сказка алисова

Post on 07-Jul-2015

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Transcript of сказка алисова

Alisova Viktoria,


Kolobok is a Russian tale

about how a grandmother

baked for a grandfather a

bun and then he escaped.

The main characters of

this tale are Kolobok, a

grandma, a grandpa, a wolf,

a hare, a bear and a fox.

Grandma baked Kolobok and

put him to cool on the window

sill. Kolobok stayed there and

then rolled down from the

window to the door and after that

he rolled to the yard.

Kolobok rolled down the road and met a

hare, a wolf, a bear and a fox. They

wanted to eat him. Kolobok got away from

them, but the fox deceived him and ate


A moral of the tale is: you cannot trust

the unknown people.THE END