Web viewCollaborative Transcription. of the. Keshefoundation. Spaceship ... “Free...

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Transcript of Web viewCollaborative Transcription. of the. Keshefoundation. Spaceship ... “Free...

Collaborative Transcriptionof the

Keshefoundation Spaceship Institute

104. Knowledge Seekers WorkshopThursday 2016/03/10

(This is the downloadable video to which the mentioned timestamps belong to:)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMaskdZb0io

v1 Extracted April 9, 2016 from:


Table of Topics


Successes and the End of Patents

“Free Energy”, “False Hope”, “Sousan”, “Red Circle” and the Mess

Robert's electric bill and Revenue for a Nation

The King wanted for arrest and “Sousan”

Universal Feeding System: Mode of Operation and Consequences of Usage

Jackie’s Experiences

MK on our new reality

Q&A “Cup of Life”

Q&A Klaus Priller: Flexible coils for the Helmet

Q&A Candy Parker: Pacemaker & Give before you take

Q&A: Mossim - Frequencies, Music and Noise Viruses

1P1N1R Conference in Dubai


Promotion-Video “ONE Planet, ONE Race, ONE Nation”since timestamp 00:01:36 (or look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qL52FQ52rSE )

"You are people listening from every corner of this planet …No knowledge has been disbursed so beautifully, so balanced, across the planet, on this planet ever … maybe in the Universe!You have the full potential of achieving everything in the Universe. There is no need, and there is no reason for Man not to achieve. So, wherever you are, the way I taught you to make the coils, the double coil inside, you have continuous equal gravitational-magnetic fields, and if you put Co2 on it, and you put Zinc on it, you have connected the emotion of the Man through it, in a stable condition. And you will find out, you become a very peaceful Man.Here, instead of having galaxies and universes, and creating connection magnetically, we have used the matter-state gravitational-magnetic field strength, to dominate and dictate the shape of the Plasma. The nano-technology, the nano-materials which you have collectively developed in different ways, by caustic, by electric currents, by whatever, fire or whatever, has that advantage, that the Matter, the Nano, and the Plasma is all the same. So, connection is very solid, it's very strong.The power of the Plasma technology the way we have thought, is beyond imagination of the man. Now, you can create and control the Plasma, which is the Mother of the Creation of the Universe. We are given the seed of the Essence of the Creation.The Foundation does not belong to no one, and is not made of one anymore. You are developing it, you are structuring it, and from today, we'll still be the same. We'll still develop the technology, in different names, in different colours, in different nationalities (which they do not exist). It is beautiful when we see, the Christian, the Muslims, the Jews, and every other belief, are working together to build up systems. We have already become one faith. We already have become one nation, and we already have become one planet.You've got to remember one thing... "Dates" is irrelevant. Today is the last day of the Christian calendar, or tomorrow is the beginning of another... One date is connected to another. We don't stop. We are working around the clock. The Keshe Foundation team is working irrespective of time, position, religion, country.And now, we achieve what we set out for !(Mehran T. Keshe to the Nations of the World, transcribed by Pawel)

Successes and the End of Patents00:05:55Rick:Welcome everyone to the 104th Keshe Knowledge Seekers Workshop step marks the 52*2 which is 2 years worth of Knowledge Seekers Workshops with Mr. Keshe the Keshefoundation Spaceship Institute and we are happy to have been part of that for the last couple of years. And helping to get the original workshops going with Mr. Keshe who suggested it from the Plasma Reactor Group that I had.Where we had people coming in and showing their various reactors and experiments.

So, … Mr. Keshe, … are you ready to go with today's workshop I understand you have to lots of dynamite topics to bring up today.

00:06:55Yes, good morning, good day to you as usual wherever and whenever you listen to these Knowledge Seeker programs.As Rick said, this started as a small participating in his program some 108 programs before and then, when I was there, we suggested to do a separate thing totally and this the 104th program, two years. Summer, winter, Christmas, new year … we've been there, we never stop going and in that way we have shared a lot of knowledge.We have brought a lot of comfort to a lot of people and at the same time a lot of people have started a new way of thinking and adding to the science of man.I think in so many ways the combination of moving out of Belgium where we were incasurated and coming in contact and coming across a man like Rick in his thoughts has been a combination of the success of the Kf spreading so rapidly even though we were in public, we were known but the teachings have brought the knowledge across the world in a very, very simple way.We have achieved a lot.And in so many ways now that we have achieved a lot, we sharing and other people around the world knowing and unknowing, we will we benefit abide.This week, we have signed in 5 new companies, all in United States.4 have been signed in … one is to … it's been signed, it just needs a adjustment on positioning or a rest, the 5 companies have come into birth.5 companies in United States will support the American Nation in reducing the pollution in increasing the use of clean energy reducing their pains and the rest which will come and is coming by the new technology.Now we have a company in Germany, in Italy … soon we will have a company which is signed in in China and the rest will be signed in when we are in there. And all together now there is signed into Kf about 9 factories across the world.

By the end of the year will become round about 30, 32 as I see it.

Maybe more. This is all on the back of you sharing the knowledge, you testing it, you bringing it more understanding and we just putting it on the platform to share with the others.I add to the knowledge and you build on it.

And then you add to the knowledge, we build on it.

And it's become a very good collaboration as I said this morning in my interview with Kerry Cassidy in the what they call the open panel discussion.

Keshefoundation Forum as we see it, the Knowledge Seekers as we do it on Tuesdays and Thursdays has become an open platform for most of the people out of the new generation of scientists.Housewifes, … scientists, … different organizations who been looking for alternative way to do things that it could make sense.

“Free Energy”,“False Hope”, “Sousan”, “Red Circle” and the MessThis morning session, as I explained to Carry, was a lot of talk about the “Free Energy”.“Free energy” became the word built up by one man and it was good for him because that word brought him a lot of children.

Now we've seen he's behind prison and is well in custody

Now we come to the fact that there is no Free … it's an alternative.We all as team of scientists around the world in different names of shapes of form are introducing different way of alternative using the energy.Be it in medicine, be it in agriculture, be it in power supply, be it in manufacturing of new materials, being in the space.

So please understand the term “Free Energy”

is for those who were abusers.

They wanted to abuse and they abuse came because they got free children out of it.

In so many ways it's a new horizon.It's a new way as I said.If nuclear is free , if oil is free then plasma technology is a free energy, too.We are a new way of energy which we knew but we didn't know how [to] tap into it.The CERN, the JET-Project, the Russian Tokamak, these are all front runners of what we call the plasma technology which we added to.So we are accumulation of the knowledge of the man over years.None of us, nobody can say: “I've done this, I brought this out.”

I brought my way of thinking about the plasma.You bring yours and collectively we add to the knowledge of the man and this is the beauty the way we gone.

With this process in past two years, we have seen how we have literally demolished the patent business.The patent is the right of the man to use it when they need it.And we have seen how in so many ways it has helped a lot of other people to tune into this because the biggest problem with the patent, controlling it, is the biggest nightmare of every inventor and that is: 7 billion human beings on this planet.And only maybe 100.000, 20.000, 10.000 maybe a few 100 can replicate the technology.The rest even though open is done by the others because they don't know how to do it.

The fear of patent was created for those who wanted to control.Now we've seen a new way of patent.What they call the structure of the Wiki's.The wickedness. Now they control. The same thing in different way

We saw the first Wiki going down.And we found out how.00:13:27I thank you for being there for sharing the knowledge and for teaching us.Every day we learn something new.All of us.

But the beauty with this technology is:It's not just the energy. It's every aspect of mans life in the space.So we all have something to add somewhere. We all have a expertise in bringing something to add. It's not for [??] energy people, is not for the people who are in the health.Is the one is agriculture … and material, … psychological … children what you call it application of the technology for learning.

Everything is in there, so we are all become part of the family teaching different children of the family being a child being a professor in physics or a child of the foundation being a doctor in a hospital or a child of the foundation , be it a normal man on the street which can help himself.We are all children of the knowledge.And we are there to learn.00:14:28And we all are part of this structure the Keshefoundation Knowledge Seekers Program is listened by world leaders.00:14:38When we said it … a lot of people say: “He makes a lot of claims”.We have seen it. In response of the president’s into our actions.And we have seen how the help of the Keshefoundation has managed to get rid of a lot of people who are creating destruction and destruction for their own benefit.

This term of “Free Energy” was created by one man.The name was correctly chosen for him.00:15:05And we saw his song. It was only to capture children.Nothing else!00:15:10The technologies and the new knowledges are new people on the term of knowing it they become what they call comotators??? because he put on because it brings the youth it brings the young and then they pray on it.00:15:29The structure that we saw how the double act played … and nobody was looking at it … was the capture of the gentleman in Utah now he's claiming apparently is coming up to 300 children have been abused by him.Every time he saw an opportunity he cleared the child for his abuse and he was given a gift by the judge to do. He's wrote to somebody in that area: “I'm coming to see your invention”, where the actual target was a child he was targeting to go to abuse.Now the pattern work is coming up.00:16:02And they had … there is a say:Ask a rat: “Did you eat the cheese?”It says “No!”He says “are you sure?”It says “My tail is my witness.”

So, we saw the rat in Utah and we saw the tail in Antwerp.Now that they are both … one is in prison and the other one is running because now it's filed for him because of his own claim that he actually pissed in the garden in front of a child.It's a criminal offense the file is ...the criminal court is taking action in how many other children has seen this gentleman pissing.

But now we got these two on the run and the gentleman who was supporting them now we've seen another double act come on.Now two ladies.

A “False Hope” and a “Sousan”.

[[[[[[[[[ Remark from the transcribers:


“MUST WATCH! Part 1 KESHE Foundation Whistleblower Sousan Alexander”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duLPevpy0VU

Remark ends ]]]]]]]]]

Susanne enforces a needle the one which pokes you.And what is happened these two are doing its the same act if you look2 ladies who have no clue about the world of energy now they call the Keshefoundation with all the structure of you doing and the factories a scam.00:17:02If you look, this was exactly the same.The false bird in Utah and his tail in Antwerp:

Now we saw how the “Sousan”, we call it, turned up in the office of the Keshefoundation, she's got no clue with a beautifully … I got a psychological doc.

And then if you go to the “False Hope” [says about Sousan]:“She's helping the African children with her psychological pattern.”

You see the connection?00:17:34

And the interesting is: The gentleman in Utah was the supporter of the false hopes which has given to the people.00:17:41And now they are putting websites everywhere.People who have no clue about energy suddenly are supported because now they are on the run.I told you last few weeks ago: These people start doing a lot of damage.They knew [that] the man in Utah is about to be captured, so they set up a new double act of pedophiles.

We have communication here, that the “Sousan” asking one of [the] Keshefoundation supporters: “Can I have a picture of your daughter?”Talking to them two or three times on the line.

I want to open a panel. Any of you who are decent:Do you you ask for the picture of a child?Just because you spoke somebody on the line?

When we told you … they sit … Dirk, … äh sorry, Eric, can you put that communication up?That where “Sousan” asked for the picture of the child, of your daughter?

Be careful with this woman. She is highly dangerous!And she is well connected with the pedophiles. We have evidence.FBI and CIA are well into the situation.You don't ask for the picture of a child on the internet unless you have a thing to do.And “Sousan” is asking for it to see where they can poke.We told you [that] they are attacking children.Be careful with these people!

Secondly the “False Hope”.Now we have documentation from the CIA, … and where is coming in:“We are funding psychological behavior of the children in orphanage in Africa”

CIA tells us: The kingdom of Morocco has got into it.00:19:27And they've given us a very nice peace of information the past week:Children are handed over to orphanage without birth certificate, without anything, because parents can't support.And as you know: When you don't have a birth certificate, you don't exist. You end up in Europe.

Now with us pressurizing with the arrest of … what I call … the “Utah pedophile” … now with this we have come to a new understanding even the international police was aware of it now we show the source.

00:20:02That orphanages are getting used in Morocco to bring children into Europe.And “False Hope” is structured. It is on the website.

So now we found out how the children are ending up in Europe.Don't forget, I go back into ... listen to the communication of last week.There were two moroccan girls in 1990's which were murdered.By child abusers. It's known as the “Dutroux Case” in Belgium.

Now you got the message: Helping in orphanages in Morocco.Be aware: A woman, who cannot cook now has become a scam finder of the Keshefoundation.And a woman who says [she] was part of the Intelligent Service of United States … is actually part of the Intelligence of the European Country which they tracking the children and she asks for the children's photograph.

Be careful very clearly who we are dealing with.Interpol and FBI in United States are into these two beautiful Double-Act now.And soon they will be arrested. The same way as we got the gentleman in Utah.

But now we want to find out:There is a case sitting with CIA in respect to the girl who went missing in Spain was trafficked to Morocco through the organization of the “False Hope” into Europe.That child from age of 5 had not been seen. Now the file looks that our “HopeFalse” of everything is well into criminal activities.So we warn you, it's our objective to clean up this mess that we can operate clearly.

For the first time we had a discussion with Kerry Cassidy about energy. We can discuss openly, we are weak, we are strong, we learn, where we make a mistake. So we are coming to the point that we have to take the other part of the Double-Act out of the circulation. People who have no clue about Energy, they come and show.

There is something we knew. There is a connection between “Sousan” and “False Hope”, is that they came out with the paper from the Belgium Police which has created by falsely by the Belgium Police Officer himself when we went to Italy to get us back to kill us for the 4th time.That we put it on the internet with the advice of the Interpol and the European Court of Justice and immediately the gentleman had a big file to do and there is no need for us to go to Belgium.

So you see how they brought … they said they have a 'warrant of arrest' from the Interpol.This is … if you were not with Keshefoundation, you see “Oh, the guy got a criminal police record”.This is a false paper which we ourselves put on the internet and within 24 hours the gentleman, police officer was part of the pedophile gang withdrew with everything else, because he knew the Supreme … what you call … Chief of Justice in Belgium would not signed it into the hand of the police Interpol.So this is a false paper. Now we see it coming up through again “Sousan” showing it, because they are part of the same organization. [If] you don't understand it then they go and they say: “They have a Interpol arrest.We put this to stop “Red Circle” to get us back into Belgium to kill and it worked the way we were advised by the Interpol.

So, what I advise you:Please don't give the name and Emails or a Skype thing of your wife, your child, your colleges to anyone!We have come and advised that a new scam by these people has come into.Why they need your child. Why they do.Remember Alekz, when he was threatened with his child to be killed, … they went through the mobile phone of the child. The call went to the mobile.What apparently is on the internet, you can buy it yourself, is a program that you can open the camera of the children's mobile phone.And then they take pictures of your child of your own and then they send it to you to threaten you. This is what they've done with all the scientists.

Now with collaboration with CIA, with the other Intelligent Services we are raveling how “False Hope” and “Sousan” and the guy in Utah and the “Red Circle” and his operation in Germany are working.And then they think they got something on your child. Because what they've actually: You give the address, you give your email, they break into your computer through Skype, find a picture or address or telephone number of your child. They use the mobile of the child which is used at night and they put it back to you.You say “How can they got the picture of my child?”Today this is what was addressed last week.00:25:01Because my darlings: “Sousan” works with the most sophisticated Nano Technology Secret Service in Europe for pedophilia.

