*. £%_ ..Mi. - ? Th* ?? Aas-hatl- ? *fMurder." Thoma* de...

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Transcript of*. £%_ ..Mi. - ? Th* ?? Aas-hatl- ? *fMurder." Thoma* de...

BfkAi-.Ut.-c*. £%_ ..Mi. - ?

Th* ?? Aas-hatl- ? *f Murder."Thoma* de t«)ducy. as is well knnvep, a r

wilttea a trei. i.-o on "Murder <?on*!d*ied s»one of th* flue artr,' tuid a Igenjl to the r.*u- -giving an areount of three reuiaikablu tootdorr lo In 1812. It i« to be rfgri<»teiltbat tba op'.um cater is not still living, ta* hers'ght cud ia the preteu; war, aad seneeteU*inUielatt raid upon Bicbmood, BtSadratjen*efhis subject which no pre cau do jtistir-1 lo

like bis own.Dean Swift biaaeSH, cb*erv*e Mr. P*

g*incy, U. t«ru bs tbe -npern-itrc-ti..infotit* of GreatB.iuon, in thor* --v.

were provided for In liMßttitT__*__ _?reckiu* ard e*tir.aT IMB eatrr.vHv-,r.,e

of th* D**n wa.erl,l*««Nn,.H..o«nt.uhf proj*etcrs ofth* Dithberen redd, Bff the pro.-rstua-

ef th* --OBkna. estd TertJj-xttne xWgede 1

wetiM never havo cra'tt-d co ph-. anthroii-andpractic.U *fu<,re.-tl--vu. Ths frtfit't-on; tc.n

etroreity ofthe Dean might, have been carrieront in sober earnest, aad the hungry tr'»operruf Rilpatriek have regaled themselves cv.sboice biu of rebel babies, roaste.d tn \u25a0 tareou thespitt of bayonets. If yon co.-k yonrgame, whynot *at it? and even Yanke-me: ?uaeity has not the efl'ronterr to .??ny that thejmeant to "ocoh" BBS Steel .ief-»ncc«!o?r part efihe human r-pscie*. NH ons lino or Word o-nablgran's minn'? osiete for b-irrliu'n;


people, big and little, of this civ, has Jdsnledbythc Yackoe pro-s. Tlseyealrasdertak* to csv that tli* or.ier 4o kiit tt,'» Yr-t .dent and hi* Cibine- was Isfei by lb*rebel?, asif fb*t wers a erim- thn. |bnrniosr and mtirderln ? a sspalsllSß ef it*

huodred thocsand eovlr, iuc'nßag W*tß*a anJ |?hildreo.

Some aßewaane mo»' bs bewaver,rorthe reaoei ami ealttvatad ia.*'-e ef tb* jraabne nn'ion. Tb.'' critical talet ion of «ur* is seabate so Baivere*! at ia the Yankee I Ilation. To thi"! the aoUee eelrttu of lb Ii j ;jitr journals, oven Iv timea af asa; ?. iswBBansslieaable eviaenes. A Yankee's c-ff*<'a, beMßafbet taac ineitdd urrtbou the aeeia*

r>tuisi?nt ofa ft tt n;te murder lo I :.? ,paper aa a cur- ofatiikba* tad sugarless Ocafeie-a-e rv? Tbe ?*eceßJ .! »eatntee"oJ lb* 'bbsbsbl ui'.;r;?re are svutked up by aceoxcplssbad eetnien fur ttinTTnrtsimp'n'i i"higr.eet etyle efa" A ens like tha 'H.:\u25a0 iJeweit aniadstaNrefreshbt**el v tea livatcdl*ankee imijfin ;ti >:i l"-r -.t \e,:~>. a am v.\u25a0 -'sesasaey,aad tnegraybeadsd Kew Yorkersof tbat era leek down witb mm' c i content! tapon your Co!t aod Bardetl bateberiea ai the 'eoatem«orarie;- efBaphaal an! Cauova mig Ihnv« :.U, if they could bel-eM tbent, \u25a0 rihaaviadbangiißg smtarseaad i a ;« of tbepresent dj?.It Is njaaeant, therefore, to conjecture thai

the Yankees, in purposing to destroy thewhole population of Richmond, to iaap.iit;the men upon bayonets, and to burn up thewomen and children, worenut BO much ac-tuated by an aaiatal thirst fjr bh;ui!, a? b_\an elegant tasta lor grand ecenlcHow mairuificcutly tho account ol Rich-mond in flames wouldhave loomed tip hi!!-,-,New York Bmrmtd?the turpentine blamtas;the gunpowder roi.iug, tht rivet red withthe conflignition, thegutters red wiih Mood,the shrieks of women rushlnu, from threat-ened shptna to v more merciful death; thedeath groans of tho txdlen mlut;l-6 with thrcursed of theee murderer*, nnd the tbundenof Dahtgren's torpedoes saeeeeded by thepiteous w,alla of children from the lurniugdwellings.' Ah, wb«t a beautiful feast for thecultivated Yankee imagin.i'.loii' What In-justice to their critical ta=.te fo deny tLut theyproposed to give the lln'3btng touch to thispicture, and imp.irt complete dnimutk baruiony to its elleet by huiiglug the Presidentand h.B Cabiuet upon the lamp poets of theopitol!

It 13 theportrait drawn byT>r. Qttlttje* of the artistic London murderer jof Isijmight beasxopted with little moiilti- jt-ationb for asketch oi The latterIs said to hive been a Hgbt haired, eadavc-rous, HmootL fared very polite Iv ;his inaucerß, and treating his pri6otitrs t(whom be carried with him in the fron', 'where they would be likely to fallat the tlrstAre of the Confederates.) with great tuavity tand pleasantuess. The London artist is dt- Iscribed as a low, elender mau , ">viry, but !ruuscular, with hair something bet ween an iorange and a lemon c;;lor, and his fare ofa'\u25a0loodlees, ghastly pallor. It was only the '-jlly and snaky Insinuation nf hie demtauc r *that counteracted the influence of htß ghast- ,:y face. De gen* rally carried the tools ofhi-* *rade buttoned up nnder his loose roomy:oat, and so prompt and unfailing was hispoliteness that if the deadlymallet under hisrannent chanced to bruah roughly against aoaseerby, a graceful apology waa ready toivert the Idea ol intentional rudeness.

He once playlully said to a young womanwhom it is supposed he Intended ti> kill,??What wouldyou think if you should wakeap In the night and find me at your hadeldewith a razor at yourthroatV* "Ou,I shouldoe dreadfully alarmed at fl rat," was the au j»wer, "but when I saw It waa f/ov 1 shou'.dcease to fear." After a succession of themost mysterious and frightful murders thisminiature Dalghren was aatdaeaed by s < ow-ardly London mob, wbo, howling like de-mons, followed him to, tehertdn ho dt*appointed fheli vnng-auc-jby putting aUßteellto death. We have iiot heard whethertbeviil*inon6 aeaassiub acre denennead be thepublic journals for tntlr hMeone penecflttoaof agreatartlat; leu!. If sot, il.-: COBtraal i*i ?the t"ne of the Northuru preas, vi.L <\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 t<.. -ence to th-e treatment of <* tar gi *nSer maslrji )in the fine art of BlßlitßT, affirds one m.»r_ Jof of th- snparior civiile jzation and refinement of the United Btufaa. j

i ? I '.11<Italian's Biawnieut estBam I*******.MoClelUu, in the eaVxai report Which Ho j

ha* just published, puts iiwn i:is laaaa* i. t;.e ' 'battles around iliebmind, tijin the Mth Stmt)to tb* first of Julr incitsivn, at 4fßß killed j7,700 y.oauJeiJ, ac-J jWB lalatliif; total, 15, 'wa. When It ie reeußsatail thai tha C ml* de*\u25a0utaa Baßxatr* 1 t<>ok, tanas,at aw.-tv, aad <*.-: . |\u25a0aad upon th* i.lasd, aad ia ether f*Jsuaa Maxeeethaa 11 boy raen, v,e usay La env-ic-1 t-> ; Jjudge of tlie alilm which this itocnu*e&t hai 'to I* conelderer; tr'sthful AHe eluok to,eayath*prov*rb, is as «ood va thetretb. TeeoTer 'oa* of the aaaxsi ehameiai, h well ks comploti ! :d*featß recorded lv history, MeClellau'sv»u ;»»y piomptad h'.m to Induce, i a asystem of dejjbansßß faleahood, wfclsh Justly brought upon ! -hin tb* derialouof the tivilised world. Ba* ! 'it did hia no maeuer ofeervio*. His employ, j Jstrsstw tbr*B*;bhi* d*vic*,;a* hi,, oppoaeu.* I ]bs*d already d-i-e from the hnrißfilllii JJ i!mwi-leaßt of til IbrUlaUaa him»ilf-l Je}' l6vfsS word of what us w;:'« Ue found '-'s ' ?JTO»erk,vc!,*ud 3 <ihii l,ia* rapartti a-bUb ! i*? eaa at!»uuf actars t;*tvre*n this and .il>0m, i**f eaßnot anhn Bhß *-boy* h Hi rvn* bars 'tet-ttaih*ejlf sf Uichmond li, bad fral 'IratlH UT *"'*" UjD,>* tuMcSUttl-iT. , ' ? ,m,ul« »W**ei to the cm- I___? Z "i li(y '?>' th* Wm Oasee, aaVea !"a ?<! i.» . . . . »»» \u25a0t ;l>r«veb*. 1 ..1* v ' "!cr*,

»'» «>f Wa', ,r_? all doubt, I*B,oooaaan. faewa* 1

beatas in battle, from Wll'i tmsbjrg to?itivv iv. Linrol.. fouad hit*. *? W***t^t**>!*ruvtl«n. witb but ew.rjw mAu. Wb* ¥*JT ,ante nf all th* ractt Hal **? ** ""Jtbe eartb, mt stetted mjo the *** -l^dls*nßMeftbedl«aie,a«a^'«

.»» aad tißve-tniituig mm«_» «Ks \ o u,,h»«-nd. At W.0.1,;ikl^!;:,«U »? «*** our

!:jr;;i,-^^-^wltht: .ril'i l'oot>4 eeweu,eroken-

r.«ritsd aad **?*****? ****** ** Wm Uox. \ i ,;"iy lane cf i-rr.trg.tdc*io syftb syntab tbeygtjmmm» «* iUc! '***** "f Ktclii-i-.-' A c.o.e, ,r . failure i* BOwhefU rvorled, titid aiH-rc tbneegt *a<sr.;a/*a uevt-r Keel.

