© 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation ... · During “Punishment...

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Transcript of © 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation ... · During “Punishment...

© 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright law. Gorilla and Gorilla Marketing are

® trademarks of Bill Good Marketing, Inc.


Contents Why Do People Attend Seminars? .......................................................................................................................... 3

How to Develop a Good or Even Great Seminar Invitation ..................................................................................... 4

Get Great Headline Writers to Work for You for FREE ............................................................................................ 5

Found Gold on the ’Net ....................................................................................................................................... 5

Spun Gold from the ’Net ...................................................................................................................................... 6

A Real Life Example .............................................................................................................................................. 7

Developing Bullet Points by Starting with the Facts................................................................................................ 9

Another Real Life Example ................................................................................................................................... 9

Converting Facts to Bullet Points........................................................................................................................... 10

The Free Offer ........................................................................................................................................................ 11

Section 1.01 The Johnson Box ............................................................................................................................ 11

Testing Seminar Invitations ................................................................................................................................... 12

The Master Templates ........................................................................................................................................... 16

More Information .................................................................................................................................................. 24

© 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright law. Gorilla and Gorilla Marketing are

® trademarks of Bill Good Marketing, Inc.


WHY DO PEOPLE ATTEND SEMINARS? Since you are not sitting right here with me to answer the question posed in the title of this section, please allow me: People attend seminars to learn what they don’t know. (And, of course, you have your usual percentage of eaters.) Repeated surveys by the SIA have conclusively shown that what investors most want from their financial advisor is information that makes them more knowledgeable.

OK, so that wasn’t very profound.

Try this: It’s the way you phrase your bullet points that interest people enough to respond to your invitation. Get them intrigued, and a reasonable percentage will attend.

Here’s the way an invitation works:

• Your headline or topic grabs attention.

• Your bullet points increase interest, by giving some information but not telling all.

• Your “calls to action” nudge people to pick up the phone or drop the reply card in the mail.

While the headline is the most important part of an invitation, correctly written bullet points are vital as well.

© 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright law. Gorilla and Gorilla Marketing are

® trademarks of Bill Good Marketing, Inc.


HOW TO DEVELOP A GOOD OR EVEN GREAT SEMINAR INVITATION The way to have a good seminar invitation is to have a good headline and good bullet points. In order to develop these, follow these simple guidelines:

1. Decide on your topic. Write it down. Phrase it in your own words. When you write down the topic, use plain vanilla language. Just complete this sentence: “I’m going to talk about __________”

Example: I’m going to talk about reducing risk.

2. List the topics you want to cover, again written in your words.

3. Do searches for your topic in both Google™ News and on the entire web. Write down headlines you like. See “Get Great Headline Writers to Work for You for FREE” on the next page of this white paper.

4. Follow the same process for each of your bullet points (minimum three, maximum five).

5. Plug your title and bullet points into one of our master seminar invitations.

Preferably, test two different titles with the same bullet points. And then go for it!

© 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright law. Gorilla and Gorilla Marketing are

® trademarks of Bill Good Marketing, Inc.


GET GREAT HEADLINE WRITERS TO WORK FOR YOU FOR FREE I have discovered an absolutely fascinating use for Google™: developing seminar titles and bullet points for invitations.

Some of the invitations I have reviewed recently are not great. I can imagine people who might look at these invitations and think, “Oh no . . . I’ll have to strap a pillow to my head in case I fall forward during the presentation.”

First of all, consider the facts:

1. The title of the seminar either attracts immediate attention or it doesn’t.

2. The bullet points on the invitation further increase interest by presenting benefits in an entertaining fashion.

Now consider the problem with all too many invitations:

1. The seminar title is framed in your language, not the investors’.

2. The bullet points add even more confusion.

Found Gold on the ’Net

In an actual seminar invitation I saw online, the headline was:

Asset Protection

This title is guaranteed not to pull. So I searched Google News for the topic of asset protection. My search string was “asset protection” article I was specifically looking for articles, not news stories, on the subject because article writers—especially for newspaper and magazine articles—sometimes write great headlines.