Now the picture is setting up very well. So I even discussed it this week:Put a aluminum foil, a small aluminum foil with a black tape in front of the camera of your children, your laptops, your i-pad [on] the back and the front.

These people who threaten you [and] they gonna kill you, they [are] actually using your own camera in your hand because you don't know [that] there is such a program built.It's been built apparently by the Belgium's in the background for this job.00:25:43So we advise you as ONE Nation, ONE Planet, ONE Race … we are looking after the human race, ALL of us.Since we announced the situation last Thursday with the rest of Utah and the killing of the judge, whatever they've done to themselves in United States it's their problem and knowing that “Red Circle” is on the run with his team in Germany … we have even found … we have communication copies that the gentlemen in Germany who work with the gentleman “Red Circle” in Antwerp, are communicating with the officer which produced that letter which “Sousan” has put on the internet.We have a copy of all your communications!I have to call Mr. [??? La Bla Na ???]So we have a full circle. We know how they operate.

Please protect your children who have mobile phone immediately.You need to have: Don't use white tape.You can use a small square of aluminum foil.Use a plaster you use for your children to cover their wound ... and cover their camera.Both front and back.Even your Laptop.This is a program they've written and they come into your operation.First of all they come in, … they take everything, … and then …Most of you Skype users noticed in the past few months [that you are] getting a lot of attacks, your computers are getting wiped out and [you have a] problem.

These are the people who are coming in and it's all done by “Sousan”.You know, “Sousan” in Persian means “A Needle”. You poke and you do what you like.So we know, she is a pedophile.There is no doubt about “Sousan”.Because she's asking for peoples pictures of their daughter.Somebody who spoke:How many of your decent people go and piss in peoples garden and then ask the other ones for the childrens pictures? Your daughters picture?

We can release it. This has become part of our file with Interpol and the rest.Now the file has started on a “False Hope” which now the Moroccan family lawyers have got involved in because it's their children which are going missing.

People who can not even cook now they become scamers, we become scamers for them because you understand why?They are going bankrupt because Mr. “so and so” in Utah has gone, the income has gone.Nobody wants children at the moment til they find another nest hole which is what they built now:A “Scam Keshefoundation” and the rest of it.

We invite you to make one because we want to see who is coming in your net. I told you for 6 months Interpol, CIA, FBI, Russian Intelligence they sat on all the communication which was made with the “Red Circle” and the Utah guy. And all the people who went there to pick.And when they got it out the judge killed himself because they had everything in their computer.They know which child they like and their behavior.

So this is nothing to do with us.But they are using us and what you bring to teach us to bring children in for their abuse.Now we break in into the circle of the same thing. These two women never existed suddenly since the Utah man was on the run they created this to discredit.Why? It's the same. Look at the same wording, just different name and different address on the email. The same as what happened with “Red Circle”.These people have killed enough of our children and now we speak and we stand for.00:29:21We have filed directly a man who has written all the things … written on the internet, it's been photographed, that “Yes, I pissed in the garden.”So if you did in front of your child according to International [Law] it's a criminal offense but in Belgium it's normal.Because you've [“Red Circle”] done the same thing with your daughters.And you've the same thing with your grandchildren.You can do it in your house, whatever you like, [but] not with my child [and] not in my time, Sir!

The same with “Sousan”. And the same with “False Hope”. They all came together, when we disturbed the pack. The children are getting stacked up in Morocco, [they] can not be taken anywhere because now everywhere is watching Morocco.00:30:00Just go … we release communication that I have a psychological doc.We never heard of psychological [doc].

But now there is a psychological doc with “Sousan”.We have it in black and white, we release all the communication we've done with the Interpol.And then if you read the “False Hope” [says]: “We work for the psychological help in Morocco”.

[Do] you see the connection again?These people are well organized!It's for US to bring them to justice. CIA is on top of it.The Royal Family of Morocco has been well informed.And I wonder to know if you know [that] the real name of “False Hope” is a Moroccan name.Check. Not American.There is as much blood of me, American blood as is with the “False Hope”.

So now you see, how you are abused.

Because [False Hope] “It gives a good name, we can get a lot”.So please check.Do not donate.

We do not go out for getting people but we gout when we see our children are in danger. Even You are in danger.Cover your mobile phones.We do it. Anybody who's been with Keshefoundation around us: We are all covered for a long time.We were aware [that] Intelligent Services are doing it.But now we understand even the pedophiles has been given the technology to use it.And it is on the internet. You can buy the program.And watch what your child is doing when it says :”I'm at home, Mama”.

But these people are doing to thousands of us.And the first thing they do: They come through the program called 'Skype'.Do not use Skype on your laptop!Android: They have managed to break into.The Skype they come in and they take your own picture. And you panic “How did they get the picture?”My darling: It's a program. You can buy it on the internet.We are going to release the connection, you ca all go and buy and watch the children.

So please understand:Let us clean up this mess.First of all there is nothing called “Free Energy”.Understand [that] the word “Free Energy” was created by the pedophiles to bring children.And then when one lot [were] gone a new Double-Act has come out.

Nothing to do with Keshefoundation. Nothing to do with nobody else.Because you understand … I was explaining this just recently.

They have abused us for so long, that they see it as their right![For them] we are stupid. We haven't found out up to now.

[But] now we are into it [and] they don't know what to do with [it].We do not change our position and in a very short time we will receive the support from governments and through Interpol.“Red Circle” is already in the courts, is already in the hand of the Interpol because he has confessed he has shown his … hmm-hmm … doesn't matter, we don't know if he's a woman or a man.But he [pissed] in my garden in front of my child.The admission is black and white. It's finished. That's a pedophile case.He's done it himself.Now go to Antwerp and find the guy and say “Have you shown it to my child? Where are my children while you were showing it? They haven't come back home.”

And the same with “Sousan”.And the same with the “False Hope”.

These four know a lot of children, where they are hiding or the structure where the bone is.

So the circle is opening because we start defending ourselves.And on the run they are making mistakes.

We have made a very good bargain with a couple of Intelligent Services.And they come out with our bargain very soon.There are four people which we need to be submitted to European Court of Justice.And those people, they know who they are.Their names partially have been announced in some of the medias.And they all sit in one country, in Belgium.

And “Red Circle” is named in that list.Hand over yourself to the security services not in your country. Into the European Court of Justice prison in Den Haag!That's the only option we have agreed. We are negotiating. Very closely.The only option left is to go to Den Haag [and] hand yourself over.

00:35:02The names are published in the American press.And the names of the victims are published in France magazines.Children which were gone missing.

And the others are on the run.

A lot of people made a program that “Look they are showing the Interpol arrest!”And if you can read Flemish, it says on top from the Belgium police from the same office where the supporters of the German sit. With the same name.We release … all these things are documented and ready to go to the hearing in the court, when he sets up soon.

And then, they play the game.And you look at the phase. It's a pedophile phase.

So please:It is my responsibility as a head of the Keshefoundation because I bring you here to give you the knowledge through other people to protect you with the same as I give you the knowledge.My technology is safe. So our website, our knowledge internationally has to be safe.

For the first time people start making programs which make sense to be part of.And we've seen it with the first discussion today, with Kerry Cassidy.

We support Kerry Cassidy from now on as long as she stays correct and her site does not become another abuser site.We are monitoring it very closely.

And anyone on this channel or a Keshefoundation Youtube [channel] or anywhere [who] puts a telephone number or an email or an address [in the chats]: We block you.You'll never be able to participate.Because if you are friends, it's a different thing.If you are fishing here … you can go and fish in prison, the way it's done in Utah at the moment.

So please understand very clearly:Do not … they use women now to get to the man to get to their children because “Man can go she talks so sweet” and after two meetings, two talks on the line “Can I have the picture of your daughter?”We have it. We got it in black and white.

So please be careful with “Sousan”!It means it's going to prick you very bad and then when it hurts, it's too late. You lost your child because it's already sold.That she has to deliver.

So please it's my job. We do not go every Thursday morning.If you have development we explain to you.We have fired against Antwerp because this is no discussion, there is no debate!Pedophilia is confirmed.

“I piss in the garden in front of a child and write a poet about it. So to me it's normal”

It's not! Because the guy in Utah made videos about it!I can't have a child more than 30 seconds on my lap before I play with itThis is all in the hand. It's in the court in Utah.This guy is gonna spend a lot of time with his friend in the “Red Circle”.

So we are not making allegation.He has written it. We copied it. It is in the hand of the Interpol.Now we are packing up his interactions.It's getting done. What I told you what we were doing in Utah took us 9 months.Now the circle is so big .. we don't even know if we can find a prison to put all these guys in.25.000 Pedophiles.It was the biggest pedophiles-gang up to now ever done internationally.And it's headed. Actually monitored by Utah, headed by “Red Circle”.And it's so normal to them.

And I'm writing to the family:“Can we know that has he pissed in front of you? Or has he played more than 30 seconds with the child on the lap with two daughters [??? up to three words acoustically hard to understand.] ?“

So we are not making accusation.We have email in black and white. We are filing a case. The case is getting ready and is for “Why do you need to piss in the garden in front of a two year old child? Not once. A numerous time when the child was alone in the garden.”

So please do not! Under no circumstances even go on a website or when you see “False Hope” or “Sousan”.Because they take your IP. Your IP is sold. Your children are ['offside' ? - hard to hear clearly this last word]

Robert's electric bill and Revenue for a Nation00:39:48Now we go back to our education. This is why we are here.We educate you about the ethos of the world, true work.Now we teach you about the ethos of science.

In the teachings of today in the morning when I was with Kerry Cassidy in this program we saw a gentleman. Apparently I’ve been told he is a regular listener here.He can introduce himself if he likes. He has brought you some news which was interesting to see.

Is Robert around Rick? Then he can introduce to us and say who he is.This is coming on the back of the building of the reactors. The Magrav cores.

Robert: Yes, Mr KesheK: Yes, is that Robert ?R: Yes, I’m hereK: We are getting your feedbackR: I’m sorry I’m just on my phone and …. One moment . Is that better ? Hello.

[ some minute of talk to get Roberts audio ok ]

K: Carry on please. Explain who you are and how what do you gonna show us because what I saw is quite impressive.R: I just sent it to Rick a couple of days ago on Carolina’s recommendation as well so Rick has that as well. If you could showRick: Where did you send it to. My e-mail ?Ro: MessengerK: You gotta start learning how to use that messenger somehow you get everything ….Ri: Well, see I’m getting messages from 3 or 4 of Carolina’s groups. There is multiple messages from many many people and I have to turn it off because otherwise I get literally hundreds of e-mails a day. And I cannot …K: You better stop thatRi: I can’t do it because my back and neck just can’t take it anymore. My arm and neck and back are thrashing doing that so I just can’t do it anymore. Yeah, I’ll try to find it here. Just a minute.K: What is the title of it ?R: I just figured that that is probably better than me trying to turn on the video. Having bandwidth or whatever the problem was

K: Ok, can you explain to us until we can find this?

R: Absolutely, I have my residential service electricity bills from November until now.

K: First of all tell us who you are, where you live. That we can add everything up all together.

Ro: My name is Robert Stubblefield from Utah

K (shouting out): Oh my God Utah again!

Ro: He he, I know yeah. We have actually got quite a few people involved up here. I’ve done a small workshop and we’ve made a Magrav

K: You did now have the gentleman coming to pay you a visit by any chance , to see if your system …

Ro: No

00:45:00(Keshe) Thank God. OK, carry on please.

(Robert) I've got my bills from November up until now for my residential service and in November, we used...

(Keshe) What is what you are using first...

(Robert) The electricity bill the very first month, November, was 2,412 kWh...

(Keshe) Yea, but what were you using?... Can you please explain to us? We don't know.How do you know the Keshe Foundation and how, what did you use to get to these figures, please? ...

(Rick) Please, can you tell me which group it was exactly? We have different groups...

(Robert) Directly from me Rick…

(Rick) I mean, which group did you put it in?

(Robert) I didn't put in a group. I put it in directly from Robert Stubblefield.

(Keshe) Alright. OK, carry on Robert.

(Robert) OK, I actually started Oct 26. I took a little bit longer than some and …

(Keshe) Where? From the teaching of the Blueprint?

(Robert) Yeah ok ok I went through the Blueprint teachings and then had some questions so I just went back and started watching videos from the first one and ended up finishing it in about mid-November and so that's why I started keeping the bill in November of this year.The first month in November we used 2,412 kWh.

(Keshe) Is that normal for you? that kind of usage?

(Robert) It's pretty normal for this house. We actually started to use wood in our heater at first, in our wood stove, and then we received the bill for December, which was only 1,471 kWh, so we switched back to the electric heater so I didn't have to pay for the wood because it's about $100.

(Keshe) So, the 2, 000 whatever, was you still using wood on top of that bill? (Robert) Yea. (Keshe) So are you going back fully on electric now? (Robert) Yea, we are fully on electric now.

(Keshe) OK, so the first bill in November, before you installed, was how much? (Robert) 2,412 kWh (Keshe) ok. (Robert) It wasn't actually that cold in November until the end of November and then when I received the second bill for 1,471 kWh……

(Keshe) Just wait one second.. Can you see my white board or do you see my browser?

Robert) I see your white board. So, (Rick) I found the pictures……

(Keshe) We come to you in a second... OK, in November, bill was 2,412 yes? us dollars yes?

(Robert) No kWh.

(Keshe) What? kWh? Pardon, kWh... Let me clean up. We don't need to make a thing wrong. OK, we have this here that is … we have to go to the pen … So you had 2,412 kWh of use in November, ok? … And in December?

(Robert) In December we had 1,471 kWh,

(Keshe) But you were using more electricity?

(Robert) No that's not the ... Oh yes, we were using more electricity, because it actually got 11 degrees colder in December than it was in November as well.

(Keshe) When did you install the system? In November?

(Robert) Yes. I installed it in November.

(Keshe) You installed it in November...OK.So you saw the first reduction in December?

00:50:02Keshe - So you saw the 1st reduction in december. And what is your january bill ?

Robert - Then the january bill, just one moment, i’m sorry …

Rick - is 839 KWH. It looks like. Is that right ?

Robert - Yes! That’s correct !

Keshe - So, if we look, you’re down by 60% more or less

Robert - Yes, 61%. I believe. That’s what I was looking for. I have got all written down.

Keshe - Ok! So, what are you using ? You are using the stacker unit the way we showed in the Blue Print.

Robert - Yes! I am using the stacker unit. In deccmber, I actually made quite a few more after I got that bill.

Keshe - Your electricity bill : how much is this, how much was 2,412 kWh in USD ?

Robert - 298 USD there Keshe – 298 USD and how much is your payment bill for January ? Robert – New charge is 103.99 USD Keshe – 103 USD, so in a way you are saving just about 195 USD [average per month]?

Robert – Yes Keshe – If you multiply by 12, it is nearly 2,400 USD a year savings. Robert – Yeah! Correct ! I also wanted to mention that it’s not just one stacker, necessarily though because I have had several other plugging at a time. That’s two (??)