?? ).-ctr«lii* ?lalin*.if T;)u!d tuim an :wy msltrr to iWtt the

?encietlnit claliuc of ihe various TfinUtfcsasttlstiesaßf IN PtceMrmcy. Wbicheviof tbetScan snow ilio bfffisl pUe snndeou:of tbewar ought to trta the jtnsse, Tiled

v Utk standard, Holier, allaf. the iSBSt, Md«mrly entitled lo tb* Chut blafVitracy.-Etokas etnlenBaoee Bwrsey tbaa any otherLBreeTaebees tet*Uer,and la b.ik-vod tobe now ibe ricl.r-at man on thecontinent.-Wbo erot hesrn \u25a0 P*H of |<e*P«*«- 'railing to place the bljfgew rtteeal nmona: «:beir. at tbe head ol their .-wsoclntiou?

The North h«» uandncted the wnr OBpurely ttlevief,, robbing, aud rdunderxßgprlnclpka, and outlcr Is. in al! these recpectiits reprcsentaUvc Let Bwdcet iiierithave Ite reauid. WltOat vthcr Otmcralshavebeen aalatnga gieat fuss about * bas been quietly endonobUueiveJy pidtbtg pocket* aud rubbing jJUluyel clftfima Ideieoln, CAasn, and evem |Fremont and Camcroa, are net to be compared to the greit thivf of

Let Butler tbe Beset have bis reward.

Bctucb Ob rnn Oath or AxxßOiAKca?Phefoliowlnffcorreap ndence ta publiehedj hatieg oo ?,;.".- d between Butler and thy:lady whose natate Is lo tho Bxatlet-

] t cr?Tr ii-!.E. A«x»raac Co. Va . iMarch 10,1-* M(. ---:« B r fi- (far.

y::: My school iiia b«jen closed ainetChristma», beeaose,' \u25a0\u25a0> 1 nnderst od the ioath required of '?;=, ] could not con eien- ttlously take it. Having fa irrl since thr.t oneif y.i'ir omceroi iplains Lheoatti afl meaning. '.: tb.- a ny#»»' to tbe acteofthe iUnltedl ;-:''-' Government,and pledg«*|«i»» I? titer, -' \u25a0>> the sen . .I ske the ii;>t-rtj ;i ..;.: . -?'?..\u25a0 tbla to you, toaseertain Ifyou .

so eonetruet theoath. leatmol understand (i,.-ir. n -.r .!-.;-,n can "support,protect,andde <k-tid the Union," cso-.-i>t by */.*-.7;?»'«.'/ or writ ]?/i; In tavoroftbe present war, whicb I icinlri never do,because ray sympathies arewitb the South. It by these words youtta>derstandmerelypomweMtubrmtamTn, I an ready ito uk-.- the oath and abidi by ir. eacredly.

Vetv inspeetfully,iIaKT 3. Giti-v^a.

BBAt>«i's 18rn Aexnr Cones )Dapanm -. ot VI i-i.t ai dSC, ?X rtr* * afenron, March II 18:ol )

MmDmar Modetm ?? ?lam trelj tior.-v mattny Uatou tfljew? t mine bas utttmpwd tcfritter the tff,-r'. aftha oathofto the Qeverumans or' iho Uaitsd St.ite«,toiuform yo" '??'.<* Is masaSßutbiag more tb vpaeslv* . l-riil-nc? to tne same.

Thai oaxeeris saraly mUtaksn Theeaxhofaile*i.u-re tiifiii'i* fealty, nf faith to,love, utr et'n-11,*"-! refsreece fbr, tlie Goverti-rxteat, ai. eotarriaed i the v;ci'd pitxiotb-m, in"8 hiph**t a..:\ true*! ? ?-<\u25a0??. which *verj trueAmerican feel* forbis ot hot Qovanuaentroe ray, "1 *aneot anieril ud hew aw>omsnexaeu{pirt, uroteet, itini def \u25a0 ? IbaUaiee, *xc*pt by Bprakia* or wrilng Iniiivof el the preseni ivi-ir, whlebI co« :d nevi ido, botnauo c:j sjmpithisa tiia with U..South 'T&ij i»ia'. pbraae. madam, shows *by y< acanuot uaderatand "haw v women eaa mi-ri<j,-'. preteet artd defend thesUnlon"Were y-.u loyal at heart you w,.u;d at or.cvauderataad. The Soutnern womenwho are ,Bebele nuderetand well "how t» support,protet t defend*' tbeConfederacy, "vriihout v;ltli'.-r Bpeaking or writing." someof ,»ho:n ai; aa spies, some smuggle quinine in jtheir under ciothet?, some smuggle Informa-tion through the linea i;i their dreaaee,some ,ti-ti i sick rjoliiers f-»r the Confederacy, someget up Bubscriptions for rebel gunb«ata.

Perhaps it mayall be comprised in the ..pbraee, "where there ia a « -i-l there Is v ,way."

Now, then, j'on could "support, protect ?ati.i lififeud the Lniuu," by leaching tho (scholars of yourschool to love ana rever ,ence the Qovetnnient, to be proud of theircountry, toglory in Its Hag, and to be truetoits ConetTtntion. Bat,as you dou't un-dentand that yoTuaeii, you can't ttach it to tthem, aud, therefore, 1 am >rlad to Jcaru from ,your letter that your fechool hub been doaedeince Chrletieas, and with my coustet, until tyou change your sentiments audare a loyal jwoman in ht-nrt, it never shall be opened.I wuuidadvise you, madam, forthwith to ,

gowhere your "fevmi-alhiefe" are. lam onlydoubtful whether it is my daty to send you. ,I have Ihe honor to be, veryreapeetfully, i

r-ur obedient servant, li. F. Bcrf~t,Majhr Geneti Uommauding.

To Mrs. m&raj L draws, Locustville, Acco-mac county, Virginia.


A Nfgbo KaTtmai v ? The ,reporte i "An eoatraßauS," the ,pr.ipr-rty of Viae Prasilaut BBeah*>BP, waashesrn t*> nn y;-*ietd:iy. 11= wa» fromGeneral S-i'rmai a, aad es'iuia>ri it.ofoei nt 5!>,(M) mfif-'ry a-d 99,600 tuvilry.? ,jPretty ta'l bat 'i.s rtatoateet is, per-har,ß not vrr.rthvof rail eradeaea. Tbo "c<>s; '[ trarrßni" wnehftha feobiug tallow,wax cap. <tared a. Jucki>i::i last ruuiuior. a -d has PticeI se-i breathing tha ii t-i tr*edom arouad| Viekaburg a-:d Haw O leans. II? i-nya lie has\u25a0 iBraouab of it. ii tßaroagbly 8-.ti;d-d witb hi.; ! 11 bentors, arid advis*1!! all fuilovr'-julfetrrsto j'? H'.iiv wner* day ttro."' ITo gives a moet i idoleful de*writ)ttou of th1- soffatiugef tha eou« ttrabandtiat Viekabarg- saysit m u-.«t in -:b« Iinature of a Yansee ;?> care for a nigger, and jwhaaona gets r:-k there Is s/i ouetol okafter ot tare for iv. Con-eq'rru'ly largei rxmber<> die for thu .-;:.:»..-1 =;: .i Biedly Rtt*utiou ?? Uica -i human master or mietras* ;u'v, -.-.? lead* :o g.-? -? l!i: piature, £ny-?.?? | act. -. ? rwrouAht

"\u25a0\u25a0 ii seAiiaoan Aci ia*.*! ? Froiij the'\u25a0 ':-.-;. q ~.. t ti-tt tt, ;'.. kes} of tbaSth la Ii %tit,-**.'«i ream ;\u25a0-?. a toniblo tulllirtnuooearr*\u25a0sjat 'i I " ?\u25a0 ?ktsiiet), on th* Nashvilleend iCnaVta oijc-- risitroad <.o Vnm ?tb. Tv add tothel.o refaei ;''- aeau* (he ladles' enrijt? i, tir ?. utd ths folfesx/bsi* ladle* bnraed to id»=a :h ; Mrri Joardsn, bt-B X ej end Va-tic! : aUo a *>' and a eltiseu el Bnatavill*a Mr-. II Wm araa ink.-.-: from tba nr*nbbadry 'buraedaad otbarwise iijured A rawa<d cf i*» S'JO iantfrred for Vagoftnn, the engineer, i Iv* h-j bad fljd. I