And here’s some good news: Titles are not copyrightable, so if you see one you like, grab it. Get some of the best headline writers available to work for you—FREE!

(Note: By putting the phrase “asset protection” in quotes, I searched for that exact phrase instead of every article with the words asset and protection in them somewhere.)

That day the news gave me this better headline choice: “Security a Priority but Few Are Prepared.”

Then I clicked Web at the top of the Google page to do a general search on the same string and found the even better headline “Covering Your Assets.” I added explanatory subtitles, yielding:

Covering Your Assets: How to Keep What You’ve Got An Asset Allocation Seminar

© 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright law. Gorilla and Gorilla Marketing are

® trademarks of Bill Good Marketing, Inc.


Now, suppose you wanted to present a seminar on “optimizing asset allocation”—surely a mind-numbing topic.

My Google News search for “optimizing asset allocation” article found zilch; no one had written a news article on that topic recently.

But the Web search (again with some opening of articles, not just reading down the results) found three:

The Coward’s Portfolio

Where You Should Invest in 2004

Diversification: The Best Revenge

The last was great as is. Putting the first two together made:

The Coward’s Portfolio: Where You Should Invest in 2004

You could test both titles. Notice that they will probably attract different groups. “The Coward’s Portfolio” could attract people who are fearful but know they need to get back in the water. “Diversification: The Best Revenge” might attract those who’ve been stung and are angry about it.

The important point is this: Both titles attract based on emotion. And emotion is what motivates.

Spun Gold from the ’Net

There’s a chance you’ll fall across a good title right in the Google results, as I did, but you can’t count on it. Usually you have to do some site opening and what I call “switch writing.” For instance, retesting the strategy a few months later, the only article title visible in the four Google results was what I’d given it, “Optimizing Asset Allocation.”

So I opened one result after another to see if the title on the page was different than the title at the top of the window (which is what Google shows you in its larger blue print). Often, it was the same, and useless. But then I ran across “Funds for Busy Folks.” The obvious switch on that was “Asset Protection for Busy Folks”—still too downscale, but Asset Protection for the Busy Professional targets the audience you’d want without being too technical.

For optimizing asset allocation, there was “Slicing the Pie.” Not bad, but a switch to “Slicing Your Asset Pie” is better, and The Best Way to Slice Your Asset Pie is better yet.

© 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright law. Gorilla and Gorilla Marketing are

® trademarks of Bill Good Marketing, Inc.


Another page had a long list of mostly long titles. (Rule of Thumb: If it takes up two lines of smallish print on the screen, it’s WAY too long.) But “Asset Allocation: Time to Get Back to Basics” caught the eye, and turned into Time to Get Back to Basics— How to Diversify Your Assets in my WordPad file.

“Balancing Assets” successively became “Balancing Assets: Asset Allocation for 2004,” “for the Third Millennium,” “for Your Retirement.” I thought “Balancing Assets: Asset Allocation for Your Successful Retirement” sounded good, until I realized I’d fallen back into Advisor language, so I revised it to: Balancing Assets: Planning for Your Successful Retirement

Not bad for less than five minutes of brainstorming with computer assistance, even if the seminars were only hypothetical!

A Real Life Example

Here’s the re-write process I went through in coming up with the title for an actual BGM invita-tion.

In July 2004, LPL gave BGM a link from their website. They are encouraging their Advisors to buy the System. If you don’t think I’m going after that, well . . . maybe you’ve been living somewhere else.

I scheduled several of our top Gorillas who are LPL Advisors to speak on conference calls intended to generate leads for the Bill Good Marketing System®. Jim Lunney was one of them.

During “Punishment 2000–2002,” Jim was punished more than most. He lost an $80-million account, a third of his business, then saw it drop by another third. What was a $2-million business dropped to $860K.