Keshe – Ok but, in a way, it’s nothing else? You are not using anything else but the stacker unit, the technology, the Kesh Foundation technology to reduce your consumptions? Robert – Yes Keshe – Ok. So we are in line because one of the reasons you see this is you have a double phase system in the USA. So you see 66 or 60%.If you have a single phase like in the Western Europe, you see 30%.

Now we are testing in as I said in a factory, no, not a factory, in a school, in a chiller.And we are hoping to receive just about 90% reduction.

In the 3 phase system, we are working on it, we don’t know yet. It’s only four days, it’s 3 small units and a huge what we call refrigeration, what we call chillers for their school, to give to all the school cool in the heat of Dubai.

So we see this is paid and this is a copy of our own Blueprint which we got on the blue boxes.

So you understand there is no false claim and there is no scam!And this is a man who has made it himself! We see a lot of these things.Vince, would you like…Sorry, Rick, can you stop sharing ! Can you show us his bills so that we can see it ! Rick – Sure ! Ok, this… Not clear… Which one is which… Here… There is this one.

Keshe – Yeah ! These are the ones ? Rick – It’s a little blurry but you can kind of see that one and there is another one. Keshe – That’s the historical data. It’s the bills with his name on top of it what he showed us today. Rick – And then, there is the other one. Here, that shows the three months with the kWh used.

Keshe – It’s 2412, that’s what he told us. We don’t see the bottom. Can you lift it up a little bit. We don’t see it ! Robert – [scrambled] … meter reading on this one you can see that each meter reading lines up with the previous one as well.

Keshe – I see that, you’re correct. Is exactly 46531 and goes to 48002. And it follows on. You’re correct. So these are your electricity bills. Robert – Yes that’s correct ! !!!! it gets noisy here – cannot understand what is said !!!Rick – (??) I think when you are not speaking Robert that you (??)00:55:00Rick: There’s another bill as well, Robert, I think you mentioned it, from someone else?

Robert: Yeah that is somebody else’s house that I just put it in January 1st so it was easy to track but ah it showed down as well it shows that it was colder this year for the average daily temperature and he used about 25% less on his as well

MTK: 25%

Ro: Yeah and if you.. and also.. January was colder than December… you can see that on the other bills that I had there um

MTK: Yeah yeah we can see.. we can see… we can see. Yeah average per day has dropped from 46 to 34Robert: Also Rick if you put the one up of the graphs, the three graphs. I do not know if you can see it maybe i can show it here.But it is very interesting to note that on the last bill that they sent to me… the two previous ones just had the normal rhetoric “if you find yourself in a.position. …[bla bla]”

MTK: Can you show us please? Can you show us yours... which one you are talking about? Rick, can you stop sharing screen, let him show?Rick: OkayRobert: Yeah he will have to turn the video on.. it stoppedRick: Okay just a second…. Are you able to start your video there now Robert? Okay there you goMTK: Yeah here he comes.. Okay Robert what do you want to show us on the graph?Robert: Ah yeah it is actually the verbiage that is below the graph...MTK; It’s upside down.

Robert: Okay.. now it is mirrored backward … Is it okay to you guys?MTK: It’s okay but it is a bit blurred you have to keep it steady so that we can read the number

Robert: Okay this what it says on both of the others:“If you find yourself in a position in which you are unable to pay your electric bills ...”Anyways just goes through rhetoric there… but on the most recent one that i have received... it’s got a whole different tone to it here

MTK: What does it say now?

Robert: This one says “Please consider helping your neighbours in need of energy assistance by using the enclosed envelope to make a tax deductible donation” Now they see that it is dropping and asking me to help others ...who can not pay for their own..

MTK: It is fantastic You already have … you have given to your neighbours 28% reduction ... 25% reduction. This is fantastic.

But you got to look. But you got to look… you are an American…America reduces or on average between 10 to 11 million barrels of oil a day.

And on the back of it you import something about 4 to 6 million barrels from different countries.If your government who is trying to make savings to support other activities of your country and they won’t use the money surplus for what I call … wars … It makes it very, very interesting reading.

This is what I explained to the Italian officials and it just hit them straight away in the face ...exactly why and how we found support in Italy.

Look at this. This is very interesting. You have saved $198.

We say 50% of this is the cost of fuel the other 50 is the profit and the charges.

That is let’s say for the sake of being round figure you save $100 in a month… sorry $100 in fuel ….the fuel which your nation had to import.

If 1 million American houses are helped with this system, that now we have set up 5 factories to do this, You save your nation 100 million.

That is per month!

In a nation which is going bankrupt because of under debt ... In one year you see the figure adds up very nicely…. to one billion!

[a million roughly multiplied by 12]Robert: And we create a situation where people have more money in their pockets to spend on the goods that are created

01:00:00Mr. Keshe:You see down now how the figures add up.I explained this to the Italian officials and they understood immediately. What is here is for the saving of the nation. And if you add, let’s say, we said one million houses . Add, let’s say, we can support ... you have something like 300 million houses in United States.

If you can support a hundred millions of them in next five years you add two zeros in front of it.Hundred billion a year saving for a nation.Just on fuel. This is only on heating!

Look at what can happen the same kind of reduction in your motor industry.There you hit every American household. You are talking about another 3-400 billion. The saving for the nation can pay for most of the debts of the nation which is escalating.

And then you add the same thing with your health care, which is run out of control.

With the pens and the pads. Keshe foundation technology will shift the nation which is in the process of bankruptcy, into profit-hood.To become profitable, to become what it should be as a solid nation.

And this is one technology.

This, when the officials understand what’s on the table, now you know why the Chinese are greeting us with open arms. Because they did the calculation, they understood the calculation.It’s not that the oil industry is going to be destroyed. The oil industry is already destroyed. Because people can’t afford paying. Fuel has brought bankruptcy to the nations. Now you don’t need to.The figures, if your government understand, it’s in black and white.

You don’t need me, YOU put it on.

Now we have signing 5 factories, in United States, going into production. We estimate they should reach a production between five of them between hundred thousand to two hundred thousand a month in the coming year.Then you can see how will it make an inroad in Keshe foundation supporters and manufacturers , to write off the debts of a nation.

And it’s in black and white. We don’t need to go anywhere we are not speculating.

This is what we say.Ok, we saved this amount of money that you pay for national debts. But what about instead of throwing the saving away, stop spending on war machines? That the money can be spent on the nation?

Better schools, better care for the eldery. Better environment for people to live.

This is what hit the Italian. Italian prime minister saw it and he’s going for it.

The oil industry has come to it’s climax. There is no more they can take us for ransom because alternative energies are there. And all of them, most of them , are coming through the back of Nanotechnology and plasma technology which we have introduced partially. There are other scientists who are contributing into it as well.We have become an international workforce, scientific workforce, that can not be ignored. And that’s why I told, in Kerry Cassidy, watch us in next 4 to 6 weeks. You see how the governments who understand this figures, opens the door for them.The oil nation companies are running to the Keshe foundation faster than non oil producing countries because the 100 dollar 120 dollar per barrel is gone to 25 , 29. If you can get it.

The revenue will not come by selling. Now the revenue will come by saving and this is a direct saving and the beauty with this is you create job with it and as Robert said .The money you have, now you can spend more on your national products. To boost the nation. This is a direct boosting of funds of a nation.If, and we said, we’re going to come into operation in June, July with our American election. You watch when it’s done I tell you how.The man who supports this kind of saving for the nation and supports to use the savings for a peaceful actions for the nation. Not to go into arms. And does it open transparency, will get the support of the Keshe foundation supporters in the United states voting.

We already know roughly which candidate we are going to put up. Well respected amongst American nation.01:05:00On the platform of Peace, saving on Energy, saving on Fuel, saving on Health Care, on the back of a new technology, giving America a new chance to stand.And, the way I told you before. People in United States or no nation will say "No" to guaranteed new jobs, new industry, all the oil industries are dying.As a politician said, this is the breath of fresh air we've been waiting for.

And all this was more or less getting mottled up with all this scam and everything else by the guy in Utah, and the “Red Circle” in Antwerp, and then now the double act for you not to seeBecause if they could keep this going, they had the children and they were well paid.

Now, you see the figures. $198 in one month, $200 in one month. You put $200, let's look at the figures in a different angle, totally. You put $200, that's $2,500 roughly, per family [per year]…

… multiplied by how many families are in the U.S.? $200 million? Multiply this, you have 300/400 million population, let's say half of it are the families or the people who do, if you have this with 200 million families, …

… add up the figures.

[ Mr. Keshe is mumbling some calculations ]

That are $500 billion

I want to know which member of the election team did, any of them, will say no to this:Peace for Energy.Now you understand why was the conference in Rome. Energy in exchange for Peace.And you see the savings for a country. We are talking for the figures which is on the table. We don't know, look at the corporations, how much they are saving, with huge buildings, big factories.This is just a common mans saving. Very simple.

One, two, three, that's your first three [zeroes from the right].

The second three is here, one, two, three.

Your third zeroes are here, one, two, three.

Now you still got one more zero left and two by twenty five is fifty. OK?

Now you calculate. You are saving for your Nation.Literally, in one year, American nation walks out of debts.

$500 Billion U.S. dollars made saved by the Americans for their own Nation that they can spend it back in their nation. Do we need wars when there is such a beautiful technology sitting on the table?

The ones who want to take this savings to buy more arms to kill? What's the use for them?

The same factories which are making arms can produce these technologies across the space.You do not know what we put on the table last Thursday, last Tuesday, watch the last Tuesday!

The ‘Universal Food System’ can save you even more to import food!Because now you don't even need food to eat.It runs in Trillions.

Now you see the power of the technology.Not on us!On an American electricity bill from one house, and most probably, this is not such a big house.

Robert:And more importantly, for some of us, no one goes hungry hopefully, if we place them properly, no one goes hungry, you know...You can save $100 trillion a year, but it's not important if somebody is going hungry on the street.

Keshe:I wonder, would, would any of the two presidential candidate front runners will exchange the seed for the man we are going to put up.We are talking to the background of people, we are looking, we know who we are going to put up as the next president of the United States, on the basis of these bills.Nothing else!We bring bills, electricity bills, health bills, people with the cancer which survived ...

01:10:00And in June, July we enter the American election on the basis of technology for peace.

Now you understand how powerful it is, now that we have taken the scammers out of the scamming.

This is American data, not ours, we don't built it, it's a small man out of Utah, $2,500 per year savings. That's only in the house.

You put another $2,000 on the fuel once you use a Magrav system on the car.

You put another $2 - $3,000 per year on Health Care, which you don't need to. A pen will save your life from the pain.

And then you put on top maybe another $10,000 saving on food where you don't need to eat where you can supply energy from:

The bill … runs in Trillions.

And this is a moderate family, not a noble rich family American one in the top.

Then you see how many houses will have would we change the churches into homes that aren't churches empty properties that can feed all the homeless people in the United States. I don't understand why there is anyone on the streets.Open the churches and all the properties which are owned by the churches in United States, [then] you have no homeless. You have surplus of homes.And give them a unit that you don't need to do anything with it. They have their electricity, they have their heating, they have everything you need. You create a new generation of employment, a new generation of the Cycle of Life.Made by planet Earth for members of his nation.

Now you understand how we becoming One Planet, One Nation, One Race.

These figures, … when the politicians see …

Understand [that] this is why I put it down this way.

I explained to you last week or this week:In the Peace Process with Iran, the head of Senate, when right the committee of the senate for opposing the Iranian Peace was going full blast. “We going to oppose it, it will not pass the Senate”.

I have put one thing to the member of the Senate in the discussion like very much what we did with Kerry Cassidy today.You tell me. The Peace Process with Iran brings within 5 to 20 million jobs into the United States. Which member of Senate is going to oppose it?And we saw, within days, the same as the Utah man walked to the FBI: The head of the opposition of the Senate to the Iranian Peace resigned.

Because it made sense. Politicians understand this. When you look at these figures, to you I saved $198, $150 in one month, but the politicians look at the National figures!

This is where it hits.

There is where your job is across the world to show your governments:We are saving it for ourselves. We don't want to kill anymore.

Killing has brought us nothing else. Wars and armies have brought us nothing else. When we opened the Eastern Block in Europe, we saw all the borders been down, all the soldiers and armies of Germany, France, Britain, Eastern Block, Czechoslovakia, … They all disappeared. Everybody said: “What are we going to do with these soldiers?”

Where are the soldiers? They all got employed in another industry in another way.

Do we need armies to spend to kill?

No. Because, with this, at least we can start a new process.This way, everybody is equal.Japan can't be more ahead than China and China can't be more ahead of United States or Africa. Because Africans are ahead of you. We’ve seen that with Benjamin last week.

So, we have become One Nation. We have become One Planet, and we care about our race as a human race in the space. And that's where we are going.

You put this figure into 1.5 billion Chinese.It's a staggering figure.That's why we are the guests of head of nations in the next two weeks in China. We respect the Chinese army. They are in full operation because we know it's the army of people, not the army to kill.They tell me why you are working because I have every respect for China. I have worked with them, across them, across the table for 20 years.Army, Chinese army, is not a military force, it’s a Nation force!And now they see the opportunity. We support them and I translate full technology. I've made technologies which is not in pubic, to be handed over as a gift for their move in that direction.

01:15:00The same as you see [here]. You multiply that 200 million.. people in the United States.. the saving is no different in China and the rest. They all are human They need the heating and electricity but multiply that 200 million by 5.

You see how the figure changes on the other end. You see the savings for the Chinese government as a major oil importer, fuel importer. You see where we are going.And now slowly, slowly we can show the benefits of the technology.

I took patience. I took a lot of rough time. I withstood four murder attempts by “Red Circle”.Poisoning my child and my wife. But we have seen it is worth it.How many other scientists have been killed to be able to get to the position we are?We do not know how many “Red Circle” has put to death or how many of their children has raped in front of their eyes to get what he wants.The white hair has a lot of black heart.How many German children had to pay?

Now you put this into the hands of Germany.The German Chancellor understood this years ago. We received a 500 million back up from the German Chancellor for transforming the Belgian car industry in Antwerp from General Motors to take the technology back into Germany. That they could do it.And amazing enough who was present? “Red Circle”. Everything went.

German government ... take this to them ... They support you ... Your Chancellor knows about Keshe technology fully. She understood it years ago.But so much rubbish was put in by “Red Circle”. And the negativity publicity.

Now we got their man and now we get their king

Germany needs this technology like water. Your nation is solid, is perfect. German engineering is undoubtedly the best perfect technology in the world. They are the best people I have been brought up amongst German technology with Siemens and Philips. You have the best scientists, engineers on your land. Now share it with the rest of the world. We have given you the time and I have put a lot of effort into German Keshe Foundation manufacturing first thing. I have not done that with any of the others because I know we are supported fully within the German government. We were supported a long time ago

But negative information through “Red Circle”, because you do not understand.One thing you have never understood.They said to them all the time: “Our man is sitting next to him. He is not worth it. He is all wrong”. Because the man was sitting next to me, they could believe them!

Now our man is all of you sitting with your governments. And the “Red Circle” on the run.