\u25a0 I I? a

Bear Tavfttss*"*?U if last Twasese* ex- <? h -.-X 9 \u25a0 \u25a0'? lo ':?\u25a0 o fi teat 'bi> ai Bngage* |taeut i \u25a0:....: '->-i long « laved i- ;-.-i«e.; tii~ itorcea of it'.:.-t.*.ui and S.-.o'i'J. Tse-Xaa !*e*>*haeeß**wHßeed te iii3-»-iivi i-i iartoee, I? I are tannvuj; tbe ttstt front Kociviltecvt jit \u25a0!\u25a0£.-?-. ba aiii rirr---.?-? A akirxutshbetweea «Ihs f-tiK£a7'.'i o-.vairy aad our ewtt, took p!*o- ikl vYuit--* urn.. 'Al Battel anient Qieeuviile, ou iTnaaday, hi wnioh we are reported to have {bn elthtkilled. TbeTaßbnaleaale ateSatav <: :i. Bdtrltt| nines n;« lioutlv ionked for. ** RxiiiMKNT ? The Memphis, 1T-ito , Bntitttn etui as taut J.naee II Hnijf'iietn, | Iituinsriy **xstefnfa pap.»r in *Usss**aad ; \* j ienlt avoriiiir to rnii?e a c.-.vttiry rej-hn'rir,. to Ini-rve twelve months, in Te ia*e.=es. lie gets <bis authority from Andy Jahusoij, the bogus iti'ivsrtior. i

aTaoti !Vin.Lrr)(,gviLi.x? Th- Kaasa Trie. <grc»r,h e-jy*: Wo Bad*enteud that tba Com 1mi Maea C Bahdarata R-ihtioiij reported an 'fitBran* siil-cianrtally thai *hrj BBW BOiblaii '\u25a0 ilv 'h*. iveent A-ya ml C iarrtjaf, reqii i \u25a0 >.' thalaieipeeuiea uf tba QaasraJ Atnmta ? of j 1'I .- . ; iA Kaiuait Canvukx>.?A 'ashen o»r- stur*d a da> ot two ago in (; .«*7*il * .u'-v, N. IC H* s-ey' ho b«»! -lu'il t,. Dihtareu's mi!- JH**v*y*b* v ?'r-r-ii. H-c« rVfnarti* I

r»*iiu*ul wm.'j ue*i R chui ,id. »-.v I ha bßfhaeu c ragnhng «v*r siue. j i

litest Fcntm \%vm.Tb*steamship Arabia baa arrived at HelU

fax with Liverpool datee of the6th Inst:Mr. Mason bad returned to London from

r«rls. His Jourucy wis undertaken, it waa?oipposeJ, In connection witb the alleged r«eoe"B*ttoa negottatloua between France andKnit-land. Mr. Lawley, ex-corrcspc ttceutoft lie; London Timta at Richmond, was passim*v-ontlnuatly between London aud Paris. Itwe* thought that he was engaged on tbosame subject. Bond* of the rebel loan tothe extent of $71,000, repayobla at par, werodrawn ou London on the Ist of March. TheKncllsh Cabinet demauds, if the reports proseated to it be true, that tb* olllcer of theUnited States steamship Vanderbilf whot hot thematti of the bant Saxou be triedformurder, and tbat. compensation by mad' toIBs widow of the deceased man. Earl Rus-set. Btntad that the alleged Union lecruit-Btealß iv Ireland wcro not, dearlyproven,and tbat tho statements made KBpeetiog\u25a0 Uem were positively denied by Mr. Adams,tbeUnited 6tales Minister. Earl GranvillesaM he regarded the Fenian JJrolherhood as"a perfectly contemptible organisation," butKa agents would be watched"by thepolice.?IbeLondon Timet says tbat Uentral Hankssorder regulating negro labor at New Oileausta "theestablishment of serfd-im, or rolen ;tionof slavery without the nauie."

Tbs A:ch.i-u;o aUaiaeiliiaaarrived at P«vrtß?n it>- s:i Uiu reported thatbe will embark

fdrMe*titttemthß&*b,all d'fdeeJtfes havingbeen settled. . , ,

? .Mr. Lopore's sasssh hi lbsBritish Ilonse of

Cosaroee, cv K.-hUy slajbt. rel-f-ive to tharebeloratrerc, waa stxongiy Northern in s*nliment, B* aetiataiuedthat the v« rse!* urereBritish and it waaabeord te call themCJonfederate warusstain tienaen Ibe Governstent Cae lit for extdenforiag to o tnyout tiieforeign enlistment <-,ci. i

A dirp itch [rem ?beParsianQaif announcesths suceefeful Uyir.gef I3fl miles cf thn sew j

to lnu;* r.iA iaal th; paying cut of lbstoe totvard* Eurcp* aras about to oomoeaeaAu Bpaaal te tin* Homaef Lords in the

Alexandraease baa been cateredfora hear-ing, its.d v. ill prebibiy be lakea up before tv«i-;.«ett'r varnxkiu

l'he Dmiy State rr«p!i-.-!s to the metreoftbeTimet al (xe*.*ral B uikc'a nrd«r regulating BO. re labor la L ui;i.u:i, r.nd applauds t!>e uir-a-ur» as a preparatory Step fromelavery »o fi-ei.-rn.

Tba Tims, inaa editorialen tbetazatioß: i \u25a0??!, eh Aaterfca mrtit he ra*j*Oted SB* a t-;»*tthe Inevitable truths of nrt>j~er nr? a! lengthdrnwittg t-n the Atnerieaa miod.and ?\u25a0 ye *ha»&m«ricaas sen aad must muke tip tb- :r n;i--d

? ? bear wida-rpraad tad equitable taxation.In theHouse ot Commons on the 4th the

Attorney t2tenerai said that the papers relative to thedetentionof the Tuscaloosa ntthe Cape of Good Hope were in preparation.-.iiij would be laid beforeParliament iv a fewdi'.vp,

Mr. ShawLeferrecalled attention to thec >urse pursued by theConfederate agents inEngland in llttiiig out war vessels aod en-Listim* seameu, and movedfor thepapers ontbe subject. He denounced the proceedingsand regretted thai theAlabamahad notbeendetained He contended tbatall Bucb veesels should be prohibited from entering'British porta,and if tbey didBdtiih cruize:?should bclbi then.

The SolicitorGeneral explained end de-fended the Government, and asserted thateveryeffort had been made to honestly carryout the laws and maintain neutrality. He-. Imltted thai such vessels might be prevented from entering British potts, and said tba*.tbe Government was considering thesubject,

The X 'tg i-;-i i rrrv* i i i Eng-:it4 to attnn I.-.' 4-c '-,-[--:;to cf-lx i souof thePriaee r.f Wales. Sir Rowland Hi'l has re-tired fr---..: public lit'-* I', i* said tha: th* recastaaetii v o de ef lb* G:n.f. E uwerh will ba eon-tseted in ibe Ih<v court* by a bifJder whestatu** to bo tbe legal purehas ir.

A aew Cabinet bad been formed In Hadiid.It is said that ths Prrimi-r, Seuor al*a, will

t<> r****or* Spanish uredit is ibe for-sign mark*'*.

Consols s'osed in London oa the 4ch efrelate? at913f". Tbe bulrbni in tbe Bank ofEog<andhau ianreas*>d. Tna Liverpoolcot-* v cr<: k~t elered q'tie., pb 4th iost., witbpricas UGebauged trotu a r! (?bt decline exi.orienced during '.'?"} previ ins d i*7 AH q iaii:lesofbr< adaiutt* were s'.igl tly Sower. Pso*/iaioaawere aod tendme do*~iiwaxd.

Tke Dernisk War. '".1« lu-i.jwai bus a--; woceeded r.o~ fnr- jj.!--'-. The remonstrant-** ot fcVancot'. Prussia Iit. ;iinst tn* advance ofthe Prussian troopstato jJutland iv Eu;i to ba farI**Bfoiaible tbau ivi..- JI; tit'i?, but li.c of the docuraaßt* i* c -ti- jsi-tered indicative that Napol* v fully means jwhat t sa>a *> : r, i- JI i! block- j\u25a0i.:\u25a0-..:, it is assarted ti-at ta* Prasstaaa intve jn tified England t-f an intended early attack ioa Preder'ea. |

Tbe Austrian eemirfflcial c irrfspondecee Iof Vi-:.. a ii"?'-;-? the rumored war ike proper- ja locs in Vetdtia, and r»j-i: : vr-iiive'y declares ?'?? \u25a0.: A-,i-t:!.i'..-.- no! the remotest intention ofassamii,. the ifensive Ths rataora are- i>ev-ciiiitltfrf, r-. psatctl via Taio.

There ia nothing to day relative tot'-ej Danish war. i-.nd aothiag ia untiltbe iiiterv I r-eqr.e-jted by Drumark for de-

tti«i Confereee* qiesnoa hag expired.fittest mra QBteasfnin

Loanoa, March 6?By swing.?l* i* reportedthat til** Aasiri-.O'. are in:trchi:i« oa Fredoriea,Jatbnd.

The Arabia i tbe Ci i;;a on the 6th, cfi'Cipa C/' Tue Arabia Bfi'* at aiidu g:it forIs. -ca.

Par-s. March s?The Pettrie pnbiishrs adispatcb from Hamburg *na*»an*uns> tbatttareebrigades of Aaitsiaa trocoa i-avs reecived tar-dan fiom Oen to Ja.liul tap*idly and invest P.ederiea.

