Gay Marriage can also be called same-sex marriage. Which is a marriage between the same sex. Gay...

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Gay Marriage can also be called same-sex marriage. Which is a marriage between the same sex. Gay...

Gay Marriage can also be called same-sex marriage. Which is a marriage between the same sex.

Gay Marriage is currently legal in 3 states in the U.S

California Massachusetts Connecticut

In November 2003 the Supreme Judicial Court had a nationwide debate over same-sex marriage when it declared the state's ban on gay marriage unconstitutional. The battle has included fights in Congress over a marriage amendment that would define marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

In 2008, California and Connecticut followed the footsteps when their Supreme Courts struck down statewide bans on same-sex marriage. As the debate rages on, the American religious community remains deeply divided over the issue.

California has become the nation's leader in providing legal protections to gays and lesbians.

People's behavior is influenced by their family environment, their experiences and their sense of themselves

Throughout a person's life their sense of who and what they are has a strong impact on their sexual development and experience

according to Biblical history being gay is just an action controlled by a person

homosexual orientation could be genetically transmitted to men on the x chromosome, which they get from their mothers

There are some theories that stress and biological differences between heterosexual and homosexual adults, suggesting that people are born with their sexuality already determined. ]

part of the brain known as the hypothalamus is influential in determining sexual orientation

Gay flag symbol The rainbow flag has become one of the most widely used symbols of the gay pride movement

Hot pink for sexuality, 

Red for life, 

Orange for healing, 

Yellow for the sun, 

Green for nature, 

Blue for art, 

Indigo for harmony, 

Violet for spirit. 

Do you think children with a gay parent will most likely be gay?