So for the call Jim was on, I wanted to appeal to System prospects who hadn’t recovered—yet. That’s a lot of people.

I wanted a powerful title, and I was playing around with The Brink and Back: Game Plan to the Next Level


So I did what I’ve been telling you to do. I Googled the boring but appropriate title I’d come up with, “brink and back” and started checking out the links, looking for a great idea.

© 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright law. Gorilla and Gorilla Marketing are

® trademarks of Bill Good Marketing, Inc.


I soon landed on a page selling “success books.” One had the term “Power Surge” in it.


Then I Googled “game plan” “ to the next level” and soon came up with “Get Back to Where You Were and Beyond.”

The invite my prospects received to the call with Jim Lunney had what I personally think is a great title, even though it didn’t start out great:

Power Surge: Get Back to Where You Were and Beyond

Now I had to produce my intriguing bullet points.

© 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright law. Gorilla and Gorilla Marketing are

® trademarks of Bill Good Marketing, Inc.


DEVELOPING BULLET POINTS BY STARTING WITH THE FACTS Following my own advice, I just wrote down the topics. The ones in quotes below were straight from my conversations about the System.

• Re-committed to the Bill Good Marketing System • Leveraged other people’s work • Focused on a limited market • “To recover, you need to trust in your systems” • “It’s not enough just to invest in your business, you have to know where to invest”

These are NOT winning bullet points; they give away too much. So I re-wrote, tweaked, Googled a bit, and came up with:

• The single most important factor in selecting systems for your business • In tough times, how your system affects your attitude • Why it’s not enough just to invest in your business—you have to know where to invest

Another Real Life Example

Coming up with intriguing bullet points is critical to a successful invitation. I don’t know of a better way to teach this skill than through an example. So in order to help you rewrite your ideas into bullet points, I’ll share with you a bit of internal coaching I did recently.

First some background. Every month, we produce a conference call for members of our H.S. Dent Adviser’s Network®. A half-hour before Harry comes on, we produce the “Pre-Harry Show” in which we feature a Network member who’s doing something exceptional, so as to share best practices.

I’ve recently been working with one of our Seminar Support Coordinators in the Adviser’s Network teaching her how to write seminar invitations. So when she sent me a list of facts about an upcoming guest—always start with the facts you intend to teach!—I showed her how to take the facts and turn them into bullet points.

The next page of this white paper displays each fact followed by its bullet point. Needless to say, we would not use all of these. But when you’re writing an invitation, you always want to start with more points than you can use, then pare them down.

© 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright law. Gorilla and Gorilla Marketing are

® trademarks of Bill Good Marketing, Inc.


CONVERTING FACTS TO BULLET POINTS Here are the interesting but comparatively dry facts turned into much punchier—but less informative—bullet points.

Fact: Ruth’s Steakhouse is one of the best places they use, although it’s expensive. Where they meet—yes, it’s expensive, but it works. Fact: They now mail about 300–400 and usually have about 70 people come to the seminars off of those mailers. You’ll be shocked at the turnout they receive from only sending 300–400 invitations. Fact: They drip on their Prospects anywhere from 1–5 years, so when they get the invites these people already know who Mike and Pete [the Advisors] are. How they make dripping really pay off. Fact: They get about 60–80% of people at the seminar who want appointments, and from that, about 80% always come in. Very importantly, you’ll learn their formula for getting 60–80% of attendees to really want appointments. Fact: They tell people at the end of the seminar to “come meet with us and leave your checkbook at home.” A magical closing line. Fact: The appointment process is called the “Name Withheld, Sorry.” It’s a 6-step process. The most interesting name they’ve given to their six-step appointment solution—and why they need six steps. Fact: Paula, their SA, personalizes the seminar introduction. She introduces the two of them and their bio and history in the business. When Mike closes the seminar, he says that Paula will be calling the very next day. (For Paula, this makes the calls less intimidating.) How to set up your SA so attendees are expecting a call the next day. Fact: They are still using the four-page invite, and usually mail it about four weeks in advance. Which invitation packs them in—six years later. Fact: People that aren’t interested in seeing a seminar get rolled over to a new list every month, and are sent an invite until they attend. What happens to people who aren’t interested in attending. You should have noticed that not all these points are parallel. Some are statements while the rest are only noun phrases. Frankly, I now leave straightening out this sort of thing to my editors; they’re better at it than I am. However, “You’ll learn:” followed by matching bullet points usually works out for me.