Panne Meeting in New York.Ia tb* New York Net?*, of the 2Ph Wi bru-

ary,we find the proceedings of a larga andBXttbuaißStia meeting of the working aiwc cftbat city. It- was prenidad over by Mr. M. DBa*klm,Preaideßt of the WorbJag M«-n's Ass .firttiou. who opened the pieeessuhga with as.-iiited eAAtmae. The f»i!owing are tbe rtto.

? adopted and leadiug B.isech de'i»*.'edon fl c oeeasieui

tliiolvtd. TL-at it is tiaie peof-1 \u25a0? taevedin ti-eir piixi.ry rneeiiogsiind BUBOesasd theirBeetisasuta apoa tne soon to comebefore tbeaa for dacirion? that if wr wo-.'lde>ive cur Gh>vemmeßt, -*c mar-' res:a!- it, fromtbe hands of profesafcanJ politidans, whomen Iy pursue tbe'r sellih ends, re.;nr.'li-*s of

c \u25a0; i*sy's welfare. [Appiaaea JRetained, That thepresent party in powerI*)rev luttonarylnttaeharaetar aad den?*;thai II '!\u25a0« :i"' alia to aava tba Union b-it todestroy tt [Applause] That it* promisee J'i:-.%L- been ned and Its proJasei >n« rr»u*? ; thatIi Beaks tv o bald and glaring inteotrnitaoaa, i.;-.?\u25a0: -.-" erbieh If enrriad-out,aredaetraeiivej??f the Glsiverantent aa -t wan f First,i seek* tooverthrow the reserved lights efjBtates, thereby tJr ibttabtucj aeoa*Mrlidaii ddee-ip itli in ; stid seeoud, il te eltaa.<» ti.:* \u25a0i i r ?? \u25a0? itofroxatba white rase,as itwasp *crd ;

' v tbe Caaetatutaxrn, a id iuc!ud* aa*n *w us \equalsof white rue", toeuby tnrnisg i; into jainongr-lh-rn [ij.ita s ]

Resotmad, That tbe attempt liy the t=r. o; lied !Repabrieaa p nt/ 'o teuab* i the raeas, i* hot ithocnrryit:g eat of a laid aabeax*? f them mmrtibiata ot turop-j »o eestr.y rapeb'ieaa jijetiTitl -nsots ihis coniinent, by couth ri jgtbe'laboriag and producing ciaeuee to h lav*I withaegreaa,and to introduce tne aitiiicirti dFa ieo- itious of chtssef, aa in the oil world, ia thoslaea of th* natural dUiiaftieaaefnets, look-lug f-irwa'd to tho day whea the tam-ae* aril]b? ?\u25a0? ate as r-ife'enoi d.:ta m'is-daainMaraino,thus pavin>; the wty tot a \u25a0 mure-by, us iatbat< --frntry ; aad we hereity urtniga th- p-e---aent party in paw** as iv leagne with tbar«o'-tir*'ii*tis and *t**JKrtß of £uropa \u25a0«».*»piijii-so. and as htviug basely aud iveomiu--1 ??.:\u25a0'.y enrroudered tbe Monroedoctrine, apriu-tiyi*! er-sectial tothe s&faty of Demoei&iio in-etitutio-i. [ApoUusdj iKesohed, Teat tbs. present war, whatsvsrmay have b?en ii-s ikeigu in the antset,i.- nowuutqiiviichlly Bethiag faaft ap<-e>text lex ca-ry- ;tag out thi Uade*J»Bßl policy of K-i/'iud in |tbi.« country?torn c.-n:uieac*d by theoid ireier»l or Tuty r-u.r(y under Jelia AddBUS ad-miuidtratit-a, and now o:-utiuued uader thisits 1-gitimate svieecnseri thai thf* proof th*tthe lii-i.-dri Admiaistradon is acting hi eonfi-ri with Eigliat li to be hand ia SdisiterWbUieaa tatter,ia wakhbe aay* tbat tere-v- \u25a0 ? c la* Ab ilitioo policy w-julobs te "cnakfaithwith Europe."jRstttmmtm, fhat wapretsat a.:iv'i«t Bgb'ligfjr kSags and daseetx, aod payh < our -.*:i?vxpeßeas ta c oio-snlr-4 - ;is- tbe |*rajant.WawßanaJraade hrAieted unCol* m!scri*aitni pilvatioes oo th* working c:i*v*e«, taxi \u25a0tbata tliitty BentU r'li ovary posed ef c it cJh'-y ro»-o| f»r their f«,mi:les, tau dent*, oh avrryp,» ( et i ;u», tif.y ABA*a on Bten p il \u25a0il I'ctrUon, vehilu a,ci. wi»g*s are paid bj v Ji-p-i---ciatadrag caneuty, woilU only sixty ceni -on

tba dollar end their shoulders leadedwith awileh will pat them and their ,ffldreuou "halfraW to pay? .b. lotwaat.Itit-i th* poekat* of shorlify eoturaetor* and

IBurtuslrurUeapphtusa Jg JtoSsneVThat the1flr*t doty of the people

rf th. North is u> restore the eonstitui.ualt nvrrnui-ut which the pr***nt n«u.-p*r at iovrthrown, that when the.l-opntittiiion, as eenrtrned by the Supreme11,ft ,?i hs Bduiioißteeed by eve'y Pr**ldeat

frAm'W'Uhlnatoa to Buchanan is re estab-lished the Union will be re astaolished, andaot. i ill th«n. ? IApplause J

htacdvrd. That the war is prosecutedforthe solo and onlypurpose of preventing thisrestorationof the Union; that It Issoavowedr>y al! the leading Republican*.ln and out Oft>>ngreas, and hence all who support the Iwaraid In preventing ar.etor.tiion of the!Uuion, and are allies of the Abolition dls- |union party, which for thirty years has en-dured t would, lf pojslble, aecoinplis'u it. hu ctme and is doing. [Applause]

Ue-olved. Tbat the time htm arriveditis necessary to form a Democratic Uulenparty upon an anti war, ontl Abolition, Stalelights b»sis, place the Government backwbero it stood before Mr. Lincoln and bis

'party demoralised it, and theu theFederal!Unionbecomes what Itwaa intended to bo?ja Government to secure the "domestic tran. qulfllty"of all the Stales, aa I;sscnlialto thejBooth as to the North, aad a benefitof 6ucbj transcendentimportancean tobe rejected byuo one of them.Jfcaolred, Thstt theentire financial policy oftbe present Administration tends to dividethe community into two classen, via: thosewho produce nothing and enjoy all, andthose who produce all and enjoy nothing;[appjanse] and that the time has r.rrivedwhen the working men must organise fortheir own protection; that the evils thatui>w afflict the trades and mechanic art9arewholly political in their origin, aad a perrnanent remedyforthem is only to be foundi it onegrand and general "strike" to get thejpresent Abolition oligarchy out of power.j jApplause]

/tasiaas, That we are not in favorof Abo-JlitSouor netcro equality, and that history hasjproved that.freeing thenegroes is elmjilyatax upon the white laboring classes; andthat we protest against the policy which willallow four millions of negroes io ecaaethe?imductionof cotton,BUgsr. rice, etc.?arti-cles essential to tbe Üborieg classes?as ai.-ross outrage upon them, and a;> tending tofnorease theprice of those articles to such adegree as toalio*-oftheir consumption onlyby tbe wealthy and pamperedAbolition aris-tocrats, who invest their money iv "fivetwenties," where, exempt from all taxation,it piys niu3 percent, interest, even in warfim-.n! | Applause.]

Rasbtajad, Tliar tbe Chainnm of thisbu requested to appoint a committee,constating of thirteen members, of which

be shall be the es officioCbnirman. tor-uBddreas to the working men of the UnitedStates, calling their attention to the evilswhleb now .-iff.:et the laboring rdasses, theunequal taxation with which they are nowburdenedby the unjust laws of Congress,v/iiich exempt therichat the expense of thepoor?to the nati > debt, which is at alilimes » deepotiam* aud to Buggesi f-uch re-mediee or modes of action to mitigate j,ros-cut wrongs mid avert new ones" as shall bemost likelyto accomplish these ends. [Ap-plause.]

The Chairman then stated (hat as soon p.sthe committee to draft ao address ahall havebeen appointed, the names o; thegentlemenconstituting the committee will be officiallyauuounced.

Chauocey ?. Bnrr was then introduced tothe meeting, and received a most cordialand enthusiastic reception from the au-ii-ence. As s >on us the enthusiasm had sub-sided, Mr. Burr Fpoke sabetacltally as fol-lows:

Mr. President :On being railed to ad-dress this association of working men I trailto mimi apasaage la Edmund Burkes cele-brated "ThougEts on Scarcity," In whichthat great observer of the relative positionand duties ol the rich and laboring classesconfessesthat "Not only States and elitesmen, but all class-a au;i descsiptiona of therich arfi pensioner", of the working andare maintained by their superfluity. Theyare under an absolute, hereditary, and India-peaeable dependence on those who labor,aud miscalled tbepoor, aad ia reality feedb rib ibe pensioner and themselves." It ispleasing to read compeadioue admis-ei *ui-. j/piaa tUs newspaper organs of tbeAdministration are seriously dtseaasing tienecessity ol restricting the franehlso by aproperty qualification?when lapassim; laws la thro" taxation off ot bank*ami capital that the whole weight may hernlled upon the shoulders of libor and ind-.istry?«ud when the whole machinery of

i» revenues i» bi ing so eonatxueted as tomakecapital the master of labor. What is thereiv the present hour that dues uot mortifyand alaun aud make doperate the irieud of

i 'lie sod the wi-11-wiuher ol his country J

The mcne? receive for ytur labor isdepreciated forty par osnt, fro-n lua g»t.d oil-fsshtoaed Democratic dollar. Bat yoxtr w«a7Bßhave nut fcoa* up four hen bred per rant. Yourreal ireomd frcui yocr labcr doss ankesji in

your hxefesaed n»ev.-sjary exp*nditare*. That i* the w«y the Alaiinigtrationfa ;ve m»do the claesos pr.-.spsrona ?

