. 8 OARBAOE CANS. 15-r»IIoo. B GARBAGE CANS, 21-raUea. R

sE V E R ^


* I Largest Group^ ALBION. April 33-Raymot Q H. Bnyder. preeldent of SouU

em Id ah o College of Bdueatlo ^ f . announced th a t t i teachers wl O l be g raduated here, with 00 r

celTlnr bacbelor of arU degree >) — Be polntad ou t this la Ihe lari of a eel g roup of teachers to be grac died uated from any Idaho state It a r - 'f tl tn tlo ir th lr-y e a r.-------;---------


i*an 1 vestock Club at e ^ t l e f o r M e e i

- CAaTLEFOBO, April 33-*] C asU ^ord Uveitock 4tB club t

,“ ® a t the hom e of John E nsunu t ^ week. P rancla Karel reported*

feeding » dairy calf.Leader o f.the club U Oren Uati

ews. O fficers are Tom UcCls president; Bill Smith, Tice prt dent; Jo h n Ensunsa, secreta' Joe H eiun, treasurer, and M

»POrt«r-nen o th e r members are Walli rom Reese, O ary Rlngert. John Helc

Prancl* K arel, Ronald Bishop. J ved. Bishop, D ale Mathews. Dick O n

beal, O ai7 Bishop and Bob Field


3 5 W H H T OA R E NOW A V A I L

' C h o i c e o f

rh e fi l lK e a r T h a t A djuaU II A ffords S ilen t O peration W llh t

•n e tia n B l i t u h A r e E a a y to >


P I Z E D • R E F L E

f u l • K E E P S

P R O O F J . 4

( mP H O N E 6'37

U R P I” ■ % Block We

R G A ISal

r ’1 BOATSror UMd Bo.ta

; : ; w <noNI N E R - -----------------------

R ”1 5 . 9 5 -------


txow s

e c i e r H N G ” ................................

4 - 9 5

t t PUMP8 ^■' minute

1 4 - 9 S I P u r e Boiled

-K R ................................................

O t T T S ^Kket K nife ...........jr-proofi C om pass.............1 .0 4Boards............ ^

B a . I ........... ........ 5 :7 :

: 1 1 . 0 ‘iSALE prire , . . . . -SA L E prir, ............ ......R»t. J i* . SALE P rice ......... ...... 2 ! ^H u . 4.K, SAt-K priff



^ Yellowstone Park X Highways to Opetlon. IDAHO PALIS, April 93 WV-j WlU highways Into TeUowstone natlor

I re- p«rk, except tha north en trance frc ree*. Red Lodge, H o n t, to Cooke Cl a rg - M ont.-ilioukl be open for travel rad* June ). parka SuperlntcDdent E

In- mum) 8 . Rogers said today.------- - T & “ wMi“inU‘aBW‘ «na-roailfn——J the west ilde of the '-park to 0

. Palthful will be open May 7. Hig:IT___ w a y s t o th o .w t 'a n d a o u th e n t^ c»m not be open unUl- the last

.A i-a ^ y . The northeast-entranoe-fro Red Lodge to co^ka City U axpoet;

- T h a ta. be open between June 10 ai > m et June 15, 'I th is ^ u , , Yeiiowilane NaUon" ®“ Park company will begin operatloi , . , ,v June 30 a l which tim e hotel* In Un .^ T op*"- '^ , 7 * available June i a t Old P a llh fu l axK June 10 a t Canyon Lodge. Meala w:

„ V ' no t be served In tho dining rooms i these lodges unlU June 15 and J

allaceleldel. Tourist cabins and cafeU rlaa :I Jim Old Palthful will open May 14. >3ray- Pishing Bridge May 23 and a t Cajelds, yon and West Ih u m b May 38.


.N B L IN D SL A B L E IN . . .

■ C o l o r s

Ilse lf — K e e p s T ilt 1 a Minimum of E ffo rl.

0 C le a n — F ir e P r o o f

FEA TU RES -------------------------I E S T I G H T L Y . ,. E C T S L I G H T - P S I T S S H A P E

l u T "' e s t o f j P o s t O C t i c e - 2 5 :

1 N S Iale Lasts One W eek <


79eE T ■ ■ ^” Drive— Only ______ .......................



3 .9 5 > n l* 0 a l .

d Linseed O i l .......................................

LEAF ,a rake

. . e x

6 6 = ^ 10 s I

* 5 n

rs 8-LB. « , 5 MAUL I ^

I S b a :. 1 '

B e t t e r F a r m I ^ b o i

n o n O u t l o o k I b I n d i c a tl l c l l R O Pnrr. April i» -T h e fans

bor outlook Is better now than It illonal been for tereral year*, It w u li Bfrom cated > t a meetlnc of farm ti

City, association director* thU' w vel by Plan*'*to obtain Narajc t Ed> possibly other w odun h a n t

made through the eugar cospa; j ln m - —Memb«nhli»rto--th«—laocla 0 Old thU year will be handled the *1 High- as In past yean. Application* uncea be algnad a t tl\e offlco of ufc-of TnMt;-counijragthi.” “ ■ -from - - - —

--------------- M -----------) and ......... f lR K '

Uonal %aUon* ^ ____h the rill be ^d and -.1. ^ ”la w i l l •. r ^ vros of Kl 18.

A* ata t H ^ W s I

Can- 1 ^ ^ ^


' T ieV not gomHe’s tak ins his dadd and press tnem in ji Cleaners of course!

Don't postpone yo to wait fo r cleaning 2H 0URCLEANIN(

. ICE WE’RE FAMDl small ex tra charjre.


ifl 20% 4 A L I

1 5 1 M A I N W E S T

M C ht Only


. ____ ._,n.fl..NAVX

---------------------------- r - I ^ M a r

1 I S « 9 POST HOU...... B.7BTalu*l

n r l pE Leat!»r CoaUlnen ' - ...... .......

3aL Cootalner*ASSORT

„ 300 Sa. ............3 .4 f t Ral. SALE Price

[^AVRIST WATCH f — W aterproof............................

I r r i g a6x6 CANVAS DAMSTrented .........................................G X 8 CANVAS DA.MSTreated ............... ..........................BANTAMNO. 1 SHOVEI^ ............... .........RUBBERKNEE BOOTS ............................2-GAl.. CANVAS W'ATER BAGI.P5 V alu e.................. ..................GOGGLESWith n l/cnisc ...............................

S A ¥ IR G A I N

o r w o t t A c o ^ i r ^

ItedTO U - penter, ^ ^

Teacher. ^ « 1?week.

been N iT lT *^

J I T BOY!in K liw a it for days ^dily’B panla where Hiv diaiBju5l2H0URS...TrDSyour Wp bcrau»e ol having?gandpre‘& V serv!OUS FOR . . . ahd at just aI.


- -- 2SJ 2nd'ST7BAJl”D IS C O U N T

I C A S H a n d CAERYl

A i S AroR K SHIRTSinR TS_____ 1.95 I[ L iB R A T™ !

ry T .S H1HTS^

79cLE AUOERS « a aI O n ly - .......................... l a U V

tst R espirators49«

t h e r J a c k e t s


r . ..... l i e

2 9 -5 o l

i t o r s......

4 .7 5

................. 2 .69

IIL r 4 -» ? ::G -1;»49 ■

r - .....................

B ! -

D - A l ^

TeUs^ Massacre ^ B ^ t Malmedy | H

■ In an a ll ftfUmoon leeoo

IxJfew^nn^ th R . Ahrens. M

■ . ^ J n T w ^ v o r o I T K r ie p -

l ^ . ,^ ^ ^ '- t s D . b u U e t 4 in the { ■ ■ p lS ^ d e a d -tor -.ihiit

th eo r* « d Into j ^ H fortat m » burst of Kun.

if toU W lhoda u«<l W Bet ooa- (nun 0 «rmu> troopert u - the kUllngd. 6«vent7 -(hrM W ^ Mn re tried for tba m u u m B H

in th e lO U S a tm ■ ■ ^ Bub* n«*r Malj&adjr. B iU iT n r t r - t h r e e were senteneed faUm but no«e were e*<cutrt

OTly ‘I*

“S relot^d how his ec«ip«ny j ^ e n ln acnnvoy.oliO.tfl »L u m found Uiemselvet su r-

In U>e .surpiisQ.-Oennka

.(Of Duture. he lutld.

^ r M £ 'r « . 's : . " ^ u “ £ ' ; s ■

th» public" m d otueure.thB T eiU f- hindllng of th e Mslmedy

*^!nn»tj Bftldwlrtj^R.. Conn.. de* %Wrdtfrft)ifrtW M nolhU inU onof-ln- W O.

lhe public." He said Ahrens’sUaiony might support wan# of / " iil lUtnnenCa m sde b7 the O er- \ ^ ( BMU ta thflf confeBslons.Before «!Hng Ahrena. the sena- GOOD

UI hjuncd lo the reading o t j i n has beerriff *hich allowed th e u»e of de- fo r moremtlon In questioning of the O or- structlor

■ tf Hal hwAl the um e Ume. the «de r, ts- now app

Bid br • prtion csm p commander pletlon chO snsn;. specified th a t phytlctl tlon toAkaee muat be “scrupulously The foidded* t9 ttie questioners. ’ U arch. :Ttu crtler was read b j John IL houtlnit

y punnii, retired colonel who head- peed fortlibosrd named by O en . L udusD . more spiOiT to rerlew convictions. Durlni

aijmond said there was -very, gre*t b aWJ IltU« evldeneev-behlnd O er- by looal£iB clslmi of m litrea tinen l. of p ttle:

PrMeeiiiori have dogled tha t b m - ed olherklind tllFgal m eans were u u d to .A 31j« rtstnnfnU. naym ond said the back ofirjradtnu were given a ll tiie rights ■,«ith a fitfexinMl. p a rt U 1

| I ( | /H ( ^ ^ WIN

CUSTOM ItWE. j Lj_ B V .M iD S R N Ili__

COVtttD M VOUt CNOKS (' T o people e w trw h ere tbe W T In G rand Rapid*" o>esnt ^ e uld cure. T his h o c tn «stimM>o(P‘wi p e rfe o lr r«fle«*d than ' I n ihi cocnfiMtable W ins C hab . <muslin , it is detigned fo r n n o )« u r o rder from a wide seUctk unu ittsi fsbfies ki aH the mort ck

Al»« A*«m*l« h. i . r.

CHECK T H ESE CONSTBUCTIO* Selected hard^rood framCL* FuU w eb conitructioa.■ 8<way h ta d tied ip r in c v• CorJed h a ir aad cotton &lUax.• R m r t i b ie • p r b f filled o itb loe

CethU m Avsttofct* a t StlflM




N o r t h 5"^ou r F u r n i t u r e S to re " C e n tra l:

- O P E N T ik fie v e r y e v e n i n g Co

L ~ I L 9 O’C L O CK DRIi



W o i ^ A d ^ i t t o

Jw M -ab w rtiT h riaa ia H iB ^^ in i^ an C T

made te Ihe old bnlldlnc which facts r ii taft •titrx rtng )-

, <r. \ * * •

jrk Progresses oi ^^ompletion Expet>DlNa. AprU ll3 — Ooodlng T hU wlllen without hospital faclllUes 18 to nire than a year, b u t w ith con- In udon work on Uie new Memo* be complo sp iu r p rofreislnK ' well. It hullwnyjppean June 15 will see com- A modiI of Uie remodeling and addl* stalled :» the old building. bulldlnRfonner hospital closed In early OUier. 11K8, because of Inadcfiunle modem

for the nursing s ta f f ond porch, nor more modem faclllUes and adequatipace fer caw o t pa tien ts . on end:ng Uie past severo w in ter a Mortfijardshlp h u been experienced In.itallecal doctor*- In- hoepltallsaUon T h e rtielenU and has also overcrowd- cementler hMpltals In th c area. s ta te pi1 by U-tooL addition on Uie clflcaUo>f Uie old tw o-story s tru c tu rt eery m<full basement under Uir new v l l l leai

1 being completed a t- 'p rew n t. 8uf»e

~ ~ ^Co

N G B A C K C H A I *

.......... ............... f v


Of n w w cs ■*rty w ofdt "M ade oiyiliiimste in fum i- •« 'w as never m oreth t i 't e re ly aod • ' - -. U pholtiered in tom covctinff k> tiM of new anddesirable s h a d e * . ______________

^ j ( o i a u a / -1


M AM Itl...ri Cm .


11 Carlraii o( “ ■(r Room Sets ^ 2 1

i l d e F ufilly Locatcd in Jerom e o n the I

ccl frora factory to yon — - 'o m p arc a n d S a v e F R IVE OUT AND SAVE" Sho]

— X l B E R A l r C R E D n "

' _ ' ■ ^ T

ces o n G o o d i n g H

u n 5 n sE T 5 5 a K jC K w 5 n in n 3 i3 Z p aodlnf.-»fUr--»i» -abMwee ot m u U men :ts the evergreen Iree shown a t lhe i

• * * * • ---------

on Hospital; ected in Junewill Increase faclIIUes from an Comm

) B 30-bed InaUlutlon. « visituddUlon Uie old building will Pa«o .

smpletely repainted, rewired and irrexsloA'ays covered with asphalt tile. D. C. lodern laboratory wdl he In- HUed In the basemenl ot the Old .ipentllnR. parent4ier ndtlltlonn will Include a Houtciern moiemlty McUoii. a lUn Poko^h. new kitchen and laundry, and formet{uate uUllly and storage rooms ______;ivch floor.nrtfm lav«U)ry faclllUcs will be to pailled throuRhoul Uie building. R«>'no rnew -eonftm rtton-ls-of-brtclfr -oompa

Ult and steel meeUng Idaho Uktes public healUi department »pc- tlon olaUofis, There will be U per inc. b

more floor space and a^ramp nirucUlead Into the rear entrance. Itigitoiftlclent fiinda are now on hand ehalm

» t w r ^ , P r o e f l M l a n

; e m f o r t a W « , , >

Lof* o f “V B

flnlsh.comple»« wirh ladder } rrond Ouord to ll . Cenveitt J /'/««»Hy ln>« M n beds.

Worm, menew "OHWort<r f t : finUh.ceniplite wllh lodderond Cuerd Roll. Convtrti / h)•o illy Into rwin b « ^ l A

29.95 ^ $79-50 C

i r n i t u r ele Road to Twin FhHb—Scr\-inff >

-PLENTY OF F R Em E E P A R K I N G A n rihop a t Your Leisure In

r T E R M S “ -’» ‘ —

spit j

h. rijhi. irb.u. I , uch. w,

x-Rupert C. of C. D Manag^er Is Visitor

CIMBBJIL.Y, April as - Howard ‘nhum iffltt. form er Rupert C h a m b e r^ wmpli mmerce secre tary -m nnsger,?^ ^ a slto r he re Thursday en roule-tgi SCO. W ash., from allcndlng a con- rxslonal hearing In Wasltlnglon.C. »«J.

3U wife, son and moUwr hud :n t a week here vlslllnR hl« wife’s rents, Mr. and Mrs. William Vafi o f » n .utcn. T hey were to return lo Ko< w llh .M olfitt. They also are •mer T w in Kails residents.

pay Uie building contractor, ynolds and Walker CoiutrucUonmpaiiy.-Twln-JPalLi,------------------- - -U te s l p lans call,fo r the InsUOla- n o t an elevator in the new bulld- [. hosp ital equipment, and oon- -uctlon of a nurses homr. accord- {*to E m m ett Kelly, hoepltal board airm an.

w O e m i i n *


e C o .Z All Southern Idaho

l E E D E L I V E R Y IiTirwhcre - Anj-time In Southern Idaho

P H O : ^ 9 1 - W _ _

J ,


K D iv o rc e s Off r e _ A w a rd e d J [n C o u r t H e re s "‘W orce decrecs were haiRlcd Priday by D istrict Judge Hugh « « «Ver. E ad i o l lhe sl* cases was , j n tlUd v I'f'd Vtgi .TJaeTTciaHf' Tfcin r a l l r ucardefl- & dlvorcc frooi.Lloyd ne. She also wa* granted dy of one m inor chUd: ISO >rt money per month: II7J0 »«om

»1 ahd d o { ^ -bllU incurrfti e childbirth a jia ‘«100 attorney Tlttno

Earl E. W alker represented . ‘‘W JLlcLane. JroUiy Crouch. T»'ln FaUs. w«.i cd ■ a divorce from Sobble :h. She also was Riven custody minor eon. Raybom and Ray- KIL represented Mra. Crouch. '" ii nl

s Harvey waa granted a divorce *’ Clarence Harvey. She also was custody of two m inor children.

. Dibble represented Mrs. H«r-

ce Kruse, T u ln Falls, wn.i K C ded a divorce from Lester e. She wa.1 given ctwlody ot minor children and UO prr V V h support motley for each JjM . Earl E. W alker reorescnled ' V K ru « r ■' = ■ JW ,in Crow, Tw in Falls, wns ded a dlvoree from Lura M. prM '. He was repre.tenled by'W . L.