© 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright law. Gorilla and Gorilla Marketing are

® trademarks of Bill Good Marketing, Inc.


If I am willing—without question or quibble—to spend $20 per person to give you information that can improve your life expectancy in this business;

If am willing, at the end of the call, to send you a FREE prospecting strategy not available anywhere else;

Are you willing to do me this one small favor?

Risk an hour to join Jim and me on a call.

THE FREE OFFER There is no question that a FREE OFFER improves response.

All of the seminar templates now on the Letters Library® are based on the templates I introduced in our Washington DC Marketing Conference in 2003. I just tweaked the text in the template a bit and came up with:

Attendees to this call will receive FREE my new Bill Good white paper “Prospecting Strategy 2004: A Strategy to Build Your Business in an Up, down or Sideways Market.”

The Johnson Box

One of the oldest techniques in direct mail is called a “Johnson Box.” This is simply a rectangle, normally placed at the beginning of the letter though it can be placed elsewhere. It highlights your offer, a number to call, etc. Countless tests have shown a Johnson Box enhances response.

Here’s the Johnson Box I used:

Once you have your title, bullet points (pared down from your original list), free offer, and Johnson box, you need to finish it off. Fill in the blanks on the acceptance, plug in your dates, disclosure, bio, and send that puppy off!

© 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright law. Gorilla and Gorilla Marketing are

® trademarks of Bill Good Marketing, Inc.


TESTING SEMINAR INVITATIONS Before you begin to test different seminar invitations, you have to understand the different invitation styles and when to use them.

There are three acceptable formats for invitations: letter style, wedding style, and flyer style (which can even be inserted in a newspaper and targeted to high-income areas). There are numerous Gorillas doing well with each of these invitation types.

The order in which I would test would be according to which requires the least work and expense.

1. Flyer style: Cheap.

Place in a local newspaper that can be target-dropped to desired neighborhoods. You can generally get these out the door for 10¢ or so each. These can work exceptionally well in neighborhoods with uniform demographics—retirees, for instance.

2. Letter style: These fold easily.

3. Wedding style: Are harder to fold. Cost more.

All the different styles can be located in our Letters Library. When you land on its home page, choose Browse at the top of the page. Then click Letter Formats on the list to find the invitation formats.

The wedding style template is 5½″ × 8½″. Any way you look at it, this is oversized.

If you’re not getting through to people with flyers or letters, they will open a 5½″ × 8½″wedding style invite, especially if it’s hand-addressed.

If you need help with invites, don’t hesitate to call Marketing Support.

Here’s a bit more background. About a year ago, we started using a wedding-style format to promote the conference calls we use at BGM to get people started into the selling cycle. This was going quite well.

Well, a few weeks ago, Regi Armstrong (creator of “The Armstrong ‘Frustrated’ Campaign”) sent me a copy of an invitation he’s using. He reported getting 2% response, certainly at the very top of response rates today.

All Regi had done was fill in the blanks in my “Master Letter-Seminar Invitation-Letter Style,” which you can find the in the Letters Library.

Now—a little “deep background”—this goes way back!

For most of you, it’s easier to re-write than to write. That is the entire premise of the Letters Library. I do it, whenever I can. If someone else has already worked out the format, the

© 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright law. Gorilla and Gorilla Marketing are

® trademarks of Bill Good Marketing, Inc.


“look,” and especially some or even most of the words I want to use, I’ll just change it around to suit my message.

And that’s what I decided to do with the invitation Regi sent me.