Partisan ecnfr»e:.ors raay bo prosperous.?Titoiij -vhy bave tha baudlina of t!ie pnblieftiiics may be proper 'is. A good *baeee tosteal nn-.y ranaar theee prosperiirs wbo art?within tiie iio«T. t'> Sir. Liacoln'eand Mr. Sevrnrda c-mprehtujiou ef prosri ri-ty. Bat thfir |xosp"~ity is the rniu of themtP3«5. The bonndles:; :ivari-.-o wbieb '-hidwar feeda i-* the e'erca', foe of the re/orkiii;man; and it will c-na'j labor btra into tb*aimo d«pendßQl aud hciplassconditionr f la.oriv the O d Word, iic!e?s ths c!a?er.-.tbe mi*.i>e!-ef th* p*np!3; throw off tbe yokewrtiej is now being p'aeed tip 1:1 t-irir ns*-.r.War tLriehss a ievv >-.t ti". expeus* of t!:etoaiiy. Thia is wfcv tie phm t-oit-g f>«sv *>:-wayjrave- -.a if posßfteetd it the dcvii at theleast mettxtenof paaee

MaxsaVOn Snturd <y night, the I'.Cb inst, Mr* SARAH L

MOSBT.Her luaaxaj will take place this morning, at 11o'clock, from the Jlev Dr Held* Church. Her

friends ainl tliosa afher mother, Mr* Mary Lynch,are reaTpMttaßy tasjßcetcd to attonJ. *.\u25a0iiiijo.ia i ii \u25a0 ffSSJBSBtSSBSSBB

rmim 4T s ttuecting of tL« Hoard of Directors cf-J th*. Bauk of the Vaßsy lo Virginia, held tlt*-

-27 h day r.f February, 1804, tbe followlr.g rt-solu-tl- n wmh aaßSßadiB*ts*x*xs,Tlifct a dividm 1 of per <v.v upon the

stack b*, ctd i« hereby,dnclar-d, for thejhalf year etsAtsm the Ist d.y of IS'to, 4jp*r pant of rrhlib a',): be paid to stockholders injI'-nf-.ti-rate uota* of tha present i«*u- up to tbe-12S-ii day clUaseb aanr, »-id aft**(fee lasBay ofjAr-rll B?l in C-.!»i*evJura»* ur.t«n ef the present Is- Iio?i, <?>\u25a0 if- Gaaßxaaaat* ni>.*»ot Ihaaanissue tit the jjTilts ct tare doll*!* a?r ths**, ~r in f?ur psrtMUtjOoafeaVrat* b*aiAe% »»t ta* eyit*a, f ih> Btth. Th*jremaining per t*r» !i*i,ig r^t(.!Je.i to pay ihe l-o-I r>u« i o th.CommfMWn itth-j at a rart-ti-* ofthe H-ttrd af Duaetaaa of the'ititn* ef the \u25bc«***?£ iv vxr***et* beta tho iOUi day .-fI*i»rch. IH*i, th-* fsnwemnt, 'rs-'juubae we'«».i ;,'-l

! snd esSsceS to bfi jlaaßsb -<i seven tiur* i« tßeSaiiy]Sentinel std DiriKiuM, BabßsßaSni a*tahai*B3, ass*t twi.-v In thsSaUaatea $pc:iaO<r .-Bt*9ew»~ That publicncti-u be grtau that thisiBaak will fled it n-ross'-try to aire to sneaattars,| Inelodlitsj Ba'-.k-i, In raebasg* daaesttaal Ihiltjere lit, o-i thi' lwi d:iy 1 1 .".prilu?xt. the -I fi*r car.t

jConiifdsrate bonds eethorixedby the Ist aasjlsn r.i, tb« act entirlrtd "An Act 11 reiiusn the carrfiioyani, to satßottS* a cewisauarf -otes aad benS*."And dtpositor* and tte lavßaStoSSßa;balaru«a prior t" tbe 28th off Juircb, (jvnr.) ssou' that ilar, a';danil! the Ist id Arirll, tbo Betik will

'\u25a0 b* compelled to deolioe deposits or to p»y t-heckr!d;-veM igsjbast theia.

lit. \u25a0! cd. That balances d-i \u25a0 by this Bank toiitlinr- sad BB drfxisito.-gori-'iit«i ?\u25a0!>. or sftef the tutdaycr April n»st, will be i-d;*' i- i«. us« *an <"r

ourr-:fi-:y i.-.diuitfd aaS j-reacrlve-l IvyaaU*ot.

etmmmed Thit ibis BaiK sriM decline t» pa» uo-

' drawu dielOexidu Ueclar-d print |* the Istof *.>?-1881,' irtifl.'ittes cf dupopit aud che-ks ofa"V dateprior ss tt*t> ItSth cf Mm.b, (iunt.)excrpt inthe currency no<* snd ar. par, sad ell| **tm*l to divid-ai«. and hadeter*of su?h <-«-r---tifi-'atHS snd ctiecltf; are reij tested to sotswU the

forttiwlth. mh 17?7t

: \Y%m PKJfICaV? A instil -tt of tb* sV-ekholdsrs-'-? ef ta* Btahßiaßal Inßßiltßa sni HtspoetingC KBeaay aftl b* h*id at tb. c-ffljo of th-< Virjini*lito In*iiranisCompany, iv the city of Richmond.MPrlany, ths 23ih day of March neat, a !> o'clockV.y orJ.'rof th* Uoar.l ef Dlrrftors.f«M~t* tJtM'L J HAHHISOS', Pr*st.

BMSBaan d. v-kswta kiuuoapuo.\u25a0"!*» ATaxa-**ttai at tke Kurd af inrßßßsaa af' thwOwipwy,Sow «*f**>.tTta ise«, ttvsfai-?\u25a0? ; in tvp*>* \u25a0 v .

-'??'---\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0- ' .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0... \u25a0 v .:, QafiSW gainsttba .:--i-1.-.,...- t.. . qusstod to preseat themfur tuy-B.wt b«rort> Dm »ih March,lies,and lareora h.v---h-.; m. re«r? rjraarn oo w.v of tbaB-OUtS ;« .-. j tc*t.;; ! tO C<sb*?» !)»»?.,, .',,»*J I'HI.U., ft. ....V-wjjV, Baimiw, kxaouaer, aad Saaiiwi c-py,

LOCAL HATTERI.tmmnAimrai Ffaa?Tha alarte of fir* abent

eleven o'cl-rj* f/1.1-»y i last was«aused by tb-) burningof » wn d>n atabls loc«t*rl ou Clay street, **«.w»*»n 9th and 10th,b«toni;|iig to Williata IraSmith. In tbe upper

'p irt was a tUop'y o' hay audiotherkinds ofprovender,which, lOße'.het **t*hthe buildlog, was entirely d**troj*d. Mr.S hit Joss will probably reaoh tlue« tbuitettni doliare. The ttr* was the woi kefan iu-ceuri.avry.

At a few minutes past twrdve o'rl ick 8itur-day tuorniog, tnd before ?!?* firerauo bud leftt'ae rctne ofactk.n on Uh;y Rtreet, a watch-keen near iiy dsc iverlag B latlow lurkingbus-

about tba areadsea nr R. B Wo-d-I wardwceTßOßtet e!io,>, itntuelii'e!* rtarted in! thsdsenetieaerhet** be w.*»), wLeo, to hifli<r*^tj*.irpriare, Oil re- Hshlug the BBSB pi«r» C« 'bel>uiiduig, he found that thi tores oftbe laeeo-dtarvbad been appliedte a pile ef **hsei***uthatnad bf-.-» agaißettba b»ca door.?Wit a ihe.*cs!::Uaca of tsim-o Beutfoasan erbo*v»ro prat legalnag ihe str< at al the tftee, tßefie eras entSeguished before doing tuaet) damana. One ..' tba party, e;eht;; a iaaa am*i-'gripid baste from t«o Bseailin*, i!u»ri.!*<i in puientt, and chiise 1 liisa aa far ci tne CaeitoiSquire, iv wbirh ha tv-tedMid sacicded infretting aw .v. Tae daihg foilov, d-t». minedBet to be foiifd »n bin dssrgaa, returnedabent fcnr te'eleek the efiaan snomiug, and ibistime accomplished liis work wi'h cuted-raolesucKtaa Forcing au ontran.-e into ttis lower-?ait of the carpentor s'ioj., he thee act tt.ft toB lotof seasoned plank a-ii sliavinara, whichbud outlined such BSadwsy before it. was uis-eeeersd an to ie>ndar it iiapnslhiii iOfSstttout. In afew ariantes this tadtdtngttrel* deetreyed,tasjethes with all laewcrk-meuB; tools,B vain-t .i.i tot ol tia***«r,Bai!a, anderrr»'li :nf.- ruse nhfeb was in it. Tbs tire tin n

to uu aej daiag tea**Beat onliie '..: '\u25a0 kept aa * confe.-iiouary s'.ora 'by Juliaa Allnire, which, with iti wereal-' B*r*e*reyad.