So please understand what the change is going to come. This is one house. We are not overshooting.

Five companies are signed. They come into production in the next few weeks in the United States. Support them!This is for you!American jobs. American support American workforce. American savings. But make sure your government understands.With this time around no more wars.

We handle the Rothschilds. We are strong enough.We will handle Illuminaties. We are strong enough.We make sense to them to see they don’t lose anything. But they have to understand:It is the time for change!

Accommodate yourself somewhere else.

We are vetting everyone that no, none of these extreme conditions comes into the Keshe Foundation. No organization is doing what the Keshe Foundation is doing. We have brought KBG into operation with us. We have brought CIA with us. We talk to Mossad. We talk to Iranian National Security. We talk to the Chinese Security. We talk to everyone openly. It has become the platform for national securities because they trust.Because this time as a nation we need to secure the whole of humanity, not just a few!

The figures are there. Publish it. Don’t speculate. Exact figures: 25% in one month for the neighbour. That neighbour now has more to put food on the tables for the children.

Putting food on the children increases the work force in United States to produce more food. In producing more food you create more jobs in the country for other industries. You feed each other, but the figures are staggering when they start coming in. In the next six months, you will see the

figures. When the first Keshe Foundation Magrav Units, Universal Feeding Units hit the market in the United States maybe in the next 2 months, then you'll understand what is going to be.

My biggest problem is “can we meet the demand?”. This is why we are going to China to ask the Chinese Government to support any short fall so that we all go together: Africans, Americans, Chinese, Indians, we all move this time together so that we bring the changes.

The King wanted for arrest and “Sousan”01:21:00Now we know the smallest nation in the world [Belgium] what the mayhem has created for everyone they are gone, they are finished.We have requested for in our warranty we can publish it as we've done before for the warrant for arrest of the King, ex-King and the head of the European Space Agency Directorship.We are very open. It’s sitting in the European Court of Justice working very closely with Italian securities, the French are in it, the Americans have moved into it. Soon we will see. And this is not a new document. He's been sitting there for two years, now it's going to be speeded up because now we've captured their man in Utah, they know how they received so much false informations from the guy who was supposed to telling them “I am sitting next to him, it's all false”.

Now you know why he's called the “Red Circle”, and how the misinformation was given credence.Because “I am next to him. He's nothing, he is just wasting your time.”And then going to across the Utah to create mayhem now we see how [it] comes:

“Sousan” comes into the victim list of the Keshe Foundation. Who put it there?

[She would answer:] “My friend. We share children now, we share a website.”

A person I've never met in my life now has become my victim. So you see how.

Because “The ‘Rred Circle’ says so and that gives us credence”.

They are supporting each other, Pedophiles have worked very well together. Now we have unfettered their main station.

But don't forget she claims to be Iran National. We are negotiating with Iranian Government, she will be judged in the Iranian Court. It's very beautiful because we are one nation, you go back to the origin of your blood for your judgement. Very very interesting. Very interesting what is coming up, the governments as ONE nation accept the responsibility of their own people's behaviour in their own country and the ones which don’t do go to the place where the claim is set.

So, we are doing all of us right, we become one family, we are working as one, we see in the figures here, there are hundreds of figures across internet. People are proud to save money that they can feed their children. They are not afraid that they are going to get attacked with their children, [by being asked] “Can I have the pictures of your daughter?”

Vince, sorry, Rick, can you put that up please? You stay on the force of it (1:23:45).You have a communication to the Keshe Foundation which was sent to you where “Sousan” asks for the picture of the daughter.That people know how correct we are, now Interpol is running to us. Do you have it with you please?

Rick : Yeah, I am not sure where that is actually it's, huh... maybe it was sent by messenger, hum... did Carolina send me that or somebody else?

M.T. Keshe : Yes, Caroline has sent it to you. You said you have it. She will send it to you again, just wait one second. Then you will see how “Sousan” is operating with the “False Hope”.And we don't say anything. It's the writing of one of the Keshe Foundation members who's been supporting “False Hope” and put in touch, in touch with “Sousan”.We call it “Sousan”, it means a “Needle”, ja? And you will see there in the writing that she's asked for a child's picture.Because we have to do it and then you understand that's exactly the same as the guy who pisses in the garden in front of the child. It's criminal in every sense in every nation of the world except in Belgium.

01:25:00There is a question here. Please do not put any name anywhere.We do not want anything on our websites or in the chats. Delete everything. We do not use names because we all know who they are.

We’re trying to find … Have you found it, Carolina?We are going to send it to you, we are going to present it to you, Rick has it. I especially did this.Because we knew sooner or later we will receive the OK from CIA and the security services to go open with it. Because this time we got the gentleman in Utah. Services are running very, very fast.

We ask the Kingdom of Morocco to help us to bring these people into justice. They are Moroccan born, they have to go back to Morocco for sentencing.The attorney of the King of Morocco knows exactly what to do.

You got it?Ahm … Rick, Carolina is sending it to you the way we received it. This was sent to us. When we announced this last Tuesday or last Thursday in respect to the “Red Circle”, people started flooding us with a lot of information about these people.Have you sent it? (We hear Carolina in the background saying: “Yes”)Is on which one?On the messengers … yes … ok, and, read it, this is not from us.

We are receiving a lot of communication. People, scientists are asking. We make a correction, I made a mistake last time:You send … if you are a scientist or somebody who has evidence regarding these people … send it to:


All the things you sent us automatically through our … CIA will go back to the people who are work with us and amongst us to see it through we come back to you once we check your credibility is not allegation.

Have you received it, Rick?

Rick: I think so, I’m not sure ??? see i’d copy it ???

K: It starts with “I want to puke!”

Rick: “I want to puke” … yes, right I’m here …

K: This is from the father which “Sousan” asked for the picture of his daughter. They realized suddenly what they were getting pulled into.Can you put it up and read it, please.

Rick: Ja, i’m just to get it recopied so i don’t have it inside my … on my desktop and so on.

K: Ok, so what it is, please:You see these kind of things we become vigilant to it and now because we manage to get the top man all the security forces are looking for their children.And they are protecting them. And this is one which is come to us, then it’s gonna straight away to the securities.Can you read it, please?

Rick:Ok, it says:

“The actions makes me puke. You know…. I funded too with some money sousan and i was in touch with her for some time if you remember the episode in which i ask even to Sandor why he wasn’t proceeding in sending her the documentation to come here. I wasn’t able to detect her aim. But there was one thing that sounded VERY strange to me and now i connect with this you are saying. I remember that one time we were talking here on fb she asked me to send her a picture of my daughter and that made me feel a VERY UNCOMFORTABLE sensation. Luckily i didn’t pass to her anything and because she hasn’t insisted on this anymore i passed through, but now with this i understand better. Thanks”

Mr. Keshe:Now you see two things about “Sousan” and that is:We said to you that she was funded by the Keshefoundation supporters and she says she has to use her pension money. Now you see how devious these people are.

Rick: Ja, I even sent her money as well, so …

01:30:00Mr. Keshe:So now you see: We pay and they play such a "pity me", that we pay them to abuse our own children. Now you understand what's going on, it’s in black and white.

[Another speaker says:]She fooled pretty much many people, Mr. Keshe, because she contacted me at that time through Skye and started crying and said "You know, why is Carolina treating me like this? I cannot take my dog with me, even though it's through Seripito?, whatever, and I told her "Listen, maybe you should get in touch, you know, directly, I had no clue at that time...".

(Keshe) No, she forced Carolina very heavy to bring the dog, because the dog is a psychological dog, and they get the children to get interested in the dog and then through the dog they kidnap the children. This is how the 5 year old child was kidnapped in the Spain and ended up in Belgium through Morocco.

Interpol has had a full phase [or face?]. This lady is one of the biggest criminals known at the moment. FBI is right on top of her. The same officers who went for Utah are into this because the evidence is very heavy. If she asks any of you for a picture of your children, please send it to Security@Keshefoundation.org . We send it straight away to the FBI.This “Sousan” and what do you call it, “False Hope”, are part of the same structure of the gentlemen in Utah because his name is connected on their Facebook to each other and well supported. You saw how “Red Circle” went immediately to the help of the guy in Utah, immediately after we’ve drawn my logo, and now immediately he brought her and put as one of the victims.Now we see how they operate. They are all over connected.

The top man controlling everything sits in Antwerp.

Please go to the address in Antwerp and ask for your children back.

We give you so much evidence that these people will go for run. We have filed, we have evidence enough in writing of the man when he confesses himself that "yes, I pissed and I write a song about it"...And, to do everything else they call us also some names.We were called ‘Cuckoos’ because we didn't see.

Now, we are very intelligent people. Now you understand. Even the internet companies which were supporting you will go on the huge claim for them operating pedophile cases.Because now they are using these to attract more pedophiles. It’s the new name. If you go on any site which “Red Circle” writing, your IP is gone, your children are for the bite for “Sousan”.

So, please be careful. This is important. Please understand what is going on.

Can we get deleted of this? I’m ashamed to put this on the website, but we know it is, is a normal “Sousan”, it's everyone, and we don't accuse anybody, but we all know how the videos have come in.So, what we go back on is, … Can you take it off please in sharing, Rick, people have seen enough of it. Shame on these people.And the biggest shame is, they call themselves "Iranian". Iranians love and adore children.

These are not! She doesn't even carry an Iranian name. Shame. But, the most important thing is on her application into the foundation, she has written that she works for National Securities.And now National Securities are checking which National Security she is spying from.If it's with the “Red Circle”, it ties up with a lot of children gone missing.

I told you. When we go clean with each other, openly, they are on the run.Now they are on the run.

Universal Feeding System: Mode of Operation and Consequences of Usage

01:33:48What is important is the fact that now we see the technology is paying off.The technology which you supported.Now is bringing the fruit for all of us.

When I explained this technology years ago, one of the top Ambassadors in the world he said to me:"Mehran, there is not enough money in the banks to pay for this technology.”And you see why: One nation saves Trillions.

You usually paid 10 times the interest what you create.There is not enough money in the banks of the United States to pay me and you lot for what we have given them as a gift.We developed it together. We carry on developing together and in the coming time, we all go to Space together.

But, we have to teach. We have to bring enough that we carry enough that we can go to the next steps.

Now, we carry China, we carry the United States, we carry Africa, we carry Australia, we carry South America, as one family, we are all working together.

Let us change the course of the man to a peaceful man then we open the door of the space.

In the teaching on Tuesday, we have gone further as we explain to you, Jackie explained to you how we have developed the technology with collaboration of a number of people in the Keshe Foundation and Innovation and Space Center to develop a new Food System.

Now you’ve seen how these Magrav systems have helped in reducing the power because they create their own power and it's a gradual increase.

Now we learn together the next step. What we've done, what we call the Universal Feeding System, if like people like Robert who made 10 or 12 different Magrav systems, ...Place your Magrav system in such a position.These are each one one stacker

One stacker to us is three layers.Three coils, gravitational, magnetic field.

We put only three stackers, not four, in this position.

We put three stackers, not four, in here:

We put three stackers, not four, in here:

So, now you have three three-stackers. [ = 9 one-stackers = 9 x 3-layered one-stackers ]

You have two choices now:You can add a fourth one to make it the Star Formation, …

Or, you can leave it as three.But, now, out of the three, don't forget, this is your base [of the] Star Formation.

Now, you need one on the top which is the fourth.

But, you have to look and educate yourself to the next level of understanding.We had to put it on the top because of our mentality it has to be.

But, if you look at this, … the fourth can be anywhere!In a way, if i make it green you understand it better.The fourth can be anywhere.

Because all the system needs to do is to reposition itself in respect to the fourth.

You can move the fourth back and forth in every direction, but because the link is established, it's always in touch with it.

And the fourth is your brain, is the body of the man.

The fourth is the existence of the true and in a way it's you.All they need to do is to share there, … to adjust themselves that way:

If you are there, .... to adjust themselves this way.

But in fact the energy doesn't change!And this is you. You are at home near your set, you are here in Washington, but because you connected it to your system in Zurich, it's still in connection, you receive.

So, now you understand the new structure of connection with your system, but the beauty with this is, now you get collection of, …

You have to understand what this is.

Let's say we use four.

You have four in 3, 3, 3 combination. Yes?

Here you have again the same.

You have to understand the fourth one is the interaction of ... creation of your own free energy.

So you always get four.

But, you have four times that, …

so you go four times the stacker unit here, you understand, so you can see the combination here [on the right], … the combination here [the above one], … the combination here [on the left].And then they create a combination each one with each one.

You more or less cover the full spectrum of the energy gravitational-magnetic field from Hydrogen, to Orange Juice, to Plutonium, to Uranium and the amount you need.So by setting up this structure, you have created a copy of every element which could be in energy level to man.

[ Remark from the transcribers:This schema here is added for illustration purposes only.Somebody postet it on the internet, but it is a very good illustration of that what Mr. Keshe talked about.The schema on left does not reflect exactly, what Mr. Keshe explained at last.Mr. Keshe talked about 3 complete star-formations, right?We see 3 groups of 3 one-stackers here on the left, there is one stacker per group missing to build 3 star-formations, right?It should look like the right picture, but at the moment we do not know how to connect them correctly.It’s just for illustration purposes, ok? ]

01:40:00Are there any mathematicians behind us? Do we have any mathematicians or any of us can do a quick mathematical simulation for us to give us such a combination.And don't forget, each stacker of three which is in it, itself, it has three coils, and don't forget each coil has a gravitational-magnetical, too.[Mr. Keshe wipes out the whiteboard]

So, if I can just take this off and make a new one, you see what you have. You have, we go from the bottom up: You have two coils in each set and each coil has it's own, … well actually, … it goes to the power than this, … You have, … let's do it, … is there anyone mathematician? I've never been good in math.[Mr. Keshe wipes out the whiteboard again]

You have two coils, each coil has two pieces, and then you have to understand that you have two coils gravitational and magnetical, and then you have to add, you have 144 in the outer coil and you have 81 x 2 in the inner coil, both gravitational-magnetical, because every loop creates it's own field strength.[This is the first, in October 2015 introduced basic (flat) coil set]

Now, you have three sets of these … (and then you have three sets of) ... this in one stacker, …

and then you have three stackers in the set, and then you have three plus one, you have four stackers, sorry, in the Star formation, (and then) in each you have four free plasma units energy. If you remember when we made the Star formation, we created free plasma to as multiplication by 4.

Now you have, on top of this, again 3 units of the same.

Look at the multiplication of the energies, both gravitational and magnetical, can be, can one of you scientists give us a figure by next week?

[ Remark from the transcribers: We try to calculate here together:]

If you have mathematicians understand the number of the turns in each coil counts, the number of inner core and outer core times 2: Counts!

[ 81*2 (inner gravitational) + 144*2 (outer magnetical) = 450 turns per coil]

and then you have the gravitational and magnetic field: Counts!