I’m not going to share Regi’s exact invite with you. He’s in a relatively small market. There are a few other Gorillas there. And it would not be fair to him to dilute his very effective campaign.

However, I am going to share one of my re-writes of his invitation with you. Quite frankly, using Regi’s re-write of my original format, we are getting even better results from our conference call invitations than from the wedding-style invite.

What you have to do is find out which style and which type of invitation content delivers a profitable response in your area.

A good goal to work for is 1% response. However, a substantially smaller percentage can be wildly profitable. Remember, we evaluate direct mail according to two standards: a positive response rate and profitability. If the response rate is zero, obviously nothing else matters. But you can have an excellent response rate and a highly unprofitable seminar.

With that in mind, I would test seminars in batches of not less than 1,000 invitations and not more than 2,000. I would round up two or three thousand names, send a thousand invitations, and track the results. If the results look good, ratchet up the number. If they don’t look good, change one of these items:

• Headline

• Bullet points

• Seminar location

Seminar response is almost always a result of a pleasing combination of headline, bullet points, and location. Those are the variables you should consider. Our invitation templates in the Letters Library show them in action.

© 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright law. Gorilla and Gorilla Marketing are

® trademarks of Bill Good Marketing, Inc.


If I am willing—without question or quibble—to spend $20 per person to give you information that can improve your life expectancy in this business;

If am willing, at the end of the call, to send you a FREE prospecting strategy not available anywhere else;

Are you willing to do me this one small favor?

Risk an hour to join Jim and me on a call.

[LetterDate] «FName» «LName» «Company» «Address1» «City», «State» «Zip» Dear «FName»:

Please Attend One of Two Conference Calls

Power Surge: Get Back to Where You Were and Beyond

Jim Lunney, Chairman’s Council Member with LPL, soared past $2 million in 2000. In the summer of 2001, he lost a single account generating a third of this business. The market took him down another third to $860,000 by the end of 2002. Obviously he needed a plan.

At the core of his plan was the Bill Good Marketing System®. He started with “the System” in October 1987. In 2002, he decided he would re-build the same way he built the first time. In a call with me, he said, “This is a System that has been around 2½ decades. There is an attitude that comes with it that can make you razor sharp.”

In this call, you will learn:

The single most important factor in selecting systems for your business

In tough times, how your system affects your attitude

Why it’s not enough just to invest in your business—you have to know where to invest

Which market Jim decided to target and why

My Re-Write of Regi Armstrong’s Invitation

© 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright law. Gorilla and Gorilla Marketing are

® trademarks of Bill Good Marketing, Inc.


Attendees to this call will receive FREE my new Bill Good white paper, “Gorilla® Prospecting Strategy 2004: A Strategy to Build Your Business in

an Up, Down, or Sideways Market.”

Wednesday August 25

4:15–5:00 EDT

Thursday September 2

4:15–5:00 EDT

To enroll, send in the enclosed Fax Enrollment to Jill Gowans. Only Fax Enrollments will be accepted.

This conference call is presented by Bill Good, Chairman of Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Bill designed and launched the Bill Good Marketing System, now recognized as the leader in marketing systems. Many of his clients now occupy #1 positions in their firm, having achieved that after successful implementation of Bill’s System.


We understand your schedule is hectic. If you just cannot attend the call, please drop by www.billgood.com/LPL. There you can learn more about the System Jim used to build and then re-build his business.


Bill Good


DALBAR Recommends BGM for Practice Improvement

DALBAR, Inc., the premier provider of market research in the financial services industry recommends the Bill Good Marketing System for any advisor whose practice contains “pockets of weakness.”


© 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright law. Gorilla and

Gorilla Marketing are ® trademarks of Bill Good Marketing, Inc.

THE MASTER TEMPLATES The Master Templates are all based on a highly successful invitation format used by veteran Gorilla Bill Tennison.