The largo woodcu building, which hadbeen Btatsding for the last titty Tir sixty y.ars,uear the corner ot Mtin andBth streets, nextfell a victim to thedevouring elements, audit, too, proved a total lobs. The occupantsof tho front part of this hou?e ravednil theyhad, in a damaged condition. In tho backpart, however, there hud been depositedabout forty superior marble mantels andinonunfents aud a valuable assortment ofoil paintings, stove cut ten.' tools, <xc, be-longing to Mr. John W. Divies, who had,until within the last two or three years, car-ried ou an extensive mirbie yard. The mar-ble work has been reuuerod entirely worth-less from being overheated and broken topieces, and the paintings were all burnt up.Tliese mantels would average $150 apiecebeforethe war, which, at tlie present vulna-liou, will make Mr. D 's loss ou them alonefifty orbixty thousand dollars.

The extensive brick foundry o:i the westof Woodward's carpenter slr-p. lor a longtime occupied by Francis J B inns Sz Co. aua gratennd iron ruilinsr minuiaetory, but forthe past twelve months used by E. F. Ha' iJo. in DTtOuhllng and boring shell for tlieGovernment, waa also entirely destryjed,together with alargeassortment of valuablemachinery, tcois, material*,dtc.,forcarryingon the busin-si. i'tiis building belonged toMr. RLhard Allen, and as them was no in-suranceoa it his lose will be quite heavy.

Tbe bask part of the "Alabama or 290 6a-loon,"kept by Mr Ja.?.M(Gohce, was damaged !>v fireand waterto the extent of abontfive or six hundred dollars, 'ibis gentle-man, soon after the breaking out ot tne lire,threw open his establishment, when thefiremen mid all others who choee to availthemselves of the privilege w.-ro permittedio partake of anything he hs-i to eat anddrink, free of cost, duung thebalance ttf thoui^bt.i ;o wooden tenement- on Uli rtrest t e-

iween attain aud a^nkliu.wbieb i>as forten*time beet, ased by 'tie Indiesemaioyed i-i theQtawmraraeter'a DsfAtrtaeeat,burn*,. At one titna it. wits theusht iuip-.'itib:«ta nay». tax* Btssamsat, ami all the record*,rjeek*, dte, therein betaragiag to iheOovern--.."-?ti were therefore remove! into thestreet

Two other weedea tanemeatsadjoiuiug, inonei f wbieb Mr. Davi*e keapaabook aadfa.::cv e-toie, w?M SiU-iiti/ ('aoittyed. ilv ii»vni.-'lv mtetaaxreaee efthe ErteodsefMr. D.tL-s cro-s-d wen. pretentei from breaking intohis ,>i«;ie, ju.i thereby the Btoek vv;!;c':t hn h'.uou hand wassaved from thai deatruetionwi iehwould hsemm eueuedif a sireaatof water had

tn-nod ou, or ii had bci v moved iai-> tbestre*t.

iLa reefto the War wanatone '.'-vi*an Ire,andareata! p ?; heuasena were;»h lest tbatSue 'nii-."i:-rf would be destroyed.

\Wa the ero-ptlonaf the foundry ocsupledby Baker ft Co., ix'ii tho rest ef tba buiidiegabaiouged to Mr. D.iv'.e, bu- the ground oawhicii they stood owned by tha Masonicfraternity of thin tvty. Mr I).'* Tea*, iiic-r?---fore,i.c-lidir-g i.ia ttatertjaeatef luautelsandpaiatinga wbieb were destroyed, will notbeles. tl ao fro** $ i-.o 000 to $ 180,000 IJ iker fatU. esthnate th*fr loaa atabout ll&OOO; Mr.Woodward's will re>*rA? (in loss ot t«»ols, ava*terrsJs, &c)froai $IA.OOO to $12 000; Mr.

> isn (en baiieliTg) aboat $15,1-09, an* Mr.Alluire (enenoawetronsriee &\u25a0;;.,) about $3000;

iv thn lice huudrtd uuiforty-five thoc3ai.d detiarawotth of propertydestroyed, on none ef whleb, aa far m wehavehoard, wua tuere any Insaraaoa j

Af BB ftv'deiioe of tb* heat fronitbla ,Br?, ad of she flaa French whichforms tba front devrs and windows nf thestorea reapaetiveryby M-*s'ra.P. II -rt'ia Keaeb, hi Wendenburg ac Co.,aod;tbe Dniea Sewing HaehiaaCcaip»n:'. Wee er»ik*i in a thousand nlaces, .a::d ia vi! probability to previa its uliiiia.'from iiie xVames s i'-l have te tie ram reed t*ndBtauiler nanus ins*rt<.i! i iits j lace. ili-i tnvrt.of this gla*J w<,s of lu*l t-iis o: t. trtuneeaad aoeasured abent eigbt by fvar lent,with ?a corre9p^ni',:-K tUeßnesn T'ti<» aoat of tiii*«l«.e« before tbe wa* we imiru, rivethousanddoilvsi at this litre iteaaaetba nur-oh;-.Beiut any y es. Tti* is:-ieie pruJu-eu bythe breekiugof this gas* was *iun!iir to mn .finujj of inusksiry, aad » gemi*man »he tvitss!ec|i'.n.* la the store of Keaeb ot. C >. on being .awakened by the edtinkiatg trie Tfaav-l*:.-««» iiad arrtvadft-id ?**** ngagiag «ur ;r...-p8 \in fi* ctreets, fl d tiirongh tbs tack way, .iiidtar a eoaciderabl* a'idrskal>ilie bafore \u25a0h- I fiaine faliy aware of tiie trua State ol'\u25a0

aff Irs.Accidentfl Am?About three o'aiaeb on (

Saturday afleninaii last a framed atal la at \Uelied to tha Tre*Vgar I-on Wertta ertugbt|tire from sparks winch Saw from th* far- ?naoefl;ard wt>»aUreatei] destroyed. The fl-iases!communicated uo a areadaa beiiesoa at-.ob.ed, Ibat wero oxiiuguhdied b?fjrs deiag much !damai'i'. L*3 e-ii'.n!.

Sunday 8«hoo!s.?lu theseunite, when day Ischools are scarce and tuition Ugh* many jchildren will be deprivedof all edueatioLal !advantages. Numbers will growup iv iguo- |ranee. Tcia is true especially of that Cmsmost dea<.rviug our sympathy? r.ddiers' chil- !drat. We know no better plan tor remedy- jlag the evil than by the e&Ubiishment ofSunday schools in evciy community.

The Christian public are not idle in thi*matter. The Baptist d<. nomination bas ap-pointed Wxß E. Hatch, of Manchester,as Sunday School missionary tor Virginia.His work will be to organize, as faraa prac-ticablo, a Sunday School la every Baptistchurch. He goes forth under thepatronageof the Southern Baptist Convention, whoseboard is diligently engaged In publishingvaluable Sunday School books.

Attempt at Burglary.? On Saturday nightan attempt was made by some negroes toforce an entrance into the tailoring estab-lishment of Mr. George X Howard,on Uthstreet,between Maiuand Franklin,but someof tbe night watch being near by, the fel-lows were frightened off before accomplish-ing ttieir object. Subsequently, however,two m.groes, named Alexander, clave ofJames H. Grant, and Robert, the propertyof Dr Jones, discovered lurking in thoneighborhoodof Mr. H.s store uuder suspi-cious circumstances, v,ere pursued, and be-Ing overtakenoffered stout resistance to theeffreere, who finally succeeded in effectingtheirarrest. One of these fellows drew apiafol from his pocket and fired two barrelsat the police before he conld be overpower-ed, neither, however,of which took .fleet.

Escape and Rttuptust of Yankee Prtton-*rs--Ai h late hour on &iturd*y night lastloir Tauhe* seamen, confined iv ;h* buildingInown ax Maya's Warehouse, aitainpted tomukei tt iir escape. Tasy bad i--»in*ti ihe yardanl Inatpadtba into tb* attest,whenthy arete ra*>'J b natvdy aal elaee\ under='? -\u25a0? ? '-::-i' ??-.;-r-i.

sTTuwtert to be 'e>u North.?TuesfeameiSA. il. Sehultz aud William Allison will leavetheir wharvea at Rocke'.ts this morning, hav-i'Jir on board eight huudred and twelve Van-k< ? piisoners, who are to be sent North oaparole. Aiming this number are tony-twoofficers. |

. . ." ""\u25a0 . i - -\u25a0>aaH

atserntttm ef Ratwrned Pri*marn\?M hay-ing become genarally known that eleven 'handled C jafednrateprisoners aadsixty of ?flcert would arrive at thewharfat Rockette 'frsterday arternoun from City Point, tbe'nolle Guard, headedby tbsdrflan band, andan irnmese tbrong of people of both aexee-andof all ages, repaired thither to receiveI 'them. After considerable delay the flag of--truce Bteamers William Allison and A. H.8-ibults, escorted by aUovernnient trenboat,hove In sight, and tbe booming of a gunfrom tbebow oftbe latter waa tbe signaTror .'cheer after cheer by the prisoners, which ' 1waa heartily reapondedto by the crowd on'tbe t»bore, and tbe waving of a thousand jhandkerchiefs by the matrons and maldeaawho bad sasembled to ~eet them.

