Between 1500-1800 slave traders sent 10 million Africans across Atlantic.

Post on 29-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Between 1500-1800 slave traders sent 10 million Africans across Atlantic.

Between 1500-1800 slave traders sent 10 million Africans across Atlantic

1400’s- Portugal’s Prince Henry was looking for sea route around Africa to India

Explorers sent to map Africa Explorers traded with people of West Africa Some Europeans bought slaves on way

home but majority did not No need for slaves

But why was there no need

for slaves?

Europeans begin to settle Americas A large labor force needed to make the

colonies more $$$$$$$$$$ Native Americans used at first Europeans turned to Africans because of

racist views towards Africans of superiority

First African slaves arrive in America (Jamestown, Virginia) in 1619

Forcing people into slavery started in the 1500’s

Some slaves were captured in wars Some slaves sold themselves WHY?

Guns, alcohol, sea shells Slavery existed on a small scale in


Everything changed in the 1700’s 6 million slaves traded in this century

alone Many did not survive, disease spread


As profit$ increased, so did the demand for slaves

Whites justified treating Africans as property largely because of racism

European slave traders gave African rulers weapons to get more slaves

Africans turned on each other People did resist with little success Atlantic Slave Trade lasted 400 years In that period 10-12 million Africans

sold into slavery

Sugar is at the center of the Triangle Trade Slaves on Caribbean sugar plantations

produced Molasses Molasses transported to New England for

distillation into Rum Rum was shipped to Africa Africa in turn shipped more slaves to


ARRRRRG. Do you salty dogs know

what molasses is?

Groups began discussing human rights- Many opposed slavery

Quakers led part of this movement 1807- Britain outlaws Slave Trade (Slave trade still exists illegally and

slavery was still legal) 1834- Britain outlaws slavery-Exists in

the U.S. until the Civil War

Industrialization Slavery became

less profitable with advancement of new technology

Encouraged wars and increased tension Tribes began attacking other tribes Tribes received weapons for slaves African states grew as a result of the

weapons they received

Slave Raiders took strong men and women- This left tribes in trouble

They could not defend themselves Hard to plant and harvest Produced little crops which =

starvation, famines

Millions of Africans sent overseas Survivors struggled to hold onto their

culture Diaspora spread ideas, customs, and

beliefs of African people all over Music, traditions, proverbs, songs food