[ Remark from the transcribers:could this be a factor of 2 ???Or is it to add a 2 ???After winding the coils with all the turns, … after connecting them, there are suddenly two more fields, one gravitational centered around the inner ring and one magnetical centered around the outer ring, right?Is it that what Mr. Keshe means, when he says:

“and then you have the gravitational and magnetic field: Counts!” ???It rather looks the part that we have to add instead of multiply by 2 ???This needs further investigation.We don’t know, we’re a bit confused about this point, so we’ll don’t forget this possibility, but at the moment we neither add a 2 or multiply by, ok? ]

then you have three stackers on top of each other: Counts! …

[ if 3 coils on top of each other that build a one-stacker is meant, we multiply the turns to 450 (turns per coil) * 3 = 1,350 (turns per one-stacker) ]

then you have 3 [one-]stacker: Counts!

And then you multiply, give us a figure, what number does it make.

[ Remark from the transcribers: 3 would be the base of 1 star-formation, right? So we calculate one star-formation consisting of 4 instead of 3 one-stackers, ok? If you agree, the number of turns of one star-formation would add up to: 1,350 (turns per one-stacker) * 4 = 5,400 (turns per star-formation)

and if we use 3 star-formations this adds up to: 5,400 (turns per star-formation) * 3 = 16,200 (turns per feeding-system) ]

And this is the number of combinations of the gravitational-magnetic fields, which the system which was so simple you saw with Jackie on Tuesday regarding the feeding, your system produces.

That's why it covers the smell, the sensation, the feeling, the energy, everything. The minute in your brain you think of it because it has a finger print on it or what that strength is and what that food gives you.

To you it’s a food, … to you you ate, … just say a bag of chips. You go to a chip shop and ask for a bag of chips. To you it's a chip, but to your brain, everything in that chip is analyzed what it's going to give… [technical difficulties]

There is fats, there is salt, there is also some combination of amino acids, different kind of sugar, different kind of fiber, you eat the chip, but your body breaks it up into every piece what it can use it for what and where it can use it.

What the smell will give us energy.Because you never understood even the smell is a path of energy you receive.The taste is an energy which you receive and has the strength.

01:45:00So, now you understand:Your brain, by just putting a single chip in Your mouth, receives a lot of energies in different forms.01:45:07And then, if You look, why do you breath amongst what you’re eating?Because then balances with how much energy needs to go through the emotional side, through the lung that matches with what is received by drinking it or by eating it. [That is what another transcriber has understood. You can hear it by yourself at 01:45:07‘And then, if You look, while You are breathing in between You are eating, the balance it needs to go through the emotional side through the lung that matter while it is received by drinking it, by eating it’]

So, now You understand, the brain, [which] wants to get a chip, knows, this is the amount of energy, it usually receives from a chip.So, when You think about a chip, … [that is] what we showed on Tuesday, that people think of a steak and they receive a steak, … people who wanted a pizza, they got a pizza, … that information receives how much [of] which energy from which circle it needs, because all of those are available in Your system.

[ Remark from the transcribers:And in fact all of thouse are not only in your system … it is all available in the universal space that surrounds and pervades you. As Mr. Keshe from the very beginning always said:The truth is: Litteraly you do not need a system! ]

And then thats why you taste and you smell it.01:46:01But don’t forget: You still have forgotten something else in that equation:The GANSes You use. That’s another factor: CuO, Cu2 and the rest of it.

So, You see, with the Magrav System, which You use as a universal energy system, which is the way we use it in space:By [just] thinking, because all the information is already embedded.

“This is what the chip gives me” [when] you wanted a chip. You receive everything from Your own system. That´s how the system feeds You and that is why You feel You received it instantaniously!Because magnetic field transfer is instantanious, it does not need digestion.

So, in a way, when we spoke with Jackie and we saw, what they said:“I can think of a banana and I receive a banana” - because in Your memory bank of Your inner structure of Your emotions and Your physicality,

01:47:07when You say banana, it means You need calcium.Have You seen how You crave, because if You want to get milk, that means, the emotion tells the physicality, “ I need this calcium and these kind of fats, to be able to run the part which needs it - I am running short.”That is why You crave for it. So, when you think of orange, this is the energy which the orange brings to the body. So, the minute it thinks, those trigger ? light comes in the field in strength, it automatically connects with Your core. So You receive it and the combination is so much that everything is received.

Even the taste and odour.

Always I tell You: Do not accept it just because it is said! Understand the science behind it!As I always say to my children:If You [just] remember it … [and] in an accident You forget … [then] You can´t!

[ Remark from the transcribers:And that is exacly, what happened to all of us: We forgot!And was has to happen: We can’t! ]

But if You understand it, You never forget it.

Understand the science, understand the reason why - then you will see how the pleasure comes to be part of it.Because then, as a layman, You contribute more than a professor. Because You look at it without prejudice.This is important for all of us. If You are going to space You have to understand how everything is involved. Because in space there is You and me and I can lie to You for three days. But after the fourth day I am open, because I can not go on lieing, because You can read my mind.

So, we clean the desk of all the mistakes of the past. [And when] we go to space, then we [can] go with no mistakes.But we understand this time: We have everything, we don´t need to make mistakes.01:49:00Understand , when we put these technologies on the table from now on, and I told You in the last two to three weeks: We are going full blast into space technology.

Because now You saw the matter.Now You saw the GANS.Now You have seen how it does.Now You have the energy system that tells You that Your bill reduces.Now You trust: “There is something there, I can work, I can trust it!”And in trusting it, now You can feed Yourself.

01:49:23You might say: “I wanted an orange but I did not feel it, so it didn´t work.”May be, You wanted an orange to see if You are still in control, but You received it.So we want to know, those of You who are starting to build these structures.

Because now we offer this unit, what we call ‘Universal Feed System’, which is twelve different design internally of a stacker for sale from next week. By next friday we offer it in the market. What we call ‘Universal Feed System’.

[ Remark from the transcribers:Just for a recap:Mr. Keshe said: “... which is twelve … internally …So the assumtion is true, that internally there are 3 complete star-formations used]

01:50:00You can try it, find it, position it the way you like it. They come as 12 units in one box .You receive a whacko box of it.We are trying to price it in a way that it becomes affordable for a family or a street together to buy it.

Because when you buy a unit all the neighbours can eat into it, so you do collective shopping. But you will find out you might eat if you need. You might chew.

There is a figure we are working on – something in the region of between 5 – 7000 Euros. If we can drop it, we drop it.But this is a collective unit. We trying to and we have to get it because the Magrav units have already passed the system. It is a modification of the Magrav system. You don’t need to plug it in anywhere because we set it up the way we know it has got to be set up.So you just put the boxes around the house because now everything does it.You need that unit to create that many.But in the future then we tell you most probably you can use it as a power supply, ... as a medicine supply and we tell you how it works.Because we are testing, we are developing and you are part of the structure.So in the next few weeks we will offer … in the next few/couple of weeks … because it takes us 30 days / 60 days to get it done the way we are doing it. We are very slow people.But at least we hopefully get it right – you can buy a universal feeding system.

And these are both for you to understand you are buying it and testing it for the rest of us to learn. Because we have to see the scope of it, how far we can go.We have to modify some structures inside and then we go to the next step or we can keep the same structure and add to it.So the universal feed system will be offered.

But it is very interesting. What we have done – as you know last Tuesday when we opened this.The man who we put in the front to be on the firing line – Jackie – showed us the system he is doing it in the house.But what we’ve done yesterday in the teachings of the Keshe Foundation:

More or less everyone volunteered to be part of the process because Jackie is a student as a Knowledge Seeker in that group.

One man refused to join the group and we know why. But we can’t say much and that man is me.I refused to join the feeding system. I explained it last night.The reason why I refused in the night session which we had and that is part of the reason.In a way I have to stay until I see you [are] all through and then I know my way out.

So what we have done – we tested the system further last night and I explained to the people who were in what I call the dinner table. We were going to meet for dinner last night at eleven o’clock last night after the teaching. We went through the process why some people see and why some people don’t understand and they don’t see.For those of you who want to understand more about this new ‘Universal Feeding System’, that you don’t need to shop any more, we’re going to put these systems in major hungy accidental positions where in a disaster point everybody can eat from the same system.You receive the energy, you don’t need to go hungry. You receive clean water because you receive it through the energy of the system. And in so many ways the infections and everything else you can receive to overcome any illnesses.

At least we can try. So in this process , in trying to do, last night we explained more for some people who don’t see or some people who see what the position is.

Go back to the Tuesday teaching. The system is shown.If Jackie is there: Jackie, can you come back and teach us again and explain more and now we have the ten people in the Innovation and Space team which are connected with this system more or less without them wanting to. We have 36, no actually we have less than 36, because one or two of them are in the other group.We have something like 35 in the student group who we went through the list one by one.We asked every individual: Would you like to accept to receive to use the energy system for the food and they all confirmed and we went through that. Nobody can say they did it without us receiving the consent of every single one and then that’s nearly 45 and then we have 5 people, 6 people present in the testing.

01:55:00That makes about fifty people. We have set up a fifty people group of people how to get energy, food and feed/freed their emotions.

We are not looking for what they eat because now that the system is set up, the system without wanting it, it just continuesly takes what it needs.But we are monitoring, what his body gives back out. We are looking for the excrements, we are looking for urination. Because at this moment more or less that’s the only indication we have that the body is not using any more solid food, matter-state food or matter-state air.

So, the process is very simple, we ask the state of emotion and we ask for what we call the residual. When you take enough energy from the environment, the way we thought, we always said you take 80% of your energy from your environment and 20% from the solid food you eat. Now you understand with this process when he is taking 100% from the environment, with understanding the work of the new supply of energy which is your ‘Magrav Universal Feeding System’.

We will be monitoring if your urination or your excrements reduces. If you see you don't go to toilet or you don't go to for what I call urinating, then you understand that your body is transforming. And I inform , and I tell you, you had a Magrav System, if you go through this, has a responsibility.

The responsibility is to you yourself.

Because once you start absorbing Universal Energy, your body will start mutating in a way what is not needed will be not used but it won't rot away.

The body has the habit to cool down in case it might change or, if the change is so rapid, it might shut it down because I don't need it any more.

So, in this process, start number of possibilities. When you enter and purchase or build these units, you can start losing your physical appetite which is for the eating. In that process, because you are not eating but you receive all the energy you need, the body doesn't go in a commotion of what are called crisis. It finds a solution but it doesn't eat. We've seen this, in our body we have couple of pieces which we don't see any function for it. We can take it out and nothing happens. Appendix is one, your tonsils are another one. So as the body holds on to your intestines and into your liver and kidneys and the rest, what is having no function it just runs them in the background with no use, zero operation.

But, as nothing comes in that can cause the infection, your mouth will shut. Because you are not taking anything in, the moisture does not allow the closure (01:58:24) and the voice will go. We will not speak.

Because now that this position has arrived, we will speak through appearance, the controller which is our emotion. So we start communicating seeing each other, feeling each other, understanding what other says without the voice. We see the true face of the man, the true emotion of the man. You cannot, as I said in my other teachings, you cannot say “my darling I love you” when you already have another mistress who's just for bed (01:58:58), you have to say it to get your food on your table because you had your fun out somewhere else.

So, this is becoming very important, and in that way we become transparent, we become correct and in that process, when we go a step further in the next twelve months, you would lose your lung, the use of your nostrils. Because now that the energy intake is from the environment, gradually the whole thing will go in a way that the emotion will follow the physicality and will go at the same energy level. You'll find out you do not need lungs to breath so you might keep the body for some time, same as it is, but you tap into Universal Energy or into your feed structure system that feeds you. In that process we become detached from matter-state inertia, because when we eat matter, we only operate through the matter and the GANS.

02:00:00As I explained in other teachings. Earth has two attributes of fields: One is gravitational-magnetic field we call gravitational fields and magnetic fields and one, this is created by the interaction of the plasmas and the other one is from the state of matter-state which is the crust.So, Earth is a combined gravitational-magnetic field. Gravity of the plasma plus the inertia which is the matter-state, so in us, not using any more matter state and we rely on the energy from the plasma of the Earth, we become independent of the matter and we become part of the true plasma of the creation.So now, in that position, we become man of the space because we have done with the matter-state.

In the holy books, they write it as detachment. This is the true beginning of the process of detachment from physicality. From physical life. So, we become the man of the space. This is what I've said in the other teachings. For the first time, man is not going or does not go through the

evolution, and, because he has to, but now we decide to live a correct life, not to eat another being, not to destroy another life.

We call it Apple or vegetables, because they are all living things. They all carry protein in it so they have a life. They decide. We don't eat the lamb or a sheep, because we decide, as I've said in my teachings before, we never thought why does man in such a turmoil of anger and animalness, because our emotion hears and feels the emotion of the animal we ate, and it does not accept the behavior of the physicality to do such a thing. Now we don't consume. The physicality and emotion come in balance. Man becomes the peaceful creatures of the Universe.

Then, in that position, we open the door of Heaven to man. The day of judgment is those who want to be abusers and stay and stick to the physicalities and those who want to be correct and take the path of the universal attitude.This is what has been written in the holy books, the day of Judgement. You judge yourself. There is no god and there is no court.And I said this before in the teachings. It's you who decides. You enter the space ship, because you build that space ship the way you made the star formation.

This is what you have to understand what you are getting involved in when you enter the Space Ship Program. It's the decision of the man to dictate his own evolution and his own destiny.

You become the judger of yourself. Do I want to stay as a man, to abuse and still eat and murder, or do I become man of peace, that I am transparent.

The same as we’ve done with the Keshefoundation technologies, everything is on the table, transparency. Now, you understand. To be able to teach you, we had to live the life. We offered everything, everything is on the table, no technology has been, because the followers of the prophet of the past followed the path of the prophet. If he murdered, they became murderers. That's what we see with the Jewish powers, because Moses killed so many to them it's normal.Mohammad did the same and we see the followers and the Christ the same path of when they brought him to adultery we see what's happening in Christianity.

In this time, there is no mistake. In this time, there is clear transparency. It's you who decide your evolution and the path into space. And this time, you build the reactors. This time, you build the cores, this time you want to buy the systems to be able to become the man of correct conduct, the man of space, and when the time comes in the coming teachings, we show you how to take yourself into space.

When the second sun appears does not matter anymore, because you carry the true essence of creation with you into the space and you will not be there because it is your decision. So, what is important to understand and what you hear from now on, understand the principle behind it.

02:05:00Understand every coil you turn to make these coils and the cores, you made a decision of yourself to open the door of the universe to man to yourself.As I always say, I guided you like a shepherd into the slaughter house of the universe open free life. The only thing you slaughter is the misconduct of the past.

You want to live a correct life? Not to eat and consume anything else unless it's given to you as an energy, which is the fields, then you come to understand. You come to understand the correctness of the conduct is within the emotion of the man.You come to understand that the emotion dictates the behavior of the physicality.

So, when we speak about these things, when we speak about the process of the change, the process of the change is for total humanity. And as I said, if you make as many of these units and give it as a gift this year when you give a gift for New Year, for Ramadan, for Christmas, for whatever, a birthday, give a Magrav system to a person. This is the gift of life. Without them knowing, it will change their lives. Because, the fields within the system interacts with theirs and when they receive what they want, they lose their grief, they lose their sorrows, because you elevate the emotion of the man to the level of joy. If you remember in the teaching last week, I explained in a very simple way, and maybe, maybe you understand more now.