Irlela Arnold, T u ln Falls, rc- f,?/" d a dlvorce-Jrotn-Jiuncs-M. Ar. -U .ie-o fne rm n tflrm iB m c.'P n" -*‘ «o|- Q 00<b-CBr. waa rgsturrd tn e»!l» Amold. Se was represented by o m and R ayborn. ■"‘f'

Divorce Sought ‘ mroi Fredenberg charges Alvlii : enberg wlUi extreme cruelty and A man trea tm en t in a divorce Matnt flled -PrWay In dUlric^ \ ' t. Mrs. Fredenberv atsa seeks- t< iraUon of he r form er name of i| Hlllebroi<k , . . -le couple was m arried Dec. 7, 'tfO T , In Milwaukee, WU. Raybom Rayboro represen t Mrs. Freden- p l j

D T O ^ - N E W S W Aln- ADS. M

E Q l

A l


WE"P.O7BOX ¥03





_________________ LOGGING ^


ConstructionCEMENT M

...................................PUM PS-SAWS

' Frueha


LLS. IDAHO _________

[ficers Selected 1 mn By Acequia P T A l E - v :CEQUIA. April a - N e w offlcen from NUie PTA here are Mrs. A lbert two-daler, pre.Udent; Mrt. Glen Sroad- slonaryd, vice president; Mrs. K en of Ood■Ilford. Aecretary^ and Mrs. Mike ■eks, ireaaurer. ' r ~ “”Ticy-axre-elected a t a-meeU n« « - ll WediiMday evening a t the ftlgh oel.—- A-y ro g ram - followed—th e ^— |;Uon and business meeUng. Ineiuaed e n 't h e proeram—wer* I 8> by Ciirolliie and Mona Yagnes, ompanled by Mra. June Jone*: » dlnit by .Myma Kenl; a song by . aiuI"Mia: AIherl'BreR-erton,_andno hfiloi'by Mra.,Jotiefl. - H <iuteue.i were Mrs. S a il Eppers.!i. pelbcrt Parker.and Mrs. Clyde H j

STVnENT PLEDGED I Q'IU :r . April 33-M ark MarUn. H I n( Mr. and.Mts. Lawrence M ar- H | , h u been pledged to th s Inter*Ictiiui# K nlghu, v> i f l 'h o n o ra ry tm iu y «i the Oollege of Idaho, ■

TNANCINCTiurkom. w itb a 'nidenlUl Menlhly.Paymcol Moit*• | f l> mnre lIxD • ( m J a»r»—'■ « “duulile-Junip."__________

»ll» for lump inm prlntiiisl raT-- ____irnti nor Inerrsici tn lodsy 'ilow _Kcrrit n ie i. Kverytlilnf U £ u d uO1 »d»«nce. TliU p lin Js ■TillsWe W l1 Mlected M<lloni. _ AU type* FEA reiIJtn iltl le in i


Auihwlif^ Mill, tikn tuiltlur UUTNT, rn ^ n lu rU M iW * c*. Bu

- " •( A x rlnT<l OiM« HU Niwitk—MA t-4li«

t h T r SU r P M E


N N OThe Openi






la k e r and GarcoRS — RIPPERS .........................ZERSJ W iNCHES_______________ __


tl M achinery Co.MIXERS ____


lanf and T ran sp o rt 1

AL Ni6lE T ^ S E R W

J ;

ATTKND flXBBlON 1SEN, AprU 2$-M r. and U n. - B nyd Brunson, Mrs. Ray BuUer and kqCu1 William Uartto hard returned of herm Nampa where they attended a bes 1i-day lesdon of the state ml«* mekau ry convenuon of Uie Ctiurcb Mr. aOod. _____________ other

iijroDLHiP n l M d h f


_ _ j = _ w « u - i i , - i M i e ---------—Vmet IM 2 1


Goodinjf Lincoln Inn Wendoll ' Hotel WciideUJerome- ...... North Sidc-Inn -Twin Falls Rogerson Hotel Rupert . Caledonian Hotel Burley National Hotel

9:30 A.M. to J :0 0 P.M. Exce

Acousticon-Ped361 Sonna Building

S ^ D A i E N T C l> FALLS

^ U N C Iling of^a _1S BRAN(


E POINT7 — p h d i s

;T0R aiu MACHTNiL -







t T ra i le r Go. J a i le r !

T ^ R S p liCEranilll^

b v b u b m .•wtur itMler'putnta. Mr.' and' mai\VMa -7

Honour, After fpendtoi-.Wb-v ka in r a l l i >t t te U am .ot^ud-lCta. W. K

■r w to t tm t Mrn. : • ;i


~Tu'e'^a'^ApTn.^'';:it>'W edhcfldayrA pr^W "

I - Thursday, April -:1 Friday, April 29 • tel Monday, May 2 1 Tuesday, May. 8 . , • ;

ccpt by Appolntmwl ' .

dersen Co.BoIm , IdaEo



CHI z z f z z l


L L L S '^ '-j,

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Iro n Co. ' '

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teTSr ” ?5"57” }5“ n .. • pr]— — Z?7------7 ----- ^

^AtSJLU AfN*-l'—y..,




. QUIT A L0CRAT\MG POST AS / g \ b AUDTOR r o d A 'WOftL'O

CAKTCL— X W A S ► LCDt^a—^ BUNDED B / . ) y

S s ? l jfe^ ^ g R P J_.„ ^ ' V w r a ^ s ^ ^ D —^



" I t worked . . . you 'r« gctU ns ,


IW S l^ IC A L 1 6 0 1 M E COPS iC y irrH


__ ■• ;

\^ S -

t« lu tlan ef Y atU rd ijr 't PunI*DOWN . . . L.Cutmlu

- t. ■eniliini cm*

^ r r i H tH - - - - - j!: %T* . 1H |S ti i j , . j '

^ — U. Uali ol «lietH- ^ li. r 37 a# 4 r Mc' hSf 8mm’

i i i i i i i i a

............r 2«“ ” ” C«n1ril Arn•^ ' ^

■ r- ---- g ;- |V - tl. Anlm»r» fool■J* * • «>. U»l»mf«rou»

f333llr?K ;K r“ '

. M AJOR HOOPLEVCAW? I su p p o s e **0 kWovy*4 ' lU e WOBO OPKTHALeROSiSIS A DODO.'---- X « ) P 6 tu eBovs DOhiT CHECK OP---^ReMEMBER H O ViTaeV *B u sw iJP -'too ft.fflD av OP MECOlSM l>4 lUi' C iCACO FiRe BV PltODlfOS OUT voo WATSM'T Been

^ 80«*A?


d | l ; i

=_======iLrf'J*S<tl-----I y o u r g n rdcn sp u d fil! '' .1

I f i


rE WANTED " 5 » --------M PROFESSOR J l l / <Srr!%

OUT OUB WAY. 1 a a jL P I'M Mrr



TH16 LA6T f« > « k jycr. MS---------



/ ' ' I ^

Y ®“s V WL v ^ n W k

l V W ®

/V C * /

.-I-. coK:i».»w icrK »wcw t

“Tho n ex t bleHflinfl: we ought sedan!”



"D is new Rrmj*! I brow se uroii I find? Em ily P o s t! Dale Carnei

^ N . T LET M E I W U tLJfE B.tTTLB (TELL YOU B16 N 066S•rL L ~ ) wKA,TVO(AL hIs AFFAIR'- ^ 0 0 — I I I 6LAP

e o T H P o v

B j

.i^ rw CM ^ j j p



By W IL L L U U rNOT BAAH/ 60M BEVEN O’ "O u f u n m v

a>X> FE L L E R 6P U Tl&HT- THEM ON MVWMlC>B ^ j v -S A P P L E /


. : i: . £ s : £ ’ - ? y . ;? h t lo h o p e f o r i s a n ic e .lit tl*



—SJpiTi”! ' i■ B

™ - ' J

S sK # J_ ——J ^I I

ro i in d - fo r 'n b o o k n n d w h n t d o p rn e g io !" ^


cown; /


i I.


f l / ^ ®

a g j p g / ^ I.t-EV0

- P....

m i T A L L S , I D A H O

V I * o r T M l 'W ’ n T n r a a i I UCCNse H R X K tm o -

V a N V M B IR C a i WUIOOKAKi f r 'tM T C M , W .-'F /U lim flM 1 l( *«.RIM I. It 1 -

F | | |~ ^ 1 ^ L ' l ^ 1

- I - P i i ^ - H u uN-T y ^ K R H

'j’STDsri/ss.T?;:,?W WS.TV \* WIIH


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T C a F ^ f c i B« b f

B B H f rt i


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U 6W 43 ? X . S - 6 a N 6 I t CA U .0

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6LUS CH I EV'EeVTMiNS ; [_, , ME. EH f y L A M tN U T E :y

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\ WVNCW J THEM WITH HIM? Vt., BROTHER f l WOULON^ WANT TC‘•J- WON’T . I V 9ELEISH, W0UU3 VC■ \ f I NO ' ^ . ^ . ___________



«OgSET_P S lN 9 L E A N D ,7 7 " 'u !f l .^ W w iu w s

i S 'H f ? I LiFTiva a«Y . a » « IN THC 5TWW 5 , . , , . - tt£J%*AWrol «JO«T-TmCTjnsjva?

*ti A g ^ J M \ n O M TWN BOTOa

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■ ^ -. indlBr niBrktt ohalM lU.OCyMf. mum!s £ : “ “

s s i - - s £ s

8iij..flar Oil of « i w : S*|i *•. ..» »i. in l.-fiuad»nl Oil *bl«: 47: eoi

Cf ToNi" * e H IV ln ^ u T i iw S F l ^ r I

'B. I r M - ' 5!!t s S e «" « u ? V.. i iu ,... ; ; s

i l S f H;fv ' ii:* ! ! j m . !!s ‘”c£ S .l" i:*[*' II Nor An»f fi«UbU. J.IUK t . Not r»ftfle U k rt u iu «ML“" J;n Ohln Oil 2»S outWsr »D(1 c

futl ■■’’• *■'* wc«knr««. el<

£ » • i i ' ' s : s i f ! ! ? a i S ;„ 11 ICA >*' R S .»; romnRtptih-flw»1 !!». ner »nd cu1D » IlK H frT ebB SaU (17M; (•«,>, MS f^fr-er Sfl’j comon p k I*fj^ to SMn Itorb 3* •leln* to 119.

|£ " IL Soc Vm l«S COW.5 ^ »l{ B» Paclflo »0S ‘ n? O^'v 'I '

I k S S s

: i | ,S .* '^ llllj T« Gulf Sul M'5 « « > '« ijLMba ll 'i Tlmiln 41JS ' ■ »{; ?e 'rc 'tSU :UT iu : : s Union C.rb t v ,K, ||;< s : « S i - • \ ;

s v . s : H " ” =!;! 'o "o” i - ™

i i i ' s i s f ’ I ? S ' / ' I JnHM i:‘? w*t«»T n« i i ‘>Cdnl J«S 'J’“ l Aula 36Ji quelltr m«llItn :■'> Uni<iB H 'l «r«k » 0 ' (UC«i< i-K W«i Altbr 23U moti mVllUThjB wmi t tK p K - dium h*lf«-r>r»T t«i» Moi tire. «rouna>n(t <]>. Will)! X’.. SO: TTint oor■ >:>, WoolwU) 4&S II8.M: bulk < M 7 t.Kh 27 Iie.oo: comn

•— — built ni.oo-«•rtw YORK CURB - - OAlrat Sal

CITORK, April t l Un— eompued wet9c' 5-1* «u*k.r Olll »6'.; er; »boul 11tslllll n Technicolor U 330-240 Ib. >■ bn im llnllM Ruv I*'* UrR<e top: C I a X t l‘. Uuh l<U t l^ «S «n nnd cslT< nn IU4 lli| btirrp: M i

oompmted «■

Stock Averages f | | ^r ™ . . „ „ „ „ ,

liid<<. lUili UUI. St<>-V> Hoci: a*l*bl<Ibui A.} A.] unrh A.: IMI we K: I^ >;.• >i.( 40.1 r.:.r lower: maeU;Im4u f . i I t ] 40 1 I ' t Il'OO lower:^ .M i i ; « : «;;J um u i u » ; itta » ; >t> il* r .: t tia.o»<|i».6o:w I 4 1 401 <> 0 tlA'OO, betl c ■«k ' } | ; i i 'i, 4Ii'7 <t* -CitUe:Sali

lutter and Eggs 3£?sL?MS rKANCInCO • ■&ick»r>'«tiT

m nu ' • '* ctiolce IIM IA lo., A ,

A | , „ , irmri. A| £ | | ^

oups Selected ss s li? On Legion Meet E ,7 s5

fPDlT, Apm 53—Com mltUe* »2J.oo.I ««n «ppolnt«l lo p repare for - *?.wrenllon or Uis f if th dljitrlct. SrVei.uihMr™ >Uglon. here on M»y t3 . tn 'n t Umbi‘«t»»rn- toiiimltttfr-^leadfnr—are r S K u S tf| Ketr»!skl «nd CUnt-Johnson. * « jo i«ff:P« trr»nKeinenl3 arc being *2b » : poo •• b; BUine-coorw tn d Bill io“ th '*“«• »,00-»13 00;I

w be r«pre»ent«d a t th«!«'• c»U«j by F ifth D istric t ^ 3 s r Al Kempton. Albion. 3 enint wt.o " Albion. Burley, Tii'ln .FalU, »M.»; •Bart

KImberljr. Eden. Rupert. ^H««Hon.o*kleT Mid P au l. D csv rn . .* «tniBiite« were appointed •'* eomr«r»4 RNitns of the local po*i and Vil “fjr Wcdntsdiy nlghl. A pot- oU«r ml.-l w nw w*j «m-ed. tn ehar«e n*. si«»; "

| u : i SE.XIIIHIT n E L o 'Ai-nl a3 _ 0 ra d e school "®"

^ M i nn exhibit and ISllrrcnn.™ '^ M i <1»y pro«r»tn thU wepk i.<x>-J»« i

tfkflfs room, Many par-

Twin FaUs Mar....

, --------— = iz :ll!S ;!):!!

; w „ . s K ' i : __________4 , , .•'io MeJlBm rr»^«

Fl«««otl» wtik rri4« I■ iirf ?" »»>f«TTi>1w Ib dellr

.r. “

[ ^onbtfH V — If ft*-t *1: Wh I•t-V;" ' ’ ----------------- -- t e r©ol fJa.•n« -------------------------- it»ii

------------ »».«>-7.*0 U « e W -

****^ «vc>4,

1M9 ■

and Fina* If * * w

vestock COODD< CfllCACO.

APlU n lAPHVSOA^—Hewi lllll. "f w.Tjum t; tor wmK: StUtblt: <o.ia,. iird ;r<llUl UOM QtiAll attfk'4 but* laUrML FuUtuIlT >1J 0 lower: tom* W (.iri, .ktrp i

'k-( ton SIt.OO: clotlai top <l>mtiMl i t hU

ir « , S i o n “ ¥?.7m.'’3 iJId >»«l*r eluet* we«k w i j j u . ’L**-.'ij ■r: tifn i c»rlo<Klt M ftin to j i v ’t * ' , , Ml.llJO lb. *r»ID >td tu e n . j 7 , ' . .

S"feg'3«!r“.iS: ‘‘wW i^tnMIum CT*in?ll“ «o-ter to ooouBoo Ill.OO-lie.M: , *

s r .«>.ttJ.OO; eulU III 00 dowti; '

Uld chole* 750 Ib. {e«ler , Sn,Utn, N,eO: odd leu / t t t l ln p tnd t " , •“ ■'ob l l e« ea.oo-Ml.TJ; odd b»«lto mss;-trw-cneiM -etoeK U-Ul.p«Dilnj

].0l>*ir00; I04d Itock BOWl

K>ropi«d wllh dott oC lu t Oi3 ! [ i 5 S 1 « . ? S ; S K C " =.»10: («w medium tod trucks J tlr 1.91

: ror wMK minitc itewir to o tuM r W c 'S S i S i S i i ' . - i :!!a t «t.M : ^ lU ^- S»pt

-iMJOi “ fw"«An]r to' ttJ.ooj ?u” i;l!eden down to bo.oo: B«rkMni• l u t (lS.00-117.00. . H .y ' 2.V

Vootr.Mk u m * u d l ^ r tlMMl Ma^'^ tl «tcomoD cowi ttcoTtred earlr ju i, ,< aelulnc a t n n r rtcord l i l ^ : s,„\ '-i

er mMlum and pod IH.00-5 s ; , “ " i f - V i i a s :

' f t . W i S l a r S S S S " r f ^ . 5 . r s u “ ^ E T i , i r a . s - - - 2 “ .'B3.1S: lOOd aad choice «*1-132.00: odd bead W.OO: com- -r .Kis'ussra-. JayceirS: compartd ttie iMt wrrk, ___l^Ttm bt^^il^lo'^eoauBcS! P l S I l I l1.00; wool^ ewra tearee,•7”56..*fi*r"rfw“ » r r 'Ad 'I. abOfn IBJO.— . . . . a r tpT.Try,J*K^.555,"Tr?i? a CAP.loct: Saltblt: JO; for wtek; municipalmated wtek m o ; Biiuhtrt been adoptQ raHlVum aiJd food f»e«ef Burley Ju rat U0.00-I2<i)0. merce, wlUt

itiabif: Nont; tor wetk; 3» ; m any quall « PO«Jble.

um tie m $fflj0-»23.00; me- Plan* Imtra 123.00-30: cowi late te- tilahlnir earS^’S . S ' r S S i E S ’ i S S : V . W . U . .t cinneia tnd cu tim IM.OO- ichool studi?TS'oo*"‘‘ ^U l^ ir: ' Nonr. ler wMk! 171; P rlnelpal Eweek a<o: Around U£0 law- Uie <ludent100 head lopd tff l choice funiliJi nhaltukhter ctl»te 00.00, cs- vt-phii Hcommon tnd medium tta l- M errill H

Itm i» . oo-|2«,oo. portaUon c*Iablt: Kone^^Jor^^w»«k:^300:^^itt5"ain*t?"'lou''£»d and made, Uie p *ae.0(k3O: wooied » » « « . , e d 'I o r tfojS » "'Ja ‘SS.™ ' I s |» ,P"nullo «tatlo

■ — I num and S4A p n ? 'a “ *{APi .in soA )- unicereU Ui

bit: r<one; compar<4 m d tr Other bli,u^ "J fS - .rS ? o» “; wtok'e top I19.C0: dotlnc IHB Of Brf«: bulk barowi and riiu agent by P® -«r!;*i»i3 Clayton PhiilS llT andfoU l: Mone; com- trlbutlon 0>r laat wMk: Hiih lood and Page concetK s . a ' r » . ' l s , i “ u 2 r “. "■ p "

.I cra and beUen 2l-30c.low- mlng pool f 73c off on niMium r»de: Don o n^ ^ ? ^ S S d ' l ^ , ? t2 S ^ l l “ .w lrnmlnsiwer;—te a ic i_ .ilJO—ipyf^ m U ^e. rcp< ia-r»M»r-cnMP» romprWnV g iiiv ap e n i'; v . " V ! ' f f i ' w i i s U

