Ставцева Оксана Михайловна преподаватель английского...

Post on 10-Feb-2016

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АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК 5-6 класс Презентация по теме «Покупки». Ставцева Оксана Михайловна преподаватель английского языка ФГКОУ «Нахимовское военно-морское училище МО РФ» г. Санкт-Петербург. SHOPPING. What can you buy at the…?. Bookshop. Florist’s. Toyshop. Butcher’s. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Ставцева Оксана Михайловна преподаватель английского...

Ставцева Оксана Михайловнапреподаватель английского языка

ФГКОУ «Нахимовское военно-морское училище МО РФ»

г. Санкт-Петербург


Презентация по теме «Покупки»

What can you buy at the…?





Which shops are there in your neighbourhood?

Shoe shop


Department store


Where can you buy…..?

I can buy … at… .


Act out a similar dialogue between a shop assistant and a customer:

Shop assistant: Good morning, Madam. How can I help you?Ann: I’m looking for a coat.S: What about this one?A: That’s fine. Thank you.S: You’re welcome!A: How much is it?S: That’s £120, please.A: Here you are.S: Thank you. Have a nice day!

Put the sentences in the correct order.

Yes, I’d like a kilo of plums, please.

I’m sorry. We haven’t got any plums.

1. Morning, can I help you?

Here they are. Anything else?

No thanks. How much are they?

Well, I’d like three lemons, please.

That will be fifty pence, please. Thank you very much. Bye.


Act out the dialogue:

A: How much is this jar of honey, please?B: It’s eighty pence.A: Here’s a pound.B: Thank you. Here’s your change, twenty pence.

20 p 25 p £7 £26

Circle the odd word out:

1.Banana , cucumber, lemon, melon2.Dress, skirt, blouse, tie3.Trainers, flowers, boots, shoes4.Butter, meat, chicken, sausages5.Carrot, potato, onion, apple6.Pound, dollar, rouble, coin7.Lemon, honey, sugar, jam8.Butter, bread, water, egg

1. Banana , cucumber, lemon, melon2. Dress, skirt, blouse, tie3. Trainers, flowers, boots, shoes4. Butter, meat, chicken, sausages5. Carrot, potato, onion, apple6. Pound, dollar, rouble, coin7. Lemon, honey, sugar, jam8. Butter, bread, water, egg (countable)




Список литературы:1.Английский язык для школьников и абитуриентов: Топики, упражнения, диалоги.-СПб.:КАРО,2005.