If this is your main brain … and if this is your fear, it's closer, ...

and if it's a joy, happiness is further out.

So you reach to this level, that is giving unconditionally, …

because you know you will receive that you have enough to give.

Now you understand how the teachings are coming together.

There are no prophets, there are no service stations, there are no churches, there are no mosques, there are no messengers, there are no super markets, there are no thieves in the open spaces of the universe.

You are the judge of yourself according to the correct ethos of understanding. You only take what you need, and you only give when you don't have any need for what you have. But you find out, that the more you give, the more you receive, because then you have more to give. It's a fantastic world of creation.And in time, when a number of you come together of the same ethos, the way three layers of the skin of the man created the man, skin of the man, then you make your own space ship,And the more of you joins into the understanding, the bigger the ship becomes.

And even this is an interim stage. There is more to it afterwards if you are knowledgeable and become just enough that you become part of the true universal community, which means you dictate the size of your own ship and you dictate what you want to eat, because you tap into the universal fields, not into the Magrav systems.

But remember one thing, which was yesterday for the first time last night, I explained to the team at the dinner table. At the dinner table, I did not attend, so they started it. I was a late comer, as usual. French always come late, but I'm Iranian, we made a mistake somewhere. And the discussion goes, even yesterday in the teachings, in the private teachings, I said to people you take what you like, they are all there eating what they wanted, they explained to us what they had, this delicious blah blah. But, this is the behavior of man:You give him the freedom, he takes everything, and it’s still is something wrong with you. But I said, one thing you have forgotten. Last night I explained why I did not join you in your, what do you call it, festivity of food in the classroom, because...

02:10:00Because you forgot the biggest, the biggest point. And the biggest point is:How can I eat when I don’t give?How can I receive when I have put nothing into it?

Before you start eating, before you help yourself to it, … you have to give!

Take what I do not need but I need enough to exist.And then the system takes what you want to give and it gives back to you because it took.It knows what to give to feed you back!

So, instead of getting in a hurry and eat, next time feed first before you eat!

This is the behaviour of the mothers and parents.If you are a correct parent, you always serve your child first and then you eat. It’s the same behaviour. If you care for the universal community, if you care for your environment you live in, you give first.And you see you receive so much that you don’t even know how to handle.

This is the story of a mother with four children:She had only four eggs sitting around the table and the mother said “My children I only have four eggs and I give you everything so enjoy it.”And all of them says “Oh no mom you can have half of ours”.And she actually ate two and they ate half.

It’s the story of the universe!The more you give, … She gave the love [and] they paid her back with physicality. Think … before next time you are pulled in by me:“Why is he giving it to us free? Is he testing us or are we there to fail because of it?”

It’s not for me! It’s for you to judge yourself. I give you so much that you get drowned in the love of the creator.

Jackie if you want to explain for the people who were not with us on Thursday on Tuesday, about

your system and what is developed since Tuesday.

Jackie’s Experiences

02:12:28 [Jackie’s Experiences]Yes Sir, no problem. So, at the beginning we... I’m part of the spaceship team and we tried to manage the star formation and we work as a team to build the system.And one time you come to me and ask some questions. And I answer to you, and you said OK, I will add to the knowledge on this.And you start a new process to try to start feeding with a star formation system like you explained before.

And we tried with the system, so you asked me to try to feel an orange, it’s taste, it’s smell, it’s texture and all this kind of things.And I can have it!

And then I try with different perfumes, smells and different thing.I can have it!

Then you asked me to put some different emotions in the system: Joy, happiness, sadness, everything …And I can have, I can have all the emotions!

Then you asked me to try to communicate with dead people.And I can have it, I can speak with these people!

So after you will see if we can manage to have other persons [which maybe] can have the same results as me.

So I invite six of my best friends, very confident to try and test the system.And the five, six people make an agreement to try this experience.And you make the same process as me with the six people and the six people have exactly the same results as me!

They can smell, they can eat, they can receive the energy from the system. They can have everything they want, a starter, a meal, a dessert, they can have meat, they can have vegetables, fruits, chocolate, alcohol, water, like they want.

And then we can make different experience with all these things.So we manage the experience for five days.Every evening we meet together and try to feed ourselves and give the result of the experience.So a lot of people reducing the consuming of food like I think 60 – 70 %. For myself I don’t eat anything from two days and 80 % less of food in five, the last five days.

Then like you said in the teaching of yesterday for the three years program we decided as a group the 37 people to try the experience and the majority of the people can have the same result.See the food, smell the food, eat the food, take the energy of the food and all this kind of things.

And yesterday you know, something really strange happened with the system because two people of the group, of the beginning, the six persons, have the same feeling that the system is less workable.

And we think all the day regarding that and in the evening you come with the solution.Because we all make a mistakes, we all want to take of the system, and we take, we feed, we take a lot of people, we take, take, take.

But we only forget one thing:It’s to give to the system because the system can give you anything if you can feed the system, you know.So all the night all the team make a beautiful job to feed the system and to give some appreciation, love and they feed a lot the system so now the system is fully functional again, you know.Because all the night we, all the team yeah, made a beautiful job to feed, and to give a lot, and now this is a, the system has a lot of resources and we can feed anyone who want to take.We are here to serve the people who need feed from the system.And a, yeah, it’s a beautiful experience.

But what the important thing is you know, it’s really a group decision.At the beginning it’s for myself … then it’s for six persons .... and then it’s for thirty-seven persons who decided and make an agreement:If we start the process we can make a step forward, you know.We need to continue on the process and it’s not one decision, it’s a group decision. It’s a very nice people, very dedicated to the, to this, and. Yeah now it’s forty-five people who decided to carry on this experience.Yeah we become stronger and stronger and every people play the game, it’s really beautiful, you know.

And we are there for the people who need our help, we are ready to open the flow, the people can take what they want from the system.But after they need to understand what they are doing you know.Because if you take you need to perhaps to give something perhaps. It’s open, we are there for people who want. So here is my experience and the experience of ... [screeching and silence].

MK on our new reality02:20:00[M. Keshe]Thank you Jackie [Jackie]Your very welcome Mister. [M. Keshe]We have started a process of making man the man of the space and in so many ways what is beautiful we see in front of us the picture of the earth, one planet.

The forty-five, fifty people who are involved in this process are from across the planet.They are from Africa, we have a number of people from Canada, from United States, we have people from China, we have people from Asia, we have people from Europe, and they’re all in it.There is something like maybe thirty nations involved. In a way there is one nation. Thirty people from planet earth are there involved.

And once you start building these units you will understand one thing:Because you built it with a purpose of peace, you will achieve peace, and I as said in my talk on Tuesday, if each one of you buy a unit or make a unit and donate one unit, in that process very fast we cover the whole planet and we reach everyone, even the fish and the lion and the rest.The only problem is when we don’t eat each other the way we done will our emotion create a balance that the number reaches a point:

I’m not eating you, do you mind lamb, I’m a lion but I can’t eat you anymore, if you go a bit more then there is no more room to live, do you mind your lot slowing down a little bit.The same thing with the other animals, they’ll start accommodating each other because they don’t eat each other.

Your biggest problem will be would it be enough place on this planet for all of us as creatures of this planet to live in peace amongst and between each other?

This is not anymore dreams, this is become the reality, and as I said it’s in our hands to change the future and change the evolution. I showed you the way you change energy to become free of energy and I shown you the way now you can change if you decide to leave this planet to prepare yourself for change of the physicality to become passenger of space by becoming independent of the matter-state of this planet.This is where the process is going and this is where we are destining for. In the next few weeks you will see the first crafts but it’s no use getting into the crafts when you still carry the body of the man with a matter attachment.We don’t ask you to change, you stay the same, but in a way did you change when you wear the diving suits, or did the man change when he wore the spacesuit? Now we wear the universal suit. But this time we don’t need the camouflage of the suit it’s us ourselves which decides what to do, what to put on.If you learn this process, in a radical way, you will find out that your body will react to the environment you arrive in according to the correct conduct.So you become the citizens of any planet on any point in this universe. Now you see, you were happy to go from Washington to Teheran, now you go from star to star. Now you become the passengers of going from every corner of this universe to another. And don’t forget, you were worried about the speed of light.In the past few minutes you heard, thirty-seven people, they thought of chocolate, of pizza or whatever, they received it instantaneously.2:25:00

This is a zero time travel - zero time essence of creation.And then, where You want to be - You will be instantaneously.You just learn to receive. Now, when You learn to be detached from the physicality of matter-state the universe is Your voice.Which means, if You don´t understand english, it is all Yours, take it. But be correct.We need no kings, we need no leaders, we need nobody to tell You You are wrong or right, because I can read Your emotion, I can see Your intention, and if You always carry good intentions, You do not see any colours and You become transparent as the universe.When You wear colours, which means, You create problems, or You want something else to mark Your territory, I look if that territory is good for me or if I want to be in that [marking point ?].02:26:11“I made man in the image of myself .”

It is the first time man can see the true image of the creator: TRANSPARENT

Read Koran??? - bless his name - Mohammad has written ??? ( I don´t understand Keshes words)

God has one hundred names. Ninety nine is written in Koran.The hundred they say if they read the bit sincerity from the beginning to the end - You’ll find the hundredth one and nobody has got it ????02:26:46The hundredth one is called himself.


MR Keshe, can I just read that, what just showed up in the chat from Libby, she says:“I asked the system to feed me love and right after tuesday’s workshop ended I had two surprise visitors show up at my door to give and receive love and then two more friends showed up and had brought soup to share… love is the most incredible nourishment we can offer to each other.”(from Libby)

MTKESHEPlease don´t ask for something else.

Because people receive the fields from Your essence of creation and when it’s true, is received.And now that we know that we can’t lie we can’t receive … we will receive ???? … we get to that point ...

So, in so many ways our teaching hasn´t finished, our teaching has just started:To learn the language of the universe, the conduct of the universe.We still make the nano coating, we still make the coils, we still make the reactors , because we have to teach seven billion to behave correct, and while we are making for them, there are trillions of

them in the waters and in the seas and on the land. We still got to change their lives to understand that they don´t need to eat and kill each other.

The love will flood this planet beyond man´s imagination.

Because, it’ll be who can serve:“ Excuse me , Mr. Ant, can You move a little bit, I can´t go, if you don’t want … Do you mind me to put you on a planet somewhere and it´s all Yours. That I can not kill You or hurt You.”And You hear the language of the ant : “ Yes, just don’t mind because that might be nicer for me.”

02:29:00The beauty with this technology is: It’s the knowledge of the creator, if You understand it.And if You don´t understand it and still want to be matter-state you’re and object, You will find every way to object it and find a way not to do it.But in a way, there are so many people, who are fed up with the wars, that soon, the way we are going and the systems are going to be manufactured, and when the systems run, I always remember, what Lisa said, ( that lady from China) : The Chinese scientists where they put these reactors, they call it “ THE HAPPY ROOM “Now you know they were first, before even me get to, with the “ THE UNIVERSAL UNIT”.Because they received the feeling, not the food. And now we feed, what the man has been ???fooded???: The food of the soul of the man.

And You can even receive this with the system, if You know how to position it.02:30:05You can elevate your own souls with the same system, if you understood all the teachings of the past.


Any questions?No questions?

Rick: Quite crowd again here … It's a pretty quite crowd again here

Mr. Keshe:Because now man has become the judge of himself, hah?

Robert:Mr. Keshe, this is Robert from Utah. I just wanted to add a thank you to you youself and your crew, Rick and everybody and ?????? and Carolina as well, she does a lot of work in the background.You guys, I really respect the way that you guys work very, very hard.

Mr. Keshe:There is an old say, they say:Behind every successful man there is a successful woman.

Robert:Right. Also on my own know I just wanted to add: In the first workshops I heard a lot about “praying” with your units and I really think that it's important to kind of treat each one almost as a child.And bring them up in a way as you creating them that you get out of them what you put in.And that's just a kind of something that I took from the first workshops and I don't hear as much any more about. My understanding, but that's something that I thought was important.

Mr. Keshe:What you mean there exactly?

Robert:Just to treat them [the Magrav units] … you know … if you put goodness into them when you're creating them, you're creating a new time-line for these devices ?????? (02:32:08) put them all together and everything together with them … and I just think it's important to start them on a good time-line. Maybe pray with them … whatever you do to connect to the one, you know, the spirit.And maybe do that with the stackers as well. And intend for them the same good stuff that you would want for yourself.

Mr. Keshe:I see something very interesting:Sombody has put in a figure of 85, nearly 86 billion combinations on what we just talked and I think there is much more than that.

[ Remark from the transcribers:Aaaaah, … now we understand better: Mr. Keshe talked about the number of possible INTERACTIONS between each turn of each coil in each stacker among each other and with us.And that are a lot more than 16,200 turns.It is maybe the number of possible interactions between these 16,200 gravitational-magnetical field “entities” plus the number of additionally created fields like the two we did not consider in the calculation, the gravitational and magnetical which are additionally created out of the interaction of the inner 82 * 2 turns and the outer 144 * turns?Could this be said in that way? Do you agree? ]

I usually make 400 – 600 million sets for different deseases.But by next week calculate. Sit down and calculate and understand it how it works as a … what I call … combination and not as multiplication.Is an order of magnitude, not multiplication.Then you will see you'll come to 1,000 times more than what you have been put there [the nearly 86 billion ]If we get around 800 … just about … just over … lets say one trillion trillion combinations from the fields of your system … it's just about right.

[ Remark from the transcribers:We think, we are right, our last assumption seems to be correct.And we see, how we stupid we are in just looking at the physicality. ]

Any other question?

Rick: Yeah, Mr. Keshe there is a question several times coming up in the last workshops regarding pace makers.Candy has asked:“Can people with pace makers feed from the system … [Mr. Keshe in the background: “Yes”] … and can they use the 'Cup of Life'?”

Mr. Keshe:Ja, the “Cup of Life” is YOU!

I explained this on Tuesday. Please go back on the Tuesday [8th] international teaching.We taught a lot on Tuesday. The Tuesday teaching is the backbone of the new space technology.

Listen to it, … understand it, … and then you go further with it.You got to understand how everything works.You got to understand how everything systematically connects.

If you have a pace maker, … that's your heart.Maybe, … maybe if you are within the facility of this system, and the conduct and everything else which is correct, you might not even need a pace maker. In time to come.02:35:00We had a very strange experience. We were with doctor. Don’t mention his name.And we have given twice a cancer unit to a man that already had a cancer. And he’s returned it.When he returned it the second time we looked at and he said to me it’s a very nice ???. It’s a proud to have him as a friend. It’s a pleasure.He said: “Do You know something Mehran? Maybe he doesn’t want to live, if he’s already decided, we are pushing him?Because he said to the nurse when he brought the unit back: ‘When I use it I have no pain.’ ”

Maybe he has decided that: “I want to give the life to another stage”.Is us who decides! Most of our diseases is our made.Maybe, maybe one of the ways to walk away from the cancers which we carry is to become a man of space. Because now, when you close, you don’t take anything, your mouth is shut. The body has to find a solution for what’s inside, ja?Maybe if we have a cancer lump it’s a very good source of energy for longer time. Because it has to move, it has to change, it has to give.