Ib. fed tt»ei» IMW: limit- Sctioonover f R2? ,‘J* S t l*bor. T w tlL i??’ b« - ib*''h“tt“ S o o : PJil inlo OCl« ehole* youna cowi IIB.OO- tho flow old tauaesti bull* laV> Ml.OO: ___■. »37«>; cbolc* M» Ib. tiockt y bulk mtdlum and food T T A ^ l-

b"“ '“F 4 Pho.a Hint feidtr t lm i IW.oS BALT LAalablt; Nont; oompared M -eek; led lamke 7J-I100 low- delayed tOd«r e«« 30-11.00 alt: rrniaee- acUon OR a

v w S S b F S «■ medium and |ood I2i .» - ereaie.

thnlte woolea tlauehier ewm creaae* be ; trw ihom WJO-III OO; foM amounU COS:*v s ["rpo .^1 .1 .Ceding Itmba No. 9 and No. IncTCBUS In

r.oo; load 77 lb. ho. 2 iklna ___rt u m br^ttim t ewt. »iSJO. « g j^ g g

. Artn*:i^*A-(US0A»-cai- P7LD I. A•4 rrMtr end w»«k a n W achool aenl ^ I ! ^ ^ r " ^ ' m ' ' or 8*11 ^4 r iarllkn 1.M«.I.IM ~(nc«k'' txljm^ium 10 hi(b r>~J U.M- They wer

n . u w i n i al.OO; »««t kUk m»ilun. 1* low Mr*. Harolt •n .K : Ipw wwJiiimi tt.M ijnwi.! Lanca.iter. 1I -i” t‘r©c!i'»^' "X i «»:.n-H.Tl’; I'trilif « ittn iT.oe : -----------------

tAp t».CC; h t .^ <.!.«'Ptf.< wllh llll «Mk-| .k...; •

rkets iS;KS?JtlAO-TI laU:, ,—' tk"le« l»-1«»UV« rOCLTET

I 4 lha. aM o»»r ---------- »»• m ,i„ .prlxf.L i I^ .D < ---------------- -.1 , i j « , ,]iu,M

-----------= iS s ? , . i . s : ; r:- !!! '•■>

... J ! ! ! :_____ _ rsa.,riL:I A *"* karro>( and gli t A UO lo^cr:

= = * :! • S S . i S S :

!d C««p«« *°* }l*r»l^'8; '4 i . <Urr>1 ----------------

■ tnnm /A T________________ ate l.« l - w

Tfat ----- (U : ot

tO « rOOL lew >m 4 tIMg ? « u r ; T S ” r.i!.. II (A»rO U ^ r t 1*. Iixia- J“ ” i

- - - i!: J S - s . - d~ • aa. iroo 4ewa u—- n> ,iirpM lifh i

------ I4f a

ance ^* * • * ( i j „ Kl

Grain rL.,'!iO, A»>1I a i ^4^-Cr•ln. didrrJorTliliSVott ot the inafk.l-r » i« Blaf'ruiune e? ihla tommodllr maiji • '« '■•Jtirp falai fallo.ln( aa •ipendtd }?'»« i “‘* hUhit »rkn (ot looM Uni. >li«> r.<MI*mored lrr*iul>tlr o«»r Bioel ll iw n u r

..I.I.. ta . we.k..«l .^waM tbt Utf« T .i IBllniud htaiTT tMileU »(-«atb »Jn- _•v tu M><«] to ijigriu (ulurea I-i>0 *rlao

rtalnt. T>ie «w?«mmiBt turlB« tiWTomn ■ ghMl waa UBtkaated tnm M«Jy<

lo«tr to* (, klah.r. Mar 4!W •Mr.

i i SI pou>^_M ^,. Ha, II..I.

CASH CRAIN til* •Log:0. April M bt%-Ns wkMt. 7 l» •Tb«0. I xtllow I .H \ .IH il Ho. 4. * '» ^"’Oi , : No. *. I . l l^ . *•« ‘ Drf tmple trade hM<T mlitd 71: •■H ‘Hot ira b«*>r whll* **VrKi 1i l No. I heary while 71; MBiple l«t«» *Hl«lrr whll. 715*. I«:U S.n.• No. I >tllow t.te. trttk coua* tOilO *J1b> B IllllnoU and Inllinal._______________M mtlUnt l.OMI: Bonlatll fewl a.m. rnln . l ____________________ »:M C«ll_

f OTVBE8, TA8L* «I*J NtwM. April i { lA'J- 7:«6 Son«

Open lllth Low Clote *Mti— *“ ■

J.UV 2-:*S ’ :**“ «1.97 I.tTH 1,*(^ 1,1* *■''«''4 l,»7l{ 1,»*I,SI‘. l.*7<i I JJS »■» l « 1

i.nfi-.t»H . , i v .«% HIM *Mr

: : iV :S ::iS :!!,<................. ... ‘ " i s s s ;

} S i 1:!!' I;!!"j.iA'; :.:•% n 4 « t.:4',4

, : r coueii'« ii'ii-ii'ir ii-:! Laii i :» uis; ii!so i i j j POCAl

;ArOL1S^^Mtr'*tl l« - r im ir In ><>“ 'o r a •illun lacki (amllr paUnU <in- powd tOC «,I0; tUBdird palinU unchiintd. p lu l Um5*br“aBVnchan|-l, . 100: .land- !iinaa onehaBt^, ».*«: rid do( mLuloner1. M.«0.---------------------------------tOill. ISO In retu

:ees at Burley r£.ST k • i focUlUe*nmng Drive to „ -

I City’s Voters ^ p tE Y . AprU a i - A "gel out and :amp»lfn for the Durley•1 elecUon Tuesday, haa S,V;lopted u a project by Uie xhurM asJunior a ia m b e r of Com- ”1,-lth the ftlm t>elng to gel as , ‘ ‘7 , ,uallfled voter* to the poll* Harvey a

liicludB th e Jayceei fur- th o ^ 'o r tears to tran«port qualified -oim

0 and from Uie poll*. High tudenu wUl cooperate In the_no-hoat < by driving the car#, with ________

II E arl Carlson In chorga of L E G A I en t acUvlUe*. They also wlU phone-'anffwerliig faclllUe*. UVKHTOC1 Hayes, chairman of trans- f ALi n committee, aald Uiat a* complete arrangemenla are R.aW r le phone number to b« call- Twin Kaiii tfon*poruuon on TuesdaypubllclMd by the Burley and/ot 1.1

atlon. Leo H art 1* co-ehalr- • “'i d « v « ra l Jayc*«» hava.roU1 Uio use of their cars, .1 nier. i<

bufllnewi a t Uie Thurwliiy rrppoaai.(cUng included Uio appoint- I'S;!;Brn<J Meaaer lui ptibllelty id.ho.- n f President Tom Foster. Jr.Phelan reported on the dis- E5hibi.*nSI o f Uclut4 for th e Qalo idaho.-*ic e r t here W ednesday, April I'rempHi proceed* to go to the swim-ol fund. • i‘,ir jio.rOrayot, chairman df ' the r»cti»ed ail j pool constnicUon. com- ^ ,1 ' r c p o r te d _ ^ l UiejBell. d ig.■enitiora” Br*the Tecreaaon' w flnn i't i tre completed, with A. J-ver and sons donating the »«Mn.esting equlpmrnt wa* being n . Couaction Friday to detennlnc f.']''!;,*/,

’ o l the well. r a ’lN

1 Postpones lone Rate HikeLAKE CITY, April 23 OTr- jo"^s ^1 ’h public aervlce cocnnilMlon co'-rAiftoday unUl July 11 furUier undkii; n a petition from th e Moun- Les Telephone and Telegraph r fo r on Irnmedlatfl rate tn- NOTtPCompany aaltcd th a t Ita In- vtt’Jhm.nibe authorU*d now. with •nm w o

. eollecled to be Impounded 1Ible refund In the event the wiii. inintI la ter were denied. Ktiua^iTi

e a k ’ T r i p H e l dI. April 23—Tlie Filer high iki< tird i lenlor claiui left-Thurcdny

Lake City on the annual Vowuhi atrip . • -------------were accompanied by Mrs. | s =tS F \’IIIlamMn. Mrs. Marie Miller, b a k ip Mrold Lancaaler, Mm. Jamr* ..■ jJjS jSrr. M n . Lyle Bchnltker and U 'e jf c B Hanson.

t>d «mi iirr^'T 1 ', -]'''* p j M j ^

; »i»d to rbok* IS .41C Iba.,. iili» IM-Vm l^>rf: rond IC Ib. wonM lr 21.M: C0»d and thnk. tt low I. Inclodinf 10* rt..: tt-lOl IW. .Itu : n i IW. i;.M : aond iKd '.ie* n>. fl'pa No. I and I r<lia rM'iorUm«Tm.,1lum ind' tnod.<rln(i : r~4 and rMr*athu t aUadr u *C Itwrr; knb-e %~.l«d is.mofl: tfvd Am Sl 00*71.^: Bood anil rh*>lre lamhi

. V | m |

^ K I '1',,.wA with n u m m ’ Koi ^ H a l nd rllu •rallm IIMIO'IW. I.M. '

i s ^ . i ' £ r r £ i S S I m m e i.».t*.l7.eO; eewa snd#r <ffl lha. i; 4U-*00 Ibe. Il.7*-ll.7*. ilabU *M (eilimtladl: cefliparwt

trm l>^4i t^lr< tv^ iIMn : OM 1aa< Mlk fhrlct l.tM Ih T•t>rf »t JJ.H 1 »«nd tt>e CIbIiIitaen >l.t* .;i« l; iMdUw i/>lIMTm lt.On-)S lOf .Ikiib-a l.Uf .

[ j g S H j

1 3n .d las te rood r.d w<»M l.nlw r , 7 , r t H 1 U 2*M: rood aad choire No. t.

i =»■ «■>


r^vin Falls Radio ^KLIX KVMV

t K1LOCTCLE8) {liM KILOCYCLESIiR «kr Heuauin •MBs >1ntrrbie<iBU

■UNDAT Sl'NDAT■til lo Prtje/- * :« •Ba.tla RltiH- Ct»u^••t • li30*Vulo.of I'lytheerJIai SInia llJO N ...larrr Jimte •< » Chrlillaa-ttcltneeMd! 1S:?3 Urt** °*,J'lur *I.onba‘i ^ >1'< ChililUn Chunk

& ' l r T . o - , a . ‘! i « ; F " w3UJ«d»-P*.*Ja_____ : ;P ^ ‘llaijti of M»Ueo-|M“r ' a r ^ ‘- ,■Ji".*l“ r i~ V ' ‘ •Nl'k cVrtir , ‘ llurd.r al MliloUkt } ?", ^ ’“ “ '7

S £ “ i i i s e -

S 'vH : '" H ^ lU U ^ r u i MONOAT•Jlmml*KlJiS'" *'®'’ MB«lai Ne-

.JONDAT Vu* 8” iS*T»"” rn,Call to f ta „ r IIJ2 =5.“" " _

i l l ! S r i .’'™ .... . , .

L“ S i f l i i i S - f C r: i ! s S : s ” - fS5 .r'''E »Im nilol. N«we i-',oii . Q , ^ fa. Da,•Calfn Uttk. ISilO C«Srl« Keeler•v,.l»me Tra.aUr» 1»,« Ntw. baate. Hatke'

•Mr Tnit aiorr lOO RabrUI tiaaller .

p „ .™•T.j*MabB.' SIm ’U l Gwri!i"ci> ll

liege to Swap , c»m ,and for Lodging S ”CATELLO. April 3 (/p>-idR- deported uite collrge will exchange 30 a fte r «p or accommodaUoiu In the pro- rehU vei:,*000,000 Bannock coiinty .boar ------------under a tentaUve asreem ent ed lasl night by county com- oners and Dr. Carl W . M cIn- V B ISO president.return for the tou, Uie eounty ^ H W 1 reserve 10 ward beds for use B coUes* and provide technical Ues for Uic tchool. 1

}t>Master A w ard ......'resented at Meet e MNSEN, Apm Z 3 -Irv ln Keenan presented a poAt-moater's pin metUng of the Hansen Orange fday evening.igrom consisted o{ two tllm i on H U sr control ahown by Keith ey and Dr. Olen A. H ais. e members agreed on May I.oa ‘Orange d a j" dale to attend , q l : Jommunlly church. r i l lFreshmenu were served by a 3*1 commillee. ^ALFI



Ijr. Mar 10, !♦*•. (or all iral»rlalt, **"*"r libor, and i«r«len rwjolred (or Mldrilal U Ihe coiwlnicUco ot a M«t«:ek iihlbll bulldlna le Ix eonilrueted »-Twln falb O nntr Talr Ownnda ^MaaU thall be enelated In t aeal^ tw. addr«aicd lol "Twin PalU CouBt, \ | | |lk>ar.l or Twin FalU CognU. nier. «•••-* Tb* kliMtr't niBit and tM r«i ippear on tbt oulalde e( tb* esrtlopeabo thtll kt cepllonxi "Llmtock _____

I Saiwinf. TwIb fallt Coontr, Filer,nptir at ()>• heur maBtloned aboT*.opwaU will he rulilkir opaatd am] _______tloud at lhe « m t. -or eald Coantr Hoard In Pltr. Idthb.; AST bUl >d a(t«r lk> itlpaUttd cloelBr ttme M< ovt WlU be relaraed UBOpened

s l i v s ^ s s s r - y s f f E t e s — ^r Kilc Doird. filer. Idaho. l>r writlna I Doeru at iitd addrtu er calllna la'Counlr T'oard »( Twin r*Ilt .1 and' ts «•!'« anr ln(nrmal*lto.*VIN FALW COUNTY FAIR DOARO

■ Tiler, Id*»>h: April U, IT. XI, Xkr 1. t. III*, n : o r w s it o r ATTAoniBTrr&!l,'YJ£!c,5£"!ST§,'c,'i!f ': FTATT. o r IDAHO, IN AND FOB K FALU COUNTY.It. S-l-E AND ALniCUS B- NVF., 1

r'AKTNER.l DOING IIUS1NE8H )Kii TurririM name an d m i . t J

npc 'is* T iritrT !Y * ^ iv w * ^^ Mmtnl waa iMued'ogt »( the atnre It OurLln Uw aboti fnllUed aetlon.Ina Ull pttp»rtjr »f Ib* abore aamed ant fer the tsm of l l .*««.00 toftthrr nlmal IhMxt et U,< rat* of il i ent per anBum fren and alt*r t I. 1*41. tllO.M •ttoraer'e fes aitd a'lTNBS# WHEREOF. I Kar.• t mr hand and t*al o( tbli Ceart Ird dar <f( April. ]•(».,) C. A. BULLE*.

A ll ^ 4 1

ned ia teSERVICE


PttD ctttm Bapalred iBjd Drmlnad and lU ^IlM

4th At*. W ert — fh tm e I IU


Schedules ||H«i-------------------------------------- 1

KTFI-AM-FM ^5) 11210 KU.0-99.7 M tQ '

1A I.T Ir t'cS *w"''4V^*'''illo !Hle» ^ *

laa »ii« iN .Jl lllthllabu 'I't’e 30'10:60 .N i.i (lay tlicW il L " ''' iiinrrlftKc

. -i.’“ ____ I»"'" milUJU aUaitaiilU 'hiMWe 'T told

Z . iig g y ^a.irol'ill'r"T” X oH ItcA Sb.- .. ' ItOO N l-. " r coui

l : 0« >lll(hin1 Illamond ■ ■ ■ ■ ■i 'iJo I fM a’ "-!*1110 >jl>nr; Uw|taTlM tloV*!tiM iTtk. ll nr l.«*>e It *196 iK uV ’tln! J. LewU liM iSuidird Hoar

lOiU iKundard HourlliM iMuli In Ull NUht .UlH iHcul Onhttua

----------------- MO.SOAX------------------------•■. liM Ntwi. lllO Mwleil Xogodap

liM Wnlirn teifew 7 111 Brtakftil New*tloe.iFrid.Warlaa thaw...............tiM Biulnw. Ma7e E4lilkK.’nt SirlUia .-NliM Mu. l* In U Tlme^

J— " % 3- iiiM -.n«w gijW ,niK ir-: r j t r .

l l i t i Hrniu|Ven Lora

illlo M u '^^ " '°‘* j

1111 KlloejeU ^UmUke^

,EAYE FOR ARIZONA n-EFORD. April M — Mr*, e Ouerry and Marie. Mrs.Sample and Charlea Doune !d Uila wetk (or Mesa. ArlL, ipendlng a week hero wlUi !i jm d inend*.

i o s A n te l i s ”

iliiia rn io n lc O rc h e s tra ”


PHOBRIK ®amiOveit»r*N«.l leelhana npheny Ne. f tlaadSi^Meveaitntt ttelharea »M aad JeBtti lelH ((ele«t)«ni)

hwkaflevt«>>e,tU* . . . TtUkavalir P>.ra-aeMadlaaauMa«lM«a -

mday 9:30 p.m. KTFl

W h y i P a y :


_________ C A N A D U N


G E N E V A N I T .

C A N A D U N >

O R W N . . .

‘ ■ O R W N . . . '

A N A C O N D A T R E B l





L O N <— --------------------— “ 1

, F E R T I

aL S . IDAHO ■

JbbyHuiiterT f c l to look as

arns Plenty;ek “Chains” S,'£,;r LAKE CITY, April U (ffV- Her crw

os Mt*. Elena LetJaron Is ped off a.^1 .h — . ..-------1 m arket, . Van Tlollej30-yenr-olrt divorcee said to- 1C had (leclliied an olfer of Kc from a man who flew here Havana, ll lliiinii lo pop the QutiUoQ. " "My liei iltt.Ulm I^^asnX -lntertsted." «*d-»boul 111. "I Iclt ho waa Uylng (a jiiou ld i»r O i f J a i o jomethlng.” ,t - tton’t J-ou?'w nOdctl:. .......................•_____ -ThB .jilajJuldn't maxrji anyone un lev for commc

i T e f l Ni C R A W I

~ “ i P o »

W hether your *cre*ge Is very lirj comparatively itntU, there is an I national Crawler to fit your powe quiremeati. From' tbe compact 1 .tnd T D -9 to the l*rger TD-14 TD-18, Intefoational Diesels give more pulling power aod better tion. flfZ/er WdWftf gean Interoatii to tbe ground.