Tbe prisoners weire then formed Into line, j, precodyd by tho officers, and escorted up ?Mala elrent to Capitol Square, where ano- .fber dense mnltltnde had &*?{.> r, d and pre-pared a substantial token ot their aympatbyin the shape ofedible*? and other comfort* Ilor tho inner man. It was truly gratifying

1 'to witness the ejeucral response which hadbeen made In this respect ou tbe short no- ities given at tbe several places of publicworship In the forenoon, and the prisonerstestified their appreciation by doingampleJustice to the refreshment* spread before. them by the fair hands of the patriotic la-dles of the city. While the edibles werebe

1 li*« dispatched the President and Governor1 Smith were mingling with the prisoners,

aud a general shakingof hands and con-Krutulations on their return on6ued. Iv an-ticipation of a speech by the former a largo,numberof ladiea remained ou the ground; vi.til a Into hour,but were doomed to disap-pointment. The President addressed theprisoners, but, standing on tie ground, his

were inaudible except to those Im-niddiately around hioi.

After the conclusion of the President'sanimated speech, which was frequently io-terrapted by the cheers of bis auditory, too 1pmouera repaired to Camp Lee tor the \u25a0niiiht, where preparations had been made 'for their reception and comfort.

By theettamcr New York, which broughttheee prisoners, four ladies cams as passen-ger!.l Their namesare, Mrs. Bradley(and rivechildren,) Mrs. White, Miss Gaston,and MlaaMauly. j

Casta* Thunder.?The following parties ,were brought to this city yesterday andcommittedtoCastle Thunder : James Kelly,a British subject, recently through the ene 3my's lines; and Wlllism Douglass, JosephPowell, and Alexander Jones, (private inCompany 11, 23dVa. regiment,)charged with \btiug spies and dangerous characters.

Sale This Morning.?At the sale of household goods, Ac., at Mr. W. L. Cowardin's, on '*Broad, n«ar Mayo 6t., will be sold, jinnong other pioutings, two portraits, of jJohn Randolph uf Roanoke,and Chief Jus-tice Marshall. These portraits are esteemedas very laithful likencsee*, aud ore very valu-able. .. Ii

Antfts? A nenrofellow named William,belonging to Samuel Moran, was arrested onSiturday, charged with stealing one chest ofc!jthe->, tho pr-.;p'jrty of Richard, slave of tMrs. Rebecca A. Way mack. Two soldiers,naraed John Fug tins and James Ilamtuond,were arrested oil Situr.iay and locked up Inthe Second Station House, on tho charge of \u25a0commit ibig an assault tipinollieers JeDkinsand Griffio, while ia the discharge of their cduty. They wi!i be brought before theMayor, this uioruing to answer the offence.

Found DrmWtmtA ? Jareaatab McQimir,abc n-, 10 years nf aaa, H smbstitate la 90. dbit'orr. wasfouaddrowaed in tba dock a' the cfoot of21st street, abttut II o'clock, on Stt-nrd:iy m>>rning. Median!*, wbd* in a state Icf intoxication, foil into thadock, at the footof 17th sTiert, on Thursday night last, andwas drowned before a-sißtane-J eenldbe ren- 'dsred.

Mayor's Court.?The following is a list oft'-e cAg-:8 whicn wsro before tee Mayor onSaturdayi Do-vna was cDatrattted to j-nl for 'want of s«curi:y te knap ti.e peaeo for twelveicon:h; towards all men, and eenaciilllT MBBean, on vrlio;M complaint the prisoner ,was arrested for tbn atening to e-::a!u:f an aaanxdt up >a Lis neraoa.

Patrick and Bridget Bay**, abargel withaiding «jJ abetting two boy*, whose nameoare nnku inra. i-i forcibly taking froa ThomasDf Majriotf thirty-two etad » half poaaiaef!.-a->a, IBaBB, R:.-rr aa eßaEueaiioa of wU-Bssaaa, diaah**rged.

b'fsmioa, tbe negro I - * who has br>en reee&tljf detected witli a valuable c Ueetioacfprovieioo-t, fancy artielee, fee-, badhe-u r.olen by him from th* mff«r*nt oflaeala the C-y Had. wi» Bgaia betera theMayor tSaturday, charged with s***nJie*> a Qaaaber ofblanket*, belonging to Mr. Jaaaaa Ewe Tne ts-u omen* of st a-iiiiar chargr*, araieh waspartlslf* inqair«d luteay the May r on a provi, u.i oeeaai a having ban tfen.-ii*-.! lo a fu-ture day, the sim* diapeaitioa waa aim msd*cf this one. n

T:i;a nijraiug waa so*. jvirt for tba beariaajof the ihanjo agaiait l'attnk HcGov.-ui ot\u25a0Wing hi bnt po.=g*e«sioa a lo* of tibaj/s, sur-p »bd te have been stales*

Mrs K'txioeib Mayiil. proprietreaa of theRicamond rtiea'.ie. was tiaei f>r pertoittiug »he- servants to *mp'y offal in the streets, in| violation of a city ordinance.

One or two olb»r cases of minor interestwonnd up th» jrceediuceof the day.: 2

Hndlnys Court.?Tlie business transactedby theI'ustings Court ofMagistrates on Saturday was ef an uuimportaut character, audat au early hour an adj Miinuient, took place.JudgeLyons will ctirumencethe March term? of fcis Court this niorniug., >

Mad. Ruhl's Concert.? An entertainmentwill be given at the Exchange Concertroom this evening, which wiii be well worth jattending. Sine-s Mad. l.uhl baa been inUicbuioud she his co drlbuted liberally to-wards benevolent objects, and aa thepro-ceeds ct the conceit to night arefor her ben- -ttit, it is tobe hoped she will have a profita-, ble house.

CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE.i *|<|» t; ~M c<;aBTHY~ \u25a0**> air: Tew' *v-» fr'ents *l«h to present yenr tiara* SB «t.e,roisreof Maaaa* Ward an « a*B*u into for the c afire £I aaXWarßtg yn.t as «; de, and year uel1 ver»a ; pep*,, a*- well aa ysr.r .-minont qtutlit'!?» sI U**wtwa*e»|ray*nte*oa*«utta borv-« v.*, filing; cure t-:at yoareioctinn srir. be altruist a .animous ?i Ptesae ngo-rv vosbseaasai t<> scry. |

BtBBI ftxeTßßi MANY VOTKR3.| ?*-<*» r;Oi'iOK?ln coinpiiaose wi>h s r«:i signed Ji \u25a0*-»\u25a0 »* lawey Voters,'' I anno'ioc* Bxjaalf aaaa ti!tu«te> fi>r tbo t.'.wkship ol Bs**Ctea*B Cnurt ofj liiai.tion itiv next.Kb H-fli* j. a. TiUBKRr.AKR. y

rßXaa TO thei Vi>tßrs of ile»irlrr- Couuts,?p HJ llvyfrvtAM Ib a caadldate tt tlw testjrUisrtfM**. aad rejereutlolly a»lici;« yuur support.i Uivi.u »«.-v*i yoa I: BB* cpacity rf lMpuiyi Shsrifl fbr t .irw.i IBatter mrss-lf tbat I canhi- too :??\u25a0\u25a0-. ..ra eAtlsta'tlon. klestHn ia Hayw****., imr bUi 8-plmf "RUTtTTARTHOTIURR -Hsai«j'b3 cv D, 2d B*t Vols Locst ! sy >Baaoa*a QoarUr Brtccb, Mare*21. ISM j ITJtVBBY cimr>soy isVj a, \> nr a; tbe** be*oq.:triers Taatna* BVUBSUf,ii I i«at. ai ao'clock, sn.l ptodaea all *rni>«,R.-c,->i.tra- 1nivuts A.O, ihat bavrjb-tuisfiiod |s tim since the?faaataaißai tff ta* ****naay. Absentees will be ]tfaatad aaeetaasfivordera. Imßßte-Bty y y VjU,,3AN-,Capt..v B,'9 Bkio,Local. Da* \OBlebtnond, tlarob 91. IS'4. ' /RnBBJJ Vo lo.?lo panuaaaa or orner* fromUil Wm M aweWßn, you *re hereby orderedto tuee-t at the O-ty Hill this (Mrßttf) evening, 21stnet, al 3 o'clocit, arms rod' equipment* insasapsat < arder fo- Ivapeaiiea ahBhaaaaaea will be tdeuit with axajrdlog to remlatinnp.

By order. Wll IUTWABD. CbpUla. 1W T Caawroax. oS. mh 2t?ltf 'MtLtfAitY by tianaral :Order* Ma |8 to msxat ?eerabera between the 'eajm of 17 ,nd 18 and 45 and 60. A fewmore nameswill be taken into m* companyo,lstb*l'n cavalrylor loci! d*r*ace, commanded byCol Wm U BrowneFor further partlcu'ar* applyat Hill B N'orfl**t'a"corner Va and lary streets. ?

n.h«ii ax* N * KOHIXKFT.JS_!__, - . Capt Cumoany C. 'ATTBM iorcign Lniion? A**tmbi*. Z i*u iJdarket Hat., fab, armed and *£JJJj hrk!Brordarej C.ftL'r?r*a.


1 "^^PBrtatlxfiL, if 6Q7C, r.Ur i»«j« reeeatly*r Pomi /!*<? *t-. itfurw,at:;-s of».a'«.*t Ja.-uui iv ataabßi I- ?; theJintb \ itmmm iala-uy, wao has bean mtK«ii,x stare tu* 0-it>*t»urgngiit, it wdl be thankfully e« *!Tsd by hts s>«t*r.MAKY J OKMTBY,. - *."".*>»_ O-ifiUtiavide, Va.