Would we do what I said. Man will accept this technology out of the fear of itself and not because of the beauty of it. Because you are afraid of dying you go to the process, you become man of space. Then internally everything is sorted, you don’t have cancer but then you have a bigger problem.

The bigger problem is now you live for thousands of years. Once we have taken this food connection from the physicality of the man and then find peace within the physicality and the emotion, ...Now, what is to kill you ? Nothing! You become immortal.All of you have been looking you want to live 200 years, I’m giving you 10 million years. Because then it’s you who decides “If I want to give up , I had enough” or you wanted to get staying.So those of you who are looking for “Cup of Life” and immortality, the “Cup of Life” and immortality is within you. You just missed it.

You are a cup! And if you don’t understand it:One make a cup with an orange on it put other GANSes on it and then taste the water, and you feel the taste of orange, the energy of the orange.

As I said in the teaching you yourself are 80% water!So why do you need anything else , put the orange on top of your head, you absorb. If your emotions is correct you receive it without eating!

Then you don’t harm no one. But now we made a bigger collection of a Super-Market of energies. A Hyper-Market of energies with this stacker units. And then in the future when I educate you further you will understand that you can tap in into the universal Super-Market.

Because this way, when you learn, not consume energy. It’s what I told you from the beginning.

When you see something else you don’t look at it if it’s eatable. It’s not a sheep it’s not a cow It’s a life within existence and it has to be respected as you know , when you meet says: “Do you have any surplus energy for me? I’m short of vitamin K and vitamin D.”He says: “Do you have some shortage for me? I’m looking for zibezibezibezip. But your fields fit into my bizibizi, in my planet bizibizi is what I need.”You give him bizibizi and he gives you vitamin D and C and say “Goodbye”.

So now you understand why we’re going through this process. And then, the beauty of it is, once we come, and very fast we are coming to this point:

Does a King have more than the layman on the street because they have everything they want?And then, would there a place for a ???seed of??? kingship, or are we all the king of this planet because we care for it, we look after it. Are we finished with the kingship ?Because we gave you everything for all to be the kings.

Any other questions ?

Klaus Priller - Flexible coils for the Helmet

Mr Keshe, this is Klaus from Austria.

02:40:00I got a question to the health unit which you showed last week. And is it … I built something additionally … is it possible to share, to start the video?

Mr. Keshe: Yes. Go ahead. We are learning a lot from you. You are very … what you call it … innovative people. Let me see. I have something on my screen.

Is that your portable unit?

Klaus Priller: Yes, this is the …

Mr. Keshe: I thought, it was genious.

Klaus Priller:

This was a try to address the single coils the magnetical and the gravitational coils by cone connectors and to make the whole system more modular.And this is a part which can be stuck into the helmet cups.

And I was looking for a solution to connect the single wires without turning them always together

and this would be the solution of a cone connector which you can screw a bit in without hurting the nano layers.

And I just have to screw it for a half millimeter and then it holds.And the question is: This is I would say a very electrical way of seeing a solution.Is there a change in the flow of plasma if I connect the coils like this?

Mr. Keshe:No.But I'm going to put you another … I'm going to throw in the water for you:

You made your inner core and outer core fixed to the body. Ja? That's the position.But do you know if you can or you be able to twist and turn any of your coils back and forth, up and down, you can change the field strength much easier and then you can target specific points in the brain of the man.At the moment, your coil is fixed to that position, correct?You glued it, I can see the glue there, ja?

Klaus Priller: This is the coil for the helmet.

Mr. Keshe:Yes, I know. But if you can make the inner coil or outer coil adjustable …You see you still work in the world of matter-state.Let me explain to you something.I am going to … Can you stop sharing, I show you, what I mean.

Just press “not to share” and then I'll come back to you.

Ok, what you got to see, you have your coil … this coil this way …

and you have that coil this way in it.

This coil now … because I told you I teach you as we go further, …This coil now, this one [the outer coil] is fixed.

You can … I am just rotating this [the outer coil] slightly this way …

If your coil now is this shape, if you understand it, …

and this coil is positioned this shape

Now you can target which part of the brain, instead of generally covering a whole section, …

you can start pinpointing where you want to change.

You understand?So now that you start building this, try to make it flexible that it can twist and turn and hold in that position. It's very easy.So when you make the helmets, … When for example you are targeting this part of the brain …

now you put your present system, when you do this, the field covers this:

You understand?And then if you put another one there, your field covers this ...

and you are working in this zone, ja?

But if you can make one of these flexible the other way, …

you can literally pinpoint exactly where you want to work.This gives you more accuracy

Mario Kienappel: Which one of those coils should be flexible?

Mr. Keshe:Depends … both can be.Depends what you're expecting, what you want to. Are you giving or are you taking?Because then you can change, ja?And the other thing which you might understand easier:If you look at your coils, the double coils which you do, try to be able ...

02:45:00This is going more and more getting refining the thing cause you learn, and then you are going to the next one, yeah?That you can control this one , you can control the gravitational and magnetic field of the plasma to each coil.

That you can increase this or decrease this . If you are trying to pull something out or you are trying to give to increase.

If you are trying to get the cancer cell out , what does, how does a cancer cell. You need the gravitational to get stronger than magnetical. Now you control it here.

If you want to feed, a cell is destroyed, you want to build it, you want to give it to you . So you reduce the energy in your magnetic [sorry] gravitational, and you increase magnetical.

So if you are working, try to see if you can refine it much easier . In a way, where I look at the top of your system: You have 4 plugs, you need actually 8 plugs. And then you can change each one.You understand ?

Klaus Priller: Yeah, I understand yes.

Mr. Keshe:This way you go much faster because now you control it, the direction of it.

You decide if it’s a tumor you take energy from it.If it’s a damage you try to build it you give enough of it that it can take.

Because , the body immediately knows if it’s receiving or if it’s taking. And then in that respect when it receives it allows nourishment. It’s very simple.

Klaus Priller: Ok, adding 4 more connectors wouldn’t be the problem.

Mr. Keshe:Yes, that what I saw because you making … I saw this, I saw. I’m monitoring what you are doing in the background. And it’s beautiful what you as a team are doing. And I think it’s for the German manufacturing team to get on with you Austrians and get this moving off the ground in different way.

We announce a lot of changes when we arrive in China. Already have a lot of understanding but what is going to be done in different countries and different organizations …. We are trying to make a standby trip on the way to Philippine or back from China in Philippine. That we can meet with our innovation center people who are the backbone who have all this developed.And then we try, we know hopefully by the time we are back from China we might open one of the biggest research centers in the space in Middle East.And I’m sure we’ll receive the positive results very soon . And this will bring all the scientists, world scientists in plasma technology to develop this technology very rapidly. You see, what I explained in all the teaching . I have thought in every level, as I was explaining that you according to your own intelligence and understanding to take what you are comfortable with. I haven’t made it exclusive for one. I told you that nano materials and the GANS that you take if you are happy to be happy to have enough energy just to give you normal life.

I told you the cores and the GANS cores which we did with the Iranian government.They feel happy now whenever you go there. If you want to go further you went to the GANS and then you went into the core ... where we saw the cores being made and tested.And then we went to the cores and now we’ve come to use of the interaction of the coils, understanding the core business that you can go into feeding and into space.

So whatever you like. There is something in there that you can attach yourself to be, but then you decide what to be.I know not many people will go for what is on the table at the moment.But a lot of people who want to leave not to lose their attachment or the loved ones. When they know that the cancer is imminent, they have so and so many long time, they will choose the option of the space feeding. Because that way they want to guarantee that they stay with their loved ones.

I’ve seen many people the last seconds, the last weeks or months when they tell them “You’ve got so much to live” ... they do everything possible to find a solution.Maybe, out of the fear of loss, man finds a solution in the path to the universe.Then we see if these people become truly , because they have no choice, they are following the way. But at least they are finding immortality to be with their children and their loved ones.

This is very strange I always told you. Man will accept this technology out of it’s beauty . Because it’s so beautiful if you understand it. But accepted out of fear of their own life. So when you make this system like you made you’ve showed us . Please understand: Cover all possibilities.

02:50:00That you do not need to be any other way.

What is this system, please?

Klaus Priller: Ah this is, this is the same for the body part, this is the same trial to, to address the single coils, but also umm just with four err connectors, but these connectors you see here are not coin connectors, because I made it before, and umm, this is the suggestion also to address the single coils at the body part of the Health Unit.

Mr. Keshe: Hmm, it’s a very nice advancement. This is beautiful the way you are operating. You have the German precision, as I call it, and it is beautiful to see your work.

Klaus Priller: Ok! The, the, thanks, thanks a lot. The only question was, because there, the wires are in other directions and they are become more and more wires when we address the single coils, if there is any change in the flow of plasma? This, this was my only fear.

Mr. Keshe: Not really. No! Not at this level. Not at this level. Not at this level. Not at this level at all, because the totality decides if it’s going to give and get, not you by the turnings.

Klaus Priller: Ok! Then thanks a lot, and the next unit we will build more modular in this way.

Mr. Keshe: Wait! Wait! You are not going anywhere. Thank you very much. Stop!

Klaus Priller: Ok!

Mr. Keshe: How is, how is the woman?

Klaus Priller: We started yesterday, ah she set up the helmet the first time yesterday. We set the helmet umm like we, we like you told us in last Thursday. So, we the only thing we changed we didn’t use zinc, as zinc the lead gans, we used salt water instead of it, umm because it was umm our feeling that err, err the lead gans umm isn’t good for the lady.

Mr. Keshe: Ok! That’s, that’s, we learn from you, we’re all students.

Klaus Priller: And umm what we did..err we, I don’t have the helmet here, because, because I am not in the lab now, err she had it on her head, last, yesterday the first time. We addressed three coils, umm as you told us on last Thursday, and we only used the gravitational coils, and umm we connected to the coil, which is directly above the, the umm tumour with the zinc for which we used salt water.And we connected two batteries to the coils away from the umm from the tumour and one with the coil, which was directly above the tumour.

Mr. Keshe: You will see how we go. There are some developments from China, which shows the technology works very well for tumours. We hopefully do.

Ah! I’ve got to tell you one thing:The two or three weeks we are in China, the teaching will carry on the same time. We will not change, but this time we’ll do it with the Chinese Keshe Foundation group, and we will try to keep to the same procedure. When we travel, we only keep to the Thursday’s teaching, not the Tuesday teaching, you can do the workshop as Keshe Foundation, as you do, but on Thursdays we’ll join you in the teaching sessions. So, we keep the teaching sessions wherever we travel and whenever we travel anywhere we carry the system with us. So we join you from China, and if we are in other countries it will be the same.Thank you very much!

Klaus Priller: Thanks a lot to you!

Mr. Keshe: Thank you very much!Any other questions? Or shall we call it a day, we’ve gone nearly three hours.We gave a lot of knowledge today. If those who understood it you have become the man of the space as of this week.

Q&A Candy Parker - Pacemaker & Give before you take02:54:30Candy Parker: I have a question!

Mr. Keshe: Yes?

Candy Parker: This is Candy Parker from Florida. I’m an acupuncture physician and I have a couple of patients that have pacemakers and I know that I have to be very careful with them with the acupuncture. I thought I remember hearing you say that we couldn’t use health patches or pens on them because of the electrons, or it might steal an electron or something from the pacemakers?

Mr. Keshe: You can use the plasma systems, there is no problem.

Candy Parker: Oh good! Thank You! Another thing is I want to put the patches underneath the sheet on the table where I’m treating them.

Keshe: That is the plasma. The systems, the Magrav system you can use. The patches you can’t.

C: What about the “Cup of Life”? Can I drink from the “Cup of Life” with GANS in it ?

K: Give them the machine. It’s easier.

C: Ok, so they can not ….

K: You see one of the ways I’ve found out with all the health people is when you, especially, have a pace maker or you have a condition like a heart condition. Take the system near to the heart , don’t put It on it ! They tell you if they feel it or not. Then you know if you are interfering with it or not. You understand ?

C: Yes

K: If you for example take the patch near the heart . They tell you, my heart is going faster or whatever. You know you interfere. Then you stay out of it.

C: With the “Cup of Life” I know that there is some different ways of making it but it does have some GANS in it. What if there was just the nano coated copper. Would that be enough for them to be ….

K: It’s the same, but if you put water by accident, got some salt in it, becomes GANS based.

C: Ok

K: The best way to use the “Cup of Life” if you are giving to someone is to put a glass .. or a … what I used to do is just give them these 330 ml water bottles . Drinking bottles.

C: Yes

K : I find that is the best thing to put in the cup. And they drink it and then put it back in again.

C: Oh, Ok

K: So you can use one cup for many people bacause they bring their own bottles.

C: How long does it take to charge the water ? Or change the water.

K: How long ? There’s no charging. You transfer plasma. And if you listen to the teachings from this morning and Tuesday. The minute they felt that they want an icecream, they had the icecream!You think this is any different ?

C: Ok, I get it now. I did listen to the teaching. I did. Ok. Thank you very much.

K: You’re welcome.Any other question ?

Rick: Mr Keshe, there is a question from Dennis that he wanted to have brought up … ah … regarding his question, he want to know what we could give our self-made Magrav system to help it evolve the way that it was to evolve rather than what we expect from it. In other words how ???bit??? to become what it want’s to be?

K: I think we answered that in earlier part. Before you start taking from it give to it what you don’t need.This means when …. This is the part which we never discussed that you’ll have … you ... If you give you receive. That’s so when you if you understand this from the early part teachings from this morning. You understand that you give. And then the system gives what you need.

Because when you give, the system see’s “I have these. This are the one’s I don’t have or I don’t need”. So you give some or you get back because you are already satisfied what is short of.You receive what is not short of.So that’s why you receive it , because it’s there. So, if you understand it, is that you give and THEN you receive. You don’t take and go to the table and say There it is. There is not on the table if you don’t bring something on it for the others to share. And this is where the change is. Where the difference will come.The system will change according to what you want because you are the creator of it.

Any other question ?

Q&A: Mossim - Frequencies, Music and Noise VirusesMossim: Mr Keshe Can you hear me ?

K: Yes

Mossim: Mr Keshe, my name is Mossim I am from United States of America, San Jose, California.I am an Iranian man and I just wanna tell you that I am proud student of Keshe foundation for the last 2 years. And I celebrate that my 2 years student of the Keshe a few days ago.03:00:00I want to tell you that as an Iranian American I am proud to have you as my master and the teacher. I want to thank you for all the humanitarian ideas that you have for the whole world and I'd like to be the first Iranian student to thank you in Farsi language if I make this??? (03:00:34)

Mr. Keshe: Go ahead.