...I£ you prefer gasoline-poweredtors, you have a, choice of .the In t

m m

“TracTractor” Now

M c V E161 - 3rd A

- M o t ^ - F o


TBOGEN .......................NITROGEN . . . . .




G P R (T W I N J F A

“T h m / » N » SuMUute-t«t riLIZERS & INSEOTCD

■ . f e t r r Z -------------- -

. ~

Iht a lot of him, o r im lM X ax him in perM>n. I t b<«lns J u a l l U as though I'll wind up JiUt I n ]

LeBaron announced recenUy I* looking for a husband to ir her house and feed he r midren. all under » . eros»-country nomeo ite p - „ t o ,

r a plane here yesterday. In-,H h1m<LPlf n fririr Vn'mjwyolleston of HavHia. I ll- andI’vo come to marry you.' ferton coikid he wa* a mural a rtist from tl b a j bt>. nt., and added; - M n , cr a;lieart grew Tlni* wh«n I _____ =

t»ut yourjjllght. .X ih lt:k wo , . ^ 7 ltnnildcr ourulrea cngtced, OACrTLI

t i u r Mrfc A ..Iplane rtder w am t ariU able >pent a.dinm ent today.________________ M n. Ban>

NTERNATIOr ITLERS S o lv e )w er P ro b le m

largTor’ 'tional T *6 o r T*9. Thn Inter- same standards)wcr re -' Diesels, ^oc rugged ct TD -6 thousands o f work*hi•1 4 a n d ttti t t im in n r t f tw ifH y n i

;ive 'you is an International O t« trac* ' Stop ia and sec us i« d o n tU ro q u iM m e n B .

give you ounplete ii

ced.tnc- _ _ In te ^ c ip tu l.C n w lo Interna*

^NATIONAL TD6IW Available And On^Dis

i T S ihAve. West — Phone 177

o r e e . ~ ~

J Z E IklEDlATE DEL...............16-20-0 $8!. . . . . 11-48-0 ?9I................20.6% $7(................■ 33% ?9(............... ' 12-12-0 $71. . . . . 10-16-8 $8f................... . . 43%............................. 47%

.................... J50.00

z e r s o r I n s e c t i \




O D U C^ . L L S :/ w ^ p e r i e w » 2 ~ w r w ™

! m ^ ^ C E 1 9 3 b -

- ---------------------- 1-----

Idar Ot * e n i oi Jr m la c U ad a V C t m u ,^ - ■ fA rjlUn 90 mllM of UM Dortb- ' ox tiu propoMCt atomlo r*«- 1

lant, today waa rtewed wIUj. „• biin, ' ' r • ' -

«nd-irffl-b< ioM a t-a -itaU------- 1Frtday ata-P-BV a t th a Jcf*--------1Munty courttwuj* a t^n ifby . . , j been appralMd a J^ IW .p tt a a - a |c n c a l« ot S9.400.

-WtyAPAWB-ITBIT— — .- J . '.v.■ lJyOW >.-AprUrgW M ;rJflrt • >, , .

mlAi R u t l im o ^

N A L : # ;i Your B ^

rh ey ’r e 'b u i l t t o A t ' ■'*"

[s a s I n t e n u t i o o t l

I d e p e n d a b il i ty ,- f o r — ^

• h o u rs w i th t b » f«

o a t tc e , .y o u tb e s tb tC

C r a w l tf , > • - ' ' • :

BS i b o o t y o M - f t m — v ~

s . W e ’U b e g U d '1 0 . -

io f b tm a tio n ’ a b o u l ' '

le rs ;__________________ __ i ___i

lisplay A t* ’ ' ^

M C.7 ' ■

LIVERY - -85.0098.00 , , : .70.0090.0078.008 6 . 0 0 ,

i $65.00 7 7 zi ro J78.00 ■ ■

i j c i d e s ^

1 I- ■ . . • .. .

i 1 11 w ...I.

PASS T W B lO T J^pe |

T W K H T l- 'i-W U

IfJklitoraJHear J Faults in ; ; U. S. Papers ,

WASHINOTON. April 31 (AV-A p V irslnlk editor- (old the American Society of Nmp«i>er Editor* tti t

•• p ress a m besf hoW public eontt- dBiee by reoudUtlnj "Joum»lbUe

" . '■ touie press fre«!om.. . . Tom H anw of lh* Norfolk-Led-

c e r D ltpitt«h toued tlie nineitlon In to a wide-op«n debaU a t ASHE'i

___ umual-coB»enUc>n-Qa. th£...10Dlc: ..■■■ does tUe mUeutMed Novfmbcr elee-- t lo a me«n the prtsi li out of step •

,wlth th* public/ ; ------- ,Hwies.borbed hU Ulk wllh * pro- •

posal th a t A8 NE live Itwlf a “rigid •eU-«u»mln«tlon." lake tare tha t IU xuwspat>er members live up to lu code of cthlei. and throw out any TloUlors “before Ihb conTentlon'ad-

^ * l r i ^ e free-Jor-all talk lhat foi- ■ lowed, tho editor* aeemed to agree ; t h a t the majority of newspapen

' need no t reproach lliemielves for S UtUnff the loalns nlde In the Tru- |1 mui-D ew ey conlejt. but' shouldf c a if fuUv ponder ttheUier.lhtY flto “ f u clo*e to th rlr reader*' tnliidi ax2 they could be. __

___ Meet rnd* Tod*)' x«.A SN Tw ill wind up IU thrce-day ^

tneetlnR SnUirdny u |t)i lh* «xp«cUd ( •JecUon of D, MeKelway; cdllor of ^ th e Wa.ihInEton Star, to lhe iffe.'I- ^ dency. A metnbrrflilp poll inrfy be u /

___ ordered to delennlne whrthcr llit* |

----- Ban -t»n>nH»eo-lmU»tl- ot-Uia-Oia-. dlUonal idle. W uliinsbu. i

The ne.vilon heard Ihree off-the _ i I: record M>ecchp»-a brief talk by

Prw ldenl Trtimsii frijm «J> ' the worklfW pre« »n» bTnW, antf

* Ions And warmly mjplnudrd «d- ‘ jdt«aa by SccaeUry o f 's ia te Ache- ,

I son. and u i evenln* addre.-u by Sec- *! ret*ry of Defewe Johnjon. uu

The general debate on what went Jwrona with tha election predictions b«nd w hat the wronBnesu might mean —produced these views from four dli- cuiilon leaders: TO

phlllp H. Parrlth of Uie Momln* r! Oreeonlan. Portland, an Indrpen- j,

d en t Republican paper which sup- —ported Rjfpubllcan Candidate Thom- u E , Dewey; loi

TTie papem almnst unlvenally •>vouched for tlie polls os tclenUflc, ”•Qd so Identified tliemselvas witli i>

__th? jwlls. . . . we have permitted a i-- feature to paw In lhe robe* of adoctor of science." h.

Richard J^ jln n e sn n , editor ot — T he Chlcoeo fiuiPrimes. n Demo-trtU o newspaper which aupported FkI

- Truman: ^•TVe o t tlje pres* have far shorter co i

memories than the poeple. In the ^ Ions memory of the people RrowlnB 3^ otit of poverty and desperations of n the early I930X came the mystery of the 1M8 election." _ =

Psul Miller, editor of th* Iloches- I t f TImea-Unloa an Independent n c It«publlcan paper which supported m Dewey: BTC

-There's nothing wronu between _ ~ newspapers ond people th n t good reportlna won't IU. . . . (rood report- '

•lii« U“ U « one absolutely bwic w- seotlkl to winning public accepUmce and holding It."

Intensity Program w ilA resolution for consideration —4^

Saturday untes an Intensified pro- gram of forelim Information by tlie j t - t sU te department. I twoutd re- quest th e Associated P reu and Uni- Wa u a Pnaa to ^ m U h to the govern- r i tnen t “Th'e news''*ervlce.i required 'rSIi to conduct an effecUve program of foreign Information."

O ther proposed policy statements Include: Opposition to off-Uit-rec- ord speeches by public officials; con- mittaUon with the pre-u .services on k.

' the hours of release of new* stories Intended for m om lni and after- _!:>

. noon papem; n propo.'wl thnt photo- oii<» grapher* be Rranled the s*me court- _ i i room privileges as reporitr*.

Represents IdahoKINQ HILL, April 33-T he Rev. - l i i

R. I. J3ame*. pailor of the local "*■'church, wtll represent Idaho a t the i»!church'* general aw m bly a l Duck aTH Hll! PalU. Pa.. May 30 to 33.

Me was appolnled a.t mlnLMerloJ "" commissioner by Uie Idaho P r tvbytery to a ttend Uie aisembly. So

. -M ra. Barnes aisd-fBiiilly wUl te - cDTi ecmpany the pastor a i far a* Corn-lng, la., where she will vlili relnUvr.i. **“

$50.75 Is Collected In Cancer Campaign ,

PILER. April 3 J-A lot^l o ; »Wn.s has been collected lo dsi'e In Ilic cancer fund drive, Mrs. Chnrlr.N ^nnlO K ham nnd Mrs. O. W, Hiiby, drive eo' e h t i t i h a v r 'T r p o T l r d

, Donations have been received -----from Uie OES. IB; HllWde Helpers U Club. SS.2J. W8CS. W50; Pller 14 f!( O range. M. and Elmwood elub. »38. at r

British Protestan Call by Princess

LONDON. AprlLM (^*_A protest.-culrt aealnM an,- nir.,i„i, cf P nn c e v rT iv e MaTBaret and Pi.ix- piu» XII ha< and been lodged by two Proiestwit or- Th w lia U o n * . • 6 tc n

They asked King Oeorsf VI. itm - . "N

land, to see th*l h ! ' IS.j-Mr-oIrt' (nun daughter doe.^ not have an nuclirnee' pre^-. with the Roman CsDinllc [viiiiiff on linn a tour of Italy she plsni lo .Mnri qiieM

'" ‘■s.'lThr "long. hlMnrlr • I r i i g g U lo in

agaln.M papal infhirnfc m iiir m njr rrtcnlng hou^e'• of Kndand u a i «nv

.uouULetter* were m il l«. thr kiiiR b) -W

• th e Pn3te*Uni Tnitn so<lM>-, nn i , i - ' luMif fonnaUon agency rrpfc.".r:iuiis ma^t ■ vale

•P rotfstant chu^rhf^ m Dntai.i and the r by m e Katlonni Union of IVote.^.' Imior tanUi in no rth rn i Irrland 1„-They were b « W ui«n ' te-.l.-ii

.from lu ly lo « ir Dnii- ti preu .'•ay. ! lone lng M arrarrt mlcht csll on lhe Pii;>e iniiur a t some Ume durinc llie monlh r.he ' mnnv plans to spend in Italy. Ttirrr viMt'- no cennrrnaUon of such a plan in T hr elUier London or Rome Mlt! 1

BcUi B ua ingham P a b rr anrt Val- , nrrvri Jean auUiorlUr* declined rommmi. I K i n r .

unofncla l Vatican sourcei. h o a . i B n i ever, nald imeh a meetlnc rmild be I olic ei

paacto* ch<««.-iih*-eViiir need nol kiM the Pop<"i. rms iir,w • r e r kneel Protocol doe* not r t - : iiie C

. .


W A N T A D R A T E S ^IDSIKI OB C « W - o rd , -

I ■‘•T P»f "atd'4. t-r -c

(A nlplBBiB e( 10 «ord< U m«l'«d la la r ea> >4.1 {j

Tor .»» UtU Kloiri

■ UbIm« r«u>. cralll Bm bMft MUb-

mbad. cub aiiul McanMB/ retti «reu T DCAOLI.NES fer CUultM n lf i

tf<n. 11 m.Susdu. SiM p. Bk Baurdu O -

»b7***5«SiIW-UliDd Adi- ara itrkllr eoofldnltal m in i t» lh« »d>*rtU«r. -

ttntw ikogld b« trpnrwd loiSMilUl*. ncKa lhan eaa loaorract liu«rtJo&

S P E C I A L N O T IC E S -W-IIOUU ltU«f aupllt«lIon n » - H

r.t« . “

WANTKOi-CurUInt U> «uh ind ttxtlcb. W■ 18 2n<1 A»nu* North. I'honi lltS-J, <

rtACIC V.ll>, i;>.iM~ n... "wr^My'fof ^III I.r »:«>. KI9 Mdlar aranut. liurlrr. •<>'

t..ol. •harp.n.4 at a Uw coL II. L. Hardfr. UB'Irr raWnnli llnl>l.______ ^S C H O O I ^ & T R A IN IN G r

CUI-TUEB' m »oui^«faiilab7

WDfC. UnllmlUd aprortualu. Baasli

IKUHIliil' .lartUr » . . al tk. Tola TalU llualnrM Cnllfit far Cl«ll Sarrlra. flunszrarhtr Kiamlnsllsnt to b* ilvwi »wn. I-Un. 1108. .________

■ P E R S O N A L S ft ) CUNTACT-Aleohsllet Aa<inrnoiM r . 0. Uoi 41. Twla Kallt. ar alt*nd ^ U r mMtiasi W«1bi»<U* «<fnjat Id

L O S T A N D F O U N DOHT. . l» r .d or »m .I. li.rma.;

a_pS™;imaMll‘ n.1.,“ s‘'ir'ft'M* 4 'i*'*''a*Ii'i*' *1''*''' ll"

.11, 's p .« rn ,‘ (irK.'.''su,«^ '?.u‘ r

B E A U T Y S H O P S “KIIMANKMTH *4.V»-t6Ja I4U KUnb«tlr ^T0«4. ITiont 713-M. Mr*. Ilaaixt. "J'

o i i r L ^ E BMlarn tMtuir MMit* W *i. ro»«nton. UaehlnaltM aad mU 77:

wa»»i. IS W qg. Artlillf Uwnty Salan.

aludrata al raducad prleea, luntor tiu. d « l M tk (m . Uaehlnalaa and «Nld »a»M. Haauly Arta Afad»m. ' J

C H IR O P R A C T O R S 60bR^/B'.pa»Ull.t. brr AI»a~»a .^k lU !Main nnraH. Tbon* t l i t . t!k. b h.' Juimiiofl. *14 Vhird ^•aat. Tal»BSnna «<l________________ **'

S I T U A T I O N S W A N T E D ^'rtKt:' nJnaina U.V U nk-. .U , 'ar n 'a ! 5oto Ua» 147,______________________ • «OUn card)* br ~ Hota-Ttllar. «rhon. ' P'II.L CAKK for rhlldraa ir. » r Uma: ^

AVK^^ur ^fdaB^_ ijlowad br Itoltellllar. "

rCA^O?rT5?ir;nn7"iprm7»eintinr^vbr r

'ANTEljl^^lnm C. A. rkarxm. tI7

Ml pllilnVVall E..ratl &.I.. «'t'hiin. iniW. klmb>tl>._____________ •WtKAU haullni, anrtlma. asrwhara.Htona ISB*. tliy MfKaap. yMINUKV la do In mr luma. ]l« lili .nvrnua aaal. phnnt tM-SW. V- i tj~ .r..i .^ „ i„ , . <si JL

\'itULN rlotflni. U«na r^oralnt •<ikltolo.Tlllar. 5**. Huana Vlila.______

__nH w -taijwtr*'W -rrmr —

I'au''ifHan.l' "iLna 'sV-Jl. 'u«H»n'.

1>ar<hlni. I'hctia SlCTi. 1*1 Waal Addi-

ANTEll!^ riuwm -orli. tlllJT:

IIITAINS firffullr waibwl aod alraiehad. v, 1.1 hmr.., w nh rritV StV .----mnnr



United SifttM families avprsgrcl I .fiOO ol !tip Insurance pcoieeUon I mld-ye.Tr 1947,

I t s B a l t l i i i i ; I— 5 o n P o ] ) c P i u s

i rc l t . M ost r*rotfstanl unriirn rr-vpd by the Po jy l.tke hi.' Iiand ^1 curtesy allghtly. jjp"rhe T ru th society letter, sicnrd by n r rrrelary J . A. K enslt. said: I,; N atura lly your maie5tv’» . . .h w . .H~"hrr every h'a^ine^'> In h e r ' i'ti rnrv. Bul ue . knowlne we

lhe v)e*5 of n A-rr)' larKe | _*'jT of llir publli-. ErBcli)u\ly do r r- ' '•M .vinir maJr.My nol lo g’lvp ;>rr. 7]' . 'ion fur a v w t to the IV>pe and inform th e tovem m rn l and ynur JcMy’f nmba.'^nrinr m Rome lliat• n rrancem m t fnr ^urh a v w t »” UUd luil have vmir appr^vnl. • *“VVliiLM nn offlrlnl vM i might p r ^ :lfy one courrr of action, a prl-c viMt (. Ufh n.s ».■> planned for Mi

prince.v.) i.« in a tllllcreni re-nnsliip. J I- »':ti vtr« of Ih r tr r n i ' of ou: Pro- i J,."llll oon'tltuiicni. Kiiined n.'irr a j ijar. hM orte jtnismle ncalnrt jiapnl j cikk

IV nrr llnxlnu^ thn l llir i>ro[Ki-ccl

h r N allonat Union of Pmle.vinnt.v ,It "beRcmc hts ma)e^!y Ui , . - i

'rn l niiv vl'it to llie Vftllrsn bv ' '''• irr.-< M n rsa r f t" •rm u i lien » i ih .th t Roman Calif, ehurch u r r r cut by Ktiik' Itriin-

Ir - H e w w r .—n»r-'v f-«n iT fiiT f --*•« ro.xsl in tn ru e f1rvrlo:>'-il l>rtnrr f,',' Chuicli of Englanfl vjij. Iiim lyl

SITUATIONS WANTEDWANTKBi CarwnlCT »oik. n»w et f».

m..dilli.». Call «484->H. T»ln TalU. f01(

aral alaanlnr.—4 -d tr ,«a«k , rtfnltr.