When you take a look at them, you will notice numerous fields. These are the blanks in the “fill in the blanks” style. All you have to do (or have your CO do) is click on the field and add your own text or press <F11> to jump from one field to the next to fill in the details, and the prompt will disappear. What you as the Advisor need to do is prepare the basic invitation and give the data to your CO so s/he can create the flyer-, letter-, or wedding-style invitation you want to use.

Copies of the templates occupy the rest of this white paper. (See also my re-write of Regi’s letter-style invite on the previous pages.)


© 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright law. Gorilla and

Gorilla Marketing are ® trademarks of Bill Good Marketing, Inc.

«LetterDate» «AddressName» «Position» «Company» «Address1» «Address2» «Address3» «City», «State» «Zip»

Dear «Salutation»:

[HEADLINE IN 24 PT TYPE] [Subhead goes here in 12 pt or even 18 pt type]

You are cordially invited to bring a friend or neighbor and be our guest at this important [specify breakfast, luncheon or dinner] workshop.

Dear «Salutation»:

Here is what we will be discussing:

• [Seminar Topic]

• [Seminar Topic]

• [Seminar Topic]

• [Seminar Topic]

• [Seminar Topic] Place: [Describe seminar location]

You must call ahead and make your selection between: [Menu choice 1], [Menu choice 2 and 3 if offered]

Date: [Day, Date]

Time: [Start to End Times]

Seating is limited to [50 or other number] people. Reservations are required.

Seminar Invitation White_Paper_Seminar_Invitations.doc Press F11 key to move from one field to the next. When you land on a field that requires text, just start typing. DO NOT type over other merge fields.

© Copyright 2003 Bill Good. All rights reserved.

Letter-Style Invitation


© 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright law. Gorilla and

Gorilla Marketing are ® trademarks of Bill Good Marketing, Inc.

If I am willing—without question or quibble—to buy you [breakfast, lunch or dinner] and show you invaluable techniques that could increase the rate of return on your savings dollar and If I am willing to send you home with a FREE Workbook summarizing investment wisdom developed over [# years] years in the investment business Are you willing to do me this one small favor?”

Join us for [breakfast, lunch, or dinner].

For reservations and meal selection, call «Company».

From [City name]: [Phone number]

From [City name]: [Phone number]

Toll-Free: 800-[Phone number]

Or mail in the enclosed “Seminar Acceptance.”


«SignatoryLine1», «SignatoryCredentials1» «SignatoryLine2», «SignatoryCredentials2» «SignatoryTitle1» «SignatoryTitle2» «SignatoryInitials»/«Typist» «EnclosureText»

P.S. Let me urge you: PLEASE, IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR HIGHER RATES ON YOUR SAVINGS DOLLAR, do your best to attend. If you absolutely cannot attend, please return the Seminar Acceptance, checking the “Future Seminar” option.

[Required Statement regarding offering of Securities]

Guest Speakers [Main Speaker]

[Other Speaker]

Insert photo here

Insert photo here

[Main Speaker] [Other Speaker]

[Brief bio of speaker(s) goes here. 2-3 lines max]


© 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright law. Gorilla and

Gorilla Marketing are ® trademarks of Bill Good Marketing, Inc.

Invitation Acceptance Sheet

Please return this acceptance today Or call for reservations:

From [City name]: [Phone number] From [City name]: [Phone number] Toll-Free: [Phone number]

Dear «SignatoryFirstName1»:

Yes, I would like to reserve ______ seat(s) for your seminar on [Day, Date]. I have indicated my menu choice(s) below:

___ [Menu choice 1] ___ [Menu choice 2] ___ [Menu choice 3]

I’m not sure if this is the right program for me. Please ask someone to call with additional


Future Seminar Option: I cannot make it to either of these, but would like to receive invitations to future workshops.


For CONFIRMATION PURPOSES ONLY, please provide/verify the following information.

Your Phone Number: ________________________________________________

Email Address: _____________________________________________________

Fax Number: _______________________________________________________

If the address below is not the one you want confirming information sent to, please provide the correct information.

