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Leisure and sports in the local community

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Learning objectivesLearn






What leisure and sports facilities does local government provide for us?

How are public leisure services funded?

How do local councils make decisions about which leisure services to provide?

Why are rules and regulations important in sport?

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There are lots of ways for people to spend their free time!What activities do you enjoy doing?

What are sport and leisure facilities?

As a class think of all the different sport and leisureactivities which you can do in the area where you live,and write them in the box below.

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Private and public facilities

In your local area there are two different types of leisure and sport facilities:

private facilities, which are owned by businesses, and

Look at the following different sport and leisure activities.Which ones use private facilities and which ones use publicfacilities?

public facilities, which are provided by local councils.

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Which services do we pay for?

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Public facilities like libraries and skate parks are funded through money from council tax.

Council tax is used to fund many other services in your local area as well, such as

How are public facilities funded?

This is money which all householders over 18 have to pay to their local government.

waste disposal,and care for the elderly.

public transport

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With lots of public services to provide and maintain, local councils have to make tough decisions about what tospend their money on.

You have been allocated a fixed sum of money to provide a new leisure facility for the local area.

Imagine you work for your local council on the Leisure Committee.

The money can go towards the development of:

Deciding on a new leisure facility

a swimming pool,a skate park, or a community centre.

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A public meeting has been held to give local residents theirchance to have a say about which new leisure facility theywould like in the area.

You must read through the notes from this meeting and decide which facility would be of most benefit to the local area, and should get the funding.

Deciding on a new leisure facility

Remember to consider the following things:

What type of people will use the facility?

How often will it be used?

How costly will it be to maintain?

What impact will it have on the local area?

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Swimming pool

PROSThe nearest swimming pool is 10 miles away. Residents

have complained it’s not easy to access.

CONSSwimming pools are costly to run. Can the council afford


Older residents are concerned about the long opening


Swimming is a universal sport which appeals to people of

all ages. The new pool will provide jobs for local people.

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Skate park

PROSThere is a lack of facilities in the area for youths. A skatepark would give them a place to gather.A skate park would encourage young people to be more active.The facility would be cheap to maintain.CONS

A skate park will only appeal to a small section of the community.Some residents are concerned about young people getting together and creating a nuisance.

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Community Centre

PROSA community centre will have a positive impact on the community, bringing different groups together.It can be used all year round.CONSYounger residents feel the centre would only be used by oldersections of the community. There is no fee to use the centre, so extra funding will be needed to cover the running costs.

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True or false?

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Write a report for the council recommending whether the swimming pool, the community centre or the skate park should get the funding.

Decision time!

Committee report

You must explain why your decision is best for the community.

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Rate the leisure facilities in your area!

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How are planning decisions made?

A premiership football club wishes to develop a new state-of-the-art stadium near a residential area in Foxdale town.

Foxdale Council’s local planning department must decide whether to give planning permission for the stadium to go ahead.

What might some of the arguments be for and against the new stadium?

Not everyone in the area is happy about this.

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For or against?

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Foxdale council meeting

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Foxdale news!

Do you think Foxdale local council should let the newstadium be built?

Imagine you are a reporter for Foxdale’s local newspaper, ‘The Foxdale Mail’, and write a report about the plans.

Your report should includethe views of at least twodifferent people who willbe affected by the new stadium.

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How are planning decisions made?

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Over the years many rules and regulations have been devised to ensure that all sports are safe and fair for those who participate in them.

Think about a sport you enjoy playing.

Rules and regulations in sport

Rules let people know what their rightsand responsibilities are when playing sport.

What are some of the rules in place to make sure this sport is played safely and fairly?

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This is Sally, the official Agony Aunt at SuperSport magazine.

Sally has received two letters this weekfrom people involved in incidences ofrule breaking.

Sport advice

Read the letters and help Sally to give the right advice by finding out about the regulations which would apply in each case.

What action should be taken?

Should the cases go to court?

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Dear Suzy

I used to be a semi-

professional footballer.

Then, in a game last


a player from the opposite

team illegally tackled me

and broke my ankle. Since

then I have not been able

to play.

What should I do?


R. Wooney

Dear SuzyI run for my county andrecently won a 10k race.I was so desperate to winthat I took performance-enhancing drugs to make mefaster. Now I feel guiltyand don’t know what to do.What will happen if I amfound out? Should I confess? Please help.Yours,A. Runner

Sport advice

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Sport regulation – a case study

Chambers was banned from the sport for two years, and, under British Olympic Association rules, was given a life ban from competing in the Olympic Games.

In February 2004, Dwain Chambers, a British sprinter, was found guilty of using a performance enhancing steroid tetrahydrogestrinone (THG).

What do you think of this ruling?How might other sprinters have felt about the ruling?

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Council: people elected to manage local affairs.

Regulations: rules made by an authority.