Tf<)'.l Btk~ \ o:*t-r«>r . it ;.»? ,- r»n ilj t'i'ti***., * . ftUAIaM ££**** ,v Blto,* rabsi-et Bo |QSMa»stre*t.

na*>BT orS*v efOmanB*r*oe*l proaenyl* *eM*oa*«J ajtlltntVbmjem\t»T**** \u25a0

it w s Asaian,D*aaty BBetia*ef I VV Maatafae,

Bihfll-lt BBerlf/sa*Mbbbbsbbb?.. , ==??*. "-s BBS!fI*B,"FBCIAL BOTIi.B ?

B rgatilForMtur*,Pianos, Carycta, Be,

al aosiloa.Attaotion Is Mt"d to ojy sale tbasßor*4*f, *os»-

--x**ncingat 10 o'clock, at th* r**M*o** of Mr lasLUcoo,on Franklin and 98th sts, Oaarcß Hill, wBo t*dexilintng IK/as*t**rilng St>* .action rt**d.

mh 81?tt TBOS W KEBBBS, Aaot.OT'INDBLLIBLK Marklßß Tnt?Oerne\\'a? Potm*rklo*:lir«ii,t>3tUii, ml <thar fabric*, I* vials,for sal* wh-i-w.l-, » n(* TeUlj %t f| rj4 oad*» ixehaiif>Hotel, 14th **re*t Dragt'.sU »'.d deal.r*f*ralsß*dby IB* m*aaur«. Also tjr isJo Movar B tWt team

brat*d writing lak. Mb Is?St*

(Bj*-BK..VIN,S BLOCK8308 BTORK.6.1W0 pairs of ?boos? pairs of Skene*.tv.onow riava tho larg«>t assortmeot of .bote wshsv.i eve- liad for !»'. in, missies, chi|dr*n, sarvantii.and jr.aii--n.-i; corset*, ho >p skirts, corset springs

laeos, la-lira'black kll g.oves, and fancy eolsrs ofsapcrior quality; grntlemes's nrx-k ties, ealflikln*,elastic goi-ii.g, 100gossof Bbo*> laoe*, 100So* blackr*lt hit*, or sup*-Kir qoallly-60 pairs of magnifies**cavalry boos, DAKBt, BEAD AOBBTBT.

Shoe* at ourstore. Mb IT? te

!~*2PBCIAL NOTICE -PsrUes wbo purchase*!goods at our la'-.- sale are notiOsa that their Billsmust hi: settled on or before tbe 20th lost, or tbenew currency will be r< <i ured in payment, a* aa-uounce/i on the dsy of sale

mil t?St KENT, PAI.NB B CO, Aueti.Q&- WANTED?Dead eotvs, borsss, mules,

goats, Be?Persons havingsaeh on their lot* canhave them hauled sway Immediately, besides get-ting the highest price for them, If word be left atMr James B Gallegher'sdrug store, on Main, be-tween 7th andBtli sts; Lewis AntelotU's near theCentral Hallrirad Depot, and nt Mr Jones's grocery,on Clay st, two doors from otb, orat the Glue amiOil Work* and Tannery,in rear of the new Poorliouse, foot of Q.I st\ B.?Hides of all kinds wsntsd, for which full

market price will be paid. mho?l St*


ActlJfand Stage ti*aag?r »' C Of4**

MONOAr KVEN'NiJ, March an* 18*4,By request, caeo grit atesn of Mr X D Ogska'a


Wlih "1! BSbaacnm asd iv.ites.hqtbrcsxeaT,

NATUriAL,eUIt'BBBKY,Frt»m Mr J Morton's flower garden,Be.

Ml»s Bloise Bridge*** Lady AoUleyMi.-s ,-ailie Partiugtou ss Allct*X D Ojjderi as George TstboyeJ aCharlsM Lukeßaik*

J Weil%C T Nslfon,

B JBrowo, Be,All la th. vests

Incidents! to ibe *tao* agrandMAY POLK DANCB.

dincs, Be.Cotc'iile with snoltier entircy n«w farce, now play-

ed fur tn-5 li-et tsmt in tills r-viiutry, entitled"TURN HIMOUT .'"

tico bil'j ef the uay f.r c, sic,Ao

In preparation, tlie etlriirgDrama, ia tbre* *ctr,entitled «be


The Myateriea of Paris.88888 open at 7, p*rfi?r;a&ace commencel* at 8 pre-

cise-ly. mh 91?ItONCB<t HALITExchange. hotel, cor I4tn a ..J Pranki-.n sis.


ritt*sjc *trl Domestic,TUITKBDAT, Murcli 24, 1004.

Tableaux given wit.; ladies, Uvnil men sod Childrenscholars.Programmeor Tableaux acd erenlcg's entertstn

tnsat aril] be Is lo ssnrten's papers,n.hit?lt

ISTkOr'ULITAN HALL,Franklin street.

MOMDmtY MFRMinm, March '1 160*.

First *pj»*a.-an"u otMr CtTAr? VORTOJf,Mr (IIas BfOnnßf*b\r CM*.* MoItTON,Mr ClitS MORTON,

Tb. 0)m*-!iao at tbe BsntßAt. 1 original BillyBarlow.

BfSßat combinst.-n o;' theStar Dramatic Company

Aud IBS SBBXhretSel808-Ctftd BB*4*ra*n OperaTroupe.

O'igc-rve tlie array of talentMr Hurry tJm n, lato 11 the Wilmington Theatre,

B'r; :d t tUVafUßiy ka*n* in ib'B city.Mr I t. M- .. . ?'.- if tue M*BlM Theatre.iir it lß*Mn*isjß*BSs7 Theatro.Miss Janata nurtar, th* V*rsatUo Actress, late of

Ui. WjimlujjtjaIhoatr*.Mas Miry, of ths Savancaalneatre.

Tim Morris,SJ Joan D-icsley,

aad B T Allan,xpptjarthis evening, supported by tb* foil strength-..;.i/ ot th. troup*.lODDLfcB,


Tu-Nignt.Mr Cbis Morton

as Timothy Tocd'ei.Mr U rUn appears in In; original

Characterof Billy Bu'.ev.BVCOM AND GUIBXB

Furnished tightly,freo of tii*rge/,atMftrojiil ten Ball.

Bar So* blisof nihil?UfTpXCHANGK lIALL

BRAND "tToNCBRTmad'ruhi*.

MONDAY EVEN'ISG,March flat. 186kMAD BUHLv* i : be *ssist*d by tke

Beat p.- ??' .-i-iotu viJ amateur talentof tancity,and soma uf ber p\u25a0??? Is.

Coors open at 7 P M ; concert lo commencaat 8PM. Priceof ailsußß on 95 tnh 18-S:?.?*~~*sA aBAND

SILBIT«.... BALLwill be given at

Nsw Mitsjt BauOu MONDAY EVEN ?;s'O, Barefa tl, 1804,Tor the becedt uf ao orpea-i girl, whose fu'brr ws*kmed at the faattsa of Qrttysbcrg0 ?*>;! music aid b*} In attendance.Uoud order rigidly er.i t\* d

ttaaiasaa.X H Hj; Bias, JUf fleeUy,A i, Hoekms, J Shaasr,mhl?-it, t V Carr.' ' ' "*\u25a0 * i aaassaesasßaeasaaNOW HBAbT

sad for sai*atMO&BIS'B Bookstf-r*.»T Malast, Klehasosd,Qeuera Urderi from the Mjutant and lossactcrUsßsrsl's Cftae. C 8 A, for tbe year 188 VOrdwis et closing the pries Will be mailed (fpostage, if addtMMd to tb* pabibher

mh 91- St A MQBBJS.

CALABRIA Littirrv*T ?

>*? blue, brimstoo*Extract logwood, copperas(.?\u25a0--bines', glue, oUfik pepperapsem salt*, nitric acidA tim, cod liver oilAllsytoe and olovtu.SaTL'tt7 *»*>*«??

TV* !?!_J Bo*- M?etasteied iebaW".Tob»«*> is hay* just reoelvad a lot of B T Qrawly's eal*br*ttd braad two

£.\ 11_25*"'. I*' WOtth* ?» w*il to glv*us acsh betare purebaala*.«no. «_*

P Q COl,St * 00. Cary*tr**t,»h 81-Sar* B*tna*a lath«*j 14tB st*.

| QTU DISTHIIII ?Tbe poor wbo llv* hatweaaI thi lSib aad 17thtta, tummcociaganMai* to o*4Marie*, es**adis« Bask to Uroati, wbo have act beeaaunii od, cau get their Uekeu for suppliesby said**Monday evening,nt the Depot of tho You**g n*A s 'Christian Assootatlou, at 4Sj o*oi»ak.

Mb it-It JN< > U KTrirvtißß, IStB dl*t

CITYSALT.?TB* distributioa af City Saß willclo**on Tburaiay text ta*Mth last, aad willBdt be rsaumsd tail after Ist April seat, wb«a then.w isbu* will b* required. Banks* eatitlea wltl *aii? ltobf*i-4i tvom* *******\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0

W\>ti * iLf. -BO '-r 21 t>os»;als *»r**tusa B«i*d Meal,f mbe ..;« ttver*d at its., inaction n Rtti'di'Apply ;m a-,eda* at this v.'tax. Aou. -alioa.* aiiartbat must toaddruawdto at at MewVi" mfsfisU WM D ?*»hnVIKA NY iee*aasnoroUe.raer«ou now aastltat* af a2\ t>om >rM J,>BJ. ,?\u25a0 AB# lV e*-<ra, m<)a**tt*a UrßaU_?*!*<)_? te B B MABTIB,*>.«*.«. u.aact.Char-\u25a0 teaxsan.vh, sxhtt .isee\