Иван Гаас - Docker, Containers, and the Future of Application Delivery

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Иван Гаас - Docker, Containers, and the Future of Application Delivery

Docker, Containers, and the Futureof Application Delivery

Ivan Gaas

Ivan GaasDevOps Engineer


• How to configure destination server the same way of my one?

• How to do it repeatable and automatically?• How to delivery my project to this server?• How to be sure my project will work always

with right environment?

Ivan GaasDevOps Engineer

Chefbase = %w{ apt build-essential git curl vim }apache= %w{ apache2 apache2::mod_rewrite apache2::mod_php5 apache2::mod_expires }php = %w{ php php::module_mysql php::module_memcache php::module_gd php::module_curl}mysql = %w{ mysql::server}drupal= %w{ drush memcached }[base, apache, php, mysql, drupal].each do |group| group.each {|recipe| include_recipe recipe}endpkgs = value_for_platform( [ 'centos', 'redhat', 'fedora' ] => 'default' => %w{ pcre-devel php-mcrypt } }, [ 'debian', 'ubuntu' ] => { 'default' => %w{ libpcre3-dev php5-mcrypt } }, 'default' => %w{ libpcre3-dev php5-mcrypt})pkgs.each {|pkg| package ( pkg ) { action :install } }php_pear ('uploadprogress') { action :install }template "#{node['php']['ext_conf_dir']}/deploy-drupal.ini" do source "deploy-drupal.ini.erb" mode 0644 owner "root" group "root" notifies :reload, "service[apache2]"end

class drupal_sandbox ( $virtual_document_root = '/srv/www/vhost/%0', $use_varnish = false, $php_memory_limit = $drupal_sandbox::params::php_memory_limit, $apache_addr = $drupal_sandbox::params::apache_addr, $apache_port = $drupal_sandbox::params::apache_port, $memcache_mem = $drupal_sandbox::params::memcache_mem, $apache_mpm_wk_max_clients = $drupal_sandbox::params::apache_mpm_wk_max_clients, $fpm_max_children = $drupal_sandbox::params::fpm_max_children, $fpm_start_servers = $drupal_sandbox::params::fpm_start_servers, $fpm_min_spare_servers = $drupal_sandbox::params::fpm_min_spare_servers, $fpm_max_spare_servers = $drupal_sandbox::params::fpm_max_spare_servers, $innodb_buffer_pool_size = $drupal_sandbox::params::innodb_buffer_pool_size, $innodb_log_file_size = $drupal_sandbox::params::innodb_log_file_size) inherits drupal_sandbox::params

Puppet- group_by: key={{ ansible_os_family }}- name: make sure the ssh user is part of users user: name={{ ansible_ssh_user }} groups=users,{{ www_user }} append=yes when: ansible_ssh_user != 'root'- name: make sure the vhosts directory exists (ignore chgrp errors on vagrant) file: path=/var/www/vhosts/{{ item.key }} state=directory mode=2775 owner={{ ansible_ssh_user }} group=users with_dict: sites ignore_errors: true- name: Clone the code from repository git: repo={{ item.value.git }} dest=/var/www/vhosts/{{ item.key }}/drupal version={{ item.value.version }} accept_hostkey=yes with_dict: sites sudo: no- name: Create files folder (ignore chgrp errors on vagrant) file: path=/var/www/vhosts/{{ item.key }}/drupal/sites/default/files state=directory mode=2775 owner={{ ansible_ssh_user }} group={{ www_user }} recurse=yes with_dict: sites ignore_errors: true- name: Create cache folder (boost) (ignore chgrp errors on vagrant)


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Ivan GaasDevOps Engineer


Chef Puppet



Ivan GaasDevOps Engineer

Why and what is Docker?

Ivan GaasDevOps Engineer

Environment compatibility nightmare

Ivan GaasDevOps Engineer

Cargo transport pre 1960

Ivan GaasDevOps Engineer

Delivery matrix

Ivan GaasDevOps Engineer

Solution: shipping containers

Ivan GaasDevOps Engineer

Containers are standard

Ivan GaasDevOps Engineer

Docker containers

Ivan GaasDevOps Engineer

Delivery matrix

Ivan GaasDevOps Engineer

Docker is not only containers but packaging layers

Me: Anyone:

Base layer

Base layer

My layer Anyone’s layer

Common layerCommon layer

Ivan GaasDevOps Engineer

Docker layers

Ivan GaasDevOps Engineer

Fast and easy startJust learn:

• docker pull• docker run• docker exec• docker commit• docker push

As easy as basic GIT!

Ivan GaasDevOps Engineer


Ivan GaasDevOps Engineer

Ivan GaasDevOps Engineer


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