[ 03:00:38 - 03:03:06Sorry, no English. It's an Arabic or Persian dialect. But sounds like an anthem about thankfulness ]

03:03:06Mossim:I want to thank you again for everything, Mr. Keshe.I just have a question:And I like to have your opinion but I'm shure you have already experienced this.What I did at the time I was making my GANS I used certain frequencies. I actually have a device that was tuning my guitar, my electronic guitar. So I just simply left that device right next to the container where I was making my GANS. And the GANS that I was making my purpose was for health and helping other people.The thing is that my pain-pen to me is very strong and it definitely has a different effect.I personally used it and I feel ice-cold feeling when I use it. I use it on my knee I had some knee problem. And it is very amazing that using frequency makes any difference.Did I make any kind of an infinity loop? I call it “second infinity loop” on the GANS?

Mr. Keshe:Almost probably what you've done: You connected the GANS to the matter-state.This is something which we as human being receive as “music”.Why we are attached to music and we all love, doesn't matter what it is.03:05:00Because we eat food to connect with our physicality.We breath air because it connects to our what you call it feeding of our emotion.

Sound and the music is another structure which is non-tangible and it connects to our plasma.That's why we all enjoy music. It's another way of receiving energy.

So what you've done: You've done exactly that as we do with the human body. You transferred the matter-state which is the noise of it into the plasma of the man.And that's why it worked that way.You understand?

This another level of noise or what we call music, vibration. It doesn't matter how we create it because it can not be eaten or breathed in but it still has a strength. It get's attached to or used by the what you call the GANS body of the man.This is what I say, this is part of the energy absorption of our body which man has never understood. Music is what you call the feed because it's a matter-state vibration of the element to the plasmatic condition when it converts back in.But because it's in a strength of a plasma itself because it has no matter-strength is … goes to us directly. We receive in our GANS-state very quickly.

This is why if you remember when I speak about the Alzheimer's (03:06:55) especially is because we understand this why music or vibration is so important.And the only question we ask them is: “Do you … or can you sing a tune, a music?”Because if they have done or they can do, it means, they are still connected to the creation of the physicality. But without them knowing, we open the channel.This is why … it's like we say if you eat banana, are you ???alleged??? (03:07:36) to it?You say “Yes” or “No”.If you say you breath the air which is got a bit moisture, you ???cuff??? (03:07:44)

Music is the same thing but it's a food, it's an energy transfer for the body of the man which still touches the same as the food you eat or the banana you eat, you remember the taste of the banana what you need for it.This is why we go for specific musics in a specific structure of the emotion. If you are happy, we go for certain things.And then we see the cultures go the same way. The cultures, according to their music stays the condition of their emotion.We see with the youth. How the culture across the world is becoming ONE. More or less the new generation are the first generation of man which already become ONE Planet people. Because they share all the same music.So but music is more effective [to] direct energy to the GANS than is the food or the air.So, what you've done: You transferred part of the physicality of the GANS you use on your pen which means directly receives. It depends what that music does to you when you tuned it.Do you find happiness or do you give forgiveness or you find pleasure with it?You have to understand what that tuning was to do with your physicality. Because you got a GANS on your copper wire which is in a layer, you don't see because you think it's only nano material. So you have created that condition according to what that condition gives to your emotion.You have to see … repeat the what you call it the vibration you had in your tuner and then change it to a music and see what that music gives you. And that music, whatever it gives you, is the feeling, you had on your leg.Connection between the music and the GANS-state of matter, we never speaked about, because it's very, very delicate. Because you can use it to add, you don't change, but you add to it.03:10:00Some of the viruses in the universe come in the form of music, in the form of noise.And these are extremely, extremely hard to release.They are viruses, they are literally noise viruses, it's unknown on this planet but in the space you come across it.It's which is they add the energy exactly like virus to the GANS of the amino-acid. And then finding it is god’s hell. Because it's undetectable and then you have to find the level of noise. And then you have to find out in what way has it attached itself to do it.There is a way you can do reverse it, but that is … it needs a special technique you got to it within yourself. You have to find out where it's come, where it sits. These noises then they go into your body and it's horrendous if it's not done. Because you absorb it in a way which is already digested form.And this is one of the biggest problems in the space. What I call viruses, space viruses, the noise virus is the worst one. It's one of the worst one for any creature not just man.

Thank you very much for your time.Any other question?We have, … let me explain. We have a gentleman with us in our … what you call it One-Year Course, Mr. Achaban[???], we have a lot of fun with him regarding poetry of the Farsi and how we apply it in the space technology. He is from ???space group??? (03:11:55).

Carry on, please.Any other question or we call it the day?

Rick: Seems like you might want to call it the day here Mr. Keshe. Maybe we could go on probably forever [??? … ???]. But let me see if there is anything …Here is one person wanted to know if the system … “Will the feeding device help to stop smoking?”

Mr. Keshe:If it's your desire, you ask for a smoke … you receive it and then you don't need it. Yes, it does!

Rick: Certainly Douglas has results on using his health cup … helped him to stop smoking.

Mr. Keshe:Yes, but depends [on] what you do. We've done drug addiction is under investigation the same way.We are using the pen which was sent to us by Armond in the States.

Armond! I just remembered yesterday, last night in bed that I forgot to send you the payment for your shipping. I do apologize. I've just so much going on in my head … I just remembered.

So that the two pens you sent us here they are under observation, they are going through the … what you call it … One is just getting used for drug addiction and one is getting used for diabetics.And we are waiting for the French and Americans to report their finding.

But we … because we had two, we agreed with the French and Americans that they do the diabetic. We do all diabetic, we come back most probably next two or three weeks.

But now we use one of the pens you sent us for drug addiction. We give a full result. It's done by doctors, it's not just ??? man ??? (03:13:58)We are taking test, but test everything on a regular basis

You can do in so many ways I used these things for even if you're addicted to medicine, to certain medicines. You try to understand using the system that you receive it without actually itself and then you decide “I don't want to have it” and the body will find it's parallel system for it.The addictions, any kind of addiction is reversible now.It's You, who have to really want it to do it through your emotional part.

Any other question?Shall we call it the day?

1P1N1R Conference in Dubai03:15:00Sylvester:Sorry Mr. Keshe, this is Sylvester, just one quick question: I receiving so many interestsfrom medical experts who would like to participate in our plasma healing center. What would be the proper communication channel

Me. Keshe:When we are ready, we announced this before, we put medical@keshefoundation.org

And then we already have found, we have appointed the Iranian doctor of well-known reputation in the Middle East to head the Keshefoundation Medical. And then they will decide what to do. He's a very well-known internationally doctor. We know him for the work around the Keshefoundation and I've already asked him to head the Keshefoundation Health Hospital which we hopefully have in our position soon. And then they will invite you in.

Sylvester: Thank you.

Me. Keshe:The process is going, … we have a lot of … we know there are a lot of doctors who want to do.Allow us to do … most probably we come to an agreement with the Chinese government to open one of the biggest health centers in China for research and development of new technology.

We know they already have a center for this work.They are doing work on the background of these partially and totally in some cases using our technology.

So in the next 4 or 6 weeks, we make a lot of announcements. Let us come back from China. Don't forget the Dubai Conference is still on. You got to make your booking as fast as possible. We have reduced the numbers drastically for security reasons.

And by advice of our securities we have relocated the hotel. The hotel has moved to a new but very safe. One of the most top ??? delicious ??? (03:16:42) hotels in Dubai.

If you came here just to be in what I call Atlantis Hotel, you wanna refund. We refund you, we have no problem. But if you are coming to be as part of the change in the ONE Planet ONE World Conference, we have still put you in one of the most beautiful hotels with a full security which does not put us in danger.

Because the “Red Circle” [??? and his followers/ontorage ???] (03:17:08) in Germany were planning funny things and we have found out, what erupt.This guy will not give up. So you still can go to the Keshefoundation website and please make your booking because very soon we close the booking.

Rick: How do people get confirmation of their booking and so and some people are asking …

Mr. Keshe:If you have not received anything that there is something wrong, you are ok.If we see something wrong, we come back to you.The security team in the background headed by Bratt is responsible for it, they are working on it.

Don't forget: The securities got a lot of things, works going in with the students, new students with 100€. We have the manufacturers. We have the Foundations. We have the Conference.And then in the coming time we have a lot of other things we shall adding on. They are working, they are checking.It's the job of Bratt, who heads the security of the Keshefoundation with the help with the other National Securities and other people we get in different directions.

Mario Kienappel: Is there any more information about the flights?

Mr. Keshe:Go to the website the connection there … get your flight, but if you need advice or help, …We had the guy with us yesterday, he says he hasn’t received many [requests for help].The email is on the website. Get in touch with them if you can't organize your flight.We very soon will close the numbers down, because now we’ve been gone into the 750€ per person and the hotels are very, very limited.

Because we are monitoring it's not an easy job to do. The security is paramount for us and we have moved for this reason the Presentation, the two Presentations into one of the most beautiful hotels again in Dubai.There are so many … Life here is different than what we knew.And I don't wish but I if would have come here some years ago we most probably with a different direction to do with Keshefoundation.But we are very highly security conscious and we have brought in detectors from the National Offices any chemical detectors everything is available here.We are not leaving any holes open in any shape of form.We work directly … we inform directly and the security will be at the highest level even ???forced??? (03:19:49) than we ever seen ourselves.

This is for you lot, not for us.And we know: These people don't go down without kicking. So we are watching for their kicks.

03:20:00We moved the hotel from Atlantis to another destination within the Dubai city, extremely beautiful, extremely tranquil. And all everything is signed and we thank the officers of Atlantis Hotel for collaboration and allowing us to move so late in their position of the hotel.

Any other question?Just book your ticket, if you can't find it, go to the link which we have given and they respond to you immediately. They told us how many received.They received 2-3 inquiries from the Philippines, from Thailand, from China, from United States and they briefed us yesterday. Anybody who has … And if you don't get a response, it means: Your email has gone somewhere ???straight???. Repeat it again, they respond to you, they put a team to support this.And then we use Dubai as the center for all our conferences from now on the way we set it up because we can control a lot of traffic that is not the same with other countries.

[ Obviously someone asked a question we can not here in the video ]

Send one to webmaster@keshefoundation.org, we pass it on to them. But they tell us: From the day when you used [it] they checked their spam-box, they said. There were two in the spam-box.They put a team to support this event. They run the whole event for us.

[ Obviously someone asked a question we can not here in the video ]

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's there. Just there because they know the cheapest flights, you can do it yourself! There is no exclusivity.But we limit the numbers very quickly.Because we moved from Atlantis for security reasons, so we made a lot of changes. But it stays the way it is.

Don't forget that we arrive in China hopefully on 25th of March and we are in China until the 11th of February [April]. This is what the plan is. And there are a number of events that had been set up by the group who’s invited us to China.They come up with a genius way to sell tickets for presentation. When I saw it, I just … I could not believe it how they've done it. They are following a National Policy. If it is correct, they are following their leadership orders of National Policy of the science in conjunction with the government and private section.And it's beautiful what they've done.We explain to it when we know it's 100% done. Then you understand. It's the most genius way I've seen to organize a conference. And at the same time everybody which joins a conference becomes part of the owner of the Keshefoundation Manufacturing. It's amazing what they've done.Let us see when it comes. Liza wrote to me recently and I'm just going to watch to see if it's done.

[ Obviously someone asked a question we can not here in the video ]

What do you mean?

The Dubai Conference still stays in Dubai. But we have moved out of Atlantis Hotel for security reasons. We move the Conference to another location, another hotel where is more secure but is as beautiful as Atlantis. If you are coming here to go to Atlantis, and the Conference was something on the side, we refund you.But if you're coming to the Conference, you come to Dubai for the Conference, you can still stay in the same … what we call it we've taken … when you at the hotel accomodation to another location due to security.So the Conference is going, still the same, but in a different location because these what I call “Red Circles” they are doing their last kick, they literally brought and they showed us what they're up to in the background from security.We have moved. You come to Dubai three days before your arrival because it's not very far, it's only 4-5 km from the Atlantis Hotel. You'll be notified of the address.We are putting buses in order to pick you up if you come in a mass, in large numbers together that we accommodate for your arrival to your hotel.And they call it one of the most beautiful hotels in the Middle East. The people who've [ever] been there. But we don't announce where and how. Because this is a decision we've been told to keep it.The rooms are all ready.

03:25:00Everything is done. And the only difference is that we protect our people the way we've done from the pedophiles.

The Conference is the same, we start on 08:00 o'clock on 21st of April. We go to 01:00/01:30 with the procedures from 02:00 til 05:00 or 06:00 o'clock the lunch and the presentation that you can show your systems and then we get start the second session, we're choosing the members of the Universal Council on

Friday the 22nd until 01:00-02:00 o'clock we finish.And in the afternoon is again for lunch and understanding more for the position is with the Universal Council and the rest which we'll meet with them and we structure the planning of the running of the Universal Council and the rest of us will be part of the being/bringing and sharing more knowledge.Bring all the equipments, any system you built: Bring it with you.Knowledge. Bring us the knowledge. We have given you a beautiful outside balcony where you can freely work and show.

And we have made sure it's not a repetition. The 1st day lunch is in a gorgeous beautiful part of the

restaurant. And the 2nd day we take you to a more beautiful part of the restaurant, it's one of those hotels that it has a theme … what you call it … restaurants … ähm its about near the …. Dubai City , so you'll enjoy it.It's a pleasure and hopefully for those who payed for the Gala Dinner, there is a Gala organized for you.It is done in maculate??? (03:26:54) condition, but we had to bring this insanity …

We are open they stay out they can use as weakness but in fact the number of the emails they got these Germans and the Belgium's into the Middle Eastern police and everything to call us terrorists, they said “If it is how come”.And then, when they start looking we are working with the government.Now we got the addresses of all of you.Now you actually gave us all your … Your mistakes are giving us a lot of information.

Very soon there will be a knock on your door. You made a threat, you have to stand by it.The one who pisses in the garden now has to say if he's done the same thing with the other children.His own daughters that's the biggest question.And what we are receiving from Utah, it seems to be the same.Man you couldn't keep your hands off your own daughters. How can/come the other children?

Go to Antwerp. Ask for your children.

Sorry to do that. We had a beautiful session today. We learned a lot …

Rick: Mr. Keshe, like to be one thing that it relates to children but it's good news. It'S from Carolina , it says: Someone has sent a message to her that says:“Carolina, I have good news. My daughter called me just now she is 6 years old and tells me Papa, Papa I can see a new world now. I said to her ok, tell me.And she says: I can now say 'Keshefoundation'!

[ All are laughing from their heart ]

So that'S a nice write I think.

Mr. Keshe:This is phantastic. We are here to protect the children of man. Not to allow men to abuse our children.But the beauty is: Now at least we are becoming man of the space. And hopefully in the space we see them because of who they are through their emotion.What we learned today is the beginning of an evolution where we have control and at the same time til that evolution comes, we've shown our governments how much is the peace the true peace … with the new technology. It's huge.

The Keshefoundation is not me anymore.The Keshefoundation is You!Let us see what we change

Thank you very much for today and we'll see you next Tuesday afternoon and as I said:Make sure that you protect your cameras and your children.We are very innocent compared to these charlatan's.

Thank you very much indeed.

Rick:Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Keshe.

That's the end of the 104th Knowledge Seekers Workshop of the Keshefoundation Spaceship Institute and once again as in the last 103 Workshops:Thank you everybody for attending!

### End of the Video ###