© Copyright 2010 Cortney Jones and Keith Young Module 9: Bonus Module The Follow-up.

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Transcript of © Copyright 2010 Cortney Jones and Keith Young Module 9: Bonus Module The Follow-up.

© Copyright 2010 Cortney Jones and Keith Young

Module 9: Bonus Module The Follow-up

Bonus Module 9: The Follow-up

© Copyright 2010 Cortney Jones and Keith Young

Bonus Module 9: The Follow-up

© Copyright 2010 Cortney Jones and Keith Young

Module 9: Objectives

• The Fortune is in the Follow-Up

• Steps to Double Your Income

• Automated Follow-up Tools & Systems

• What to Say, How to Say it and How Often

• The Drop In Technique

Bonus Module 9: The Follow-up

© Copyright 2010 Cortney Jones and Keith Young

Fortune in the Follow-Up

• 40% of deals we are getting are due to follow-up

• Get 2 more deals per year with $30k profit = $60k

• Get 2 more deals per year with $40k profit = $80k

• 4 more deals per year with $30k profit = $120k

•4 deals per year and pulling out $10k each deal = $40k

Is it worth having a follow-up system in place?

Bonus Module 9: The Follow-up

© Copyright 2010 Cortney Jones and Keith Young

Reasons People DON’T Follow Up

• They Don’t Want to Appear Pushy

• They Forget

• They Make False Assumptions

• They Think the Prospect Will Contact them, if interested

• They Have Never Been Taught

• They Don’t Know What to Say

Bonus Module 9: The Follow-up

© Copyright 2010 Cortney Jones and Keith Young

Follow Up = Discipline +Time Management

Bonus Module 9: The Follow-up

© Copyright 2010 Cortney Jones and Keith Young

Steps to Doubling Income

• Put a follow up system in place

• Automate your follow up system

• Do what others will not do

• Be diligent with the follow up

• Show you care by using personal touches

Bonus Module 9: The Follow-up

© Copyright 2010 Cortney Jones and Keith Young

• First is follow up thank you letter or thank you card• 2-4 weeks phone call• Gets transferred to follow up list• If not warm then 30-60 days phone call or post card• 90 days post card—regular campaign• Will get post card until tell me to quit mailing sold their house or die

Automated Follow-Up Systems

Bonus Module 9: The Follow-up

© Copyright 2010 Cortney Jones and Keith Young

What to Say, How to Say it and How Often• Letter or card• Thank them for having you out, restate offers, let them know

you will be in contact with them, hot buttons, urgency• Make it personal but don’t go overboard—next page what I put

in letter• If on fence call back in 1-2 weeks—if not then call back 30 days• If still no and doesn’t seem urgent then 30 days after the call post card or letter—if still nothing 60 days post card still nothing post card every quarter

Bonus Module 9: The Follow-up

© Copyright 2010 Cortney Jones and Keith Young

Dear Maxine,

First of I would like to thank you for having me out to your house and presenting some offers to you. Here is the offer again that we discussed and that you said you were interested in:

Offer 1) Purchase price: $179,000 Down payment: $5000 Monthly payments: $300 Balloon in 8yrs: $150,200

We can discuss other offers as well like we went over. We are open to working with you to get what you need to be able to move back home with your ailing mother back in Indiana. We can take the house as is like we discussed and can help in the timing of your move. In our declining market this offer is good for 30-60 days and then we would have to pull comps again because your house might not be worth what it is today in our market. We want to find a solution that works for the both of us. Please do not hesitate to call with any questions or concerns. If you want to discuss another offer we would be more than willing to come out and talk to you again about it. If I do not hear from you I will give you a call in about 30 days just to follow up with you. Again, I thank you for the opportunity to speak with you about your house and I hope I can be of assistance to you very soon. Thank you.

Sincerely,Keith Young

Bonus Module 9: The Follow-up

© Copyright 2010 Cortney Jones and Keith Young

2-10-10 Technique• Immediately send thank you card – handwritten

• 2 days later – phone call to answer questions

• 10 days later – send follow up letter – restate benefits

of “selling to me”

• 10 days later – follow up with a phone call – “take

temperature” to determine future follow ups.

Bonus Module 9: The Follow-up

© Copyright 2010 Cortney Jones and Keith Young


Bonus Module 9: The Follow-up

© Copyright 2010 Cortney Jones and Keith Young

The Drop In Technique

• Just stop by

• Drop off free report or Starbucks card or gift card

• Say you were in area and thought to drop by

• Shows you are different from others

• Personal touch always better

• Lead into another appt.

Bonus Module 9: The Follow-up

© Copyright 2010 Cortney Jones and Keith Young

Microwave Popcorn Packet – Dropped off with note . . .

“Just “popped” in to say hi and see if you’re ready to get your house sold?”

Have Fun – Be Creative!

Bonus Module 9: The Follow-up

© Copyright 2010 Cortney Jones and Keith Young

Manaing Your Lists and Follow --Ups

• Excel—ACT

• Real Estate Specific CRM

• Outlook for reminders as to when to mail next

• Contacts & Tasks

• Tickler File in drawer

• 3 x 5 card box tickler file

1. Keep it simple

2. What works for you

Bonus Module 9: The Follow-up

© Copyright 2010 Cortney Jones and Keith Young

Build Your Brand/Image

• Company Logo - $25 – guru.com

• Professional Signs

• Company Shirts

• Stand Out from Crowd

Bonus Module 9: The Follow-up

© Copyright 2010 Cortney Jones and Keith Young

Bonus Module 9: The Follow-up

© Copyright 2010 Cortney Jones and Keith Young

"You must be willing to do the things today others won't do, in order to have the things tomorrow others won't have."

-Les Brown

Bonus Module 9: The Follow-up

© Copyright 2010 Cortney Jones and Keith Young


Practice, Drill, Rehearse