«AddressName» «Company» «Address1» «Address2» «Address3» «City», «State» «Zip»


© 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright law. Gorilla and

Gorilla Marketing are ® trademarks of Bill Good Marketing, Inc.


You are cordially invited to bring a friend or neighbor and be our guest at this important [breakfast, luncheon, or dinner] workshop.

[Seminar Title]

We will be discussing: • [Seminar Topic] • [Seminar Topic] • [Seminar Topic] • [Seminar Topic] • [Seminar Topic]

Special FREE Offer: [Free Offer Description]

For reservations and meal selection, call «CompanyName»

From [City name]: [Phone number]

From [City name]: [Phone number]

Toll-Free: 800-[Phone number] Place: [Restaurant Name]

You must call ahead and make your selection between:

___ [Menu choice 1] ___ [Menu choice 2] ___ [Menu choice 3]

Date: [Day, Date]

Time: [Start to End Times]

Or mail in the enclosed “Seminar Acceptance.”

Front Panel 5″ × 3.5″

Wedding-Style Invitation

Inside Panel 5″ × 7″


© 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright law. Gorilla and

Gorilla Marketing are ® trademarks of Bill Good Marketing, Inc.

If I am willing—without question or quibble—to buy you [meal] and show you invaluable techniques that could increase the rate of return on your savings dollar and

If I am willing to send you home with a FREE Workbook summarizing investment wisdom developed over [Number] years in the investment business

Are you willing to do me this one small favor?

Join us for [breakfast, lunch, or dinner]

Call or Return the Postage Paid Reply Card TODAY.

Guest Speakers [Main Speaker] [Other Speaker] [Office Address] [City, State Zip]

Insert photo here

Insert photo here

[Main Speaker] [Other Speaker] [Brief bio of speaker(s) goes here. 2-3 lines max]

Back Panel

4.5″ × 6″


© 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright law. Gorilla and

Gorilla Marketing are ® trademarks of Bill Good Marketing, Inc.

Please return this acceptance today

Or call for reservations: From [City name] [Phone number] From [City name 2] [Phone number 2] Toll-Free [800 Phone number]

Dear «SignatoryFirstName1»: Yes, I would like to reserve ______ seat(s) for your seminar on ________. I have marked my menu choice(s) below:

___ [Menu choice 1] ___ [Menu choice 2] ___ [Menu choice 3] I’m not sure if this is the right program for me. Please ask someone to call with additional info. Future Seminar Option: I cannot make it to either of these, but would like to receive invitations to future workshops.


Your Phone Number: ________________________________________________

Email Address: _____________________________________________________

Fax Number: _______________________________________________________

If the address below is not the one you want confirming information sent to, please provide the correct information.

«AddressName» «Company» «Address1» «Address2» «Address3» «City», «State» «Zip»

Invitation Reply Card 6.5″ × 4.75″


© 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright law. Gorilla and

Gorilla Marketing are ® trademarks of Bill Good Marketing, Inc.


[INSERT TITLE TEXT HERE] You are cordially invited to bring a friend or neighbor and be

our guest at this important [luncheon/dinner] workshop

[Topic number one].

[Topic number two].

[Topic number three].

[Topic number four].

[Topic number five].


[Restaurant Name] [Address, City, State]

You must call ahead and select one of the following: [Menu item one], [Menu item two], or [Menu item three]

Date: [Seminar Date]

Time: [Seminar Time]

Seating Limited to [SeatingLimit]

Reservations Required

For reservations & meal selection please call:

[Company Name]

[Phone Number(s)]


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Workshop sponsored by:


[Position, CompanyName]

Flyer-Style Invitation


© 2016 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright law. Gorilla and

Gorilla Marketing are ® trademarks of Bill Good Marketing, Inc.


For more information, contact Jill Webster

Phone 888-495-7303

Email: billgood@billgoodmarketing.com Website: www.billgood.com