DAV aunary for chiw'r«u 1 to » «ara e( aca. lEmllr i’rroa^IIIS %amlk tKeBa


in»n fi.l '^ lloa .^ » rS rp fa jt. C«94

^*aipart*°'ulllni. *Nb bo il^rlail r«1!»

BmlOt. U ll Klmbatlf-noad.

WAKTEOs flardan «r tmall •cnw e tcw tasrU i^-niwliut, D V'

H E L P W A N TED — FEM A LEi:Xl-iKlKNCS:0--wallMM.-A^lr- In fwr-

•nn.. Kofaraoa Cctl„ Shop, T-ln f.llt. tdiSs.

WANT .om.» U»ak.n>«'. Pamaaa.1 It • allifa^lorr; food aalarr. i'rlaala roomand hiDi. Thona 4CI. Jarama.

Klir.-CTigflTard S^aU Bp toaw^St

------ WANTEDF i r s t Cla.sB

ST E N O G R A PH ER r o n coNSTBUcnoM phoject

AT BUBS, IDAHO Khovild liata al laatl 4 yaan vail rouiiUad aiparianca.


Call o r W rite


r. o. nox IS* n u s \ idaho

H E L P W A N TED — MALEMKCIlASlirWinlrl, (jm! impcrtualu (ur

iKa.illlil inan. AppIr Ovanar H«Ii>r


•' pa^nTar iwmM'A<lm'Ml7ra“llJn\ulWy»lr«r'-unil». Cf>a1 ►alli. MunLana.

COMIimATION Watdrr and *11 Around Khcp Win. Nona btil (Irat «Iaa naad ap. nly. r.ul Equlpmanl and W.ldlat Sbap. Mahn. Phona. flgrlay

WANTKl>r rj^rlaacad J^lja lor aad all-■ara. rbona :*WS. u'uruwb. ClarUa Callan.________ _

tlrmaj ot^rnia t r ^ h-nia or offira; tlm. pIKIad irilam. pmrad plan. TafSanr .

mrrrhaDdUa accuralalr. Ah>iulrl ba ' Phralcallr ^Kirn) arut aapabla of han.ltlntf ">'n. "“ n hanil-rllln*

TlllMl i^UlnT'Tof T h m t Wo..U ,o» ' llba lha taiurarllon anil Indrpaniltnfa i>t raur cwa blUInaaaT Wa >.a pr..UI>lr :arranir a rural Inrillt? nr rlir

livil k“ »wn!°m^J’*n!ir.'''lJu™n7i ■.h.,U.ala—aali at ratal). I.a'tp ' Wrila i<4ar. Raarlalili'a. Drrl. lUIJ- :i : i . ;u l. C..l-tario._________ .

•SALESM AN•Wanl..l to laka >.l<r%lr..VUAKKHr PRODUCTS ROUTK •

______ MinLJiats-iimia. ririm --------- .Arl- Si Craratnan't Aulo r..<irt I

VR. SMAVrn aft»r tl fiur..l.,, .nt,

FA RM H A N D .Irr ig n to r P refe rred

. bouaa. csnlni sad milk ' farnl>li.d. Top wasaa. __ .

F. F . GUN N IN G -rbona e a r n Skoahoaa, U*W |

- J i





IU S IN E .< S o p i ^ r t U m t TES -L()i: CatilB Irn. Llvini ouartan Xa> _

lUlmar. Umirlaln Hot,. , rhopa n>4, _

Vs* -t.I.a l,>r.>l t (Ill CoffiMnr I-

'KM.-'bJm'’ l'-' t. I'i.MisSI r.iMKla/ lr..!a'»M Inroma propar-

— — 1---------------

T IM JS 5 -W £ JW B , T W

----------- 1----------------------------------------► BU SIN ESSO PPO R TU N ITIES

r v UKKIl parlor. «ood montr diakari amall L , mbdrrD horn* la coed Uasic Valirr W n Mual lall dua to olhrr biDlaaaa. will trada

fnr Tarla Falli ^panr,^«>r_ «»od tiwli

LAUlUl-Xaur ahanca ta oWD.a pratlUlila t«.lar«a of roar o>n. I am noalac to

— . Callfomla. lo will-aali mr tilaaf(rr Sr>*• «» "tarr. Ilxlkiclni »iiglpmrnl. cHlfa fatnl-

rciTitlllbin. I'rlca.1 rlghL Caah or larma - - TnlRlBr'frTT.-ft>r-(on-paTlkalat» phona

Dex !•:. Tramonlun. Uuh. for appolnUnanUs ; :

______________ __________


^ WniTE


_ I. GROCERY STORE— AND S E R V IC E STATIONJ E On hlih>ar W. (It.OOO. Tens* lo --- lllhl, pa-ppla. ^

FAUM H E A b Q U A R T E lisrn ? lU Sh-hoha-W. rbona HII - J40I

2 ; - - - -------8. to S Yar.l

__ CARRY-ALL—1 I....I1, . lUta -111 aall TTVt



« I ni.-l.rn. J-had rnttafaa, ataam haatad ■ .room houaa, > (our-room aparlminia. i t caliln drlar-ln lun<h and auuipminl and Mobil rilllr.1 lUtlon. 1)7 (<«■ (ti>nlaia on hl(h»ar l«. unllmllacl park­in, .bla.-V topto'Ta"Umr oVnNo^'o'n'MlllJrprica.


Duhl. Idaho

BOARD A N D ROOM IIIIAKII anU ruim fur wra. *1* (lh A>^

F U R N IS H E D ROOMSJ - CllMHlllTAIlLK~ aa-n alaapl.., r.^m. i;I tor llh Aratmr tjiil.

Sl-KKI'IMl r<«m. Uth. raoklni pllillain.

ll« I VACANCIK.S onlr. riionp JCH. „ »«l : t..I A>antia Niirlh.

arKrT rMi'T .;; ^ . ri..;a m. »>•A..hua .M.,clh. Twla l-atla.

.P- C1.KAN. .nrnforUMa. alan.ln, room naar ep. halh. >14 ~lh Avanua ^Ual._________^ ■’■‘I"''

Inc prMlrcaa; iil'ltltlca furnlaliiO. I'Wa— - al»W...................................- -a-*

iitlh, nuuMa antranrV Man prafarrad.

7, CpUHIItTAhl.K (rnnt aW lnii room nait

» F u 'llN IS H E D A IT S . ~

AI-'aHTMKNT to-r".;-ni: u frW iS C .l^

lb m!j„n.' U .lllX furnl.U. ,ar-

” tli:l1T h.iuact»i>lnj^ apartmant.^ PtWata


F U im 'l's H E irH O U S E SMKIOM m..1rrn l„,u.r, fr.m Ma, 1 Au.

iiniiKiiN t,Jt'.'r to"i^'.' tTM V ^ri^iih"

in V ..^ n ,. for

— ~ U N F iiR N isT iT :rr iT 6 1 7 sE ^

N n s u i T t h n f E j i 'Tr i.ud t^ .,l..|,^a laa .rw . for rant It.aar-

or IS h „ . .T f ~ .; ;k.

rULOlNU chain for'all ooraaloni. aUatrla

(lied toBdltlon an tha aarond floor of lha Idaho lhaalar hDlldlnf. Call KaaT- Wminaon.K.r-nk l.nmSn Cn Phr'na m .


T '" '

* :'ir<'ir»:^iMiKn ii.

■fiiil’ “ !

; E'.’s; .11U.\KV TO LOAN ,— - - ■ - - I : N E E D M ON EY ?




I Colrplata Mnan lnc aara^a

O T ic "m A T r '.‘'"M’gT"

i --

i LOANS & F IN A .V C IN G ~|:! on AUTOMoim.r.s niiisiTU fiiI X.SD LIVIISTOCK

I W. C- RO BINSON■ I '• • -

-------------- r ^ l

VIM J A U i S , ID A H O


r, 11* Srd A .» »«iU ___

a. I ■

“ a ROY HENDERSON •o ---------- When-la-oeed-of-*-----------t _________ X . O - A N - ^ - = ^ ^


Radio Bids- Pbon* 690

H O M ES FOK SA L ENEW";n'.::b;d^om hom.'«n tO .~ 'T.-rS:

C«» »*»•_______________________:-ilKUUUOM muJarn homa. *1* Srd •><

New hoiiaa .111. balh. Ingulr- 4M Ird Avanu. Ninth. __________

S-IIOOM modarn hou.t. l7l^raduca.|. In nulra IM Norlh Waahlnston. Pbun

uV OWNKIl: Small h.«j*a la Twin f alli unflnlahad l>a«rmrnl. laria lot. I’hun

JU.ST mno<lal<0: 4.r...m houar.—trarai-varrtao-apoi. UJda.tnkca it. iic

• Walah Ja-w>lrta. Ktmlwrlr. lilahti.UV OWNKU: S-toora homr. S rooma li

baiaamasl. Can l>a aaparala apartmanl ImmadiaU p^~k>n. tl.MO. SSi Aal

fUaira. nil furnarr, attxha.1 saraia. ISC—TTa?t-iirn—

MRB. ROBINSON 8A Y S - _ “II!# biii-bilu<n< t*e rUht panoa . nnd , tha rlsht biwa locrlhrr. TrII.marn-fi.S ’ u **?',oJ"' " “■

"Aild If'ro"i ".‘lil 10 .<11. n i find a bujar,"c . A. ROBINSON. REALTOR

Uk. 4 Tr. nu*. TaL-m or Ol»IIt».

ATTRACTIVE: tla lrvom hona Is Olua Ukaa a.ldUIon. Mirror di«r. ruomr kltchan, hardwood floora, j^ lra bawmant tadrooru, aUjkarand roaaa. Attach'd (arai^.

C E C IL C. JO N E S -UpaUira Hank S TniiU lira. i. Tb. Mil

BKAUTIFUL TWO-BEDROOM.. milltlUUAN h«loa. oak (lm»a, firaplara.

PHK-Wa’iI :.U.Ii.-.m modarn homa. l-nlrunm, iarca luU Ulua Labaa A.lilfl

K ;‘ l . J E N K n ^ '“i : i Main A'anua Waai


^ia.l’a. On "luirhl'^^k *.fVo’ n.|. vidDrn

Slil-illunc. .llCCO.CU i>lll ha’iijic.*"*



FOR SALECm—1 brkk homa.......... ....«

r-loll-mrnl .......111.MOUiilmi'io.a.1 t aciaa .............. t 4.600

JO H N B. ROHERTSON I r r i p n t c d Ijind .s Co.

— ONLY ;:;.5no —.. A .VERY .A rm A C TlV E_ .


H ILL COUm-RLYi«» Haio ^A-j-a - i-h,mr :r>n




2 0 5 a J A C k S O N


’r ’.Tr,'".;,

r . A. R O B iN S n \ R ..: .l tn r I I ..; i^.i, L “

■'V ’woMo'iNYu.lliViav*'''' ;


“F.^R M -H R A D Q T ’A Trm TK -



0l»»JS. I7S Filar Aaaog* WiaL

« ^ n . * u r . i s L

----- ^'a«ll"n, Sl«k.r.'^h>riuli«?” ai5 .dto-— 1 j«.al iBcIudwl. Hardwood (loon. I»

• ixrllon br appolnlmrat oalr. Tbosa^ l»l«-__________________

ATTHACTIVK **«<Ixpodi hoiSaTrartliU# nalnlctL Good roof. Jlcllir»4iaalfr hasHr,— • Sltf i*rl wlih-biclf-(tpr«ir/,0 . « 1>.

riraltanl kxalloB. ' InqtllrB 4TS BfotUkaa llmilaaard.__________________

OKK IIKIIIIOOU homa. Riralimt loca- ao 1l«n on wall lucalad lot. *9.544.00.

IJ.ina.M down. Ilalinca lU.M pet— mnnlh. Kaltr Raal F.aul«. ' 1SS4 XIb>-— I>rlr lloa,I. Phon. U%U.__________

MCr. tlOUr-. 4 room aad bath. ala<2-(oom cabin. Ia. Kctcbom. Cloa« la, ;i^ blocks (rom Mala Strtat aad ob<

----- bl<«k from K.UhuRi-San Vallaj blsbwaj',IhkJ locaUon. laioadUU pouaaslos-


ou"'. ATTRACnyE ACBEAOB UOKB;ii7 BaMsablr pricad.


2 " |i 1 - !■' • — —r, ESTATE'" t MUST BE SOLD

A HOME IN HAUSEN J— 3 hcln. im lafS^^ ^ a a ^ r ^ t

__ ■ ClIAIlLEy ynUNfi-S^DI«k.mllh.pbc^

>a I . T 7 '- " ■ . ' .

* : HKIIUOOM mo.larB hcma. flni«h*l ,, oil furnaca. tS.SM.«0.‘ i: . j00,00 -III handl.. 4% loaa.

— I W. 0 . SMITH---- RANK a TRU.'rr IlI.DC.


M-l.-rn *-r..,tn h.>ma, (urnara and

II *a"n.| ‘«viJ’b*lUti.«I‘^Vl6. ^ 00; __ CAI.I.'w. A..O.STIlAN»Ell— LEM A. CHAPIN. A gcncy

i . _________________________________a. ^ I _


3 BEDROOM HOME: rar ra.aia n -lM In 4 acr. M lha

__ I "'..I ai>4 haaullfullr land-I I—ar I'’*" rou >.,ubl a ip«l lo par. HEW

D ^ncM M ^ H O ^E ^


.lij^Maln Mt. H. . IJiuBc. H U .

_ TWO BEDROOM HOMElu-lr.H.n> -in ku.maiM. Iar(« IMbi llaraiK :s 1/^.t iot'.in‘o«chanan BU

1 AND 2 ^ n r o i^ M ^ H O N t t


® h e d r 'ook!^ HOME^^

f j ' . ' r a c o n "—' :i« M./o N. Phonr m s-W . llM -n

T ~ I 3 " ^ q e d jio o m u o m xFulbr loMarn with laiia baaamant (o f aaca and tlokar. Hoomi ara laria MadraTa'tit !llir.’i,V. NkaVtlribbl^? w'lthbark >ar.1 fanca.1 an.l In lawn. Kscltt-

' l ' ' r l ” ‘ 'h'm“*'anT‘ «rth™ h ' '■ NEW-

1 a'liVtrk'*"' 'i^* Tm* *’* 'V atala. Ah'aula*ar.5ln» .»"uVal «.»«*


Realtorst t i Main *«. t Pko.. K4


,•10 ACRESCa.flrfor.T ill.lrlrt All cooil (ana 1. 0.1. <; lo.n. raadr (or

-^h»r rr-r* timn». - pTtn

_ T H E BARCOCK AGENCYOftica t?J Raa. ill-J


r n o i r R 1 oo ACRES

CALL 25,1.1

; ____ 10 A C R E S ____


a U i< ^ -( :E A I.T V A^:^ncy. . . . . , , . _ . i i E - w r o ! i s .......

H ” : ' PhoneI ’ ‘ : 38 "^ ■

FARJI3 FOR SALE^ ‘ -------r s ,-80 ACRES

I t T H E BABCOCK AGENCYI " " o a k . IM ■ Pboaa • IU,. *ugJSn>' 1 - • pmiu iDAno

rtif.: ' •• • ~ ' I_ -40 ACRESlec*. SK mllai (raa Iowa. 4-reoai boa*. M.M. <*«si walL barn for 10 c m . peaitrf

per bouaa. acbool bus. bUb tcbool aad Xla- rrad* acbool. mllli aad mail reou. |b- ___ nadlaU poomloa. H.M044.

F . R . M ANN .im a a . Uaba

5S: FARMS FOR RENT .----- S« ACRES aoulb ef ilanatn. MiHt haa* ra— I «r«BCa». Phoaa l*t*-W or *171.L-- R R A L. F , S I A i E - ^ m SA L

TWO M sl» ladualrlal loU. a p r Call 441-J. Mr. Hpatla. ~

FOUR UNIT spartaast ptrlac hltb Inia ««t. Oiitatandlnc location. Phon* 1*1

t CHOICE raWaac^wia oa Bhogp ai m{ Madlsoa. laOPlr* Earl Otrldaes. M um |_ Cllr Maraat. _____« r ACIIKS paatar* Isnd. Yaar aroui— — *eatbai.S4at.Vi«».ll*lBU.~4l ■op Main Avoiua Norlh.____________

^ aaa Mwar.JlB^^aW ^ .» .4 W . Thet

NKAKLY acr* wItb oo* Indroom honi H i rear* old. Rarrla* aad ahrvba. I*h»i

liar—44SS.JI nanlnci.. '.la ; t^ct.' Ida.1 for moul

hom* tlia la KorUi KaUhsm. Bordat M- hlthwar on bleb sida. Pbooa t041.

CALIFORNIA sad Oraxoa ranch laad (1.71 par acr« Dp. *c atatap* brlan cl «ul»,^raelfk Und^. Do* m o. lloIN

___I KOK KALEl Ursa cholc* r**ldanco butl>___ Inc lot. cnrncr of Duchaoan and Flla___ K,war InaUllad throosb lot. i'atar

Taber Co. I'boci Mi. . . .. , 1.0 VELY 4 acr* tract, ia cllr limit

«omp1*lalr modara. 1 badrooai boa* wllJ b < ? ^ T i a w i r«»«l"ro^‘ M ^ 'iaold to aattla alata. Phon* 01»*Jt.

( ROOM HOME to inora. Ila* ,,wn.

*0 ACRKS 1Q Rilf)i Autr tlMUi bom* and mitbulWlnn-'IM T>"-«cra. It'a Good.


LOTSW* hart two lau Ib Korlbwat i-irt o( cllr. Al pra-war pricaa. If rou ara

^ lookinc (or a bartala in loU hara la ,c,- >our"cbanca.

i r F . t GRAVES & SON — J ' OR: THOS. E. SPE E D Y“S ,IUdlobldc. Phona >11

, , G A R^E HOUSE oa lood oora«r lot.

