‘ How do you know what an artwork is expressing? Perceive – to become deeply aware – read into...

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Transcript of ‘ How do you know what an artwork is expressing? Perceive – to become deeply aware – read into...

How do you know what an artwork is expressing?

Perceive – to become deeply aware – read into it• Take a moment to look at the piece• Ask questions

What’s going on in this picture?

What do I see that makes me think that?

How do I know that from this picture?

What else can I find?

express personal feelings

• Personal

• Social

• Spiritual

• Functional

• Educational

What is the Purpose of Art?

Created to record history before written language, images describe what people did

Things you wear, use, and live in

Expresses spiritual beliefs

To share a sense of identity in a community, family, or group

What is Art?• A visual expression of an idea

created with skill

Art is a form of Communication!

Art is a language used to express ideas or feelings everyday words cannot


Why is Art important?


The basic parts of all art works.

-the foundation of knowledge that will help you understand and create powerful drawings.

Line – a mark that has length and width.

• The direction or style of a line can convey different meanings.

Hakuin Pablo Picasso

Doze Green

Shape – (2-D) two dimensional FLAT enclosed space that has length and width No depth

• Geometric or Organic

Star Wallowing BullAnne Liebowitz

Value – the range of lights to darks

• Value creates the illusion of form and depth

Charles White

Dark, medium, light

Peter Paul Rubens

Color – what the eye sees when light is reflected off of an object

• The most powerful element of art

• Impacts the mood or emotion in a artwork

• 2 Categories– Warm – Cool

Bright, dull,

Dark, light

Color Wheel

Mary Cassatt

Color Pencil

Space- the distance between, around, above, below, and within things.

• Can be Positive or Negative• The illusion of depth, Deep, Shallow, full, empty

Overlapping, Placement, Size, Perspective

William Kentridge

Salvador Dali

Barbara Hepworth

Texture –the way things feel, or look as though they might feel, if touched.

• Surface quality – surface texture

• Actual Texture – real

• Implied Texture - fake Albrecht Durer

What is one BiG thing to remember about the Elements of ART?

We have covered. . .

• What the elements are

• What they look like

• How they can be used

Ok- Now what about the process of making the Art?

What is the Artistic Process?

The steps an artist goes through as he/she creates.

1. Know –Vocabulary and techniques

2. Come up with the Concept and idea

3. Make the Project

4. Critique – Reflect - Get feedback




The building blocks of ART - the basic parts

-the foundation of knowledge that will help you understand and create powerful drawings.

A system of organizing the elements of art.

The way the building blocks are arranged

Balance – visual stability between the parts of the image – equal weight


Unity – when an art work has a sense of oneness or wholeness (all parts work together


Contrast – using elements to create differences in line, shape, color, etc

Romare BeardenPaul Gauguin 1838-1903

Emphasis – placing greater attention/focus on an area or object in an


Francisco GoyaExecution of the Defenders of Madrid

Pattern – planned or random repetitions to enhance an artwork

Movement – arrangement of elements that causes the eye to move through the


Rhythm – repeated elements that move the eye through the art work. Flow

3.2.1 Reflection

• 3 Principles that you think are most important to make good work.

• 2 reasons why the above listed principles are important.

• 1 thing you will remember beyond today.


Which of the elements and principles do you think are most important?
