Born in the Pella Region of Macedonia in 356 B.C. Father Phillip II Mother Queen Olympia.

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Transcript of Born in the Pella Region of Macedonia in 356 B.C. Father Phillip II Mother Queen Olympia.


Early Life

Born in the Pella Region of Macedonia in 356 B.C.

Father Phillip II Mother Queen Olympia

Father King Phillip II

Was rarely home and often fighting to increase his kingdom

Dream was to conquer the Persian Empire

Queen Olympia

It was said that Alexander was very close to his mother and wrote to her weekly while away conquering his Empire


Phillip hired Aristotle and other educated Greeks to teach Alexander the Sciences, Math and Warfare


Alexander Carried a copy of the Iliad everywhere he went

Boyhood Heros

Alexander loved stories of Achilles and Hercules who were both Ancient Greek Legendary hero’s


In 338 B.C. Alexander was given command of the Companion Calvary in Phillips Army and helped defeat the Greek Cities of Athens and Thebes

Death of Phillip

Phillip is murdered at his daughters Wedding Leaving the 19 Year old Alexander as Heir to the throne and King of Macedonia.

Alexander Claims the Throne

Alexander is Proclaimed King. Greek Cities try to rise up against the

young King Alexander crushes Thebes disheartening

the Greeks

Greek Allegiance

To keep the Greeks in Check Alexander promises that in return for their loyalty and soldiers he will invade the Persian Empire and Free Greek cities

Persian Empire

Alexander Visits Troy

Before Attacking the Persian Empire Alexander is said to have visited Troy and the Tomb of Achilles. It is said he took Achilles shield for good luck.

First Defeat of Persians

First Defeats Darius III at Grancius River 100,000 Persians 45,000 Greek/Macedonians


Alexander Led Calvary

Alexander always led his Calvary Troops on his black warhorse named Bucephelus

Bucephalus - History's Greatest Horse (Alexander) - YouTube

Siege of Tyre

On his way to Egypt Alexander attacked the city of Tyre a Phoenician city state

Price of Defiance

During his first attack on the walled City Alexander lost hundreds of his Macedonian troops

He was so enraged he destroyed half the city and killed everyone inside

Alexander and Egypt

After defeating Darius Alexander turned South towards Egypt. The Egyptians who had suffered under Persian rule made Alexander Pharoah


Builds a Greek Style city on the Northern Coast of Egypt

City is named in his honor and will be a symbol for the greatest leader the world has ever known

Lighthouse of Alexandria

It will house the first lighthouse ever built One of the wonders of the Ancient World

Library of Alexandria

City will also house the greatest library the world has ever known

Claimed by the Sea

Alexandria and all its wonders will be claimed by the sea

Final Defeat of Darius III

Darius offered Alexander Peace terms and all the lands west of the Euphrates river

Alexander refused and defeated Darius at the Battle of IssusAlexander the Great battle Gaugamela Greek by descend Macedonian Αλέξανδρος - YouTube

Alexander King of Persia

333 B.C. Alexander Declares himself King of Persia

He is now King of Macedonia and Greece Pharaoh of Egypt King of Persia

Ruler of Babylon

Alexander will conquer the Great and Ancient city of Babylon

Alexander the Great enters Babylon (Howard Shore, the Return of the King) - YouTube

Largest Empire

Alexander rules an Empire that is not only huge but spans three continents and holds several of the wonders of the Ancient World


Alexander now controls the gold, land, people and resources of everything we have talked about in class this year. He is the greatest man that has ever lived.

Defeat of Alexander

Alexander invades the jungles of India where he meets his demise

He has fought in countless battles. Led from the front and never the rear No man has ever defeated him



No Heir

Alexander had no Heir. On his death bed he said his empire should go to the strongest. His generals fought and broke it up. They even fought for control of Alexander’s Body