4 lUOM^^nOUfiR with (oil baaemaal

. COOD IIUSINE-VS IX5T wllh amall J bonaa. locatad North Main, jj.to0.00,

w n HAVK HbVEKAl. t a t Mroomhomaa. -.11 local.\l. raaclnc In prlra

^ from II.SM to tK,«II0. Ilattar la-

„ E . W . McROBERTS & CO.__ I -Elba bid*. . - phoB* «»


W m t 3 MODERN HOMES^ floaa In. Iriaal /or laraca or machiB* a ^ulproanl. * coa.



J Phono 5BS

~ ^ F A im IM PLEM EN TS_ 14 INCH Molina ttimbla plow. I'bontn t4»0, Wmbarlr, Idaho._____________

OLIVER aulomallc Ihraad.r har halar. , Iln. Phona «it>.R|,• »«* FORD 'r*r7..un l.a. tJrT o'.Vr.irl.a.

ncallaal c«n.imon. l i l t Farmall.U.bau- r on plo— anil culll.atof. Sti|>.rU)r W t

and baaa drill wllh Ford hookup. Hanc- I Oft plow f*t A or n John Da*ra. liar-

rack tad rabfcar tIrwS -afon. rhaap. 1*4:r ! i ^ v . ‘‘r ? . :% t r r . i 't 'o n : ! ^ r -



HAT CTIOPPINO_ L«< aa Sf rpsr Ptilsra sad suich iraJi

wl-b Iba iaamaa Tlllar. W* alao tiaar

= t -^^^ C A R -H r^V R T G IT T ------FkMa * U JIt Filar, idaha


- .......u t v a i l & h l a _ _

! At


I vriw iT il

! coop l;.- l M.r.^rmlr^.ro.nrc

M r V E 'r s ' l N ^ '• Ul SM Art. W. rhfna i : i

— . 5*1*10 din„|*’y r j p T s r ^


- 1 f e W S j f t i ;

“ ■ : : . » £ ® , : ™ E S E RIW ■ * •“ g- »•»*»« IMI


S NKEUS "u i . . PAULEQUIPM E j i -


I ' .^ ” 7 ^ A c r o i t g —

!!!1* ab!Tn*; DISCS

>ada. *■ ALSO


----- DuSU Idabo

bl. — 9 U R J I O T ^

■■ r 7 ? M r H s " o V S v MT R A C T O R S _

^ • KarmalTcitb• John Parra H

----- • sad *1*»-----, • F.r:''rarmtII .

• Rr«u1ir rarmtS• io-:9 m e

PLOWS-• : r v y j s , ! . , ; . ;

■ "lVllcCon.fckTa,-

it ? J; “ ®' h *

a : ; K r i T .V ”* rt. !>"'• «.

SPUD PLANTERS —• 2-row M rl^ M IM |

.11 I l:~ :», • l.row Oll.arT. S ID E RAKESn. • John Daar* (-bar. aa.

• S-Ur MK>f«kl-D.rt|•. • 1-bar

• *.Ur Caaa« ■ : • f i r i n " .....................----• • • COMUINES---- • II>:AN PLAKTttS------ ) - • :


MOLYNEUX . M A C H IN E f tY ^ ^



MAUIC Vallar Miiltai lan la B Call rwldanca. ll*-> ’ -

EAUiil“ r. ’yr^_U^ {{* *— MiillM.ANl> Mlllini »*nia f

•«IJH at Filar

-"w w S z * s

5 : - y

'w! mllb'

1--------------IT T A P P M ^ ^Naw n*«f«blf« ”Aoaln Wbll-

BarrwJ ***!„_ | Uaubaa TO-dar a s ^ J J ^

"^"n illtit P « ® ,

! ' • ^ . . . I ,.,. . - i T -

r LlVE3TOCK.^-W j S

' ' IIIUIUUKf a«ja

T-I." r . l ’la. ■

i p : 4 ■


r .i.’S * ‘ s e e d s

tra g s S a . f ^ ; . ' ^ s s S j S g i g S a . ' ' ' S . T a " e :"-.'.„;^ s r v F r i n m

^ i e r e ^ i s S i

j r a ^ T s ' S S ^ : p i =

^ r x ' s s l - n u b

g ^ . ‘. „ - g T C i . “ s j b g n

m u T i ^ kJ'lhV nu™

JSJ jWiWa Durtkiin helftr.

.‘T- - ■ 1 *oB»«iil»fle».— ^ h i g h e s t - ^ “ — - i o m b b i

p b i c e s p a i d “i , i ; E A P . ; n J . U S E L E S S

— f tb » l u r c o L i x C T _ ^•““ JLtwto W U-IH ............. .. .WAS IirnO^m^

'' IDAHO filD B WHITE hubrb4 T A L L 0 W C 0 . - g j S : ^

— ; a »V UUI1.Di?iht) tuu^g s t o e a t roof, iito^ (Mk drtMXll rm d.llrn7 t» CEUAU PMU

'“ ‘' COOD .^»«l e

■"“' i» « cuhi Vm ;I IJW. n ja ----------- --— ;— _ _ „,o .„ ..,.U


------------- ----------------------— I MALU POWE. WANTED TO BUY

’ilS r tS rA L s •U m S ItS • RAOIATOM or rail t030tttjOf COntJH »A08 I t. OKE A-trp.

aARRY KOPPEL c a - pgn*;o»»Ul u i !>«. Baatk NEW baUtub

— ------- ^rtRSALE OR TRADE hEaH ^h9T l»be»rt. cabin flthlnc bo»l. »0 p]a»r. Phai

uo m w« «'>■! »*H bIcrcU. 191


sgl’j t r— . I lixai’lnn. SPOTATO GROW ERS

Ibi boal. IIrf tcrHli»w *t rrawMtil* prk«* ar* Wnt. Can b« « li( K.rr., Al or bftof. fl*"!- J.INCH «L\JI■ •<' , rnslna IMfuncosDA 18.H.J Vufc'"'*' *“'■ruco 1S-U41 , .. . UHKD"l'umU »»K0 i« .:m ii.oi

•lltlE tlRMB WITH A»»BU». n «b>< Il,.n4 "NllralU- IH4% l«.« '

................... • AG. T. NEWCOMB & CO. u n f in a ii-H ... . T .m r.ii. lV*JioT:^\Nji ICIO, Viihu CtlTJJ or 1»:«J I'rtrf II.J

^ ' ' - ••' ' J.

N O W . --------TAKING ORDEJIS ' —— — —

For I a m iA N T BRAND l l- « - 0

*L<o'‘iow?L>fri;V.tsr o r ‘^_vn:rn rERmirrji.^^^ r . - i , ,


■I H. HENRYprodl 'c r c o m p a k y ; "

niusr ;o, Ki.vDcnLV

=’"- j O R i

pEDS .VND PLANTa,- 421y^n-.iu* PHONE

>«t r'lmi.t. l.«inu|rr ^ ^^ w , . , „ y „ r m« n frm t. |-----------------

:i »...!m I.1.‘k. a, rthnn'iJr^mJ!

t r r.Bii. tr-u __________ = 7

iviiatnn. crown

ft'T •:.«' w t huB*dVi C

-u 1,'i. '■'•'"''I*!* T>.t. »~v) .11 ' T.

wii'.'j; •’’>’tbcri7 elaala. Etir>l" '" “


A6HT0N BLDE TAO < ;P T rr^ . r ; ; ^ ^ O T A T O E S -------------

c . L . a s i T l e y " ^~ r> .. .! ; . .4. ) k R I

^ i ^ O T A T O E S I ' l F I I Pl;Ani,Y nurhaBan.'



or C .rlw a ' ^t n m

— ^G L O B E -............ - S E E n Sc T E E D ,

" ^ r . t - T .K , M A T T i• •^■•■'rAl.U i : i th4 Ar.

E W ^ Phone

38 : ^' A*

tS A N D P L A N T S F U R N I T l

rruwn rn ,.*|rtirii»h greMwl. lout lurnit

r ..* lT ^ n ^ d S , ? i iW«U,B N u c ^ . _ iL * _ L 3 «itUlloB. - lir.CONDITIODt> ' tTirbianm 'tuiuLiTIu '*“'■»»• W tnr a a v a r ; . ; ' ? " - ' s ™w i ’s s T o ' s r - j g

a . j ' " » . . a ” -■ DININa anlu

D b R M A N T e L lc tk ic*^;IR B E R Y S T O C Ku;iplr or frell xnm, thidf ai^ « y i gamnlal Irn^ Uttt bwko. N^V »i*d B» ahnibi. !«•<•. tIdm. kadxa IlM blsa n

, ^ •. m w . AJ<or»»nr Pwpl«. bm _ ifraw tm »fMiT ^ l> > ^ m lw ln ir f»r lal* RUOl «MI* in KInbtrlr. and hax t-placo dinlila d w a .-* ^ ! -^ ■- mo«»rB- —iainm«-WljUni. >lorafi room aad Uib. it W arbm

• ™ s f .

3HW -NURSBW ES- w . a a ; ;Mate rhon. Kln.b«l, 41 ‘UinU - .>

Fim CaUlo* JlnV,

E C = F O R ^ S A L E ^ * 5 S l l

mathln., Ilk«,new. Sm ft llgd nut teat. I':_________ • UAIiOgANY

rbW. >p(lnnai»l m attn tt.tl0. flnl>lM<), u»»nu# v«Hi ' jnrMowad b-1 ; . 'i i in i r r o " <o-,i U, ■!••>■ « Inc ill e ;tm i._______________.DIHtt for *•!•. Falrl/ io«l kmi™ .**'■0 Klmb.rlr noad,_________ M i ia iil t~■fii WrooT«fui‘±»L »*» Ali»an.'«>,_________: K<-llp«« liWB mow»r. U««l valnul bul

n, I'hona tfllUW. C<iMtpol r»lrfm«nl »*a*h tuU and «Und. ?• K'Ingulra tl» Llnrcln. * lwn»r. El»f

I (bklifn heum, aUo trouiha. vI!ir.V* ‘T■ i " “ •«••'<■ -■________ K . V J ;II. U rtn l auoilminl o( pat- mlirallanmInrh; t»r rart. KlftV_________WAN ifooltf; »ood »hap«. EJ«e- UfiEDi ll.>l alor. Phcrx M»W. DuM, iuUm t i t .ar rolUpilbU babr cartlafa. j**,"*

molor bill*! *rlp ron. r*«l■d roniHllon. HO. I’Hant !ttPJ. JJ 59

r . r . ' f a r ' . K ' , - - ! : a " ” ,;

;? V S r u i3 l ,v . '- 'i ? ? . s J * ; 9ItDlllior T.e««n. cl»n.V. ^ C '" /w. DIM modti. tu . a j w.ipati l l ------------------------------— dak*, hlih• har drrrkk and IS>» I'ulric irada n.« radlOk Israltfi rood condition. Rirhanc*lU t. -----------------;ub. n»»»r Inilallid. t wnt. S I or road. from »ogl).-«l CuM.

B«« •laclTtc llawalUB r>l(ar .. 0 .hon» »71H._______________ DlSTlUATION moKir. rlih l ilt* for w rr.^ N .- rtolln. .Irl '. UMd FI9t Qnlnnr. i(ic« udiM

'**' ** Ms . ; rv .s " ;„ ' '^ '" ru K r . m e r oT»ln rain.______________ K:

r. or for lat*. nod ruh hat«b*rr l _ _ ^ Kxp«iln'f» and r»f«r»nc«* t9~ __________

• , r tS td i " s i r 'i ,B 5 K I ■ ib* at I t t 4Ui Aranor EaiL\JDCB puDip. IH: S-hon. i»* ' , at-I-lBcb trntrlfucal pump t i t : U W'Orkurllnt pun; tS{. tR n if r irv-_______________________ IUw . t«i. ti*. «u, «ii. tiio , C ra lc sMr thouiasd. U Inch <btBBtl

------------------------------------ 1 N enrlyA OOOD NEW . ____IN161IED BUEDINOh coTBpotlu •blml* raof la

“ ■'*■ ■ K O I

J ..E .-W IU IE ------ _ < ----------- ^K«1 rhont 4iT —

- R A D

wr.Il LAWN MOWr.Rvrtr 'llllU -T.flU for «trt • ‘ t. Can Hur II (<.t Ii:o

.Fr. IT AT C A R ]IHKMtlNr. STIHIM j . j

- i i t o N m l ^RC H R A IL IN G SC lTimtii — (talltrt g p

:i .lEFFERSON “■iE 1372-J ErVENmOS

L U M B E RJl tvjurlii rir. Nillv« riiit rA "u !’n ! i^ ‘rs>.ip Up C L ^

wx"j'E i.ivr.ii ■■J C iuih L u m b e r Co. -nnd A,.. rK c n o ..:.^ } ^ —

------------------------------------- M A I-tlU ^kI IroM F*el«

STEEL = # 1 =S P E C I A L SCI-TIC un'i

abli. honxllAVr. ACCrmiLATr.n rrempt * .r •.v--T,Tv » r ..rr.n ___ - On.lrTirtl;

- I R O N - rMfATfl. A.*<Cl,t.''

>Mr. nriNFonriNr, bam IS onn i.r-NfiTH.i

A T W E IIA V E A •: C I A L J C B J C E _ O i i _ __________

A sk A b o u t Tt Va

lE N G E L 'S IN C l

T tJ R E . A I’P U ^ C E "

i'cn ic fnri tTrnimitcr. [•<« m » 1>E sotAll,, iiritli W •"'1 iT.*1lr«». .-^trad .,

MATTRISSw im J?H sp R O ia CA

r S J t 'B C J V t l f 'E V E R T O N '7 S :ir{ ’r ^

P R E S S F A C T O R Y ^Jooii r*0» tn -w ________ ^

i m s s i F,« \

I T U R E . A P P L IA N C E A U ’s ^ ^ n . ^ 'B^r^iB

ib™*.o!r."l mM r-C^l/ *• ”• KI«5r<*."u'l™Maln'.a*l.*” W mirTIONKD waahrr. 111.94. II yl.tAN H t B'OI'DI. Wilton.Hlln. SttJ rialiMASTEtt tl^crit ap^rmiM alM

E>7 Mohair llrlnr roo« tulu. « •.ondUlon. IM au. ..r.*t , Cb«roI.t

I'sMi'MwlB* m atb lsn isr uia. - ■ PMlorlwd and r«p*lr«<. Pboaa ,

a a a a*«las Tb>li «.

» r t tin... waraboa..._________r reol (imarBl i:iMlrlo daliuf WIIKRE •lor, llol^lnt ditaia ^raw*-

^ - - - - ■ ...........- -• »4« 001I ..fruit "jaMr •awn'' U*» CHI

r . ™ " ? . ”, : S "»r~l l.xrrtr. I'hon* «IIW i. »UI

■hilrt. ilolt hu»»r. H it 411) •»»• h,»,L I'hoin m tW . j,|.,NY ImixrUI knx boli ditk. ba<k ,r;l, top i t br t f Incbra. AUs ] |t( t'Ut4 femvn aBttqoad knott7 Pina fruitncb> blth. S» iBcba* wldt. It |HI CHI

U«P. villlnc lurrara ep«B U bz. kf*lo . Idaa: for itrl'a cmb>. | | ( l KOI

'r n . . . ll.lm ronm .ull., walnut IHO CulI tulK. li, E. radln. r««ord ralilnrl. L"!'tv^k.r, Duncan fh rf .* I><« CHI

buff.l. dwk. Holpolnl r.n lt, , ["■.I rrrrl|>r>b>r. rrlar rh.ti. dl>an, |>UIeTkim ' ux’’ «afVum.^5?nj.rrch«il

.m«ul b>d, tprlnci. miUrtMn, r drtk. end Ublx, (J»cr limr>. uunilli, illahai, iart»n looU and

.BMW. Diona IKt. :eO Rlu<

ll*>l ciltrrno Hb, I.Mnc roDin 't l j e , ’ Vluhrn '” >hln>U tSI.tO, “ t"

rfal tu .ai. »ardrob« lii . alMlrlo '______tlJ . IrMk b u|P*r ________dr»«Mr I14.m', dlih cupboard 1 lull*. Ilk* Br» It*. B*IUw«r I mitlrwi t» ,00. ba»ln<lU K.iS. _ V f• • Iht I tr tn l Hock of rocendl- 1 ^furnllur. In l«»n, NKW. Il.d. ulln li l t anil up. Ililns raom :hroni Craft btaakfaal.xu. babp Link brdi, toll iptlnii. nntlrt«»M. rhalri, Iloor Umpi. mtlal b»<!i, hl(br)i>ln. pU; r«na .fU. Wa

fo^uar^l. lU ra Furnllur^

- ’A L W A Y S O N D IS P L A Y



’ M U S G R A V E 'S " ’R C H A N D IS E M A R T

k iu b e h lv r o a d

H O T P O I N T R A N G E •

orks ............ ......$20.00

REFnlOERATOR ’« .......... .............. » * W « P L YCENMORE VACUUM

CLEANER•ly new ................... $25,00 48 PLY


4S PLYlO B E R T E . L E E « «

S A L E S C O .- ...........• " - - > ' « ’PLV

-------------------------- —;--------- R«dV D IO A N U M U a iC------ ■ i« DE ;


, n S r \ ' l ? f r • - «'O O Tm .« p.f n.onlh - , Uke

II 10 .ppir on purcSu. prk..iR N E S M U S IC C O . 39 f o b_________ RAd:

------------ ‘ I 37 r o nO U L D Y O U L I K E a o

A N E W S P I N E T P IA N O *'Vour Horn# to r $15,00

rtar riatt" f>ra*«r

:l a u d e b r o w n —M U S IC C O .

T»li falla. Idiha

ECIAI. SEKVICES5 8 L a~ r« w w * e..fte»~liai *el«fT; t a ftaOBM a»«aD* Mlk

?a5tiS“ ‘b» ^ ‘cUrti” ‘t t " c

■ 2 2 i

F R E E “ Z :F U R N A C E 1

i n s p e c t i o n "

------------ B y

K a c lo r y -T r a in c d , gj(^,E n g in c c r f l in>.iai ui

• CL£JC. A N D E R S O N C O . Kic^ano,.

