© 2005 Convio, Inc. Leveraging the Internet to Build Your Supporter Relationships David Reinarz,...

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Transcript of © 2005 Convio, Inc. Leveraging the Internet to Build Your Supporter Relationships David Reinarz,...

© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Leveraging the Internet to Build Your Supporter Relationships

David Reinarz, Account ExecutiveSameer Vishwanathan, Solutions Engineer

2© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Tenets of a Successful Online Campaign

■ Executive support and sponsorship

■ Unified technology infrastructure

■ Strategic online plan

■ Campaign execution resources

■ A personality, voice

■ Compelling theme and message

3© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Online Marketing

■ Organically develop vs. rent lists

■ Mass personalization is relatively easy

■ Enables communication without solicitation

■ Immediate and interactive

■ Easy to forward messages (viral marketing)

■ New and creative campaigning options

■ Ability to track and report in real time

4© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Convio Overview

Mission: To dramatically improve the way nonprofits develop constituent relationships to raise awareness, funds and other support through strategic use of the Internet

Approach: Strong commitment to driving results through: ▶ Innovative and intuitive technology

▶ Strategic and campaign consulting

Strength: A financially strong business partner:▶ 650+ clients, 100 Texas clients, 185 employees

▶ Forbes list ’04: Fastest growing private companies

▶ Red Herring ’04: Top 100 companies list

▶ Backed by top tier investment firms with over $4 billion in assets.

5© 2005 Convio, Inc.

How We Can Help You

■ Provide a powerful online constituent engagement and mobilization platform to scale your communications

■ Define the online plan needed for success■ Provide online campaign strategy and execution


■ Build a large email list of engaged constituents, maximizing your effective relationships

■ Maximize awareness & education efforts■ Successfully mobilize individuals to participate■ Support offline communications & simplify your internal


6© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Relationship Building Framework: eCRM

eCRM is the practice of using the Internet to build life-long relationships with constituents

7© 2005 Convio, Inc.

The Role of Online Marketing

Online marketing provides a cost effective, scalable approach to build relationships and drive activities



Few gifts, high donation amounts

High numbers of activist actions,

small gifts

High tech





Sustainer Donors

Team Leaders

Outreach and Awareness

High touch

Direct mail & telemarketing

8© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Representative Clients

9© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Convio Consulting Services

Convio’s Client Success Services group consults with clients to help them maximize results

■ Strategic planning in tandem with deployment▶ Identify online marketing priorities and staffing plan▶ Build online marketing plan and associated metrics▶ Advise on configuration of software to optimize results

■ Campaign management (on-going)▶ Campaign strategy and creative▶ Execution and measurement of online campaigns

■ Technology assistance (project, on-going)▶ Virtual administration (Web staff augmentation)▶ Assistance with Web technologies e.g. SEO

■ Analytics & Benchmarking▶ Peer organization benchmarking▶ Custom analytics

Organizational Strategy


Internet Strategy


10© 2005 Convio, Inc.

1. Constituent recruitment– Collect email addresses offline; use offline media to drive site visits– SEO, pay per click, advertising, 3rd party site listings– Optimize visitor to subscriber conversion– Constituent to constituent (viral) marketing

2. Constituent engagement– Email campaigning– Profiling and personalization, segmented communication– Surveys, community and social interaction

3. Mobilize constituents to take action– “Micro-campaigns” and targeted use of “micro-sites”– Segmentation and testing– Integrated marketing

4. Build commitment and enduring support– Recognize prior support– Regular email updates– Cross-market giving opportunities– Have people meet in person – events, Meetups.– Online rewards programs, special recognition of key advocates and influencers

Online Campaigning Strategy

11© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Recruitment: SEO and Paid Search

12© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Recruitment: 3rd Party Sites

13© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Recruitment: Visitor to Subscriber Conversion

■ Brady campaign grew list from 40k to 125k in 3 months■ Dean campaign grew list 50k to 650k in 9 months

14© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Recruitment: eCards

■ Effective site registration incentive

■ Grows site traffic■ Promotes message

15© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Recruitment: Viral Campaigns

■ 10,518 petitions signed of which 81% were new

■ Grew email file 23% in 15 days!

16© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Recruitment: Offer Led Viral Campaign

17© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Interest selection


Link “click” tracking

Strategy■ Ask constituents to

express interests through selecting content preferences

■ Augment profile through online surveys and “link click” tracking

Result■ Build rich profiles

about what is important to people

■ Utilize information to enhance response rates and loyalty

Engagement: Profiling

18© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Tactics■ Frequent messages■ Conversational style■ From a real person■ Part of narrative■ Context for engagement■ Engagement as

expression in response to narrative

Results■ Highly engaged audience■ DFA sustained average open

rate of 38% despite high touch frequency

Open Rate 4/03 -- 12/03












en R


Engagement: Email Updates

19© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Engagement: Online Polls

20© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Engagement: Personalized Email

21© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Driving Enhanced Engagement

22© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Tactics■ Blog (Web Log) for near-

real time dialogue■ Discussion forum for

continuing dialogue■ Constituent generated

content, such as personal Web pages

■ Invite and listen to constituent input

Blog Screen Shot

Results■ Highly engaged online

community, willing to engage when requested

Engagement: Blogs

23© 2005 Convio, Inc.

■ Face-to-face interaction fosters a greater sense of connectedness and leads to further engagement

■ Convio has integrated to Meetup.com and also has a built in events calendar and management tool

■ You can also enable local groups to manage their own “club pages”

Engagement: Offline Community

24© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Customized giving levels based on membership

match offline DM/TM asks

Personalized member card

Personalized “preferred” programming highlighted

Action: Personalizing the Ask

25© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Feb 25, 2004 - Over 125,000 responses by the end of day (<48 hours)• 98% of letters reached Senators successfully• The Senate voted “favorably” for both bills

Feb 24,2004: Email action alert sent to 163,000 people asking them to email or call Daschle and Frist: To vote down the “Immunity Bill” and to renew the Assault Weapons Ban

Action: Advocacy

26© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Action: Segmentation

26 By Interests


■ Use profile data about constituents to target appeals


■ Both MADD and ASPCA lifted response rates 2-3x by targeting appeals

27© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Loyalty: Personalized Advocacy Center

Provides campaign progress update

Recognizes advocate state, actions taken

28© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Loyalty: Cross-Marketing■ The organization had raised very little online before■ Resulted in rapid rise in online fundraising

Brady Campaign/ Million Mom March: Online Donations



Sep-03 Oct-03 Nov-03 Dec-03 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04

Brady Campaign/ Million Mom March: Online Donations



Sep-03 Oct-03 Nov-03 Dec-03 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04

29© 2005 Convio, Inc.

Loyalty Management: Rewards

■ Assign points for online interaction: Action alerts taken, donations, forwarded emails/pages

■ Let constituents accrue, then redeem points for premiums

■ Provide personalized notices about rewards points balance

30© 2005 Convio, Inc.


■ Online marketing is a critical part of your strategy– The org will need to determine how the internet can affect your staff & your supporters.

■ To succeed, you need 3 core components: strong technology platform, a defined & phased online strategy and execution capabilities/ services.

■ It is faster and more effective/ economic to outsource than build a large online campaign team in-house

■ Convio has the proven solution and expertise to help you drive results