Положительная- качество Big cat Сравнительная-...

Post on 20-Jan-2018

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You can see a tiger and a crocodile. They are dangerous(опасные). The tiger is more dangerous than the crocodile. The tiger is the most dangerous animal in the zoo.

Transcript of Положительная- качество Big cat Сравнительная-...

Положительная- качество Big cat

Сравнительная- сравниваем 2 предмета Dog is bigger than cat

Превосходная – предмет – «самый» Elephant is the biggest

Who is bigger?In the zoo you can see a giraffe and an

elephant. The giraffe is tall and the elephant is tall. But the giraffe is taller than elephant. The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world (в мире).

You can see a tiger and a crocodile. They are dangerous(опасные). The tiger is more dangerous than the crocodile. The tiger is the most dangerous animal in the zoo.

I если слогов 1 или 2

Суффиксов –er-, -est-

II если слогов больше

Слов more и most

То, степени сравнения образуются при помощи :

1 – если в слове 1 или 2 слога.


The nicest


More beautiful

The most beautiful


Happy-happier -the happiestFunny-funnier-the funniest

Например: 1.Big-bigger – the biggest2.Fat- fatter – the fattest

2 – если в слове больше слогов.

Исключения1. Good-better –the best2. Bad –worse-the worst3. Little-less-the least4. Far-farther –the farthest/further-the

furthest5. Old-older –the oldest/elder –the eldest6. Many-more –the most

My room is the coldest in the house.

My garden is the nicest in the street.

My desk is the tidiest in the office.

biggest strongestfurther smaller

weaker the most violentsmallest