C a li 2 3 2 -J ■ t;oM ,OsaTOW

UTUS KOIt SALK------SOTO, i-«~! f»-MIUor. will m;| d • 11,.. r „ . . „ . .o ,


U S E D • LAM’,C A R B A R G A IN'K'njpF.DAKrn‘“rnt,VTTt)'?r“ • mimj

C A L L 1 176 -W •- c. JOSLa


n ® I S - A p_ _ _______»

(\U T O S FO R S A L E A U TO K . . . , .b , - d - o « r .„ w . .d a , .

1UICK i^tti: n » ilt.t.

S i ; V ' 3 ' i . n ' ' ' 4r ^o

■rat rt«t.->li« 14,-IIMM. 4th aad >*» | ‘ iM—»ib«» iU.W. GMdlna. - - - »*«. ll'i; nJICVIIULCT •«!>>. Low tnlltan, ~ - °filltfil roadlllon Ikruuihout. ItaA). 'fill. ••ladibUIii ••lU r and eUitr - n , , . ,•aoflo. Frkad tlfbl, Tak, oId«r B U Yj a j * " “



■;.,*&T!.iWwSi,i‘W --------->BlM Mt ■prd a> will *« lb* oai ---------------bur. Kbop around, thta tcffiM'* 1—1 i. —1 ■’^ s T T t C T j r o ^ C T l f ^ B U Y 'ERE Tlin^^DL^ MAKi; THEIR '** ;FORD <«loa) J.d«r; radio. b*aU

-------------------iCH'EVnOLEf'A5«“M<Unr iwo-CHEV KOL'nT**‘r[Hi»iittr * l” b - -coup.! »»dK haalM ..........t i t l l _________CHBVROUT n..Iij.»it*r 4-).-<riCHKVItOI.CT t^w r; h«tur, dt- Fono udtn (Ink 'iovpiTVadlo.H*vMouTir'i.Bw.ukivr iim'IJ I

a t

CHEvnoLrr V lur™ /

CHaVSU;n''wi'i^'or'club’ eMtM^ ^CHhlvriOLEf j5»orT‘h»«Wr,'*d” • '''frc.lrr; mrinlMd . . .. |<tl PRDUDdCtoup*: ndlo. htaltr. >p«|."oTliEM‘To‘lNCK"rn6M '**” 5 E

M & W J511 jx )USED C A RS SEI

Aero., from ni- Sio>. I9i0 POTrU* or Ttrai* RE

Up.n f<.nUn tnt Ivindan— ■■ IMO PL


tw o OH



t h e Se .1,


Before You Buyl i t

r h e y Arc G u a r a n te e d .

And A


PLYMOUTH J-door sedan S / BAtUo iod_heftt£r--------- M ii .............

PLYMOUTH 4.door B rtm

PLYWOtTTH Club Coupe 'Radio. h(«ler, »poUlt« .J1655 Ul

pLYMOjmt *-ioct ie<un M oneiceptlontlly elfin ■.:,.„'„..|J395'

PLYMOUTH 4-<loor eedin” .................. ...Rndlo nnd licaKr ......... 41S9S

DE SOTO <-dooT tedan ~h-— tud to tnd hfflWr ...........$160S '

DQDOB Ousiom frtiin IT — ;Uke Hf»- ................^ J t \ m

«| t.INCtFORD Dfluxr 3-doorriAdlo md Heiier ......... jOiJ 4: roitn

r.if'iicFORD 3-(k)or Mdnn 44 fotu) K Oood Duy..................... $395

STUDEBAKER 5 coup# ** nSdtol Very a t t n ........ .............$195


m E A C H 4< FORO

T erm s Can Bo °CUA


G O R E MOTOR C O . , , v t -UN.228 SHOSHONE

■WEST ' ___ ____


DIRECTCta C L S SALES > S£HV;CE # sto re

L£AN£K5 » UiEJtS_________. • ‘‘ pLVM

UMUtRCIAL FRtNTlNU im u r. ivaZ r V l '^ af all T f * . h r—. « REFRiLOUR SANUlSU,K .andlMofWio^blac. hh. t l l .TW • SICNS

UHNITVHE > TTFtn rstn. r«a4> paitad nU B4Mr. Mpbkll ■.>_ m u

Cr*« * >T»IC IWlBd SV K. _ • ^ t r ,AWN UOWERS_____________ ; VACUN e>o««r «*mra, Mssr* u d Ooaaam. m - i - Mala E rb»»* 1IB.W._________

mi 'f - * ^ v £ M£ L m E M KAKriifciirb— S O ^talb Crtdlv^M m il t. r k n w . *»«»« »»

!t;N £t TU LaAJ^ __________•SLS fat KUMF-lt aad Laaiu. Bm »— BsflflM. T>«#a IML CUUJCAJ


)V ER TJST O S F O R S A L E 1 A U I ‘ourfcr-iw w .- E « .n .B r«M l. . i « i “cticvi■ n. UM, Klmb j ^ _____________.'IlOLET rittlllne, N«« lli«*. IV-'O MUUt.i rat*r. Good MBdlllcn. Thont tnl A..-'

iOR SK id.U k.^U .1 d.lui.n; radl*, Cllnatlxr, orardrlv*. i;Ann ivi .ll tuWa. r*U ownrt, iSi&J,__ ^ i ihtrnJlAHLF.Y-ntrM.oiii Isw mll»- m T 5 tS c in»w._WoulH fOTiWfr irad.U t t — 3

0 rar. .11 j^ ln rr^m r e .T -^ r' - . . - — A

O F T H E W E E K I i i i r ^L Y I ^ n i COHVKRTinLE llo. Il*al*t. CUa». t10«

B O B R E E S E ' i--------------U S E D C A R S !

4tt Hlla i. , - nTrad. (I.-J

f T F T H E \ V E E k ~ | ^ t e sU rLYMOUTII COOl'E:;,»M M1I«. H.*l.r ■Top Condltlun. ill l t . _________

B O B R E E S E '...... :. . , ............■ ^ S E D CA RS' ■

— L O e i C ------------------ S l

T T H E S E CA R S j , , , S

A N D P R IC E S !

ODOEub 0..U1... fladlo, ,All-w.alh.r lJi( CIIK Ir tontrni, UhlK •Idt-all tIrM. ,„vRIOED l l .......... $10«}5.00 _

LYMOUTH COUPE ' «i” -ELLINO FOR ... 11345,00

ODGE CLtJD COOPE ELUNO FOR ,.„ .| 685,00 -L'nl»tl 1)01ORD COUPE i-nc.»onELLINO POR ..,.$ 8i5.00


iHEVnOLET TRUCKU-U». n.w aotor, arrur Ud. GLI.a l lN O F O R .....$ 79J.OO

TAKE YOUR ________CHOICE • - ________


F O R ON LY ?426.00

(II DODGE-8EDAH -ISI DODOE c b u rs BA131 rLYUOUTII SEDAN UT chrvsleh sedan


— I t l l ME_________________________ radUI l i l 0011141 ro i

r*dl I91« 1)01

. . . . r o is a l e

CAI T.' >*<«tt40 cni

a t lo 'JN IO N M O TO RS ^ «

nU. EnA.CIontulcc __ . ” " ™.»>ry Cnr nntl T n ir lf___ »!» C»H

pr Tcito "TO SELi,

44p**dE a s y T erm s i« ii cb*

‘.“ f i . T * * - C H U I

n -lur't H*luM ludrr, . Ilrri rMndill.m ... ISH ________

I) !iup.r Drlui. lu.l»r. ' o, hr*-.r IUM

n Sup.r Iu4»t,o. ht.lrf , 11.H

,, CI.L J

;K S 'TRUCK8 TRUCKS1 Ion. Cab an* I.

* U _______________ HIMO I t r vbMlbaia. n ____ ___________ lio n

W. b .« r-.n, -tW 19<« FTQu.nir Cart A Trurk.

;ARAKTEro,-stncAn.1947 NA


1M7 Cl!


, Hou.. of Mn^ff. ftr^i.. ^MAIN A rr tn NOHTJI COI

1941 CJi

---------------------- ' 1941 Ch

F E S s i o N A L

O R Y ___ ™ “•OBCrCLES 1®36 c t


HBMtlM b«^lra. rk.‘ ir . i ic IR?0*EHA77CW SEHV/CE * *“ *• T R

_______________ _______

g w n n E n s,laM *M atrrVa. Fbra* »■ S b» 'T i ^ U . P._Q. AUVM C L ^ E M f

STlANr p | ^ - B p - 5 5 r i s - c e

Kaa. iMtvtUiT Rna FbaM ua.Ql Wat*r S*m*« Pk. tU.


M u g : ,' »* «r - ■

IIT O S F O R S A L E A U TevRoi.rT 'i5B or-»«uirj!o,-4« -trw-i.oooff

Util, A. S c Urrt. t4>.vg. i i i 191,1 UUICU

rr-V u :,l'.', iJtT M~ ,'Jr , ' «~S ~.1 m H„>th F,lm,_________

.N O 1L t: l in Lln’fnlB »>rhTT * ^ r ' rJU S '] A (ood be>. Piic«i riibt. Pbaa*

WlIRD •*<•». fair oondKISB, l»C III rintltB., tood canAlllon, 301 I '| .a^C C.H o.nlaf.. 4ii.|i. '

^ flUh r

~ B A R G A I N S n w l m ' IN U SE D C A R S „ „ h ,kd

Ii. lour «H <*r «a a Ui.t medal

i:ST E R M O T O R CO . \ 'Z lCOOPING. IDAIIO l5i; iir.lic

--1 iiu -u u ti : . . . ............................... .. 1 W l.t,

A U T O S Itm UKc<

h y . ‘‘" il '." .J ; ''i 'u r '‘" ' - Aiwi

onn . . j i i r j ^ r . «d[oTWai.r.' wli!iM._ly*llihl. . . - - w iu I » ? A - _________SSiE.'.i,''''"'. "S;r.i.-” S LiNcoi

•...^Iir-VnOLKT ; Um. S-.p.rJ *.lr.IMEVIIorCT r Ion wllh .l<'.rk:;''.llT l''r.m ll~ ;m l l " ? ROIintu I ti'n >t*V. .niotur .ir 'll.n t OHU >5 Inn rlrk^ip. molor.^llm•HI:VI10LI;t ti>n' rlrk-ur, 4. WRH

"■ 111.8 ON>01)GU 1^'ton' pirk-up ' ' m i • Mini. t-h.MU and c«t> . ' Dll IILDH •MBVno'’LtT I 'i 'lo n .L!...'. Itgil TTil, ,

C nsh o r T e r m s • »•"«I tll ni.Ds

;L E N G .. J E N K I N S ;E V R 0 L E T G A R A G E • "'Vhi.'

I»it FORI . irinii

I igii DODCQ U A L IT Y i ,u cHEi

U S E D C A R S i*« Mwii94i nuic

A t inroL D j1141 CHE'

5A R G A IN P R IC E S n « c i i rI«(0 SUIC

G u a rn n tc e d itit.roR iMrvKic V a llc y -s Z r c m

. L a r g e s t 1117 chei


MERCURY toB.arllbl..’ maroon:U and hMUr — --------- t l « l SAXDODGE I-dosr____ _ „—tltU tlltfldFORD toBv.rllbl*. r r a n PAIR TRDODGE Cualon 4.door; |________

3LDUI0BILE.«.-«I«U. - ' i - j '!«Joo»________________I mCHEVROLET :-dr.. c .l 141OLDSUODILE I ceupa __ t t i t;HEVR0LET 4-door ____ I Mt . .


rORD 4-door___________140PLYHOUTH'cnp* ,_ ......„ tU t SOUroinj~i.««ir.................«?««•:hevbolbt 4 ^ ---------1 »»CQMMETimAL TTKTTB r ~ « ? rr "r o r^ iw 4 T rO ,- .-i ;* p « « -^ ^ ^ : ---------

il»i.bak.r'ji.i£Jrr. 0 .*ad iraninlulea _- ,, „_ t l l t l;b*nolit ^-l«a P. U. ___I I tt:>t*ni.tU>aI H-toB --------- 1 t i t

U R C H M A N & Y O U N G " 'A t 'iD MERCURY

JtROXE. IDAUO >»“ CHEruoML u l.w

' I tn ion:— ^ 111? HUU;

I lil CHE'

W I L L S ■ ; : ; : i


■1141 OLDiU S E D C A R L ( ^ v

O F F E R S : . • ' ' i i . in a ?.I9J1 TLTJ l»4l t-OUI II4I CHEI

FRAZER M w hn lU n

NASH A a b a iu d o re 4>door |SjJ

NASH A m btssidore 5 p » u - 1“ * um;^ . .n se r coupe i« J_ a .P


NASH "SOO" 4-<3oor sedan NASIt - 600" 4-<Joor *«Jan COMI

6TUDEBAKER ChAtnplon »«*t iNlicoupe __________________

CHEVROLET 4.doof »ed»n i*<« To'tti CHEVROLET 3-<loor tednn l»J4 I.S'TI

CHEVROLET p lc i-u p A T I

CHEVROLET 2-door tedanl»4? CHS'

CHEVROLET 4-door »ed»n k~t.^

CHEVROLET8 <4)11(1 CIIF' 1(41 MKRi

N U M E R O U S ---------- C H E A P C A R S n w

f o r

'R A N S P O R T A T IO N;!i)i I'oni

. W ' l L L S j ;

MOTOR CO. ■ l S E D . G A R . i 0 3 U l

U»VA-..W . On Truck U n.

: y ■

i ^ o n e ’’ ■ r s s '114) r o a o '

£ _ f _ S---------------------------------------- r^ S u iS !U TOS F O R S A L E g

sort-rrymooib'Biraxc varjr t M

0 F A N C r W O R D S '

0 W ILD. CLAIMS L’ST.-GOOD-CARS;— . :****^

W c H n v e S o m o ‘F in o T r a d e - I n s 1941

h rniCE.^ ARB IN LINE iJ S a * itn f111 Wll.l. DK l-LKAsnU «>• L«"TH OUR COUim.OlIS ■»• ,iU rilIt.“'OLY SEIIVICK •• ]DKD C«l«i» Club ..KIM. Radio. *- ' - —i.iai and uiiil*rtoat«J --------------(iNTlAi:- «.do»r «*a*n. lUdlu. ’' '■*■>.t.r, hidn-matlo liUnimlulon, j | i n CUB'br.utUul ...t and piled tllht. | | | | OLD:

iji! | |

“ IdJrrunir. -mr-WIt.:

iilir*'n?w*‘iI'A" *>» CW

ilw nys a Good Dual— _ jj

___DOUGLAS_______; :O L N -M E R C U R Y , In c . p t i Z ZH_Aj». PhoB. IIZl'•;^?»TUIN FALLS \ .


R O E M E R ’S C A R S F I R S T !


CARSH it ron

ILDHUnilILK tcinxrllbl.. TliU >^i

r>iB urKlnal. Tlilj ku all tb* Kilnlira, and a b..umu»-Vloiul ftBlih.X.D3M0UILE fon»ao a*» nfw;---------- --------- ---------- -------•WithOriD 4-door .Klafl. Columtila RM.

Ktfdrlx. radio and bM ^. <P«l> mlUicht. m l eor.n. .•oRu \j.t*B pickup. I..P.H i»n r o jriBimUtlon. . .ITUDEDAKER U-U». <^P**d XIDCC Zwloor t«IaB m ,CHEVROLET n,EET«ASTER 4. . . . , l«>r ..lan , UIT fOrklERCURY CLUD <eup. nUICK Spaclal .MUn.lla I tit rOI3LD8U0UU.E .adiBalU . *nrJHEVkOLCT 4-docr ..dan rof:i!E\'ROLET Wocr ikI .b r«fiBUICK Supn club.tMp*FORD V ^ -n is r aMaaCIIEVnoLrr 4.dMr ttd.n T .vFOnD tudor iHlaBSHEVROLtT jHloor M -Q i'


R O E M E R ’S ' , ,iA L E S i S E R V I C E1 tad A.a. Eaat—rhena tUtWI TREATMENT-rAJR PttlCEI

ALWAYS > i.» -

3 h u c------------------------------------------1 m T c iiB


T H E ^


O F T i S S

lOUTHERN IDAHO t & S: trk tab

a-a»d-«i»daT-»ba >ain.-wa»a|r>» JU>T-Mt1

' N O R T H STd E ' ' m ^ d iA U T O C O . “ diitoS'®

Jerome, Idaho Kimbarirtrailer '

vill arri'!Vt Ouf‘Jerome Lot—:IIEVR0LET 4-loM ikUh. batUr -

n i i i a iI’ONTIAC C«aT«(UbU. baatar «a4 ' { | | ) ^ , HUUSON l-door aadaa. baaUT ' >»“ g j! :HEVU0 LET t-deer .adaa. baU iTu'cK 'sup<r 4-doer aadaau (uHr A ^?ult;K’Roadn-.l.r 4-4oof aada., '* « *■*< ■ r M t ® * ^ r . aadaa. .baiUr ■ ■uid-s.rrdrl.a. . ..;ilEVROLn ».»aM tu.r MU»«.tnUr and radio3LDSMOUtLE II atdaa^U.m o r and radla „ ,rORD 4-doar .adaa. huU r asdNASH 1-dear'i.daB rLTHOtmt t-door a*dirf' railU *-M***aiar m p* qHEVROLET 4.door a*d£aDHKVRDLtrr 4 100° MdAB K . . i ■l-ONTtAC t-deor aadaa —CIinVKLCn t-paaa.n«r «e»t>. ■ i IIUICK 4-doer ..daBUHKVIIOLCT t-dottr *«U* TO:ili:VROL»rr l-door .^lan ,CIIKVnOLET nu.lno* ooup* ' | ]i:i[EVROLirT 2-do«r Mdaa FORD :-door a*dao

D M M B R Q IA L U N IT SCHEVROLrr J’4 Inn truck INTERNATIOMAL Hi too imtk.g . q ; o y r .............. ...

