CONTENTS6 RENEWABLES - CV Projects › Scana - HyWind tensioner design › OHT - Hywind floating...

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Transcript of   CONTENTS6 RENEWABLES - CV Projects › Scana - HyWind tensioner design › OHT - Hywind floating...


› SEMAR– brief

› Current Status of Wind Industry

› Knowledge & Experience

› Challenges & Cost drivers

› Mass production – Infrastructure

› Improvement


SEMARStructural Engineers and Marine Consultants


MARINE OPERATIONS AND DESIGNMost of Semar core business is connected to marine operations. Our master mariners act as active project members during specific projects and also as advisors with regards to general marine operation questions.

We plan and schedule the project operations and execute design, analyses and drawings activities. The operational documentation; procedures, manuals, specifications and procurement packages for execution of the marine operational activities are prepared by the senior engineers and master mariners.

We provide supervision of all kinds of marine operations, including; lifting, load-out, transportation, towing and installation. We also advise when it comes to sea state and environmental conditions, onshore/quay work and information related to harbours.


MARINE ANALYSISSemar has considerable experience with the planning, analyses and operation/installation/transportation of vessels and objects offshore. These structures are influenced by dynamic forces from waves. The resulting motions are established and forces are transferred to other software to further assess the influence on the concept, design or method used in marine operations. Mooring, installation and hook-up are some of the key activities of Semar.


STRUCTURAL ANALYSISSemar designs steel and concrete structures, complete with fabrication drawings procedures and specifications. We have wide competence in structural analyses, including static, dynamic, linear, non-linear, fatigue and buckling analyses.

The structural department is tightly cooperating with other departments of Semar and design emphasizes on practicality, structure handling and marine operations. Our engineers all have on-site experience by following-up fabrication, mobilization and operations.

The combination of analyses, design and draughting competences allows for a quick and cost effective service to the client.

Semar has also a wide experience in third party independent verification of offshore installations, as required by NPD.




› Scana - HyWind tensioner design

› OHT - Hywind floating foundation transportation (3 600t) – 2017

› Owec Tower - NGG Offshore wind farm -2015

› Statoil - Hywind installation study -2015

› Sweco - Marine operation assessment of wind turbine installation – 2014

› Fred Olsen - Lifting analysis Seagreen Project – 2012

› Fred Olsen - Crane wire load analysis for upending of wind turbine foundations –2010

› Statoil - Marine operation study for Hywind – 2010

› Master Marine - Sheringham shoal wind turbine installation – 2009-2011

› NorWind - Alpha Ventus wind farm -pre-installation method of piles – 2008

› Owec Tower - Alpha Ventus wind farm –Structural analysis and design – 2008

› Fred Olsen - Concept development of installation methods – 2001-2002

Areas of competence

› Marine operation study and consultancy

› Mooring analyses of wind turbines

› Installation of foundations (Moonopiles and Jacket) for wind turbines and substation (Tender).

› Marine transportation with deck arrangement study

› Hydrodynamic analyses of operations

› Structural design and analyses of transport structures

› Detail design of fixed and floating substructures.

CURRENT STATUS OF FLOATING WIND INDUSTRY›Most are single turbines and demos

›Mix of ›O & G Methodology : Substructure-concepts , mooring and installation › “on-shore” technology – nacelle

›Still a lot of potential to profit from scale (50-200x of the same turbine and foundation)

›Many different floater concepts› Some thought given to mooring/marine operations, but generally floater designed

first , marine operations come after

›Latest - Norway› Hywind Tampen

› More cluster thinking, sharing of anchors

›OO-Star Wind Floater - demo


CURRENT STATUS OF WIND INDUSTRY› Quick list over floater concepts:

› Hywind› WindFloat› X1 PivotBuoy› Seatwirl› Hexicon› Flowocean› Saitec Sath› TetraSpar› Floatgen/Hibiki› Fukushima Hamakaze› GICON TLP› VolturnUS› OO-Star› Ocean Wind Base› And more

› Most concepts are Semi-subs, some spar and TLP concepts

› Some Concepts are depended on local conditions such as deep water quays or fjords

› Mooring system and anchors often field specific



Experience from O & G in Floating Wind›Marine operations safe and reliable› Analyse tools, theory and methods › Practical experience with extensive , complex & large projects - floating› Fleet of offshore vessels, tools and equipment

› Transportation› Installation

› Skilled personnel ›We know how to do it, the question is how to do it cheaper?

›Lessons from bottom-fixed offshore wind› Scalability› standardized operation› Keep it simple


CHALLENGES & COST DRIVERS› Offshore project is usually “one off” , higher margins (historically) and a lot of effort can be put

in to make it “perfect”

› Thinking in terms of mass production and large series› The fabrication , assembly and logistical cost becomes different › Calculations and optimizations become different› Requires a different mindset for everyone involve to minimize overall life cycle cost

› Suppliers of wind turbine technology have not focused on purpose made solutions for floating wind, market not there yet

› Combination of waves and wind, turbine technology and cluster model test


CHALLENGES & COST DRIVERS› Temporary phases often not focused compared to as installed

› Early involvement important to bring down cost of marine operations

›Many concepts being tested in different locations, no clear “best” option at the moment› Challenging to reduce cost

› Power cable concept for clusters


MASS PRODUCTION - INFRASTRUCTURE› A very different mindset in terms of cost (and reliability)

› Allows for more engineering to be performed at the planning stage, as the potential to save on an operation is greater

› Planning for many of the same operations› how to install many objects

› Subsequently or in one go

› Robust operations

› Increasing Hs by 0.5m reduce WOW

› Install parts of cluster in one season, rest next

› Design parts of clusters independent of others?

› Local content for construction phase › and operation/maintenance



›Total life cycle cost to be optimized , adopting to mass scale and series›All phases › Planning and engineering

› Fabrication

› Assembly

› Installation & commissioning

› Operation & Maintenance

› Decommissioning

›All companies , fabricators and suppliers work together to save cost, not sub optimize


IMPROVEMENT›Less planning per installed foundation compared to O&G, but more engineering

and planning in total to save cost?

›Optimize logistic - whole supply chain› Fabrication and assembly onshore as much as possible› Transport › Installation & commissioning

›Financially - reduce money in stock if possible


IMPROVEMENT› Standardize & simplify

› Reduce steel and hardware cost , ref. on-shore wind

› Concepts should be used without to much optimization and re-design due to

› local conditions

› water depth

› environmental conditions

› shore facilities

› Simplify to increase number of possible suppliers , fabricators and vessels, for example reduce the need of costly crane vessels –lifting capacity


IMPROVEMENT› Fit for purpose , not over designed

› Robust solutions and methods , increasing Hs to reduce waiting of weather

› Rules and Requirement adopting new risks and consequences

› Consequence of failure?

› Accept one failure?

› Not only focus on reducing the cost , but also increase income

› Increase installed MW within a given area with minimum footprint

› Offshore floating wind could increase effect :



1. Anchor sharing in various water depths

2. Standardised mooring-components.

3. Reduced cost on vessel/personnel/equipment.

4. Increased weather criteria for installation

5. Mooring hardware cost: 50 % off

-> 2,3 MNOK/MW



›Please do not hesitate to contact Semar if any questions, comments or requirements

Contact person:

Terje Nistad


Mob: +4793066318