.ukV“"I.S'TrnSATIONAL iruck '**'

T O U R E D E N L O TCHEVROLET 4-d«or .rf.B, hMtar ,t'llEVUULin' Oiulaau causa. .

h tnir.VRfjrW <«ft*Tr a.«t*n, h*alir ’CIlRT.-il.EK 4-3t«r »ad.n, h*.t.r l” ~ "CHEvilOLCT 4<iosr .nian MERCURY 4-door^ iJrvT ioT xr'jJ^fviarii •lUIICt: fip.fU]. 4-<l><or ..dan nLpT- l-dmr w<!.nPLVHOUni 4.doot ..daa ___

3 > rJ IE R C lA L U N IT S

lO R D ^ rl^a ’rufk ll

N O R T H S I D E . rA U T O C O . • . J


V id . r TWoufb S a h T rW .:..

, . . ............. ........ ; »»\ w

-FAffl- -


T m m i 5 i F T n 3 5 S T a K ilaalar, M raaUri^**

‘ For Sale • ■340 CHEVROLET-I laod aaadlllaa belli laitl* aU «w Bllnta u 4 flO«4 UrM.

PHONE 1441.................... » . ■ ....


----------— •


■' I-F Y-O-U ,W-A-N-T .

■ A -V - ' V

F-O-R-DS-E-E , P-I-C-K , :

ono CuilMB I Club 0m m wiih :a4U. lintar. 0 »ar-<il»*. tm«kl lid la* UuB «.»«•>»■ t.lf f lia -ORO V4 li»«r Dalua Vm W

;M. Tlraa. k«t U.VM

0 ^ r o io V 4y<t tba

;ORD V J laH r'xW aw '

'-W-I-N F:A.L.L-S , 5iT-0-R_ C-p^ I.N ^dUOUB o r tTUfiUAKU ■ ■ “

■ U.».E.'0 c .* .* t 4 ^ t R.M-U4/-A.T.0.M .


taw*<tme. p b S i w f l u : -

^/i»(«iw*f t S i ^ T w n S .S S

5 u s ; i a . trrlra April 14. .1 Mkar —ttaaiUf ___i>a« -taadr-i* ' itaatc—O lW ^ta^ — "?• ^ a i k Tnllar X te. '

' I :■


1949 FORD . ' :

***** ____ i

tu - r m u « o id » -.- .-. ... • -.->r

u c V E y s iN a •


l.t: Tin*, tt.eea MU«A RmI Bit. llM t_ ........... .. ;BOB REESE* _ - j . USED CAH5 ■ ' 7 ' ’ ", ', ,m Mata K.

JY OF THE w e e k i ' ■Iltr cnzvBOLsr h t o k IM TlTM. 4-a»«a<. LowVtlaw.Ctem.RtM : - ••-.TT

BOB R E E S E '= • , r —T ■ USED CABS

__ m Mato «■ . J___-•

USED TRUCKS. , } * ._ A v a ila ^

' A t - ■" — r =... -McVE y s . ... • .

H it RBO tXUCK ' \ I«IN*lib bad I lav atl)*M«ll l l IRTXRNAtioMAt. '

K-M tw>4a» traafc _1*41 D0D6K

lH 4 M j « b a i ^ M r

M c v i r r s H An.


— * ' _ B rT iM E S K rw a<AXter »bout three d v * of tint i

■ " m * tlc in fever." And where do

OBUfoisU o r O rtjoo *nd W«»hlni , ' Itlend i w id ttU U vtJ In UiB xnldwes

Sure; Mine of u i lUjr home or ir AU nuyb* »poid • fo» d*yi Jn Sla .think about w hen you plan your vac ot miles ju a t lo we acenery tha t la i

’ - 1. - ■cqualnled wllh yoi

---------- TTW iT».t«>mwphoiii o r . rijoti**laodcrmaa: Any mom lns after 6 u n . w u o*n ae« Phoebe, p u t 70 In j r e m A u t 40 In a«l)lty. worUnc *mons he r flowera. S hell have on m pair of men'a trouaen and an old

. ahlrt and will ilop to ware or call » frcetlnc lo ■ nelfhbor h a n tln t out her waah—ir an>-one U able lo get up earlle r/than ahe.

In a m a lK r of a few houra, «lie . . . - c a a b e ae«n hurrylns to caU h a bui

to attend a luncheon or shop, at- tlTKl a i lovely a i any b u t^ re u e d woman ta fw in falli. Phoebe even lausha a t the traniformatlon her*

I ever w e'je ncen onA Occaaloiifllly- - nhe alowi down lon« enough to en­

joy a cup of coffee with a nelBhtar.

. _■___■ ,E very-« .oItcii-peopIe-bcslii talk*1»( about Uielr irlpn to Lhe de:ia\t. B i r e s n r s m i n t r w i H m i i p n f n w

- - - ton*ue, mada the remark, "I hnd an X -ray U ken of a tooth and there were three teeth In H." Anolhrr allp made by FraneU fu llr r w u "I only have four tcelh Icfl." To be fixed, ahe m eant.

Down Clover way, sprlnB fever nt- tacked a few farm en no they decided

-----------ni »o on a bis fUhlng irlp lo Salmon.and Ju»t for bis fl»h. They came back wllh only onr. Alvin Lulx' exciue waa. "We ate all the tmall

■ ................................... i f " '"We made 600 jnllex the f ln t day; the acenery was-wonderful," the toijrUl guihed. We made a note

. . th a t the only acenery possible to see a l th a l ra le would be the road un* wlndlns ahead of the ear. Speed. Apted and more ipeed. tla s anyooo slnce“ lhe day* of'covered wagons really appreciated KeneryT

............. ' M oir'A m erlcan soldiers vlsltGis.foreign landc during the late'Hmte were amaaed a t (he im all numbers o f dvUlan autoa and the large num- ■bers of bleyclei. But on a bicycle you ean tu m your head 'wiihoul dancer of h ltU ns a tn e or running down a «ow. You ean wnve to farm­e n worfclncfln the ftetdi, and they will wave b*ek.

r«ncM a re n 't blurred porta and w ir t- th e y U ke on Individuality a t



G. K . H ogan, rlffh l, Dlf A irr ln iltu r* and J . H. e d l v .

MR HOG,_____________ ' T h e s e p o l

- " a n d c e r t i f i

i n s p e c t e d c

FOUNDATION :C a l i f o r n i a

b y - C a t i f o r f




------------------ -------------------------------------------




spring w eather, most fQ)ki have tha lo Magic Valley, residents i « n t to ipem ird any niimtiKf Q t j 0im _ p ]a p jrip « j< ington? O r maybe ihey w ant lo vial ■est.make aho rl trip* around M*«1c Valte;

ilanley baaln. B u t here's something t- acnUon ihU year: Polks drive hundred. I alm osi commonplace to Idaho naUvea four, home aU te this year^

^ bicycle'speidi^ T eu ««« t«WM push'° Ins ou t to the highway and bac)

w in to farm s. I t 's a wonderful way foi a newcomer to become acgualnte< with th e valley.

‘‘1 people moving Into Magic Vallej find a friendliness which U one o: quiet g'reeUng.'There U none of thi bolxterousneu Ot large clUes. Bui you can 't appreciate Magic Vallej

‘® unUI you alow down and apeak u “ the people who make It bloom.■' We call I t a 'lilgh sU ndard ol ° llv ln sl” No one will rush ou t no i " to »ell the family car and purchaa< ' a bicycle. B ul tt m ight nol bt

^ uch A bad Idea. S low _da«n anxi -lh e —lit iiieiie wa:^ -th» trD ne t--------

^ *veri'onB In Maslc V alley -a i '■ elAewher<^httB heard the old Uie ’ of the widow and \ldow er getllns

m arrlod and how "my kids and your* klda a re beating our kids."-

o'^ co u ^e who dldn I achieve tha t, but n Btort«l ou t the same.* T h e widow and widower each l«rt I children, all right, so the nUge Wua Mt. But these children were a b ll

* olrirr than Uie ones In the well- worn Btary.

A few m onths after the couple• m arried, her daughter and one of 1 hU M ns ran off and got married.I. Now the cotiple’# (rrandchlldren 1 ar* In a »t«w. They have only

one n t of grandparents.

- Don and Helen Hulbert have be^ii preparing -to r.Jhe pant eU monihs

t for an au lo tr ip tn May lo Maineand Boston.

5 P in t . Don tore down th e engine » of th e only busgy and p u t In new• rlitffs. N ext on the 11*1 wero'sprlngs,

a new se t of Ures, and. finally, a new0 rad ia to r,> L ast Sunday Don hauled out the. nf.w ,n«Jjtijor_pnd. ii*rie«j. y i.yorJi.(. Before I t was over. It was a nelgh-J borhood affair. The old rusty boltss Ju st w ouldn' e off.- T lnally wlUi the help of his wire. : M nton Jepaen and a half doren kids.1 the rad ia to r was budged from iU I foundation, where tt had been rt» t-• Ine Blnce 1M9.r T he new fron t end w ent In fine.'' a ll IHe bolts f il Just like In the book.1 T hen I t was tested wlU» water. I tt came ou t. too—no plug.



H s tr ic l S u p e n is o r o f t h e I n s p c d . S tan d lce , In s p c c t in j : Seed Polj

■AN SAID,>tatoes a re f t f evrpllnnf ried as Blue Tag. They d u rin g the season”

SEED FROM CALI Tested, grown in test •n ia 'sla te inspection. P

C I M A T E L Y 2 5 0 S A C


. STAN.1 '; WEST o F soirrH pari

~ T — Z

Tbe backyard of th * H u lbe rt n deaee was combed. A U . th e 1 were (lucsUoncd. b u t itiU no dr plug.

Then Don eame up w ith & an t rubber marble,*' T h e m arb le .i

forert Inlo place. w al«r waa tu r in -an d It held.

Don's parting rem ark w hen pulled out for a (cat n m was. -

th a t okay so long as I d o n t h l l a bum pend « . •O P . —If^ you're .e v e r_ in U r* s t« l- ln -j

pMi events around H ollU ter. Ra MsrcbosM ean help you, po rtt larly If U-».»omeUilng to do «

^ po llU cj.w iihV ai-balitagjrtJ.cye. rcfls e ,„ quote Uie exact vote c i s t -

nearly any candidate In 'm ost i ye*r.,H» Uves In T w la P » n a -a

------ bul.ipenl._» Bpod_piani:^ye*raU h . Roniii«r._waie. th e re ..h e eallee 5#clr (he UUe of -Judge" du rin g b la ' m . f o r *ee as Ju^Uce of ,U>e peace, nted He's hsppy as a la rk o v e r 'a t

mentous evtnl a l-B o ls o rMsen illey fUlph h u live d a u sh le rs a n d th e o f gnnddsughten. He'a alw ays wa the cd a grandson. H e rare ly usei B u t telephone, to- friends were so rt illey surprised when he phoned ’ th ' t to Yep, his daughter In BoIm, H a r

gave him Ills flrsl Krancbon. Ano I of *r daughter. Mra. L arry LaoghrU now Tirln Fstls, has two d a u g h te n . jiase ' ' ----------------- '

•5 -Veterang-Ji^iling To Claim Aware

u ie Almosi '1.000.000 am jy m eny a lln s women decorated during W orld v •our II hsrc not rece lm l th e ir certJ

eales of award, according to C JICJL .W tlllB avJom atc f.,J tr in ,fa lk . an bu t recniltlng sUUon.

Deconllon w lnnen ahould se hart reqUMts to reerUticaUa to th o adj wua u n t genera] of lhe arm y. W aahlr b it ton, M, 0 . C.. Including num b cll- date and headquart«ni o f gene:

orders awarding dccoraUon wl iple complete clUUons Jf available.

of Nexl ot kin are eligible to recel i. cerUfleatu tor decorotions aw ard re n poithunuuily.inly —

t R«Bt 010 u, s. arAMraeen VALUE $435.00ilhfi rmmmmmmmmmmi

th e U H B c S S I H E

gn- AM ktm.ut r .„ ua nootr JuBits Ml". »«il KM-llM. OIraMi Oiao: 11 O"

»t- T. rL * *

MARCO STAMP CO.I t P.O. n<a Ui. a»n rr»nel»co U C«llf,



ac tion D ivW on D e p t , of ‘o la to e s .a l the S la n d lc e

n t-qua]ity, sor4«}---------? y w e r e a l s o

XIFORNIAit plot and p ^ s e d ____T asscd O.K.

i C K S P E R A C R E ^



? iS; Fiancee Gives Up Jo b to Her Smtc

le -was ROOELEY, Eng.. AprU » <JP> tu rned Douglas Crutchlry, 20, Just oul

the Royal a ir force, went to l ICO he town coundl and asked for ». “l l ' s clerk's Job back, bump’. ' The council said a ll right, but

would have to lire the girl wbo 1:in -a n y ' been fllltng, the Job.-------------------R alph The girl turned ou l to tw Crut<

a rU cu - ley's fiancee. Muriel DavU, also0 wlUi She resolved his dilemma by si eye. he Ing; “H’b more Important to < lit~ f iir iu tu re tha t Doug ahould have a Jo « t anya -now. .* n . a t _ _____________________ - u .

mo-icently.1 three want*

k h r th ai\noUi-h rU fe .

lertU?- '

: a rm r _

sendi Bv a « a « Sa li ^ ^

im ber. ‘eneral 'J iS n B a S X -

/ardecl |



Bellevue GiirnKC • SlmK A ulo C o u rt

) B L I S S

' Hill Top Service

%t Blue B ird S e n ie e

M allhcw s Conoco .S• Pickrell M otor Co. ■’ SpradlinRK G reen (

i ' S iirher & Mn.son

I; West End Gnrajrc


'■ B ennetfn Service ‘ j Boh's M otor Service

Burley T ruck & Trac Cr.«w1b Motor

) Floyd’s Na.*ih Garni;* Gem Pontine Sales

t ilnnzel M otor CompnHaskell Service

—‘ --------- M otnrw e ------------------. \ P A D Shell Servicf

Shell Servica

I lijl C A R E Y

^ Adamson M olor ConR Carey M otor Co.

I MacKenzie


n Wafer Is Turned ir K ing ' HiU’s Difcl

'O r k i n o H IL U April 3 S ~ ^ 'e i F) — RlU IrrlgaU on company has tu; ll of Jvatar. Into th e cana).

the During th e past week work his were fixing ditches and bun

weeda.ut 11 . . F a rm en of the vicinity are 1 had preparing th e ir lands for use ol___ w ater.' __ ____________ _

Itch* -----------------------------1 30. ' V ISITS BIOTIIEB*ay- • PA nU TELD. April 23-LyIe C our kill, Ogden. U U h. was here to '

Job." h is.m o ther. Mrs. Florence Oas


DECLOD eclo M olo r L.Vnch S c rv ic t W «llii .M otur

E D E NB o b 's D riv e-Ir R a y H e n ry Sic


J a s p e r G ns & i ^ . N e n l’s In d cp e r

C o m p an y n o .v .s le t 's .Serx

G able:.


K ellv M o to r C T e s t e r M o to r ' T o m ’s A iilo n W e b b 's V e lle s

______________H A i l E R M A N

ir to r C n d y A u lo C o iP e p S e rv ic e



B a ile y 's (J a ra c ----------------------------- H arv y jL - lIu lo r,


K elley M o to r (


S a u to o lh M oIr I n l te d O il S ta

3 AutcrEquipm<t w i n F A U .S

r - —• • ' ■ ^ ;S E im iO N H EID*“ KIMBERLY, April 2J — Rot c h e a Stiipley. en routfl from - Wayn

vUle, ni., to FW rbanks. Alai t King jtopped her* IhU week for a . tum ed union ,1 th O iarlea Bean. The I

. served' t^ e t h e r m any months ova s ■

S r . O . L . K e l l e y

— ~ “ O S T fc O F A T H IC P H Y S IC IA N

9 Gas-a visit 13S eth Ave. N. - Ph. 37i

. / S



H O L L I S l

HenstockICO- . .


E nR le Set

H n h o Ch

P a r k Con

SO M Co. K E T C H U

w n d c n l Ga.s & O il B rockw ny

K e tc h u m

K e tc h u m

C o m p an y K I M B E R l

r C o m p an y " • A . G ilR e p a ir

ex S e rv ic eM U R T A U

^ _________________________ ^ I ' s 66

'o m p a n y ,


PlattK G a

a c ro i L S c m c t ___________ J R L C H F I E

P a u lso n It P o p e A u ti

r Company


A ld r ich di ,\n t]y M cl

B ru m ih a w

P I S T R IB U T O R S '

lent Co. D.

Robert __

S l ; ■ BjCW R E C K !

FAST'—------ BAJ

iy • . t __ __PHOWB IG O R E I

• " « Yonr D



ock Servica G rHa Me

I E Os,

Service C h ie f .S c rrlcc

Conoco S c n lc e


« ay Chevron Serv icc um Auto & Gansfro jm Texaco Service


'R I Y ' •> R L Y C IGill G arage Cai

'N CerPei

\ U G H ' Goi

66 Servicc H®'— ------------------------------------------H-i


G . r a « . “

P io

ie l d - ________ J “n Motor SiirAutomotive S e rrice Tru



. 66 S , r , i „ ' 'V E ^M cRoherls ChevTon Idallaw Service Wei

» .N . N o r d l i n g 1T W IN F A L L S

g - _ l ii '- ' .-V .—

jO N D E D ^ " " ^


D E SO T O D ca le ,

JPERT3reB(j S e n ic e lanzel C h ev rb ltt Co.Herle M nsoncr Inc.)sfi:ood Texaco icolly’s Texaco service G arajre tVorkman B rothers

[OSHONE 'riolor M nrl lawson Chevrolet Co.

ilN FALLS •k)b R eese M otor Company . ,; & H Shell Serrice lasler S h e rro n Service !entral Shell Serrice )ee Pace S ales Comptay lore M olor Company _ lalle Conoco Service

larm on Service 5 lulls A uto Serrice [elly & C r * w T en eo t I. G. McRiU Repair ioneer T rac to r Compuy cott O il Company------— ^


immons Conoco Serriw tu ck U n e Texaco Swrlt* , win F a lls M otor Co. ^ j

INDELt--------------laho Gft.«i & Oil Co. — — •endeU G range S o ^

P a r t s Co.